Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet?


“If you have never truly been hungry, you cannot fully understand the global food crisis.”

We all recognise the feeling of needing to eat – and world leaders are no different.

However, the global food crisis is more than that. People aren't just hungry, they are suffering because they don't have enough food to survive. The problem has always existed. However, because of climate change, covid-19 and conflict it is getting worse.

Some people think that world leaders aren’t doing enough to solve the problem because the global food crisis does not affect them in the same way as someone who doesn’t have enough food.

Is this right? Or are there other reasons that make world hunger a difficult problem to solve?

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  • I agree with the statement that says world leaders are not doing anything to solve this problem because it is not affecting them. Some world leaders are ignorant about food crisis, in some cases what causes world hunger is insecurity mostly where I stay that is Nigeria there is insecurity and most at times people are displaced that is where the problem of world hunger comes in because people are displaced from their source of livelihood and most at times can't provide for themselves. Also unemployment causes poverty which leads to a situation where people cannot provide for themselves food due to low income this also causes world hunger. I feel the way to solve this problem is that infrastructures and industries should be developed in order for people to gain employment, so they can provide for them selves food and other basic nessecities.

    1. I disagree because... I . Leaders, for example, have a major role in fighting poverty and hunger and their focus on agriculture and climate change, creating new job opportunities and increasing protection of the most vulnerable sectors

    2. It is not actually the leaders that are ignorant, it is the needy or hungry that are ignorant because when these leaders provide the money to help them they instead use the money for useless stuff like partying, buying unimportant things like alcohol, cigarettes etc. and many others forgetting the purpose of the money in a way that they would have used it to invest in a business which could earn them more money that would ne used to provide for themselves food.

    3. I agree because...this is the same case here in Uganda and the way to solve this is firstly enhancing agricultural methods because agriculture is the major source of food and enhancing can be done by using modern methods of farming like use of tractors which make ploughing faster, use of pesticides to reduce the effects of pests and diseases on crops. Since wars also cause global food crisis I suggest that countries trz to make peace so as to avoid wars, governments should also help to deal away with unemployment by setting up more industries to provide employment opportunities for unemployed natives so that they can get money to sustain themselves.

      1. I also agree with you about the enhancing agricultural method but people who live in the rural areas don't know how to use most labor intensive machines due to their low level of education and due to that they cannot operate most of these machines and so they might see it as taking away their jobs from them cause most of the people in the rural areas depend on agriculture for their source of income so they might feel that the introduction of labor intensive devices to improve agriculture is creating unemployment. But if you come to look at it introducing labor intensive devices and other improved farming methods increases food productivity in the society.

        1. How could we upskill these people?

    4. May be when the intensity of the crisis increases, the world leaders will react! It is also on the part of every individual to contribute. As rightly stated, climate changes have brought a disruptive changes in the cultivation pattern. To add oil to the fire, we have pandemic. War is something that could be avoided. History has taught us war is disruptive and history repeats itself! Apart from these factors,
      1. Food wastage and food rotting contributes significantly. Gone are days where we ate fresh.
      2. The number of agricultural community has limited to counter the growing population. Sadly, agriculture does not help a country become a developed economy.
      3. In some countries, the food finds it difficult to reach the consumer market. Also, the demand for one particular food rottens the other.
      Food crisis is like a silent disaster. It is slowing growing. Mitigative measures should be taken at the earliest.

      1. How can war be avoided if i may ask? And also why is that most of the countries i have seen haven't made any efforts in avoiding war or have they?

        1. The world has already witnessed two world wars and it is destructive . War can not solve any problem , hence it has to be resolved. Bilateral talks between countries would definitely help . It is collectively possible . Even when two countries get into conflict there are other countries who voice out for peace and negotiation.
          Countries do make efforts to avoid war . They do talk and it is in the worst case that they resort to war . There still are countries that have resolved not to get into war with any one else.
          Hope I have answered your question @inventive_artist

    5. I disagree with your statement. Many countries device strategies to control to food crisis. For instance, I come a state Tamilnadu in India, where for every citizen holding the ration card (a Govt approved card for the residency in the state) every month 20 kgs of rice and some pulses are provided free and the next 20 kgs is provided at 10 INR (If you converted into USD you would know that it is just few cents)
      Likewise, every school going child right from Kindergarten, is provided breakfast and lunch free by many schools run by the Government so that these kids don't lose out on education for want of food
      For the syrian refugees for instance many countries came together to provide them food and shelter. Likewise, now during this Ukrain war too, many countries are coming together to provide.

      1. These are some great examples of strategies to provide food. In the UK, primary school students are also provided with lunch. These are short term solutions, what longer-term solutions are needed?

        1. May be going vegan or being a vegetarian is one option I feel. The number of resources that goes into feeding some cattle, could be utilized to feed people good food grains. Creating awareness about Food Waste as a huge movement, would also control food wastage. Production of Crops that lead to soil loss could be reduced.
          Farming insects could also be an alternative for meat lovers.
          Countries to sustain themselves should think of strategies to grow their own indigenous crops, instead of depending on imports of food items grown in other countries.

    6. Well, some leaders are unaware of the food crisis or do not feel the need to solve it since they have the ability to help themselves and not the citizens of their country, but some can't be blamed for reasons like Covid-19 (people were unemployed during quarantine) and peoples' miss-use for money due to ignorance or carelessness, not all leaders are to be blamed.

      1. I totally agree with you. Some leaders are ignorant and careless, but we can't judge a whole group based on a member.

    7. I agree because some world leaders are not doing anything to solve the world hunger and most people waste food.i feel the way how to solve this because i think we would need to trasport food to other countrys that do not have enough food but some of the government is not solving this and i feel that we need to developed industries so we can provide it.

    8. I agree because leader's are not doing anything to stop and solve the problem of world hunger because it is not affecting them. Yes, the people that are unable to eat that would know what is happening

      In some states in Nigeria, there is insecurity that people are displaced from their source of living and sometimes can't provide some basic needs.

      In some situation unemployment also leads to poverty in which people can't provide themselves food due to their low income that leads to hunger. Some people can't even eat three meals daily.

      The solution is that industries should be develop so that people can be employed and can provide food and also provide basic needs

    9. I agree because the leaders are not doing anything to solve this problem because it's not affecting them.
      Hunger and unemployment are among the causes of insecurity and poverty in the world.
      Hunger and unemployment makes it difficult for the people to earn more money so that they can afford healthy food.
      The solution to solve this problem is to create income opportunities and generate jobs, so that they can provide for themselves food and other basic needs.

  • The original priority of a government is to provide the basic needs of its people which include clothing, shelter, health and most importantly FOOD but we find ourselves in a world where our government is concerned about making "investments" that we never the the fruit it bears, and this is taking atoll on the common people in my country.
    It is unfathomable that the taxes that people earn with their sweat cannot yield fruit because the government is taking a huge percentage to "invest" and people die daily in mass because of starvation. in my view, I see that the reason why the food crisis has not been solved in some countries is that the investments that the government makes hardly yields fruit and it affects the masses.

    1. Can you explain what you mean by "investments" please, rhetorical_beetle. I'd love to hear more about this idea to see whether other people from other countries agree with you or not.

      1. What I mean by "investments" are basically the long list of loans that in the long run, they are not able to pay and in most cases cannot even service them and this causes a great depression resulting to hunger and this I why the problem of hunger has not been solved in my country.

    2. I dont really agree with you about this government investment because it is very clear to us the citizens that our government leaders do not invest rather they embezzle the money for their selfish benefits,money that is supposed to be used to help develop our country and empower citizens of the country.Thats why in my country Nigeria, institutions are going on strike because the money that is meant to be used to pay civil servants is being embezzled thereby leading alot of citizens to poverty which is also a contributing factor to food crisis.

      1. I'm interested to hear more from you @inventive artist! One of the Topical Talk skills is problem solving, can you give me 2 ideas for solving the food crisis?

        1. The money that most of our leaders embezzled can be used to empower our citizens develop more infrastructure and that will help create job and eradicate poverty which will help curb food crisis. And also import and export of food should be done in order to curb food crisis.

    3. Thank you for sharing rhetorical_beetle, politicians' choice of investment do have a significant impact on the population they serve. Do you think more can be done locally for communities to support one another or do you think the solution largely lies with your government?

  • Our Leaders should be able to encourage the mass on why agriculture helps in the economy. Parents or guardian these days force their children to study medicine because they want their children to have big jobs to their names or at times brag to their other pairs that their children studied huge courses in school. Agriculture, whether mechanical or with physical strength should be encouraged. Agriculture helps in enhancing the provision of more food items.

    1. You raise a good point that agriculture is an aging industry. If you were a leader, how would you develop the industry so, people are encouraged to farm?

  • Yes, the covid 19 and the climate change is a factor but there are also other assisting factors, poverty being one of them, the percent of poverty in the world is 9% while the percent for poverty is 10 % so we should actually expect that the rate of world hunger should be high. The cause would be nothing more than conflict, war, countries going head-to-head with each other. Nigeria, my country for example has a poverty rate of about 12.8 %, meaning about 5.5 million people are affected by that, the huge lack of resources does not even make it better. I can give the example of the covid 19, in Nigeria the government gave palliative but out of the conflict and hunger of Nigerians people stole the food in huge amounts thus those who even needed the food would never get it, although, I do agree with you Claire the leaders are not doing enough, in my country buying a form to run for any presidential or parliamentary seat costs 1oo million and there are millions of people starving on the streets and even in their houses I mean if they could give even only a portion of that money it could solve a whole lot of problems. Don't you think so.

    1. I do agree with you that poverty is a factor contributing to food crisis but also their other factor contributing to this problem like; Climate Change and Global Warming, Scarcity of land for farming, Technological barriers and Inadequate supply of water for irrigation. I also agree with you that government are not doing anything to help the people in need . Especially when it comes to poverty, government waste money on themselves and their family members or other irrelevant things, forgetting there are people in need. I believe that if we can join hands together with the government stop corruption and focus on eradicating poverty we can stop food crisis in the world.

      1. You mentioned corruption in your comment, blithesome_engineer, and I found that very interesting. Why might ending political corruption help to solve the food crisis?

        1. In my country, "Corruption" is a very familiar term because the leaders we have have inculcated a "grab it all" tendency in the system and they forget that there are a lot of hungry people who need basic amenities. They are only concerned about their wellbeing and forget the hungry masses and this leads to great hunger in the country at large.

          1. That's a great point @rhetorical_beetle as to how corruption can impact finding solutions to issues such as hunger. Can you give an example of what can be done to alleviate hunger?

            1. Our leaders should learn to cater for the masses and not only themselves. They should invest in things such as mechanized farming and offering relief materials to those who are in need and this will go a long way in solving the problem of hunger.
              Also, public enlightenment programs on farming should be carried out in rural areas to help solve this ravaging monster.

    2. I agree because during the covid 19 people were under lockdown and were not able to move. This led to so much hunger and poverty.
      The climatic changes can really affect agriculture. If there is to much drought in an area, famine occurs and hunger starts arising in certain countries. Hunger can result into death of people and infants, stealing of food for survival.
      I also agree because political leaders have to make good use of their money by providing food to people on streets

    3. I didn't know many facts you listed, thank you! Why do you think leaders are not prioritising the food crisis when they seem to have so much money?

      1. because it does not affect them directly, no one sees a problem until they are directly affected

  • There is a popular saying here, where I live. "Mind your business". I think the major reason why the problem of world hunger in the world has not yet been solved is that many countries are too busy fixing their own problems to bother about other countries. Take for instance a country that is interested in helping to solve world hunger but may not be able to do so because it may be preoccupied with other problems such as war, pandemics, and so on. Let's take for example Ukraine which is fighting a war with Russia and cannot start helping countries suffering from hunger or a country that has been badly hit by a pandemic maybe the Covid-19 pandemic cannot start thinking of how to solve hunger in other countries

    1. You raise a great point amazing_computer around countries working collaboratively to solve the global food crisis - what do you think it would take for the country's leaders to be more responsive to other country's problems (especially when they are preoccupied with their own problems)? Do you have an example of two or more countries you think could work collaboratively?

