Comments by agreeable_language Comment Post Date I agree because... I feel that everyone is different therefore they have a different\particular... Are royals relevant? 26/4/23 Based on the area surrounding me ,I would say that the royals/royalties aren't individuals whom... Are royals relevant? 25/4/23 But what exactly can you say that the royals are doing about this present situation since from... The role of royals 25/4/23 I agree because... if we think things through, we actually realize that its our local taxes... The role of royals 25/4/23 In my own opinion, I would say that in our present time, that they is actually no use of the... The role of royals 24/4/23 In my opinion, I feel that royalty shouldn't have the power to do whatever they wish whenever... The role of royals 24/4/23 I think the main question here should actually be..."Do royal play any important... Are royals relevant? 24/4/23 Taking actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions yields important economic benefits. These... The law in your hands? 23/4/23 "One of their objectives is to change the balance of power between workers and employer. Most... Can everyone strike? 23/4/23 But you do realize that there have been no country that there hasn't/haven't been a strike....I... Can everyone strike? 22/4/23 "Dissatisfaction with the policies of the company. Hours of work and interval timings. Holidays... Can everyone strike? 21/4/23 We know about metaverse, but we do not really understand how it works according to tech... A new realm to rule? 21/4/23 "The metaverse offers a new way of interacting with the world, one that is more immersive and... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 21/4/23 Employees can solve grievances in the workplace by taking their case to the Commission for... Can everyone strike? 21/4/23 In my own understanding and opinion,I feel that even without a union, you have the legal right... Can everyone strike? 21/4/23 In my opinion,I feel and suggest that everyone should be able/have the ability to strike because... Strikes poll results! 21/4/23 Factors that affect the working strike action are categorized into 6 factors, like social... Working conditions 20/4/23 "Ways you can improve your work environment for yourself and other team members: Give yourself... Working conditions 20/4/23 Even without a union, you have the legal right to organize strikes, job actions, and various... Can everyone strike? 19/4/23 Fair treatment is not to be confused with equal treatment. Being treated fairly does not mean... Working conditions 19/4/23 < 1 2 3 4 5 >