What is the most urgent issue in the Russia-Ukraine war: the state of the armed forces, the state of education or the state of healthcare?

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Written standpoint on Russia and Ukraine

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The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been a major crisis in recent years. It started in 2014 when Russia took control of Crimea, and things got much worse in February 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine. The war has caused huge destruction, many deaths and a serious humanitarian crisis. But what is the most urgent issue: the armed forces, education or healthcare?

The armed forces are very important for Ukraine's survival. They protect the country from losing its independence. Without a strong military, it would be hard to defend aganist attacks and important services like healthcare and education in affected areas could stop working.

Healthcare has also suffered a lot during the war. Many hospitals have been destroyed or damaged, leaving people without the medical care they need. This makes it harder for injured soldiers to recover and for civilians to stay healthy, which in turn weakens the country's ability to fight and rebuild.

Education is crucial for Ukraine's future. Thousands of schools have been destroyed and millions of children cannot study properly. Education helps train the next generation of doctors, teachers and leaders who will be needed to fix the damage after the war. Without education, the country risks losing important knowledge and skills.

All three (armed forces, healthcare and education) depend on each other. If the military cannot protect the country, healthcare and education would collapse. Without good healthcare, soldiers and civilians won't stay strong enough to fight or rebuild. Without education, there won't be skilled people to keep the country running in the future.

Experts have shared important awareness on this. Dr. Rob Johnson from Okford University says Ukraine's resistance is driven by its desire for democracy and the will of its people. UNICEF has also warned that the war is affecting children's development, with a lasting impact on their health and education.

In conclusion, Ukraine needs strong armed forces, good healthcare and proper education to survive and rebuild. If one of these fails, the other will suffer too. Supporting all three is necessary for Ukraine's recovery and success.

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