most important decision that needs to be made in Syria

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Written standpoint on Syria

I think the most important decision that needs to be made in Syria, is to get a strong composed reliable leader or government party in power that can make decisions that are hugely beneficial for the Syrian people, such as repairing the many broken buildings such as hospitals, schools, military bases etc to make it easier the government could move people back into temporary housing while they get paid to rebuild them. With the hospitals and schools this would provide employment for those people that have lost their jobs due to the war and would help them get back on their feet after the war has a break or is finished

The schools that are demolished are no use tojust sit there however if they rebuilt these facilities it would mean the children were educated they could get better jobs with higher wages to provide for their families and have a better quality of life they will have enough money for food and clothing which would not be available if they didn't go to school get an education and get a job

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