balanced_cherry has not published standpoints yet. Comments by balanced_cherry Comment Post Date Comment: My question for Anita Janeri is what is called the study of weather biological or metrology... Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 29/4/20 Comment: My question for Anita Janeri what is coastal and oceanic terrain on the surface of the earth ,I... Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 28/4/20 Comment: My question for Anita Janeri is what are the manifestations of the terrain Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 28/4/20 Comment: My question for Anita Janeri is what is the effect of terrain on humans Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 28/4/20 Comment: My question for Anita Janeri is what are the benefits of terrain Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 28/4/20 Comment: My question for Anita Janeri is what is the coastal terrain Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 28/4/20 Comment: My question for Anita Janeri describe my sea bed Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 28/4/20 Comment: My question for Anita Janeri is what is the definition of terrain Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 28/4/20 Comment: HI , Iwould like to ask the question to anita janeri which is how the volcano occurs what do its... Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 27/4/20 Comment: MY question for Anita Ganeri is what is the definition of air pressure and what is the unit of... Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 27/4/20 Comment: My question is how the typhoon occurs and what areits types because it is one of the natural... Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 24/4/20