Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet?

“If you have never truly been hungry, you cannot fully understand the global food crisis.”

We all recognise the feeling of needing to eat – and world leaders are no different.

However, the global food crisis is more than that. People aren't just hungry, they are suffering because they don't have enough food to survive. The problem has always existed. However, because of climate change, covid-19 and conflict it is getting worse.

Some people think that world leaders aren’t doing enough to solve the problem because the global food crisis does not affect them in the same way as someone who doesn’t have enough food.

Is this right? Or are there other reasons that make world hunger a difficult problem to solve?

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  • I agree with the statement that says world leaders are not doing anything to solve this problem because it is not affecting them. Some world leaders are ignorant about food crisis, in some cases what causes world hunger is insecurity mostly where I stay that is Nigeria there is insecurity and most at times people are displaced that is where the problem of world hunger comes in because people are displaced from their source of livelihood and most at times can't provide for themselves. Also unemployment causes poverty which leads to a situation where people cannot provide for themselves food due to low income this also causes world hunger. I feel the way to solve this problem is that infrastructures and industries should be developed in order for people to gain employment, so they can provide for them selves food and other basic nessecities.

    1. I disagree because... I . Leaders, for example, have a major role in fighting poverty and hunger and their focus on agriculture and climate change, creating new job opportunities and increasing protection of the most vulnerable sectors

    2. It is not actually the leaders that are ignorant, it is the needy or hungry that are ignorant because when these leaders provide the money to help them they instead use the money for useless stuff like partying, buying unimportant things like alcohol, cigarettes etc. and many others forgetting the purpose of the money in a way that they would have used it to invest in a business which could earn them more money that would ne used to provide for themselves food.

    3. I agree because...this is the same case here in Uganda and the way to solve this is firstly enhancing agricultural methods because agriculture is the major source of food and enhancing can be done by using modern methods of farming like use of tractors which make ploughing faster, use of pesticides to reduce the effects of pests and diseases on crops. Since wars also cause global food crisis I suggest that countries trz to make peace so as to avoid wars, governments should also help to deal away with unemployment by setting up more industries to provide employment opportunities for unemployed natives so that they can get money to sustain themselves.

      1. I also agree with you about the enhancing agricultural method but people who live in the rural areas don't know how to use most labor intensive machines due to their low level of education and due to that they cannot operate most of these machines and so they might see it as taking away their jobs from them cause most of the people in the rural areas depend on agriculture for their source of income so they might feel that the introduction of labor intensive devices to improve agriculture is creating unemployment. But if you come to look at it introducing labor intensive devices and other improved farming methods increases food productivity in the society.

        1. How could we upskill these people?

    4. May be when the intensity of the crisis increases, the world leaders will react! It is also on the part of every individual to contribute. As rightly stated, climate changes have brought a disruptive changes in the cultivation pattern. To add oil to the fire, we have pandemic. War is something that could be avoided. History has taught us war is disruptive and history repeats itself! Apart from these factors,
      1. Food wastage and food rotting contributes significantly. Gone are days where we ate fresh.
      2. The number of agricultural community has limited to counter the growing population. Sadly, agriculture does not help a country become a developed economy.
      3. In some countries, the food finds it difficult to reach the consumer market. Also, the demand for one particular food rottens the other.
      Food crisis is like a silent disaster. It is slowing growing. Mitigative measures should be taken at the earliest.

      1. How can war be avoided if i may ask? And also why is that most of the countries i have seen haven't made any efforts in avoiding war or have they?

        1. The world has already witnessed two world wars and it is destructive . War can not solve any problem , hence it has to be resolved. Bilateral talks between countries would definitely help . It is collectively possible . Even when two countries get into conflict there are other countries who voice out for peace and negotiation.
          Countries do make efforts to avoid war . They do talk and it is in the worst case that they resort to war . There still are countries that have resolved not to get into war with any one else.
          Hope I have answered your question @inventive_artist

    5. I disagree with your statement. Many countries device strategies to control to food crisis. For instance, I come a state Tamilnadu in India, where for every citizen holding the ration card (a Govt approved card for the residency in the state) every month 20 kgs of rice and some pulses are provided free and the next 20 kgs is provided at 10 INR (If you converted into USD you would know that it is just few cents)
      Likewise, every school going child right from Kindergarten, is provided breakfast and lunch free by many schools run by the Government so that these kids don't lose out on education for want of food
      For the syrian refugees for instance many countries came together to provide them food and shelter. Likewise, now during this Ukrain war too, many countries are coming together to provide.

