Obliterated SYRIA
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Will this be a positive or a negative turning point for Syria? I think, that could Syria grow and rise with this new freedom, also will this new leader bring more death and destruction for this damaged city.
The first example that supports my opinion is, should the rebel leader become leader because he was not chosen by the people and in other parts of the world rebels have made the country worse than it already is, and this could be the same forSyria and if that does happen he coud be the same as Assad.
The second example that supports myopinion is, how wil the damage, I think they should get food and shelter and heal the sick firt because they have sick injured and dying citizens. But they could also start with building infrasructure, like hospitals for the sick and homes for shelter and also shops for the hungry or will they get another country to help them like Egypt or Lebanon.
The who might disagree with me could be Assad because i think that the country will become better now that the people are in charge.
Finally my conclusion is, i hope that the country will help the poor and hungry and sick also i hope they will they allie with another country to help with materials, food, mediine and homes. So i think the country will be better now that the people are in charge of their country and their lives.
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