    2. That is actually a really great point that you just made. Every country has their own problems and they are too busy trying to help out other countries that maybe have bigger problems. Most of the times even if there aren’t any major problems in the specific country they still don bother helping out because they need money and everything costs money these days.

  • We should keep in mind that world hunger is most prominent in third-world countries. Some of us are privileged to eat three meals a day, not knowing some child out there has to labor or steal for little to eat. One way we can fight world hunger is by reducing the wastage of food that the ignorance of plenty makes us take unfair advantage of. We have to instead use more of the food being wasted for the betterment of humanity.

    1. Terrific_acorn, thank you for your great comment! How do you think food wastage could be reduced? Are the ways of doing this practical enough that that they are likely to be implemented?

      1. First of all, we need to eliminate the mentality of selfishness. We must consider not only ourselves but the underprivileged as well. Imagine that fish stick you don't like enough to eat, a child somewhere wishes to even see it. What about the high amounts of excess by-products that food factories forget about? The thing is, to us that have much, even little seems like a waste but to someone with little or even nothing at all, it makes no difference whether it is delicious or not, as long as they have something to feed on. One way to reduce food wastage is by understanding that nothing is a waste at all. We can teach the young to stop looking down on even the littlest things and people. Let us help them understand the need to fight world hunger by being more empathic toward the ones who experience it. As I said before, the ignorance of plenty makes us feel that since we have much, why should we care about whether someone else does or not? Whether we like it or not, world hunger does affect us in one way or another, otherwise, we would not be having this discussion about it.

      2. I thought of people who don't eat three meals a day like us, but in your saying "a child has to work or steal to get money" I thought of that, but where are their parents? Why does he steal? Why does it work? And if he is an orphan, where is the institution that sympathizes with orphans and the poor? Where are his uncles, uncles and relatives?
        Unfortunately, there are people who do not find food, and on the other side, people throw food, waste it, and do not preserve it

  • I think that there are many reasons for the food crisis. One of them is climate change due to the drought as the amount of water became less than needed. Besides that, the wars that are currently happening in the world cause damage and affect badly on the economy. Food waste also causes hunger as I think a big amount of food which we produce is never used.

    1. I agree that one of the reasons for world hunger might be climate change. Climate change actually causes rising food prices, and that is due to the change in the weather and the standard conditions of farming. Some seeds grow in a specific environment, climate change and global warming changed a lot in the Earth's weather. If farmers don't find the conditions a plant needs,so they might use greenhouses, and that would increase the greenhouse gases emissions as well as the food prices . That leads to hunger in most areas that intake most of their daily vitamins from plants. So, to stop climate change we have to stop polluting our earth and plant more trees to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases and increase oxygen, and stop polluting the water to be able to drink and farm the crops. I also agree that no one could feel what people are suffering from hunger . That's why no one could help to improve the restoring of the eco system and helping people who are suffering all over the world. Some statistics' say that around 828 million people still go hungry. We need to help them by helping our planet, because even few actions that we decide to take might actually help the world especially children in Africa who suffered the food poverty and diseases that threatened their future.

    2. I agree because... there are many different reasons like you said climate change and wars . But i think politics should think more about other countries as well as ours. Like the Ukraine and Russia war and how they are having many different crises !

    3. I agree with your statement, but not only these, although we have sufficient food as we have no generosity this problem continues till now. Cheating of workers should be avoided namely asking them to work hard and giving low salary should be avoided. Agricultural and other wages should be properly announced as per there work to avoid poverty.

  • I feel the reason why we haven't solved the global food crisis is because of the extreme rate of poverty and lack of family planning. The rate of poverty increases because of high population. Where there is high population and low job facilities available poverty will be a high problem there. In a place like that you can find a family of ten people but the net worth of the family is only a hundred or five hundred of the country's currency. The money that will be required by the family to provide sufficient meals for the ten of them will be 10% or less than that. When there is no sufficient food for that type of family, hunger will come in alongside with crime and sicknesses. When there is no family planning and no financial stability there will be a very high possibility of food scarcity.

    1. Thank you successful_crow. How easy or difficult would it be for family planning to be done, and how quickly do you think that this would help?

    2. An interesting factor concerning hunger and family planning is the move to industrialisation from agricultural societies.

      In agricultural societies, food would be produced by the family. A larger family could be beneficial as the whole family could work the land to produce more food, and the family size could be limited by the amount of land available. Also, food would be sourced locally.

      In industrialised societies, food generally has to be purchased with money. A larger family requires more money - however, the amount of effort put into work does not directly relate to the amount of food, and often children do not work so cannot earn money. Also, due to globalisation, a lot of food is not local - which can make it more resilient (due to geographical spread) and cheaper/more plentiful (due to economies of scale), but it can also make it more risky (relying on another country) or more expensive (due to import costs and foreign exchange rates).

      This is a simplification, of course, but it all plays a role.

  • I think that there are other reasons why world hunger is a problem that is difficult to solve, such as climate change. Bad weather conditions such as drought and floods lead to the destruction of their professional lives, especially the herders who depend on rain regularly to supply livestock with water and food, and also for the lack of adequate systems to provide food such as lack of There are ways to connect people to markets and poor food storage facilities, which leads to food being lost and not reaching those who need it. I have suggestions to eradicate hunger.
    First, the promotion of agriculture, and second, food donations between countries

    1. Thank you for your suggestions agreeable_dusk. What do you think about the role of sustainability in agriculture? What would be an example of proposed criteria for a country to receive a food donation?

    2. I agree because... giving equal importance to agricultural growth like the industrial growth is very important. And Food donations between countries is something that is already happening with the countries which are facing severe crisis like war, drought or any natural disasters.

    3. I agree because... the things you listed on the page is what is happening in my country Nigeria, such as climate change, flood and even hunger. I thought that it is only in my country all these are happening,i don't know that same is applicable with your country.

  • I think that the leaders can do much more to curb world hunger but not only world leaders have a role to play in curbing world hunger , the average man can also help the little change we want to see should begin from us trying to help too.

    1. I understand what you are saying, but that is just not possible, yes world leaders have a massive part to play in the crisis, but several factors like coronavirus, and politics stop us from uniting and helping each other, I hope we can see a day where we unite and stop this problem, but it is very unlikely.

  • There are many factors that affect the food crisis: poverty, the Covid virus, and wasteful food and drink. There are many pages on YouTube who waste food and drink to get views. This in itself is a factor in the global food crisis. Also, the price is about 35% higher. Also, the Russian and Ukrainian wars have become a threat to food in the countries of the world. Agriculture also affects the food crisis. Agriculture is one of the economic activities practiced by the world’s population due to the availability of fertile soil, abundant water, suitable climate and employment of labor. However, agriculture suffers from challenges such as fluctuation of rain, desertification, migration from the countryside to cities, agricultural pests, the fragmentation of agricultural properties and salinization of the soil Low productivity of the floor These are all factors affecting the food crisis, so we have to stick to each other and help the poor and needy.

  • The global food crisis is caused by the control of the major and industrialized countries over the sources of raw materials, in addition to the spread of wars and conflicts in developing countries, and the poor distribution of wealth in developing countries has exacerbated the food crisis in the world, especially in developing countries.

    1. Food crisis is can be caused by climate change, poor agricultural produce and war. A parts of Africa is facing food crisis also. Yemen is a country in the middle east, since 2015 till date they have been facing food crisis which is affecting more than 80% of their population. The food crisis in Yemen is being caused by a war and it is causing the prices of food to increase. World Food Programme provides food only in urgent cases . In Afghanistan, 90% of the population are suffering food crisis because of the drought and conflict. The Taliban are also not helping the problems in Afghanistan because they are make rigid rules that affect the right of people. World Food Programme is providing for about 83 countries and there are other countries that are expecting World Food Programme to provide for them.

  • Covid 19 is one of the factors affecting the food crisis, but there are other reasons that led to famines, such as war, inflation, failure of agricultural seasons, population imbalance or government policies. Food resources are very scarce, and this results in a severe shortage of food for a long period. This severe shortage of food leads to the spread of famine and then death. Famine has spread throughout the ages in the land from one region to another every few years. Most of the developing countries are not found in each of the Africa, Asia and Latin America enough for their people to eat, except with great difficulty, and it is known that half a billion people suffer from malnutrition

  • External factors may negatively affect the phenomenon of food in the world due to the cessation of work for long periods of time, but are these factors the main reason for the phenomenon of hunger in African countries? The phenomenon is prevalent for certain reasons, which is wasting money on unnecessary and unnecessary things. He took the money for the benefit of the special state fund. Taxes that are imposed on the common people and the poor. This could be one of the reasons for the phenomenon of hunger in the Arab world. Men became unable to pay the needs of his sons. He helps himself. Hunger is a phenomenon that has become widespread and so far we have not been able to reduce it despite the availability of the right amount to suffice the world, but there are many people who waste this food and do not pity the poor

    1. What do you think should be done about this?

      1. We are now directly connected to the world of social media, and we see many videos threatening the extinction of some things due to forced consumption. In extravagance they should be punished by their conscience and themselves for what they do to the poor

  • From my point of view, there are reasons that contributed and paved the way for the food crisis in the world
    Including the weak economic scruples in the whole world, which helps in production and activates it, as well as the weakness of the labor force that contributes to agriculture and the economic fields that pave the way for the economy to increase in order to fulfill its duty towards this crisis and fight it. Machines help it instead of manpower to produce food. If countries took it in their cooperative humanitarian role to extend their hand in solving this crisis, the world would have become one hand. No countries from anywhere would be able to weaken them in any way, neither in terms of strength nor in terms of economy
    * I suggest other reasons that led to the spread of the crisis
    1- Non-cooperation of the rising countries with their neighboring countries to reduce the food crisis.
    2- These countries did not benefit from the bounties of their countries, so they were inspired by countries that hear colonial barbaric countries, and this term was applied to those who aim to seize the benefits of another country and control it.
    I would like to offer my advice, which is cooperation, no matter how different religions, colors and languages ​​are, we remain brothers, united by blood and unity.

    1. Can you please explain a bit more about what you mean by "Non-cooperation of the rising countries with their neighboring countries to reduce the food crisis." Are you saying that the situation will improve if countries stop working together?

      1. I did not mean not to extend a helping hand to help at all, but I meant in my phrase that if these emerging countries share the pain of countries who suffer from a crisis, I think that this will help them increase their development to help eliminate the so-called hunger crisis 🌿

  • Yes I do agree that the world produces enough food to feed everyone in the world but the problem is the accessibility and how readily available this food is. That is being limited in certain countries because of factors like natural disasters. According to www.wfp. org, "more than 80% of the world hungry people come from disaster prone countries". Another factor is food waste. According to www.un.org, "an estimated 17% of total food production is wasted." Bringing it down to my country, Nigeria, according to www.blueprint.ng, "75% of food produced in Nigeria is wasted." This is because of lack of proper planning for the quantity of food to be produced and lack of proper storage of food. Another problem is conflict. Like in my country, Nigeria, there is serious long-running armed conflict and violence, disrupted livelihoods and reduced market access. I can give an example in the Northern part of my country where armed gunmen and herdsmen are killing people making them most at times afraid of going to the farm so food supply has reduced and food supply has been further strained due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • For me view point, I will attribute the problem of food crisis to the covid-19 pandemic, for example in Nigeria as a result of the pandemic the was an eight months lock down, which made most farmer to stay in-doors and not attend to their farm ,as a result of this I lead to the raise in insecurity. Most people started robbery in other to find food. An example of food that were very high after the lockdown were onion, Tomatoes etc.

