What Should Happen to Syria?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on Syria

My favorite topic is Syria: a turning point, and the big question that I have been thinking of is what is the most important decision Syrians have to make and it is very simple they need a democratic system of government, a leader who is able to provide them with national security, and will also provide major political, economic and social reforms.

Political reforms should include power sharing, abortion of all forms of authoritarian government allow free elections and also implement constitutional reforms. They should also investigate and prosecute war crimes to ensure justice for civil war victims.

The government should also work towards rebuilding relations with the world. They should work with the United Nations and neighboring countries to secure humanitarian aid. Lastly, they should negotiate a lasting peace deal between opposition force, and the Kurdish groups

Another question is that what should the government do about refugees in Syria?

The government should provide safe conditions for return, work with international organizations like the united nations refugee agency , provide housing and rebuild homes that have been destroyed, provide financial assistance as well, strengthen human right laws to protect its citizens. They should clear landmines and unexploded bombs from former conflict zones to make areas safe to residents.

The government should restore hospitals and medical centers in war affected areas, provide mental health support for victims who suffered war trauma and also ensure that clean water, electricity, and basic services are available in returning areas.

Thank You

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  • I sincerely agree with you because Syria is a country that needs a lot of help due to the country’s current situation that they are struggling and trying so hard to come out of. Most Syrians would be begging and hoping that their leaders would listen to their cries for a new nation, a new Syria. Syrians should be given what they need, food, medical facilities like clinics and hospitals, schools and religious houses.
    The children should be given the liberty that they need and deserve. Syrians should be helped by their government as they ought to. Weren't they voted for that particular purpose? Weren't those words meant to be in their oath as a part of the promise?
    It hurts me to hear that Syrians are going through this. People should cry out, where is the government, they aren't fulfilling their promise. Bring back the once beautiful and peaceful Syria.
    We need to help their government with funds and budgets now. It seriously hurts to hear of what they are going through.