      1. These are some great examples of strategies to provide food. In the UK, primary school students are also provided with lunch. These are short term solutions, what longer-term solutions are needed?

        1. May be going vegan or being a vegetarian is one option I feel. The number of resources that goes into feeding some cattle, could be utilized to feed people good food grains. Creating awareness about Food Waste as a huge movement, would also control food wastage. Production of Crops that lead to soil loss could be reduced.
          Farming insects could also be an alternative for meat lovers.
          Countries to sustain themselves should think of strategies to grow their own indigenous crops, instead of depending on imports of food items grown in other countries.

    6. Well, some leaders are unaware of the food crisis or do not feel the need to solve it since they have the ability to help themselves and not the citizens of their country, but some can't be blamed for reasons like Covid-19 (people were unemployed during quarantine) and peoples' miss-use for money due to ignorance or carelessness, not all leaders are to be blamed.

      1. I totally agree with you. Some leaders are ignorant and careless, but we can't judge a whole group based on a member.

    7. I agree because some world leaders are not doing anything to solve the world hunger and most people waste food.i feel the way how to solve this because i think we would need to trasport food to other countrys that do not have enough food but some of the government is not solving this and i feel that we need to developed industries so we can provide it.

    8. I agree because leader's are not doing anything to stop and solve the problem of world hunger because it is not affecting them. Yes, the people that are unable to eat that would know what is happening

      In some states in Nigeria, there is insecurity that people are displaced from their source of living and sometimes can't provide some basic needs.

      In some situation unemployment also leads to poverty in which people can't provide themselves food due to their low income that leads to hunger. Some people can't even eat three meals daily.

      The solution is that industries should be develop so that people can be employed and can provide food and also provide basic needs

    9. I agree because the leaders are not doing anything to solve this problem because it's not affecting them.
      Hunger and unemployment are among the causes of insecurity and poverty in the world.
      Hunger and unemployment makes it difficult for the people to earn more money so that they can afford healthy food.
      The solution to solve this problem is to create income opportunities and generate jobs, so that they can provide for themselves food and other basic needs.

  • The original priority of a government is to provide the basic needs of its people which include clothing, shelter, health and most importantly FOOD but we find ourselves in a world where our government is concerned about making "investments" that we never the the fruit it bears, and this is taking atoll on the common people in my country.
    It is unfathomable that the taxes that people earn with their sweat cannot yield fruit because the government is taking a huge percentage to "invest" and people die daily in mass because of starvation. in my view, I see that the reason why the food crisis has not been solved in some countries is that the investments that the government makes hardly yields fruit and it affects the masses.

    1. Can you explain what you mean by "investments" please, rhetorical_beetle. I'd love to hear more about this idea to see whether other people from other countries agree with you or not.

      1. What I mean by "investments" are basically the long list of loans that in the long run, they are not able to pay and in most cases cannot even service them and this causes a great depression resulting to hunger and this I why the problem of hunger has not been solved in my country.

    2. I dont really agree with you about this government investment because it is very clear to us the citizens that our government leaders do not invest rather they embezzle the money for their selfish benefits,money that is supposed to be used to help develop our country and empower citizens of the country.Thats why in my country Nigeria, institutions are going on strike because the money that is meant to be used to pay civil servants is being embezzled thereby leading alot of citizens to poverty which is also a contributing factor to food crisis.

      1. I'm interested to hear more from you @inventive artist! One of the Topical Talk skills is problem solving, can you give me 2 ideas for solving the food crisis?

        1. The money that most of our leaders embezzled can be used to empower our citizens develop more infrastructure and that will help create job and eradicate poverty which will help curb food crisis. And also import and export of food should be done in order to curb food crisis.

    3. Thank you for sharing rhetorical_beetle, politicians' choice of investment do have a significant impact on the population they serve. Do you think more can be done locally for communities to support one another or do you think the solution largely lies with your government?

  • Our Leaders should be able to encourage the mass on why agriculture helps in the economy. Parents or guardian these days force their children to study medicine because they want their children to have big jobs to their names or at times brag to their other pairs that their children studied huge courses in school. Agriculture, whether mechanical or with physical strength should be encouraged. Agriculture helps in enhancing the provision of more food items.