    1. Why do you think food prices went up after lockdowns breathtaking_ferret?

      1. Food prices went up after the lockdown as a result of famers not going to their respective farms, so that reduced the amount of farm product available. According to the law of demand and supply.

    2. I say that Covid-19 is one of the reasons for food insecurity. But there are other reasons like crop failure, change in climate, conflict between two countries, imposing ban on trade with some foreign countries and so on. Do you think that Covid-19 is the only problem for food scarcity?

      1. Covid-19 is not the only cause is just on of the cause, it can also be the reason why two or more counties will lock there borders in order to prevent the spread but as time goes on things start coming back to normal but there are still more cause of food crisis like selling of substandard seed for cultivation

  • The developing countries in Africa and Asia possess a high percentage of primary raw materials, and they must, with all possibilities, exploit and invest their raw materials so as not to fall into the cycle of blackmailing the great powers and using food as a means of pressure by the great powers (meaning achieving food independence and then political independence from the major countries ).

    1. Can you give a few examples of what you mean by this, sensible_impression?

    2. Very interesting point sensible_impression! Whilst they the possess raw materials they do not always benefit monetarily as much other countries who use their raw materials to develop the products. What do you think about countries in Africa and Asia investing more in developing the end products of their raw materials / controlling more of the supply chain?

  • In my opinion there many reasons that cause food crisis. But one of the main reasons of food crisis are the people who waste food.

    1. Can you explain a little bit more please, educated_queen?

    2. Yes food wastage is not good, but imagining someone that is in Nigeria and is wasting food because there is excess supply, do you think it will affect someone in south Africa?
      In my opinion no.

      1. Good point @emotional_meaning, can you give some evidence to support your opinion?

  • In my opinion there are many reasons that cause food crisis. One of the main reasons is wasting food. As for some people who go and eat in restaurants they don't finish their dishes so some restaurants end up throwing the food instead of giving it to someone who could have advantage of it. One of the other reasons is covid 19 and world wars .
    I do agree with the people who say that the world leaders aren't doing enough to stop the food crisis. I think that they should encourage citizens to stop wasting food . They can also do charity work I think that it will help alot.

  • Yes, it is true, in addition to the increase in population numbers and the high rate of unemployment in the world and due to wars and conflicts in some countries, which led to the displacement of millions of people, and this is a main factor for poverty and hunger, and for this the state must achieve food security through agricultural practices and cultivation of crops that are more adaptable to the climate and preserving forests and natural resources.

  • It's true that world leaders aren't doing enough but for my opinion they are trying and there is some people who are trying to help the people who are dying because they didn't eat for a duration of time and there is some programmes like (world food programme) who helped 86.7million people in around 83 country every year and they are delivering food assistance in places of emergencies

  • Firstly world hunger is caused by so many factors and the inability for people to control those factors has brought about food crisis. Some of these factors are:
    • Water and land pollution has contributed a great deal to the unavailability of food in the world.
    •terrorist attacks, when terrorist attack farms they would not be able to farm meaning there would not be a good agriculture yield.
    •Climate change, crops that are supposed to grow in specific seasons may not be able to because of the seasonal fluctuation.
    •The mindset of seeing farmers as poor people and farming as a dirty work.
    •poverty is also a major contributing factor.

    1. Hi emotional meaning ,how has water and land pollution contributed a great deal to the unavailability of food in the world.

      1. When the land is polluted ,it is a hindrance for crops to grow because some deposited substances in those area can make the land barren. When the is oil spillage in a specific area you will notice that before any farm activity can be held in such areas it will take a long time and sometimes that land is totally damaged.
        Water pollution is also a very huge cause of the unavailability of food,water pollution makes aquatic organisms to die and no one can use polluted water to water their crop and their crop will come out healthy . A example is the Niger Delta region in Nigeria ,they are rich in their oil production(crude oil) but it is at the expense of their agricultural system there is a high rate of water and land pollution and that has affected the availability of food.

    2. what are the measures can taken to prevent this type of causes ?

    3. I agree with everything you say except for one point, which is climate change. . Where these problems were eliminated in advance by the invention of greenhouses, which are houses made of transparent materials that permeate the sun's rays and whose purpose is to provide vegetables and fruits throughout the year despite climate change.

    4. I agree because most farmer have the mind-set that their fore father were farmers and the died poor people so they also agree that they are poor people instead of doing it in a different way, the reuse to be innovative.

    5. Hi emotional meaning, yes your points are nice but l have one question ,what is the main cause of food crises and how can control or reduce food crised

  • The increase in population causes more demand for food and when the supply for food is less it will lead to hunger which will emerge to a food crisis.

  • The global food crisis is a very big one, and it must be overcome as soon as possible. The reasons for this crisis are the lack of economic integration between countries and because of the many internal and external conflicts, and also because of the climate. There are some desert countries where agriculture is not possible because their climate is not temperate, as well as the polar regions, so solutions must be found as soon as possible To solve this crisis, all countries must unite with each other in order to overcome this crisis and stay away from wars because wars cause great famines. Therefore, people must cooperate with each other with love, and job opportunities must be provided to employ manpower. This is how we will eliminate this crisis.

  • I agree with you strongly, but I want to add some things first. When the wars come, the crossings are closed. No lunch comes to the town in which the war is, and therefore the price of food increases. This affects the economic situation. When the price of food increases, it affects the family by increasing expenses. Secondly, politics. For example, if the country is a friend of another country, it will issue lunch to it. But if another country is its enemy, it will not give it food, then the friendly country will have sufficient food, and it will be sleeping and developed. As for the enemy, it will have a crisis, and it will be poor and will not develop. As for the heads of the world, he does not care about the people, because they have not tasted poverty and have not been tormented because they have a lot and a lot of money.

  • I have a slightly different point of view. There is no specific reason for the spread of hunger and the global food crisis. Rather, there are many factors that share its spread. First, I am talking about Covid 19, which has contributed greatly in recent times to an increase in the rate of hunger in various parts of the world, as people were unable to go out to work to provide a morsel. Secondly, the weak economic resources of the people, the spread of unemployment, the lack of job opportunities, and most importantly, the weakness of cooperation between countries. Most countries depend on the aid provided by developed countries to developing countries. Weak relations between countries contribute significantly to the spread of the global food crisis.

    1. Champion_conclusion you have perfectly described the global food crisis as a 'wicked problem' (a social or cultural problem that is difficult or impossible to solve). Nonetheless, can you come up with any ideas or solutions that can mitigate some of the causes of the global food crisis - what would be most important to address first where you live?

  • Some countries suffer from lunch crises and the existence of famines, so why? 1 Because of the wars used by the Russians and the enemies among themselves on agricultural lands, they use chemicals that burn agricultural crops and environmental pollution.

    2 In the State of Palestine, a wall is being built, destroying infrastructure and looting agricultural land.

    3In other countries, they suffer from problems in agriculture, like drought, like Africa. This soil cannot be planted with because it does not contain water, and the plant needs attention. If the weather is not suitable, this plant will not grow because it needs rain and sunlight for the process of photosynthesis and energy.

    4 Other countries suffer from agricultural failure due to agricultural pests, so they have no progress to discover pesticides to get rid of pesticides or buy them.

    5 In other countries, there are disputes among them, so they are prevented from importing food, and this affects the population of the country.

    6 There are families, after the death of one of the parents, who covet property and work to divide the land, so that it becomes uncultivable

  • The industrialized countries should help the poor countries to solve the food problem by opening factories in the developing countries and the exploitation of agricultural raw materials.

    1. Countries with food problems affect the citizens because they only rely on the exploitation from other countries

      I disagree because... if the poor countries could produce and feed on their local product, food crisis won't be a problem for them..

  • The first and most important factor causing hunger is poverty, as well as wars in nations. Hunger can be overcome if the causes of hunger are eliminated. This means advancing regulations and behaviours that enable governments to access the food sources people need to have food available in countries food sources, agriculture promotion and food donations through food donations from countries with food availability.

  • With issues like waste and soil pollution, its a no brainer on why world hunger is still in full effect especially in underdeveloped countries. Blaming the world leaders is just anther way of saying " I'm too tired too own a garden at the back of my house so I'll wait until Joe Biden gets to visit and gives me a credit card to go shopping for groceries." Sometimes we just need to get things done on our own and hope for the best. Nobody will wait until they get mauled by a bear before they know it isn't really a good idea to get too close, the same goes for hunger. So I say that people start feeding themselves with the organic stuff from their soil and stop worrying about the government doing something about it.

    1. ...but what about people who don't have that choice? Who don't have seeds, or good soil, or any land at all?

      1. That is true and a valid point. But we are living in a world wide neighborhood with a variety of edible life forms that can be nutritious and very tasty too. I don't think anyone has ownership over grasshoppers or earthworms. Also as technology advances we find out new ways of cultivating crops. Hydroponics and aeroponics.

  • Domestic food price inflation remains high around the world and inflation is high in almost all low- and middle-income countries. The Ukraine war changed global patterns of trade, production and consumption of primary commodities in a way that would keep prices at high levels until the end of 2024, leading to Exacerbating food insecurity and inflation Rising food prices have caused a global crisis pushing millions more into extreme poverty, exacerbating the hunger and malnutrition crisis, according to a World Bank report. Food and energy prices due to climatic shocks and conflict to stop the regression.

  • I think that the solution to the food crisis in the world requires the intensification of all countries producing raw and manufactured materials.

  • First, because of poverty
    Lack of resources such as agricultural land as well as the means to harvest, store and preserve food are major challenges facing the poor population. The cyclical nature of hunger makes it very difficult for those who suffer from hunger to help themselves. This is why those who have access to adequate resources need to step up and provide assistance.

    The United Nations estimates that nearly a third of the food the world produces is wasted each year. This is more than enough to feed the undernourished mass. It is unlikely that food that is currently wasted will be sent to poor communities, but by respecting food we can work towards a global redistribution of food resources to help those in need.

    1. Hi @digital_pigeon As you have stated that according to UN nearly a third of the food the world produces is wasted each year.
      What do you think the reasons, for that much food being wasted?

    2. I agree with your comment, and it also caught my attention, but how do we work on global redistribution in order to help the needy and to reduce the stage of hunger and poverty

  • I think that because of the population increase in the world and the tendency of the world and countries to electronic business via the Internet, which makes the workforce less and think about the nutritional aspect less

    1. Pioneering_orca you have raised some great points. Here in the UK, the internet enables us to order groceries online to pick up in store or straight to our doors, customer data can also help to better manage demand and supply and reduce wastage. We also have traffic light labelling on our foods to give us an indication of how healthy it is (red - unhealthy, green - healthy). How could we use the internet better to facilitate food distribution? How can we encourage people to eat more nutritional food?

    2. I think so because people are all looking for white collar jobs like working with the mass media or the internent , instead of entrying the business like farming usually some people usually look down on jobs like farming because they think that it does not bring income but we forget to look at people like "Dangote" who is one of the richest people in the world who deal's on food stuff . So i strongly encourage the people and the government to enter the farming aspect to help stop the case fo food crisis.

      1. lovely_meteor how might you encourage more people to get back into farming?

  • Another reason why it is difficult for world hunger to be solved is because of the poor storage infrastructure. After harvesting the crops, the crops needs to be stored properly in a good storage infrastructure but when the storage infrastructure is bad the crops get damaged and the quantity of the crops supplied will be reduced causing low production and supply of food which will eventually lead to hunger. For example in Nigeria, Ogun state farms cassava, maize, fruits and vegetables all this crops contribute significantly to the Nigerian food system but the food system is affected because of the poor infrastructure. When a food system in a country is affected it causes people to starve.

