Should refugees return?

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Written standpoint on Syria

The question that stood out the most to me was “What should happen to Syrian refugees now?”

Did you know Syria is extremely dangerous?

I feel like the refugees shouldn’t come back to Syria. Syria is not safe for return.The conflict in Syria causes lots of refugees to leave Syria.Every year millions of people leave Syria based on violence and conflict.Syria is one of the most dangerous places for children to live in.If you’re in Syria you should consider leaving.There is a war happening with Syria and Russia. In Syria the war started because Russia launched a military intervention in Syria.Because lots of wars happen refugees always have to leave Syria.My opinion is that people in Syria went through a lot so they deserve to leave Syria. All the buildings that got destroyed was homes and hospitals so some people are homeless and Syria have hunger problems. In conclusion, refugees should not come back to Syria

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  • I think that the refugees should have a choice. It may be very dangerous to come back to Syria but if it is their home country and some other members of their family are still there then they may feel the need to go back and support their communities and homes. The refugees should assess the situation and weigh up how dangerous it is or how they will live against going home and seeing their family. However with the new election and governmental change happening they may want to represent their country and vote for who and what they want to see happening in the future, but they can only do that if they are in Syria.

    Some people may want to stay away from Syria until the resources and buildings are better. Some big issues that are trying ot be solved in Syria are hunger, homelessness, no hospitals and no work places to earn money or resources and many more things.

    Some people may not want to go back at all, as they want a new life and a fresh start. Many people would have been living in the Syria refugee camps, that are over crowded and busy and don't have as many resources as other settlements but are safe and protected.

    In conclusion, I think that the refugees should have a choice to what they want to do and to think about it logically and sensibly. It is an individual situation for everyone, like family, children, adults and elderly citizens.

  • This question is somehow perplexing and has many factors affecting it so let's look at the factors:

    Safety and security, refugees should find what they flee because of the lack of, which is security or conflict problems; as well as, Being optional, returning for the refugees should be optional or they can't go with force. It can be also about the economic impact and this returns to the economy of the host and the main country; however, it would be better to stay in the new country to have a better living and wait for the main country (Syria) to get their best economic statics or at least one that provides a good living. I think that terms and conditions are crucial, and the country should include things such as good laws, human rights and, of course, political stability; moreover, international support is crucial to return to the main country such as financial aid and technical assistance.

    To conclude the decision should return to the refugees at the end and be based on their needs and thoughts as economy, technology, buildings ETC.