Comments by educated_ladder

Comment Post Date
Fast fashion is the fashion in which we started to wear new clothes and discard our old... Who is responsible? 07/11/22
Food waste is literally a very big problam which many people dont realize including me before i... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 07/11/22
In my opinion food waste is literally like a curse which couldn't be eliminated from our society... Expert challenge: what could you do? 07/11/22
Food waste is not only the wastage of food but it also waste many natural resources and... Expert challenge: what could you do? 07/11/22
In my opinion food waste is literally like a curse which couldn't be eliminated from our society... Expert challenge: what could you do? 07/11/22
In my opinion supplying food all around the world is not enough there should also be a way to... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 07/11/22