    1. You have used brilliant problem-solving abilities here mesmerising_swam. Your comment is very well-explained.

    2. I feel it also depends on the soil that will be used to farm. In Nigeria, Oloibiri was the first place oil( crude oil) was discovered. The drilling of oil in that area made the water and land polluted, fishing in that area is fruitless because the aquatic organisms are dead due to the water pollution there. Farming there is also hard because the land is polluted with oil. Agricultural activities in Oloibiri is really had. Till date Oloibiri has not fully recovered from this, the water there is still polluted. Oloibiri is not the only place affected by this, states in riverine areas mostly in the southern part of Nigeria are affected by land and water pollution due to the exploration. These areas face a great amount of food scarcity.

  • I agree with the statement which is given above.Many of us didn't felt the hunger,but there are people who are under going food crisis.There are many reasons for food crisis some of them are:
    *war between countries *economic problem*food wastage *un-even distribution of food. War between two countries makes the people feel unsecured and also makes the people unsecured. Economical problem makes the people cannot buy the food the essential they want .food wastage the foods are wasted because of the over yielding of food ,this is not distributed equally to every one,this makes food crisis when the food is not distributed equally ,who want food will not get food and one who have more food will get it again and again that makes food waste this is the main reason for food crisis .
    This problem can be solved by reducing the rate of the food and food materials which the crops are yield or by distributing the food/crops to the people correctly

    1. You have used our problem-solving and knowledge skills in your comment hardworking_chicken! You have done this by identifying the reasons why we haven't solve the problem of world hunger and offering a solution. Well done!

  • i think that every one should have food even if they are poor because just because they have no money does not mean that they can not eat and maybe get ill or die!

  • i think that the war is no help to food poverty because the prizes have gone up in every single thing because 3 years ago milk was £1 and now it is like £2!

    1. Why do you think war affects the price of food?

      1. 1)Because some our food comes from Russia and we don't want to pay them for food while they are in a war with Ukraine.
        2) Also some of our food comes from Ukraine so we have to work harder to get food so that means it is more money than maybe 3 , 4 years ago.

        3) This does not have to do with the war but there is a lot of food waste that does not need to happen.

      2. Because in wars it is difficult for people (sellers) to sell, and even if it is not difficult for them to sell, in war the crossings are closed, making it difficult for food to enter the country.

      3. Yes, it does, because sometimes wars can last and remain for a long time, so the state is forced not to export food items such as grains and oils, which leads to an increase in the price of food all over the world

    2. I agree because... prices are going hire every day so every one should help us to stop this crisis and what i think we should do is stop war in every country and share food

      1. Why are increased prices a bad thing?

  • In my honest opinion world leaders are actually doing their best but falling to tackle the root cause of the problem which is population. Most parts of the world especially Africa allow families to give birth to any number of children not taking into consideration the social, financial and other factors which may directly or indirectly impact the country. Also another major problem is the location of the country, some areas are to dry to allow crops that will be enough for the state to grow while other parts that are suitable may have been affected by climate and global warming. If world leaders can tackle this two problems the impact they try to make concerning world hunger would be felt more.

    1. Curious_contribution, thank you for your comment.

      You say that most countries do not limit the number of children that families have (which is true). Which governments have tried to have limits? Should governments limit family sizes, and how do you think families would feel about that?

      1. A country like China have a system that allows only 2 children to be born into a household and this has worked seeing how developed they are and how they have a minimal percentage of hungry people. Government can limit the size of families especially if its for a good purpose and definitely some people may feel hurt especially if their religion allows it and may say the government violated their rights but at the same time some others would be okay with the situation, it will be a situation of mixed emotions.

        1. China has recently increased the number of children allowed to three. They are trying to encourage more children to be born. Why might this be?

          1. They are an industrialized nation and may be in need of labor or in a case of global crises may need soldiers.

  • I think that there is no way to permanently erase world hunger but there are a few ways to lower the effect it has on people, currently an estimated 12.8% of households on the earth have skipped or had smaller meals because of not being able to afford them, action has already been put in place to stop this such as foodbanks and charities, but I think that more could be done instead of relying on food banks I think that the government should donate a monthly amount of money to the people that need it. This money would pay for a healthy meal each day of the week. Another way to tackle world hunger is to tackle poverty, I think that to eliminate world hunger we first need to eliminate poverty because the definition of poverty is not having the basic needs, this means that if we get rid of poverty less people with have hunger because no poverty means everyone can afford food.
    How to eliminate poverty? There are a few ways we can start to get rid of poverty but completely eliminate it would be hard or even impossible. One way we could help would be to donate money to charities or find ways to make the basic needs more affordable. Another way we could fix it would be to supply shelter to those who need it ,by eliminating poverty we might even eliminate world hunger.

    1. A great reference to the cost of living crisis which is in the news currently shy_duck! You problem-solve brilliantly when you reference solving poverty to eliminate world hunger. Great use of our skills, I have awarded you 2 stars!

    2. Shy_duck thanks for sharing that statistic - 12.8% equates to millions and millions of people! The UK government already has a system in place called 'universal credit' which supports people with their living costs. What do you think are the pros and cons of this system? Do you think it could be working better?

      Do you have any suggestions about how we could basic needs more affordable?

    3. I disagree because...
      How do you expect a country running on a deficit budget give an example Uganda that is required to pay their debts as soon as possible to start donating a monthly amount of money to the hungry. Why shouldn't the international organizations like UN come in to help them instead.

    4. I agree because... it is nearly impossible to eliminate world hunger permanently, due in part to situations such as climate change, where a lot of destruction is taking place, the land is constantly being abused, crop yields are decreasing, and animal habitats are being destroyed. Another factor to consider is that the government is not making it easy by enriching itself at the expense of its citizens and the environment. I also believe that more people should be involved in agriculture, as this will help to alleviate the effects of global hunger.

      1. A thoughtful response excited_fruit, thank you. How might people be encouraged to get involved in careers in agriculture?

  • The obstacle factor behind the problem of Zero Hunger
    is poverty because if we want to solve the problem we must first eliminate poverty since poverty is often the direct cause of malnutrition, even in countries where food is available in supermarkets and people who cannot afford healthy food, or food in general, They tend to get sick more easily. And a healthy lifestyle is basically the result of social and economic progress!

  • We cannot get rid of hunger permanently, but we can eradicate hunger somewhat by opening charities and places through which we can help the population and the poor, and also food has started to rise in price and this becomes more maybe An obstacle to associations because there are a large number of poor people in our time. Now I have an idea that the association can take from the population and the poor a very small amount and collect it and provide them with enough food. Of course, it takes the money in a very simple way and collects it And increase it from the money of the association, and thus it can provide food sufficiently to the population and the poor (the payment must be not by compulsion, but by will).

  • I think food crises didn't occurs just because of financial issues . If it is so then why Americans have food crisis ? Money is not at all a problem. The problem is with us .We have enough food but we are not ready to share it with the needy people. Also people are wasting the food they eat. Since they are did not the value of food they are just throwing it in the garbage . Food crisis can be reduced by taking the following steps
    * Share the food
    * Take the enough food in your plate which you can eat . Once you have took the food in your plate it shouldn't go to the garbage .
    * Bring awareness among the people
    * Also the leaders should take necessary action on the people who are wasting their food .
    * Respect the farmers because next to our mother the only person who gives us food whole heartedly is farmers.so respect them . The government should also provide the necessary subsidiary to them .

  • I will agree with the statement that world leaders does not take an active role and are ignorant because they haven't experienced the same case scenario. In fact I came to know that one third of the the food produced is wasted, which counts to numbers of billions of food going waste every year. The leaders of countries have the potential to make a 'hunger free' world but they does not care much about it.

  • I think Food scarcity is one of the most important issues that affects many countries around the world. It exists because of several reasons such as climate change, conflicts and not sharing food effectively. Therefore, we have to think how can we solve these problems.Actually, I thought deeply to find some solutions. The first thing  that we have to focus on is buliding healthy mentality by raising generations that appraise the natural resourcers by following the right instructions in using different things in our lives. Besides, we have to increase our resources by  cultivation to increase the production of food. In terms of climate, we have to collaborate to stop the climate change by increasing energy efficiency by using renewable energy and working to end the era of  fossil fuel subsidies. I think that will prevent pollution which I consider it the main reason for weather extreme. For the conflicts between countries which cause a huge loss of food , I think we, as  teenagers, can make a difference in the decisions that  the leaders of the most powerful countries make by the power of the social media apps  to convey our message to stop wars and share food with needy countries. Nothing impossible if we gathered and worked together to have wealthy and peaceful world.

    1. Which of your solutions is the most important and why?

  • Food crisis can be caused by many factors such as climate change, internal conflicts and international influences, and the most important and not much discussed one People's knowledge about food management. We should know how to not waste the food and accordingly buy the edible goods. We should also know the difference between "BEST BEFORE" and "EXPIRY DATE". We should also encourage "AGRICULTURE " instead of neglecting it.
    We should know the proper storage methods to prevent our food getting spoilt much faster. The production levels are greater than the consumption yet people are dying out of hunger , so to avoid this proper distribution of food must be ensured by the respective authorities. So hereafter, before wasting our food we should think that we are wasting the food which could have been in someone's plate. The small change which we do today can inspire many people.

    Food Crisis caused by conflicts,war and violence can last for years even the fight has ended.

    Food is something binded up with our emotions, so let us ensure that EVERYBODY in this world experience that....
    *save food save lives*

    1. Hi @enlightened_chicken,

      Nice point about production levels being greater than consumption.

      What uses can you think of for food which has not been purchased/consumed, by restaurants and supermarkets, instead of them throwing it away?

  • Being a part of this world makes everyone responsible for finding solutions for global crises.  When someone doesn’t have regular access to enough nutritious food, when conflict becomes the biggest driver of hunger globally, responsible for 65% of people currently facing hunger and food insecurity, when food prices increase which have devastating effects on the poorest and most vulnerable people,when a child 11-year-old called Emmanuel in Togo says,"When my mother could not find food for us, we would sleep on empty stomachs" , all of us should stop, think , do all what we can to change this world to better for all humans. In my country, we have poor people, but many social institutions and rich people help them, therefore; we don't have people who die because of hunger. If we apply the same technique globally, rich countries help poor countries. I think this will solve this painful crisis

  • I think the main reason could be the pandemic because of it even the neighbouring countries are hesitating to trade with each other. The other reason would be the irresponsibility of worldly leaders. As they are fulled with their own plates they don't even care about the others illness

    1. Do you think it's fair to say all world leaders don't care about others? Can you find an example of a world leader showing empathy?

  • I agree with this topic because leaders and heads of state in particular, no matter how much money they support with money, food resources and aid, do not spend it on people who live in the country and do not feelwith poor people Also, governments do nothing to help others and the poor, only spend on whomever they want, so that everyone remains in famine and food crisis, and poverty is a factor in the food crisis, as well as wars that destroy agricultural production Governments must eradicate povertyHeads of state are only concerned with their own interest, well-being and livelihood, and they do not care about the state's living conditionsWe can get rid of the food crisis by eliminating poverty, and this role belongs to governments

    1. You say 'governments do nothing to help others and the poor'. This is quite a sweeping statement. Can you challenge yourself to find examples of government policy which helps others.