    1. You raise a good point that agriculture is an aging industry. If you were a leader, how would you develop the industry so, people are encouraged to farm?

  • Yes, the covid 19 and the climate change is a factor but there are also other assisting factors, poverty being one of them, the percent of poverty in the world is 9% while the percent for poverty is 10 % so we should actually expect that the rate of world hunger should be high. The cause would be nothing more than conflict, war, countries going head-to-head with each other. Nigeria, my country for example has a poverty rate of about 12.8 %, meaning about 5.5 million people are affected by that, the huge lack of resources does not even make it better. I can give the example of the covid 19, in Nigeria the government gave palliative but out of the conflict and hunger of Nigerians people stole the food in huge amounts thus those who even needed the food would never get it, although, I do agree with you Claire the leaders are not doing enough, in my country buying a form to run for any presidential or parliamentary seat costs 1oo million and there are millions of people starving on the streets and even in their houses I mean if they could give even only a portion of that money it could solve a whole lot of problems. Don't you think so.

    1. I do agree with you that poverty is a factor contributing to food crisis but also their other factor contributing to this problem like; Climate Change and Global Warming, Scarcity of land for farming, Technological barriers and Inadequate supply of water for irrigation. I also agree with you that government are not doing anything to help the people in need . Especially when it comes to poverty, government waste money on themselves and their family members or other irrelevant things, forgetting there are people in need. I believe that if we can join hands together with the government stop corruption and focus on eradicating poverty we can stop food crisis in the world.

      1. You mentioned corruption in your comment, blithesome_engineer, and I found that very interesting. Why might ending political corruption help to solve the food crisis?

        1. In my country, "Corruption" is a very familiar term because the leaders we have have inculcated a "grab it all" tendency in the system and they forget that there are a lot of hungry people who need basic amenities. They are only concerned about their wellbeing and forget the hungry masses and this leads to great hunger in the country at large.

          1. That's a great point @rhetorical_beetle as to how corruption can impact finding solutions to issues such as hunger. Can you give an example of what can be done to alleviate hunger?

            1. Our leaders should learn to cater for the masses and not only themselves. They should invest in things such as mechanized farming and offering relief materials to those who are in need and this will go a long way in solving the problem of hunger.
              Also, public enlightenment programs on farming should be carried out in rural areas to help solve this ravaging monster.

    2. I agree because during the covid 19 people were under lockdown and were not able to move. This led to so much hunger and poverty.
      The climatic changes can really affect agriculture. If there is to much drought in an area, famine occurs and hunger starts arising in certain countries. Hunger can result into death of people and infants, stealing of food for survival.
      I also agree because political leaders have to make good use of their money by providing food to people on streets

    3. I didn't know many facts you listed, thank you! Why do you think leaders are not prioritising the food crisis when they seem to have so much money?

      1. because it does not affect them directly, no one sees a problem until they are directly affected

  • There is a popular saying here, where I live. "Mind your business". I think the major reason why the problem of world hunger in the world has not yet been solved is that many countries are too busy fixing their own problems to bother about other countries. Take for instance a country that is interested in helping to solve world hunger but may not be able to do so because it may be preoccupied with other problems such as war, pandemics, and so on. Let's take for example Ukraine which is fighting a war with Russia and cannot start helping countries suffering from hunger or a country that has been badly hit by a pandemic maybe the Covid-19 pandemic cannot start thinking of how to solve hunger in other countries

    1. You raise a great point amazing_computer around countries working collaboratively to solve the global food crisis - what do you think it would take for the country's leaders to be more responsive to other country's problems (especially when they are preoccupied with their own problems)? Do you have an example of two or more countries you think could work collaboratively?

    2. That is actually a really great point that you just made. Every country has their own problems and they are too busy trying to help out other countries that maybe have bigger problems. Most of the times even if there aren’t any major problems in the specific country they still don bother helping out because they need money and everything costs money these days.

  • We should keep in mind that world hunger is most prominent in third-world countries. Some of us are privileged to eat three meals a day, not knowing some child out there has to labor or steal for little to eat. One way we can fight world hunger is by reducing the wastage of food that the ignorance of plenty makes us take unfair advantage of. We have to instead use more of the food being wasted for the betterment of humanity.

