Global economics: division of labour

In The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith discussed how division of labour could be used in a pin factory in Glasgow.

Published 01 September 2023

This lesson is more than a year old. Please check the facts before teaching to ensure they are up-to-date and still correct.

Use this one-hour lesson to help your students:

  • Understand what the division of labour is and how it is used today
  • Explore the impact on society
  • Discuss how Adam Smith's theory links to stories in the news

This Headline develops

  • Step 1:

    I speak clearly to small groups of people I know

  • Step 7:

    I speak engagingly by using facts and examples to support my points

  • Step 3:

    I can explain some different opinions people have about a news story

  • Step 13:

    I can identify a theme in a news story

Find out more about the Topical Talk skills and knowledge frameworks here.

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