  • Yes, it is true, because the owners of money do not feel poor, and the lunch crisis is increasing due to the lack of available resources, and some countries are interested in solving their own problems
    Wasting money on unnecessary things
    Climate is one of the causes of poverty in changing seasonal fluctuations

  • In addition to world leaders, the rich are not affected by this food crisis because they have more money and power than the rest. It's because the government raises the prices of essential commodities which makes more difficult for a common man to eat food three times a day. To construct a industry, the rich and wealthy people forcefully take away the land from the farmers and they were forced to move out of their land. They do not know what to do next and so they get loan from moneylenders who charge exorbitant rate of interest. The farmers were unable to pay and commit suicide. Most of the farmers lost lives and as a result there were few of them, who can produce crops but not match with the demand. This causes inflation which is very difficult for the poor people to buy it. This inflation also affects the price of seeds of crops which is the primary raw material for agriculture. They make the soil ready for harvest and they plant the seed and grow the crop. Due to irregular rainfall, the crops may damage and because of that food becomes scarce.
    The most risky problem is after the harvest, they were unable to find a warehouse to keep their surplus grains safe and forced to keep in open space in countries like India . Several factors like rain, pests, rats damage the harvested grains. Due to all these problems food has become very scarce and the farmers who produce food for us were not able to eat enough food.

    1. Thank you for your comment cherished_expression, are you describing a particular event here? Where have you got your information from about it. You've given lots of detail about problems, can you offer any solutions to any of these issues>

  • When it comes to solving hunger the first thing is that we have utilise what is in our plate without wasting it. About 70% of food is getting wasted. If focus on saving food we can definitely solve hunger gradually

  • The real reason is we don't have time to concern about it. Nowadays we humans have become selfish. We don't have kindness in our heart. We waste our food alot in year or in a day but, we wasting it just for a minute think about the needy. The rich is becoming high and the poor is going into the ground. Humanity is the key to solve the food crisis... Let's act with an humanity.

  • There are many reasons that affect the food crisis in the world , including natural challenges such as floods , earthquakes , waves of desertification and drought , and human challenges such as wars , as well as weapon residues that directly affact agriculture.
    The large population and this is what is happening now in Africa and Countries with weak economies
    And it can also be one of the most important causes of food crises are diseases than affect plants , such as the disease that afficted the potatoes in Ireland in 1845 , which caused a great famine because the people of Ireland depended by 33% on their source of livelihood and food .

  • I agree that the leaders of the countries doesn't care for food crisis since they have sufficient food themselves. But it is also important to note that in the same countries, there are still places and there are still people going hungry everyday. When the government can't feed it's entire population first, how it is expected to heed the voices of food crisis in other countries. The food crisis can only be controlled if there is a equal distribution of food to every part of the world. I was happened to see an article which stated that 1.3billion of food is wasted every year. So I won't just blame the leaders of the well fed countries and it's responsiblity of every human on earth

  • I agree the statement.Food crisis,It is one of the world's most urgent and solvable issue.It happens when people do not have enough food to eat.Firstly agrarian crisis can be taken as one of the main reason for food crisis, as sufficient food is necessary to reduce hunger.For example, climate conditions,high input cost,cutback in agricultural subsides ,low farm income leads to crisis .Moreover , agricultural indebtedness pushed several farming households into poverty.Secondly Poverty, although there is sufficient food but there are people who are unable to get it due to uneven distribution and overpopulation.Thus world hunger can be reduced by not wasting food,equal distribution of wealth and by joining hands with our government and focus on eradicating poverty .

  • I agree with the statement that says world leaders are not doing anything to solve this problem, But I don't deny the existence of many other factors I am talking about my homeland"Palestine"for example: the excessive population growth has led to the poverty of one third of the population of Palestine, at rate of 29.2. If we look at the Gaza strip we found that 53% suffer poverty, that is more than half of the population, Then there is a population for many , there most be a big space in order to live in it, no , no , no , there is a big difference in the number of people and the area in which they live, and this is called the population density,as it reached 26,400 citizens per square kilometres in Gaza.
    I think all of this is an influencing factors...

  • Political instability,Huge population,diversified people ,cost of living,destroying agricultural lands and large imports (oils and gases)

  • I think that world leaders are trying for this cause, but every country is trying to solve the problem according to its own finances. There are poor countries that cannot solve the problem because of the increase in population, lack of job opportunities and lack of money. Therefore, it cannot solve it by itself, but it can solve it with the help of rich countries. In this way, we can solve this problem Of course, there are other reasons that have led to an increase in poverty, such as the lack of adequate water and food, wars and disasters. Wars are one of the biggest causes of poverty and poor education. If there are educated people, the state will be self-sufficient, not needing anyone’s help and being able to produce its own food. If all peoples are educated, there will be no Poverty and we will not be exposed to food crises. Climate change: As natural disasters such as droughts, floods, and storms affect poor communities more, especially since most of the poor in the world depend on agriculture and fishing, and they usually have enough food for one season only, while they do not have the necessary material reserve in the event of a disaster Any possible natural disaster, in difficult climate changes, millions of people lose their food reserves and become poorer, which makes it difficult for them to reach the state of sufficiency that they were previously. We can solve the problem of the food crisis through cooperation between world leaders, then we can think of ideas that we can eliminate on the food crisis

    1. I agree because when technology and innovations of different countries come together it will give us a solution. Eventhough food crisis cannot be eliminated thoroughly , we can take steps to reduce it..

      1. Can you give us reasons why we can't eliminate the lunch crisis?

  • The problem is our leaders are ignoring about food crisis, they are more involved in economical growth. Reasons for food crisis is weather conditions, poverty and the most important thing is CONFLICT. And price raise of commodities, like in our country Tomatoes price is raised, which is main thing for cooking, so poor people can't afford it. These are all the reasons I think.

    1. I'm interested to hear that the price of tomatoes is important in your country. Do other Topical Talkers have different foods that are relied upon?

  • I think food crises didn't occurs just because of financial issues . If it is so then why Americans have food crisis ? Money is not at all a problem. The problem is with us .We have enough food but we are not ready to share it with the needy people. Also people are wasting the food they eat. Since they are didn't know the value of food they are just throwing it in the garbage . Food crisis can be reduced by taking the following steps
    * Share the food
    * . Once you have took the food in your plate it shouldn't go to the garbage .
    * Bring awareness among the people
    * Also the government should take necessary action on the people who are wasting their food .
    * Respect the farmers because next to our mother the only person who gives us food with whole heartedly are farmers.so respect them . The government should also provide the necessary subsidiary to them .

    1. A lot of food waste occurs at the production and distribution level- by those who produce the food and those who sell it. Can you find any examples of how that happens?

      1. Yes, I agree with your statement that a lot of food is wasted at the production and distribution level . This occurs when distributors have more food ( that is a particular food for instance if a shopkeeper have only one type of food then surely it will be wasted because consumers will expect a variety of food ). Also the distributors couldn't distribute the food before the EXPIRY DATE thus the food get wasted .

        1. This is an interesting point. Do you think that food waste is made worse by people today who have a lot of food, expecting a large variety of food? Why do you think they expect this?

    2. I agree because on the point of us having plenty of food and not sharing it with the needy instead just wasting it which is a mean act and also it is indeed bad to throw away food when their are people in need of it.And also it is true that farmers give us food whole heartedly

  • Solving hunger is not just about giving or providing food. There are millions of people who are facing hunger crisis in the world and the reason behind it is not only shortage of food but also poor resource management and poor agricultural progress in those countries. Overcoming world hunger crisis is not that difficult but the main difficulty is to provide basic resources to these countries. One of the main problem these days in overcoming world hunger is the war between Russia and Ukraine. The united nation has warned that acute food insecurity is likely to "rise precipitously" by the end of the year in 19 "hunger hot spots" around the world in the part due to Russia's war against Ukraine. During this period a very strong resource management is needed to stop the large scale hunger crisis due to war between Russia and Ukraine. This will not only help Ukraine but also other countries which are facing food crisis from a very long time.

    1. Great use of current affairs to give an example, this shows fantastic creativity and problem solving. I also like how you have quoted the UN experts. Well done!

  • Frankly, I liked this discussion very much because the problem of hunger is circulating in the world more and more and because of the interruption of sources of income and the lack of manpower due to the increase in unemployment and dependency in the world and this causes pressure on food resources and creates problems and causes hunger in the world, and no matter how we work to solve this problem, we will not be able to eliminate it completely Because people who do not live this crisis will not be able to fully imagine its suffering as those who live it.

  • We cannot eliminate poverty permanently, but it is possible to reduce and reduce it. There are several ways to reduce the spread of poverty: prevent corruption, fight corruption, create jobs, etc... But I thought a lot, unless I found that we launched an initiative or launched a charitable campaign (Charity Fund) in every country or city and we collect donations and distribute them to poor or achieve food security, we will reduce the spread of poverty. Ministers must build many charitable institutions, and there is a way that can be successful, which is to save and store food, donate clothes and things stored in drawers, which are not used, so that the poor can benefit from them

    1. These are some great options and suggestions to reduce poverty. I noticed you said we cannot eliminate poverty permanently - are you able to share some reasons why this is not possible?

      1. Because there are many remote places in developing countries far from the sights of charitable institutions, and the inability of countries to cover all the needs of the poor in developing countries, and the lack of interest of some officials in the lives of the poor.

  • I believe that food is a natural right that must be guaranteed to man.
    Likewise, international conventions and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) prepared the Food and Agriculture to secure the nutritional needs of human beings on the globe.
    But the larger the population, the more food the world needs.
    There are many reasons that caused the food crisis:
    1- Infighting and internal fighting.
    2- The slowness of the rulers in resolving the food crisis.
    3- Climate changes such as drought and change in the amount of rain.
    As a student, I suggest some solutions:
    International cooperation between the countries of the world, especially the developed countries, and the provision of aid, as usual, to developing countries.
    And I hope that the world is one without discrimination between (race, gender or color)

  • I think the major reason is lack of humanity because in modern scenario no one thinks about others. Here people are ready to waste the food than to provide needy. At that point of time if they think about the people who are hungry they might haven't waste the food.so,i think if people starts to understand others feeling with some sort of humanity there will be no global food crisis.here are my reasons. THANKYOU .

  • Food is just indispensable in any living beings' life.In today's world, solving the problem of world hunger is a major problem.Most people might think that population is the reason for world hunger while a few assume that world hunger arises because there's not enough food to feed everyone.But we produce more than enough food to feed everyone in this world.Though there are a number of reasons for world hunger,the main reason for this hunger is poverty, wastage of food items.Well, if you ask me what is the main reason behind these two it's "the greed."It's the greed of human beings.We waste so much of food items to create some crazy videos and get likes on internet and we waste so much of food because we have food in excess.I have personally seen some people where they better let their fruits and vegetables to get wasted rather than give it to those who are in need of it at a slightly lower price.Everyone knows that it incurrs cost and the person selling needs to get a profit out of it to make his/her living.But if he/she is ready to let the whole thing get wasted without any benefit for him,why not give that to someone who is desperately in need of it by slightly lowering the price?Also,sometimes,people without knowing the difference between "best before date" and "expiry date" tend to throw away the edibles before it's expiry period.This world hunger is a serious problem which needs to get addressed and can only be sorted out when people start to care for each other and share among one another.

  • It is also the cause of climate change
    Climate change
    Farmers in developing countries cannot grow food and crops in areas where temperatures have risen and rainfall patterns have become less predictable. Farmers plant too late or too early and lose their crops to unpredictable weather patterns such as storms and droughts. A light harvest can devastate a society already struggling with hunger. From 1998 to 2017, global economic losses from disasters were estimated at $3 trillion, according to the United Nations.

    The solution to global hunger is a world in which everyone has the resources and tools to produce their own food. After all, a full stomach remains full for a long time.

    1. This is a great point - I like that you touched on the impact of climate change on the global food crisis. Which food would you produce if you had the resources?