    1. Terrific_acorn, thank you for your great comment! How do you think food wastage could be reduced? Are the ways of doing this practical enough that that they are likely to be implemented?

      1. First of all, we need to eliminate the mentality of selfishness. We must consider not only ourselves but the underprivileged as well. Imagine that fish stick you don't like enough to eat, a child somewhere wishes to even see it. What about the high amounts of excess by-products that food factories forget about? The thing is, to us that have much, even little seems like a waste but to someone with little or even nothing at all, it makes no difference whether it is delicious or not, as long as they have something to feed on. One way to reduce food wastage is by understanding that nothing is a waste at all. We can teach the young to stop looking down on even the littlest things and people. Let us help them understand the need to fight world hunger by being more empathic toward the ones who experience it. As I said before, the ignorance of plenty makes us feel that since we have much, why should we care about whether someone else does or not? Whether we like it or not, world hunger does affect us in one way or another, otherwise, we would not be having this discussion about it.

      2. I thought of people who don't eat three meals a day like us, but in your saying "a child has to work or steal to get money" I thought of that, but where are their parents? Why does he steal? Why does it work? And if he is an orphan, where is the institution that sympathizes with orphans and the poor? Where are his uncles, uncles and relatives?
        Unfortunately, there are people who do not find food, and on the other side, people throw food, waste it, and do not preserve it

  • I think that there are many reasons for the food crisis. One of them is climate change due to the drought as the amount of water became less than needed. Besides that, the wars that are currently happening in the world cause damage and affect badly on the economy. Food waste also causes hunger as I think a big amount of food which we produce is never used.

    1. I agree that one of the reasons for world hunger might be climate change. Climate change actually causes rising food prices, and that is due to the change in the weather and the standard conditions of farming. Some seeds grow in a specific environment, climate change and global warming changed a lot in the Earth's weather. If farmers don't find the conditions a plant needs,so they might use greenhouses, and that would increase the greenhouse gases emissions as well as the food prices . That leads to hunger in most areas that intake most of their daily vitamins from plants. So, to stop climate change we have to stop polluting our earth and plant more trees to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases and increase oxygen, and stop polluting the water to be able to drink and farm the crops. I also agree that no one could feel what people are suffering from hunger . That's why no one could help to improve the restoring of the eco system and helping people who are suffering all over the world. Some statistics' say that around 828 million people still go hungry. We need to help them by helping our planet, because even few actions that we decide to take might actually help the world especially children in Africa who suffered the food poverty and diseases that threatened their future.

    2. I agree because... there are many different reasons like you said climate change and wars . But i think politics should think more about other countries as well as ours. Like the Ukraine and Russia war and how they are having many different crises !

    3. I agree with your statement, but not only these, although we have sufficient food as we have no generosity this problem continues till now. Cheating of workers should be avoided namely asking them to work hard and giving low salary should be avoided. Agricultural and other wages should be properly announced as per there work to avoid poverty.

  • I feel the reason why we haven't solved the global food crisis is because of the extreme rate of poverty and lack of family planning. The rate of poverty increases because of high population. Where there is high population and low job facilities available poverty will be a high problem there. In a place like that you can find a family of ten people but the net worth of the family is only a hundred or five hundred of the country's currency. The money that will be required by the family to provide sufficient meals for the ten of them will be 10% or less than that. When there is no sufficient food for that type of family, hunger will come in alongside with crime and sicknesses. When there is no family planning and no financial stability there will be a very high possibility of food scarcity.

    1. Thank you successful_crow. How easy or difficult would it be for family planning to be done, and how quickly do you think that this would help?

    2. An interesting factor concerning hunger and family planning is the move to industrialisation from agricultural societies.

      In agricultural societies, food would be produced by the family. A larger family could be beneficial as the whole family could work the land to produce more food, and the family size could be limited by the amount of land available. Also, food would be sourced locally.

      In industrialised societies, food generally has to be purchased with money. A larger family requires more money - however, the amount of effort put into work does not directly relate to the amount of food, and often children do not work so cannot earn money. Also, due to globalisation, a lot of food is not local - which can make it more resilient (due to geographical spread) and cheaper/more plentiful (due to economies of scale), but it can also make it more risky (relying on another country) or more expensive (due to import costs and foreign exchange rates).

