careful_drawing has not published standpoints yet. Comments by careful_drawing Comment Post Date Comment: Hi, not only do I thank you for reading my comment I thank you for the compliments on it. Post: What causes doctor shortages? Date: 12/12/22 Comment: I believe that the doctor shortage is due to covid, during the pandemic a lot of doctors were... Post: What causes doctor shortages? Date: 06/12/22 Comment: I agree transportation is important, its how we move around in life and many people cannot afford it. Post: What should be free? Date: 06/12/22 Comment: I believe that healthcare should be free because in today's world many surgeries and other task... Post: What should be free? Date: 06/12/22 Comment: I agree, the bad things being a doctor like stress and burnout sometimes outweigh the good things. Post: What causes doctor shortages? Date: 06/12/22 Comment: I agree diversity in films can change someones whole point of view. Post: Diversity, Representation and Equality! Date: 05/12/22 Comment: I can definity side with the comment, fast fashion pleases people's needs to fit in the the... Post: Fast Fashion Date: 05/12/22 Comment: After reading this text I can see the Authors point of view when saying fast fashion has... Post: Fast Fashion Date: 01/12/22 Comment: I deeply agree with what this author and the of tropical talkers, the diversity in Black Panther... Post: Diversity, Representation and Equality! Date: 01/12/22