  • The global food crisis is a serious crisis that has a lot of damage, so this problem must be solved as soon as possible. There are many families who are hungry at this time because they do not have the money to buy food. There are also hungry children and orphans. To solve this dangerous crisis, all countries must reconcile with each other and spread Love between people, because if all countries reconcile with each other, wars and conflicts will end, because wars and conflicts are the cause of the food crisis. Also, there are solutions to protect plants when climate change and the presence of medicines for diseases that spread such as Covid 19, this is how we will solve the food crisis

  • In my opinion, i strongly agree with what the statement says on blaming the government leaders for the current on going food crisis in the world but we should not forget about the ignorance that the people are showing where by we are seeing thousands of people practicing horrible acts such as deforestation which can lead to soil infertility.
    Many people are ignorantly defertilizing the fertile soils hence reducing on the quality and quantity of the food ,this is also a big cause on the current and ongoing food crisis in the world.

  • Our world has a problem in the form of hunger it is an issue that cannot be solved easily.
    Today, we have been blessed with more and more food. There are many reasons why people starve including poverty,economic unstability,supply chain issue and the most important is conflicts.
    Today, we have been blessed with enough food but today some peoples are hungry and some are not afford this.There is no shortage of food but some peoples waste the food.

  • The World is facing the shortage of food. We hadn't faced this type of Food Shortage After the World War II. There are many basic reasons of this shortage, like Russo-Ukrainian War, Poverty, Civil Wars in many Countries and limited means to supply.
    • Russia and Ukraine have been in a war for almost 9 Months. It is causing global food crises because many of the basic needs of life such as wheat, potash, cotton are imported from these two countries. The war had resulted in no export from these two and is affecting the whole World.. We must stop this war, although we can't do it ourselves but we must force our Governments to make a role in solving this war issue.
    • Second big reason is Poverty. In 2021, it was estimated that 9% of our population is living the life of poverty. It is due to bad infrastructures of employment, import and export and taxes.. Poverty directly varies the Food shortage.. I think that it is the Government of every country which can be helpful to eliminate poverty. They must give people relief about taxes and employ them at different jobs. So, that they can make food by themselves!!

    1. I agree because... You have described
      Basics problems of your country,we have to solve these basic problems

      1. Can you give us solutions to solve the basic problems?

  • Discussing this topic in my class leads me to look for more information about it using the internet. Actually, the photos of hungry people that different news channels show broke my heart. l think we should do sth. to stop hunger all over the world. Many ideas come to my mind such as spreading awareness about the value of food and how to save it. Also, we have to ask our leaders to work with other countries in order to share food and help poor countries which suffer from the lack of food.
    In addition, we have to save our environment to Last for next generations . Therefore, we have to buy sustainable products. l think everyone is responsible for this, so we have to think more and more to solve this preblem.

  • On my side I agree with the statement that the world leaders are not different or do not care if their people eat or not , because on their side every thing is fine so some of them keep a deaf ear while others only react when cried aloud to. Most leaders intend to provide food to people and some people have no access to it or it does not reach them. So in my opinion the way to solve this problem is that already available companies, industries and businesses can be improved by either making branches in different areas in order for people to get employed there and get jobs in order for everyone to earn money and be able to provide for them selves basic needs especially food.

  • First of all, before leaders are blamed, have people checked themselves? Most world leaders are trying their best to solve this problem of the food crisis but they are at times working with some people that do not co ordinate . because for example in here in Uganda, the government has put countless measures so that food crisis is worked upon by solving some of its causes like unemployment whereby they are aiding setting up of industries but people do not want to work. The government has further more provided money for people to start businesses so that they can get money and buy necessisties like food but they end up using it for other things and at the end of the day they have nothing to use to buy food hence starving.

  • Ending hunger isn't about supply .the world produces enough food to feed on the planet. The problem is access and availability , both of which are disrupted by things like supply food chain,extreme weather,food waste,one's gender and-worst or all - conflict.POVERTY is the principle cause of global hunger.Half of the world's population lives on less $5.50.Poverty is often at the heart of hunger -it's brought on or made worst by drivers like conflict and natural disasters. When people can't afford the food their families need,it limits their child's physical and emotional development and perpetuates the cycle of hunger and poverty. In my point of view ,We can solve this issue by reduce food waste , by embrace climate smart agriculture ,by invest in disaster risk reduction, by enhance crops with bio fortifications,by control infestations and crop infections.

    1. You are making some really good points in your last sentence, but what about the countries suffering from climate change and/or for example flooding? How these countries can face hunger?

      1. Whenever a country faces flood ,it causes a lot of damage to crops livestock and infrastructure .It not only destroys the harvesting crops but also deteriorates the cultivating lifecycle of crops ..the particular country whether it was self sufficient for it's grains become dependent on other countries to fulfill it's grains demand .In this way climate change causes hunger. Hunger and malnutrition are issues of both quantity and quality . climate change affect both.Studies shows that higher concentration of carbon dioxide in plants reduce the protein,zinc and iron content.By 2050 an estimated 175 million people could develop zinc deficiencies

  • I think the world hasn't solved the world hunger problem because the world is facing major problems like desertification that is increasing day by day and to prove this, according to our geography lessons " the earth has warmed between 1.1 and 1.3 ever since the industrial revolution" so the food production is decreasing day by day so many countries have started to focus their resources to help the food crisis in their countries so they can't help other countries that are affected so much by drought or soil infertility. Countries have other problems that they need to give attention to like the most world problem that has just happened is the COVID 19 pandemic it left the world's economy fractured so, countries had to revert their resources to retrieve their economy again and little money and attention was given to solve the food crisis since the economy is more important. People in this problem can't help themselves since many of them are refugees from natural disasters caused by global warming like the rising sea levels and many others. IN YOUR COMMUNITY HOW HAS GLOBAL WARMING AFFECTED PEOPLE AND WERE DO THEY RUN TO? IS WHERE THEY RUN TO OVERPOPULATED? These questions will help you understand why the food crisis is not yet solved yet and the effects of global warming are increasing day by day.

    1. Very good comment

  • Food is enough to feed people of world but main reasons of hunger are it's supply and it's demand. Millions of people are facing hunger which is ultimately results in death. It's basic cause is poverty. People of Africa and Asia are badly affected by poverty. Conflicts, political affairs,unequal distribution of food and wastage of food results in food crisis. For instance; Russia is a big exporter of gas,oil and fertilizer. But it is not fulfilling demands of other countries due to Russo-Ukrainian conflict. Pakistan's economy is badly effected by floods. Pakistan is a agricultural country. Our 60% population depends upon agriculture but due to floods 1/3 of total area of Pakistan is till under water.Due to this,for cereals crops and other needs Pakistan has become dependent on other countries.
    According to my thinking point of view; we can resolve issue of Food Crisis at global level by utilizing these steps * by resolving conflict's issues*decreasing ratio of poverty*making storage system better and by equal distribution of food.

  • I think that this is unfair because just because people are poor in many countries such as : Pakistan, India and Jamaica does not mean that people can't eat food and starve to death.

    1. Can you try explaining more you comment?

  • I know we are supposed to find out why up to now we haven't solved the problem of world hunger yet but don't you think we are supposed to discuss the results or problems the food crisis will lead to and how to find possible ways of preventing them.

    1. What would be your opinion on the questions you are asking?

      1. 1. Firstly, I will start by listing some of the results that this food crisis will lead to that is to say death of people which is the major result of this global food crisis. To find possible ways of preventing or reducing the results due to the food crisis. We can enhance the agricultural sector in order to produce more food that can help to feed the hungry.
        Poverty is also becoming a very big problem that is leading to this food crisis so in order to solve this the government can help to create more industries to help people get jobs in order to provide for themselves food or the UN can also step in to aid the hungry by providing them with some food and money to help them.

  • In my opinion there are many reasons that cause food crisis. One of the main reason is wasting food. People waste a lot of food in marriage. A lot of people on youtube waste food to get views. But this is wrong, we can give this food to people who need it.Food is not scarce in the word but we are not using it properly. We can't eliminate the global food crisis but we can reduce it. If every one consumes food according to their needs, it will reduce the global food crisis.
    Second of the main problem in all over the world is the war between Russia and Ukraine. the war happend Ukraine food eports all but stopped trapping around 25 million tonnes corn and wheat inside. the country equivalent to the annual consumption of all of the world least developed economies. Ukraine food exports are hugely importent to the global food supply
    Covid 19 still continues to grip some parts of the food supply chain worldwide. you had a series of bad harvests in recent years because of climate chain. this all disrupted food production.
    First of all we have to improve the condition of the country, if the condition of the country improve, then food crisis can be reduced

  • I agree because...
    Most world leaders are corrupt and they are given money by the government but they take most of the money given to them and use it for their own use and give little to the needy whereby most people in that region can be hit by hunger yet the leader is leaving a good and healthy life.
    People like farmers can plant their crops hoping that they are going to get high yields during the time of harvest but all of a sudden there can be too much sunshine which can easily dry the famer's crops.
    Covid-19 was also a problem because people were put into lockdown whereby it was hard for them to access food from the market and food prices increased highly where most people couldn't afford to get a good meal.

  • The reason why we haven't solved the case of hunger is because many people try to grow plants to eat but now due to the weather now that it is very hot plants can't grow because plants need water and sunlight but now we get very much sunlight but barely any rain so they don't grow so people can't eat them.

    1. Is this the only cause? Actually there are so many reasons for it.

  • I think that , in this case, "THERE IS NO WAY TO ELIMINATE WORLD HUNGER PERMANENTLY IN THE WORLD." This is because of three main problems and those are "Poverty in different households, some leaders and destroying the environment." 12% of the people are affected by poverty and this leads to the world hunger.
    Some leaders are ignorant and lazy that when they are given chance to give food to people, they decide to use it for their own good.
    Destruction of the environment also leads to world hunger. Activities like deforestation is the clearing, or cutting down, of forests. This leads to drought which leads to famine.
    So, I conclude by saying that if some leaders were knowledgeable and help people that are affected by poverty and practicing afforestation that aids in the formation of rainfall which helps in crop growing that produces food.

  • In my opinion, I would blame this on us, humans. All the suffering and food crisis is because of our ignorance and innocence of some. This is so, that most of the climatic changes and the known covid -19 have technically been caused and increased by our doings. for example through deforestation, bush burning, swamp drainage etc that cause climatic changes like drought leading to famine. As for innocence, around 65% of people in rural areas are migrating to towns leaving free land in villages for agriculture bare and leading to shortage of labour. Still on innocence, people are instead constructing buildings and inventing different stuff not minding about the harm they cause to the environment. And for covid-19 ,people don't even mind these days since they have the ''i don't care attitude'' which is increasing the spread of the disease hence hindering agriculture.

  • In my opinion, there are several reasons that lead to a food crisis.  If we want to end this crisis we have to end these reasons. Let's have a look at
      some of these reasons .
    First, Covid 19: Covid 19 is a strong factor that affected the food crisis, as factories stopped manufacturing food because of it, and this resulted in the unavailability of food in stores to be purchased, as 132 million people arrived suffering from hunger in 2022.
    Second, the increase in the proportion of the world's population, as the proportion of the world's population reached 777 million, according to the statistics of 2015.
    Third, the rise in prices is evidence of the food crisis, as the additional amounts spent on operating costs would have previously fed 9 million people for one month.
    Fourth, the war is a major driver of the food crisis, as nearly 60% of the hungry in the world live in areas suffering from war and violence. Ukraine suffers from this, as recent events in it confirm this.
    Finally, unemployment: In my country, the high rate of unemployment and the lack of jobs made the Palestinian people a consuming people and not a benefactor, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “There is no good in a nation that eats what it does not sow.”
    I proclaim lifting the siege on the Palestinian people, stopping wars, not rising prices so that every householder can provide food for his children, which will help and contribute to reduce the level of hunger in my country. For the other countries that suffer from the lack of food because of the previous reasons or other reasons, we can save the whole world from starving if we work  hand in hand and share what we have togother . One of the ideas that we can apply as young people to establish some websites to donate money for needy people especially in the countries which face droughts ,floods and other natural catastrophes .This charity work could save a good number of hungry people.