      This is a simplification, of course, but it all plays a role.

  • I think that there are other reasons why world hunger is a problem that is difficult to solve, such as climate change. Bad weather conditions such as drought and floods lead to the destruction of their professional lives, especially the herders who depend on rain regularly to supply livestock with water and food, and also for the lack of adequate systems to provide food such as lack of There are ways to connect people to markets and poor food storage facilities, which leads to food being lost and not reaching those who need it. I have suggestions to eradicate hunger.
    First, the promotion of agriculture, and second, food donations between countries

    1. Thank you for your suggestions agreeable_dusk. What do you think about the role of sustainability in agriculture? What would be an example of proposed criteria for a country to receive a food donation?

    2. I agree because... giving equal importance to agricultural growth like the industrial growth is very important. And Food donations between countries is something that is already happening with the countries which are facing severe crisis like war, drought or any natural disasters.

    3. I agree because... the things you listed on the page is what is happening in my country Nigeria, such as climate change, flood and even hunger. I thought that it is only in my country all these are happening,i don't know that same is applicable with your country.

  • I think that the leaders can do much more to curb world hunger but not only world leaders have a role to play in curbing world hunger , the average man can also help the little change we want to see should begin from us trying to help too.

    1. I understand what you are saying, but that is just not possible, yes world leaders have a massive part to play in the crisis, but several factors like coronavirus, and politics stop us from uniting and helping each other, I hope we can see a day where we unite and stop this problem, but it is very unlikely.

  • There are many factors that affect the food crisis: poverty, the Covid virus, and wasteful food and drink. There are many pages on YouTube who waste food and drink to get views. This in itself is a factor in the global food crisis. Also, the price is about 35% higher. Also, the Russian and Ukrainian wars have become a threat to food in the countries of the world. Agriculture also affects the food crisis. Agriculture is one of the economic activities practiced by the world’s population due to the availability of fertile soil, abundant water, suitable climate and employment of labor. However, agriculture suffers from challenges such as fluctuation of rain, desertification, migration from the countryside to cities, agricultural pests, the fragmentation of agricultural properties and salinization of the soil Low productivity of the floor These are all factors affecting the food crisis, so we have to stick to each other and help the poor and needy.

  • The global food crisis is caused by the control of the major and industrialized countries over the sources of raw materials, in addition to the spread of wars and conflicts in developing countries, and the poor distribution of wealth in developing countries has exacerbated the food crisis in the world, especially in developing countries.

    1. Food crisis is can be caused by climate change, poor agricultural produce and war. A parts of Africa is facing food crisis also. Yemen is a country in the middle east, since 2015 till date they have been facing food crisis which is affecting more than 80% of their population. The food crisis in Yemen is being caused by a war and it is causing the prices of food to increase. World Food Programme provides food only in urgent cases . In Afghanistan, 90% of the population are suffering food crisis because of the drought and conflict. The Taliban are also not helping the problems in Afghanistan because they are make rigid rules that affect the right of people. World Food Programme is providing for about 83 countries and there are other countries that are expecting World Food Programme to provide for them.

  • Covid 19 is one of the factors affecting the food crisis, but there are other reasons that led to famines, such as war, inflation, failure of agricultural seasons, population imbalance or government policies. Food resources are very scarce, and this results in a severe shortage of food for a long period. This severe shortage of food leads to the spread of famine and then death. Famine has spread throughout the ages in the land from one region to another every few years. Most of the developing countries are not found in each of the Africa, Asia and Latin America enough for their people to eat, except with great difficulty, and it is known that half a billion people suffer from malnutrition

  • External factors may negatively affect the phenomenon of food in the world due to the cessation of work for long periods of time, but are these factors the main reason for the phenomenon of hunger in African countries? The phenomenon is prevalent for certain reasons, which is wasting money on unnecessary and unnecessary things. He took the money for the benefit of the special state fund. Taxes that are imposed on the common people and the poor. This could be one of the reasons for the phenomenon of hunger in the Arab world. Men became unable to pay the needs of his sons. He helps himself. Hunger is a phenomenon that has become widespread and so far we have not been able to reduce it despite the availability of the right amount to suffice the world, but there are many people who waste this food and do not pity the poor

    1. What do you think should be done about this?

      1. We are now directly connected to the world of social media, and we see many videos threatening the extinction of some things due to forced consumption. In extravagance they should be punished by their conscience and themselves for what they do to the poor

  • From my point of view, there are reasons that contributed and paved the way for the food crisis in the world
    Including the weak economic scruples in the whole world, which helps in production and activates it, as well as the weakness of the labor force that contributes to agriculture and the economic fields that pave the way for the economy to increase in order to fulfill its duty towards this crisis and fight it. Machines help it instead of manpower to produce food. If countries took it in their cooperative humanitarian role to extend their hand in solving this crisis, the world would have become one hand. No countries from anywhere would be able to weaken them in any way, neither in terms of strength nor in terms of economy
    * I suggest other reasons that led to the spread of the crisis
    1- Non-cooperation of the rising countries with their neighboring countries to reduce the food crisis.
    2- These countries did not benefit from the bounties of their countries, so they were inspired by countries that hear colonial barbaric countries, and this term was applied to those who aim to seize the benefits of another country and control it.
    I would like to offer my advice, which is cooperation, no matter how different religions, colors and languages ​​are, we remain brothers, united by blood and unity.

    1. Can you please explain a bit more about what you mean by "Non-cooperation of the rising countries with their neighboring countries to reduce the food crisis." Are you saying that the situation will improve if countries stop working together?

      1. I did not mean not to extend a helping hand to help at all, but I meant in my phrase that if these emerging countries share the pain of countries who suffer from a crisis, I think that this will help them increase their development to help eliminate the so-called hunger crisis 🌿

  • Yes I do agree that the world produces enough food to feed everyone in the world but the problem is the accessibility and how readily available this food is. That is being limited in certain countries because of factors like natural disasters. According to www.wfp. org, "more than 80% of the world hungry people come from disaster prone countries". Another factor is food waste. According to www.un.org, "an estimated 17% of total food production is wasted." Bringing it down to my country, Nigeria, according to www.blueprint.ng, "75% of food produced in Nigeria is wasted." This is because of lack of proper planning for the quantity of food to be produced and lack of proper storage of food. Another problem is conflict. Like in my country, Nigeria, there is serious long-running armed conflict and violence, disrupted livelihoods and reduced market access. I can give an example in the Northern part of my country where armed gunmen and herdsmen are killing people making them most at times afraid of going to the farm so food supply has reduced and food supply has been further strained due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • For me view point, I will attribute the problem of food crisis to the covid-19 pandemic, for example in Nigeria as a result of the pandemic the was an eight months lock down, which made most farmer to stay in-doors and not attend to their farm ,as a result of this I lead to the raise in insecurity. Most people started robbery in other to find food. An example of food that were very high after the lockdown were onion, Tomatoes etc.

    1. Why do you think food prices went up after lockdowns breathtaking_ferret?

      1. Food prices went up after the lockdown as a result of famers not going to their respective farms, so that reduced the amount of farm product available. According to the law of demand and supply.

    2. I say that Covid-19 is one of the reasons for food insecurity. But there are other reasons like crop failure, change in climate, conflict between two countries, imposing ban on trade with some foreign countries and so on. Do you think that Covid-19 is the only problem for food scarcity?

      1. Covid-19 is not the only cause is just on of the cause, it can also be the reason why two or more counties will lock there borders in order to prevent the spread but as time goes on things start coming back to normal but there are still more cause of food crisis like selling of substandard seed for cultivation

  • The developing countries in Africa and Asia possess a high percentage of primary raw materials, and they must, with all possibilities, exploit and invest their raw materials so as not to fall into the cycle of blackmailing the great powers and using food as a means of pressure by the great powers (meaning achieving food independence and then political independence from the major countries ).

    1. Can you give a few examples of what you mean by this, sensible_impression?

    2. Very interesting point sensible_impression! Whilst they the possess raw materials they do not always benefit monetarily as much other countries who use their raw materials to develop the products. What do you think about countries in Africa and Asia investing more in developing the end products of their raw materials / controlling more of the supply chain?

  • In my opinion there many reasons that cause food crisis. But one of the main reasons of food crisis are the people who waste food.

    1. Can you explain a little bit more please, educated_queen?

    2. Yes food wastage is not good, but imagining someone that is in Nigeria and is wasting food because there is excess supply, do you think it will affect someone in south Africa?
      In my opinion no.