  • One of the reasons why we haven’t solved world hunger is because of the sudden pricing increase in markets all around the world. We know there are some people in the world that are suffering from money problems and more but since the daily products we use has increased massively increased people has started bulk buying leaving supermarkets and shops mostly empty. This has led the public with less things to buy as they need food that he others has took. For me, I believe that those who are bulk buying do not truly understand the hunger of other people.

  • The global food crisis in 2022, several crises come together, namely conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis and rising costs to pose a threat to up to millions of hungry people around the world, and there are many causes that helped in the emergence of famines such as poverty, drought, COVID-19 and conflict And climatic shocks, economic consequences, drought, and others... There is also a secondary factor, which is the high prices

  • The problem of world hunger has not yet been solved because there is not enough food to feed everyone. There are many reasons for this, including poverty, war, and natural disasters.
    There are a number of reasons why hunger has not been solved in Pakistan. One reason is that Pakistan is a developing country with a large population and limited resources. Additionally, Pakistan is located in a region of the world that is prone to natural disasters, which can disrupt food production and distribution. Lastly, Pakistan has been embroiled in political and civil unrest in recent years, which has further hindered efforts to solve the problem of hunger.

    1. I agree because... it will be interesting !keep going champ

  • There is no shortage of food in the world, but the problem is that how to provide it among the people according to their need. We haven't solved the issue of world hunger yet because the large factor affecting it is wastage of food. Developing countries waste almost 20% of food. Almost 10 million tons of food goes to waste every year and million of people starving in the streets.
    Infact, our leaders are not doing anything to solve this problem. They are not taking it serious but this is a very big issue.
    Global conflicts are another and major factor of food crisis.
    For example, Russia and Ukraine provide almost 30% of wheat to the world but after the war among these countries, they stopped the production of wheat and this increased the food crisis at global level

  • Food is enough in the world but due to conflicts the food is blocked 40 percent of wheat is provided to whole world by Russia and Ukraine and Belarus due to conflicts they have stop providing wheat. 90 percent of pottash is provided to whole world by Russia and Ukraine but due to Russio-ukrain war they have stopped providing pottash and the main reason is COVID 19 due to this the factories and industries were closed and the food which was produced remains in that country and cannot be provided to other countries. In developing countries 30 percent of food is wasted it should be controlled and the conflicts should be solved.

  • Why haven't we solved the issue of food crisis can also be taken from a different view. Our leaders are not the only problem. We should also think on the perspective of those who have this food but waste it. This are also things that can lead to hunger. There are people that have enough but cant help the needy or those who have little.

    1. Good point @funny_lute. Can you think of a creative way to ensure food is not wasted among communities of people that doesn't involve government help?

      1. Food waste is a more serious issue than many people realize. Nearly one-third of all food produced in the world is discarded or wasted for various reasons. This equates roughly to nearly 1.3 billion tons every year. There are several ways we can ensure food is not wasted in communities like _ Avoid buying too much
        One of the simplest ways to cut down food waste in the household is to buy less. While it is tempting to buy food items when they can be found cheap to store them for when they might be needed, this can inadvertently lead to wastage. How can avoid buying too much be achieved -by always make a shopping list
        Even the most experienced shoppers will get sidetracked without a list. Save yourself time, money and food waste by going to the market with a list of ingredients for a few meals and snacks. Buying foods that are already in the home can ultimately become another source of waste. In the end, while stocking the home with what is already there may look appealing, it may lead to food waste if the household cannot eat all of the food. This are ways that one can help prevent waste without government help.

  • Honestly, I believe that the world leaders are not doing enough to solve the food problem, even though this is THEIR job. Its obvious to see that they only care about investment projects or the agreements that only brings them more money!!

    And I also think that its not only for Covid19 or the Climate Change that is affecting the food crisis, but there are lots of other reasons, like endless wars, poverty, specially in my home country Palestine, were we are affected by these crises.

  • I think that the change in climate and high prices of food and the political and civil issues of every country is the reason of food crises covid-19 also play a dangerous role in global food crise the people who survive and happy on his middle class life he is affected most in covid season ending hunger is not about supply its about that the availability of food that everyone spend his life on her rules everyone could not affoard the meal and spend middle class life so my opinion is the international insituation which works on this global issue make a team for the countries who face this global issue and donate meal for a better life for everyone

  • The question arises why havent we solved the hunger problem yet !! in this there major issues arises like the issues of poverty,lack of supply of food items we are unable to resolve these issues i also wanna clear that there is no shortage of food but the major issues are its supply .We have not been able to supply according to its demand,about 923.7 million people were in poverty in 2021.Russian Ukaraine wars are destroying not only its own economy but also is destroying the world's economy.when we are able to fight aganist one problem anotherf problem arises,like in in 2020 world was COVID 19 which destroyed all infrastrucrures of development of man, after getting away from it the wars of Russia and Ukraine started which is creating a disaster for humanity.In my country Pakistan the floods destroyed every crop and even the houses and shelters of th local comminity.NOW DUE TO POVERTY THE PEOPLE ARE UNABLE to live a healthy life.In my opinion we must make our supply facilities good for the people who cant have food .we have to make sure that food is also not being wasted.we haVNT BEEN ABLE TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF HUNGER because the new problems are arising we have to take steps to stop the war of russia and ukraine and try not to waste food

  • According to my point of view there is a lot of food all over the world but there is no suitable resources for the production of it.There are number of factors which lead to the problem of hunger crises which is not solved yet in order to solve this problem one should save food from Wastage and also by increasing the land area given over to cultivating crops , government also should make certain economic policies to fight with hunger crises

  • According to my point of view there is a lot of food all over the world but there is no suitable resources for the production of it.There are number of factors which lead to the problem of hunger crises which is not solved yet in order to solve this problem one should save food from Wastage and also by increasing the land area given over to cultivating crops , government also should make certain economic policies to fight with hunger crises

  • I agree with the above statement. Millions of money are used by the leaders to get a presidential seat, this money can be used for providing food to poor people. Today's generation are only concerned about financial problems as they don't know the value of food. Most of us think that the main reason for world hunger is increase in population or scarcity of food but in reality we have enough food and we are not utilising it properly. As mentioned above there are many reasons for food crisis. There are some more reasons which can be avoided: Demanding of food products is due to wars,sneaking off food products by corporate companies. Nowadays, the youtube channelers for the sake of earning money wasting lots of food which can provided for the people who are suffering. Instead of wasting it, it can provided to the people in the streets. One of the most important reason for world food crisis is because of less awareness of importance of agriculture among the present and forthcoming generation.

  • Solving hunger is not just about giving or providing food. There are millions of people who are facing hunger crisis in the world and the reason behind it is not only shortage of food but also poor resource management and poor agricultural progress in those countries. Overcoming world hunger crisis is not that difficult but the main difficulty is to provide basic resources to these countries. One of the main problem these days in overcoming world hunger is the war between Russia and Ukraine. The united nation has warned that acute food insecurity is likely to "rise precipitously" by the end of the year in 19 "hunger hot spots" around the world in the part due to Russia's war against Ukraine. During this period a very strong resource management is needed to stop the large scale hunger crisis due to war between Russia and Ukraine. This will not only help Ukraine but also other countries which are facing food crisis from a very long time.

  • I think that more could be done to solve world hunger, such as distributing all of the worlds food evenly throughout every country as there is actually more food than we need to stop world hunger, yet all of the food goes to western countries. Places like India and even Brazil have alot of rich people but many are poor and dont have enough food to survive. Even though they make alot of the worlds, food but they are pressured into selling for a lower price by their customers and they end up without food for themselves because they have to sell it all to make just a bit of money.

  • In my thinking, why we have not solved the problem of hunger because right now in the world ,there are many problems like extreme weather , floods caused by heavy rain right now i can give on example of Somalia,South Sudan these are countries face hunger with problem of climate ,all the countries i have given are desert countries due to that, they receive too much sunshine that cause food growth difficult and whereby the country leader have to go the neighbouring countries that receive rain and food is able to grow .Also over population can cause that because when their are many in a country like INDIA, there is no space to carryout Agriculture so that cause people to sleep hunger .

  • In my opinion there are millions of people who are facing hunger crisis in this world there are many reasons of food crisis but they are basic reasons of food crisis"poverty,war between countries, food wastage". "Poverty"is also a major contributing factor. First COVID 19 is a strong factor that effected the food crisis. Food wastage while there is a lot of food wasted around the world many people think that they are not even lucky enough to have a single meal."In Pakistan" different types of food in wedding ceremonies the practice of making and publishing them is common.World food is celebrated on 16 October every year around the world. The aim of which is to create awareness among people about safety

  • Hunger is not just a small problem it is a world wide issue that we are unable to solve.We are able to build Orion the spacecraft which can carry crew people to outer space,we able to produce electricity from sun but we are not able to solve the problem of hunger yet because there are certain reasons which includes poverty, conflicts, civil wars,world wars,terrorism and other issues,like the wars between Russia and Ukraine has been a disaster for humanity Ukraine exported wheat of about 24million metric ton to the whole world but now the farmers due to attacks are trying to save their lives they can't grow crops their lands have been destroyed same condition is in Russian areas.There is enough food to feed everyone on earth but because of poverty there is no good supply of food.The leaders are not that reason for hunger.When our world is able to defeat one problem another problem arises like in 2020 we were facing with COVID-19 and it had a lot of adverse effects for humanity when we became able to fight against COVID-19 then the Russian Ukraine wars started.our world wide organizations should stop the wars between Russia and Ukraine instead the world would have to face Soo many problems including hunger.cinficts especially territorial conflicts are cause of poverty and hunger like in my country Pakistan there is a huge issues about Kashmir between Pakistan and India.about 10.39billion US dollars were spent by Pakistan in 2019 for it's defence especially in Kashmir.by solving the problems between countries like Ukraine and Russia we could get rid of hunger and also we have to make industries in which most of work would be done by hand
    that would have no raw materials

  • Problem is not production of food!!! The real problem is how to provide it to every single man AND it can be solved by solving supply chain issues , which are caused by conflicts like conflicts on territories like war b/w RUSSIA and Ukraine which has stopped the supply of world's 40percent wheat supply 2nd reason is floods in Asian countries like Pakistan and India due to global warming So we have to stop wars and to control global warming to solve the issue of global food crisis

  • Many people around the world are too poor to either buy food or to access the resources they need to grow , harvest and store their food. This is the primary reason why world hunger is still a problem. In 2015, the world bank estimated than 10 percent of global population of people living in extreme poverty has declined globally the number of poor people in Sub-Saharan Africa shot up. Its no wonder then that Africa has the highest rate of hunger in the world. Poverty contributes to world hunger by forcing people to sell their live stock, tools and even land just to make end meet. Poverty and hunger then from a vicious cycle. People who cannot afford food become undernourished. Then they cannot even work to earn or produce food

  • World hunger can't easily be solved because of the different laws governing different countries and the political ideas of the leaders and the country and the situation on the country this can be an example of the current crisis in Afghanistan and how aid has hindered by the Taliban.

  • I also agree with the statement that states that we haven't solved problem of world hunger yet because of the increase in population: this has increased the numbers of people living on the surface of the earth, the same surface we have to plant these plants or crops to obtain food. The increase in population has also caused global warming by different kinds of pollution, that has literally increased the temperatures worldwide which has caused drought in many places where farmers have plantations. Ignorance of masses has brought down many ideas that have been passed down by world wide bodies

    1. It is true that the global population is increasing and that therefore societies are having to come up with more inventive solutions to feed more people more efficiently. However bear in mind that even though the number of people in the world is increasing, there would still be enough food for everyone if it was divided more equally. The big challenge is that while some people don't have enough to eat, other people have more than they need, and a lot of food is wasted. Can you think of any ways to help solve this problem?