      1. Good point @emotional_meaning, can you give some evidence to support your opinion?

  • In my opinion there are many reasons that cause food crisis. One of the main reasons is wasting food. As for some people who go and eat in restaurants they don't finish their dishes so some restaurants end up throwing the food instead of giving it to someone who could have advantage of it. One of the other reasons is covid 19 and world wars .
    I do agree with the people who say that the world leaders aren't doing enough to stop the food crisis. I think that they should encourage citizens to stop wasting food . They can also do charity work I think that it will help alot.

  • Yes, it is true, in addition to the increase in population numbers and the high rate of unemployment in the world and due to wars and conflicts in some countries, which led to the displacement of millions of people, and this is a main factor for poverty and hunger, and for this the state must achieve food security through agricultural practices and cultivation of crops that are more adaptable to the climate and preserving forests and natural resources.

  • It's true that world leaders aren't doing enough but for my opinion they are trying and there is some people who are trying to help the people who are dying because they didn't eat for a duration of time and there is some programmes like (world food programme) who helped 86.7million people in around 83 country every year and they are delivering food assistance in places of emergencies

  • Firstly world hunger is caused by so many factors and the inability for people to control those factors has brought about food crisis. Some of these factors are:
    • Water and land pollution has contributed a great deal to the unavailability of food in the world.
    •terrorist attacks, when terrorist attack farms they would not be able to farm meaning there would not be a good agriculture yield.
    •Climate change, crops that are supposed to grow in specific seasons may not be able to because of the seasonal fluctuation.
    •The mindset of seeing farmers as poor people and farming as a dirty work.
    •poverty is also a major contributing factor.

    1. Hi emotional meaning ,how has water and land pollution contributed a great deal to the unavailability of food in the world.

      1. When the land is polluted ,it is a hindrance for crops to grow because some deposited substances in those area can make the land barren. When the is oil spillage in a specific area you will notice that before any farm activity can be held in such areas it will take a long time and sometimes that land is totally damaged.
        Water pollution is also a very huge cause of the unavailability of food,water pollution makes aquatic organisms to die and no one can use polluted water to water their crop and their crop will come out healthy . A example is the Niger Delta region in Nigeria ,they are rich in their oil production(crude oil) but it is at the expense of their agricultural system there is a high rate of water and land pollution and that has affected the availability of food.

    2. what are the measures can taken to prevent this type of causes ?

    3. I agree with everything you say except for one point, which is climate change. . Where these problems were eliminated in advance by the invention of greenhouses, which are houses made of transparent materials that permeate the sun's rays and whose purpose is to provide vegetables and fruits throughout the year despite climate change.

    4. I agree because most farmer have the mind-set that their fore father were farmers and the died poor people so they also agree that they are poor people instead of doing it in a different way, the reuse to be innovative.

    5. Hi emotional meaning, yes your points are nice but l have one question ,what is the main cause of food crises and how can control or reduce food crised

  • The increase in population causes more demand for food and when the supply for food is less it will lead to hunger which will emerge to a food crisis.

  • The global food crisis is a very big one, and it must be overcome as soon as possible. The reasons for this crisis are the lack of economic integration between countries and because of the many internal and external conflicts, and also because of the climate. There are some desert countries where agriculture is not possible because their climate is not temperate, as well as the polar regions, so solutions must be found as soon as possible To solve this crisis, all countries must unite with each other in order to overcome this crisis and stay away from wars because wars cause great famines. Therefore, people must cooperate with each other with love, and job opportunities must be provided to employ manpower. This is how we will eliminate this crisis.

  • I agree with you strongly, but I want to add some things first. When the wars come, the crossings are closed. No lunch comes to the town in which the war is, and therefore the price of food increases. This affects the economic situation. When the price of food increases, it affects the family by increasing expenses. Secondly, politics. For example, if the country is a friend of another country, it will issue lunch to it. But if another country is its enemy, it will not give it food, then the friendly country will have sufficient food, and it will be sleeping and developed. As for the enemy, it will have a crisis, and it will be poor and will not develop. As for the heads of the world, he does not care about the people, because they have not tasted poverty and have not been tormented because they have a lot and a lot of money.

  • I have a slightly different point of view. There is no specific reason for the spread of hunger and the global food crisis. Rather, there are many factors that share its spread. First, I am talking about Covid 19, which has contributed greatly in recent times to an increase in the rate of hunger in various parts of the world, as people were unable to go out to work to provide a morsel. Secondly, the weak economic resources of the people, the spread of unemployment, the lack of job opportunities, and most importantly, the weakness of cooperation between countries. Most countries depend on the aid provided by developed countries to developing countries. Weak relations between countries contribute significantly to the spread of the global food crisis.

    1. Champion_conclusion you have perfectly described the global food crisis as a 'wicked problem' (a social or cultural problem that is difficult or impossible to solve). Nonetheless, can you come up with any ideas or solutions that can mitigate some of the causes of the global food crisis - what would be most important to address first where you live?

  • Some countries suffer from lunch crises and the existence of famines, so why? 1 Because of the wars used by the Russians and the enemies among themselves on agricultural lands, they use chemicals that burn agricultural crops and environmental pollution.

    2 In the State of Palestine, a wall is being built, destroying infrastructure and looting agricultural land.

    3In other countries, they suffer from problems in agriculture, like drought, like Africa. This soil cannot be planted with because it does not contain water, and the plant needs attention. If the weather is not suitable, this plant will not grow because it needs rain and sunlight for the process of photosynthesis and energy.

    4 Other countries suffer from agricultural failure due to agricultural pests, so they have no progress to discover pesticides to get rid of pesticides or buy them.

    5 In other countries, there are disputes among them, so they are prevented from importing food, and this affects the population of the country.

    6 There are families, after the death of one of the parents, who covet property and work to divide the land, so that it becomes uncultivable

  • The industrialized countries should help the poor countries to solve the food problem by opening factories in the developing countries and the exploitation of agricultural raw materials.

    1. Countries with food problems affect the citizens because they only rely on the exploitation from other countries

      I disagree because... if the poor countries could produce and feed on their local product, food crisis won't be a problem for them..

  • The first and most important factor causing hunger is poverty, as well as wars in nations. Hunger can be overcome if the causes of hunger are eliminated. This means advancing regulations and behaviours that enable governments to access the food sources people need to have food available in countries food sources, agriculture promotion and food donations through food donations from countries with food availability.

  • With issues like waste and soil pollution, its a no brainer on why world hunger is still in full effect especially in underdeveloped countries. Blaming the world leaders is just anther way of saying " I'm too tired too own a garden at the back of my house so I'll wait until Joe Biden gets to visit and gives me a credit card to go shopping for groceries." Sometimes we just need to get things done on our own and hope for the best. Nobody will wait until they get mauled by a bear before they know it isn't really a good idea to get too close, the same goes for hunger. So I say that people start feeding themselves with the organic stuff from their soil and stop worrying about the government doing something about it.

    1. ...but what about people who don't have that choice? Who don't have seeds, or good soil, or any land at all?

      1. That is true and a valid point. But we are living in a world wide neighborhood with a variety of edible life forms that can be nutritious and very tasty too. I don't think anyone has ownership over grasshoppers or earthworms. Also as technology advances we find out new ways of cultivating crops. Hydroponics and aeroponics.

  • Domestic food price inflation remains high around the world and inflation is high in almost all low- and middle-income countries. The Ukraine war changed global patterns of trade, production and consumption of primary commodities in a way that would keep prices at high levels until the end of 2024, leading to Exacerbating food insecurity and inflation Rising food prices have caused a global crisis pushing millions more into extreme poverty, exacerbating the hunger and malnutrition crisis, according to a World Bank report. Food and energy prices due to climatic shocks and conflict to stop the regression.

  • I think that the solution to the food crisis in the world requires the intensification of all countries producing raw and manufactured materials.

  • First, because of poverty
    Lack of resources such as agricultural land as well as the means to harvest, store and preserve food are major challenges facing the poor population. The cyclical nature of hunger makes it very difficult for those who suffer from hunger to help themselves. This is why those who have access to adequate resources need to step up and provide assistance.

    The United Nations estimates that nearly a third of the food the world produces is wasted each year. This is more than enough to feed the undernourished mass. It is unlikely that food that is currently wasted will be sent to poor communities, but by respecting food we can work towards a global redistribution of food resources to help those in need.