  • There is no one answer to this question as there are many factors that contribute to the ongoing food crisis problem. Some of the reasons include:

    -The high cost of food production
    -The effects of climate change on food production
    -The increasing global population
    -Political instability in many regions
    -Inefficient food distribution systems

    1. Which reason do you think is the hardest to solve and why?

      1. Increase of global population and dismanagement in distribution of food are the hardest problems to solve.

  • There are several reasons behind world hunger among of these are Poverty which is the main cause of world hunger.
    Millions of people simply cannot afford the land or farming equipment they need to grow, or otherwise acquire access to nutrient-rich food, due to the unequal distribution of income and lack of resources in developing countries.

  • Although UN and it's allied agencies including the world food programme have been working to eradicate hunger with the goal to end hunger till 2030 .The hunger eradication is not at a good pace as since 2014,GhI score has decreased only 0.9. Survival reasons may be attributed towards this trend including war, natural disasters,famines and political and social instabilities and above all tha economic crises.After COVID_19 Moreover eating practices and behavior of elite also contribute towards this disparity .By reducing food wastage,by eating more healthy and less costly food and by engineering.Those methods which could use less resources and give more food ,we can eradicate hunger.

    1. You give a very good overview of reasons why global hunger has not fallen, as well as some of the possible solutions. Well done.

  • In my opinoin it is not a possible to eliminate the problem of world hunger because it has deep roots and hard to cut off these roots.But we can adopt some steps to lessen this problem,first of all the PRIORITIES OF GOVERNMENT are not for the basic necessaties of people instead they are looking weapons and other second periorities of life that are more important,our basic necassitiy is food,shelter and clothes.Second problem of world hunger is POVERTY,poverty leads to world hunger,because when people haven't money to buy food it will cause problem of hunger, this can be decreased by following some steps we should accept a better system of taxes so RICH PEOPLE DONATE MONEY and a part of these taxes should be used for the problem of hunger

    1. I agree with what you are saying! Leaders do have misplaced priorities and taxing the rich would be a good way to reinvest the extreme profits they are making into the country. How do you think people should get their governments to prioritise the issue of hunger and other basic needs?

  • Yes, it is true... From my point of view, I believe that the main reason behind this crisis is the current events around the world in general, such as wars and destruction, which led to a global food crisis and led to an exacerbating rise in prices. US President Joe Biden also commented on this issue, saying: "Russia's war on Ukraine (accusing his Russian counterpart) is the main reason for the rise in energy and food prices around the world. As he mentioned that Ukraine was unable to export its huge stock of wheat due to the Russian invasion, and I strongly agree with this. I hope peace be upon everyone.

  • I think first of all we should consider geographical and political conditions of all continents and countries of the world to overcome the problem of scarcity of food. We must know which regions in the world are producing maximum food items and where the most of population is inhabited. Then we will have to see the political and economic conditions of both, the countries producing the maximum food and the countries consuming the maximum food. After this observation the world leaders will be able to make a strategy to cope up this problem.

  • In my honest opinion, i do not think the world leaders are be to blamed for the global food crisis. During the COVID pandemic the government mobilized food for every citizen who was affected but could not afford even a late of food. Each person was given food that could sustain them for a month. They world leaders have tried to educate people about better methods of farming like bush fallowing. But due the ignorance among people, they failed to ensure that they use land in a productive to produce more food. they constantly down trees but do not plant others that help in rain formation to increase soil fertility. they practise monoculture that exhausts soil and when the next farming season comes the soil is not able to support plant growth leading to food insecurity. Poverty is also another main cause of the global food crisis. almost half of Uganda's population can not afford 3 different meals in a day. some have to go bed without eating. so in order to curb this problem of global food crisis , individuals and the government have to ensure that atleast in every family there should be a working personnel . in rural areas the government can teach them self help projects like tailoring, animal keeping , and many others so that they are able to afford a meal. the use of wood fuel should be replaced with use of biogas to avoid deforestation that can lead to famine . if land is infertile then they can start planting in plastics . this way they can solve problem of shortage of land and also land pollution. this problem can only be solved when individuals start taking responsibility.

    1. Some great ideas here.

    2. It's great to see that you have so much knowledge about these topics. These would be great measures to elevate people from poverty and produce more food!

  • The problem of the food shortage is most keenly felt in developing countries. It threatens to •grow worse. The whole world faces the problem that raw materials are being used up at an increasing rate and food production cannot keep up with the population increase. People in the rich countries make the heaviest demands on the world's resources, its food, fuel and land, and cause the most pollution.

  • The main cause of hunger on individual level and Malnutrition is poverty. Poverty is defined as not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter.The main problem is food has become a business from being grown,sold if you have no money you can't get food. As food becomes big business where rich business men come and grab land to produce food on a large scale which is sold for income the poor can't get land to grow crops on a small scale for consumption for them or their families and governments don't want to stop the elite from doing this because they also benefit from large scale production through taxes and foreign exchange.

  • I agree with that statement as world leaders never do anything about world hunger or help them out by giving them money.War doesn't help with anything either as all of the prices of food are going up as it is much harder to get fruit from Russia as they are in war with Ukraine.

    1. Hi bold_badger. This seems like a topic you are passionate about. When you say 'world leaders never do anything about world hunger', this isn't accurate. You might feel that they do not do enough, but can you find some examples of giving aid to other nations?

    2. I agree because... otherwise people will starve and die.

    3. I agree because... prices are going hire and people need to buy food and they are making it hire and hire so they should make the prices lower for the ukrainian people and poor people get food

  • As people working in the fight against hunger, here are a few of the challenges we see in fighting hunger:
    1. Poverty. Poverty and hunger go hand in hand. With so much of the world still living below the poverty line, until this is addressed, until communities are developed, and education and economic opportunities are expanded to reach the poorest of the world, it will be difficult to solve hunger.
    2. When global markets change, so do food prices. We are watching this happen in real time with the US’ inflation rates. It feels like every time we go to the store food is more expensive.
    3. Famine, drought, natural disasters. These outside forces affect communities, crops and infrastructure and will always contribute to hunger.
    4. Agricultural challenges and poor infrastructure. Roads, irrigation, farming technology, crop rotation techniques and canning technology as well as access to markets, all play a role in food production and in ensuring there is adequate access to food.
    5. War, Conflict and Political Games. Unfortunately, hunger is a common side-effect of war, conflict, and political warfare. From food being used to gain power (votes in exchange for food,) to conflict zones where access to food is used as warfare, and there are innocent by-standers affected.

    1. You display a really good understanding of different factors affecting the problem of world hunger. Well done! What are some ways some that people can be protected in case of these situations?

  • In some countries there is surplus of food but due to administrative and political problems we have failed to supply food at its proper place.Our leaders unfortunately do not pay attention on this issue.

  • When we want to talk about famine, we have to talk about it globally. For example: Somalia is considered one of the countries that suffer from the worst famines, as it means half the population are starving. As a result, the United Nations issued warnings about the situation in Somalia, noting that the process of distributing humanitarian aid alone couldn't stop hunger there. Currently, the country is avoiding a major famine, and has called for an urgent strengthening of international aid. As for humanitarian aid, “a famine is expected before the end of the year”, the number of people affected by famine increased to about 828 million people in 2021, an increase of about 46 million people since 2020 and 150 million people . The United Nations has proposed solutions by 2030 to reduce famine. This famine did not appear without reason. The dry climate field, Covid 19, poverty and other contributing factors that help the spread of famine. Aid may reduce famine, but when will we find an accurate solution?
    As for me, I think that there are many solutions to solve this problem, but at the moment we do not need someone to suggest solutions, we need someone to implement these proposed solutions to end the famine before it harms more people or spreads to other countries.

  • The effect of shortage is felt everywhere all around the world. The impact of food shock is worst in 48 countries who are highly dependent on imports from Ukraine and Russia. Most of these countries are low income countries. In many places, prices of food have increased from recent prices. The high prices of food have increased living crisis that increase poverty. Due to overpopulation many people starved to death. Lack of resources and many crop diseases also destroy many food in the world every year. Natural disaster like floods, global- warming, locusts attack and pests etc. In developed countries there is surplus of food but due to political and administrative problems this surplus of food is not provided to needy people.

  • The growing poverty in the country has led to severe and deadly hunger. Last year, the World Bank warned of severe malnutrition among children in Pakistan and said that the rate of deficiency of important vitamins among children and women is the highest in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared malnutrition in Pakistan as the biggest threat to public health.

  • Ukraine produces sixteen percent of the world's corn production, one-third of the wheat sold on world markets is supplied by Ukraine and Russia, about 29 percent. The whole world used to buy wheat and grain from these two countries but now they are embroiled in war. It is not yet clear how much damage has been done to crops due to the ongoing war in Ukraine or whether the war will allow crops to be sown in the coming season.

  • we haven,t solved the problem of world hunger yet because there are many factors that contribute to hunger, such as poverty conflict, and natural disaster. Additionally, food production and distribution systems are often not efficient enough to meet the needs of everyone in the world. many people on the planet are hunger and malnourished - not because there is not enough food.Food waste also causes hunger as i think a big amount of food which we produce in never used. I would like to offer my advice, which is cooperation, now matter how different religious, colours and languages are, we remain brother , united by blood and unity. We than more than enough food for all the 7.6 billion people ,but still 815 MILLION PEOPLE ARE NOT EATING. This is not because of failure of AGRICULTURE-it is a failure of the human heart. Political instability, huge population, diversified, cost of living, destroying agricultural lands and large imports (oil and gases)

  • Global food crises is not only the fault of governments
    But i think we all are involved in it
    ⁠●One of its example is wastage of food
    Not only our leader waste food but unfortunately we also do the same thing
    ⁠● other factors that may include are unequal distribution of food,climate change , conflicts ,wars , rising prices of food etc
    ⁠● although the world is producing enough food to supply every person but the major cause is that of unequal distribution of food, rising prices of food
    Which poor needy people can't buy and stay lack of nutrients and go to bed hungry daily
    Global food crises are rising daily and we all know its causes but the major thing is that how to control it..

  • I understand the world has insufficient food.In my point of view main cause of food crisis is waste of food. The food is throughout the supply chain.it's estimated the greatest loss occur at the consumer level In Asia and south countries. In addition, a large amount of food is waste. In production and processing of food is waste.

  • I think, ending hunger isn`t about supply . The world produces enough food to feed everyone on the planet . The problem is access and disrupted by things like extreme weather , food waste, one`s gender and worst of all conflict.

  • I think the world hasn't solved the world hunger problem because the world is facing major problems like desertification that is increasing day by day and to prove this, according to our geography lessons " the earth has warmed between 1.1 and 1.3 ever since the industrial revolution" so the food production is decreasing day by day so many countries have started to focus their resources to help the food crisis in their countries so they can't help other countries that are affected so much by drought or soil infertility. Countries have other problems that they need to give attention to like the most world problem that has just happened is the COVID 19 pandemic it left the world's economy fractured so, countries had to revert their resources to retrieve their economy again and little money and attention was given to solve the food crisis since the economy is more important. People in this problem can't help themselves since many of them are refugees from natural disasters caused by global warming like the rising sea levels and many others. IN YOUR COMMUNITY HOW HAS GLOBAL WARMING AFFECTED PEOPLE AND WERE DO THEY RUN TO? IS WHERE THEY RUN TO OVERPOPULATED? These questions will help you understand why the food crisis is not yet solved yet and the effects of global warming are increasing day by day.

  • Literally the fuel for human body is food. Uganda a agriculture dependent country. We eat food mostly which is grown in our country. Exporting have also been a major role of our country's survival. Because exportation of coffee contributes nearly a third of the country's export earnings. But some foods are unable to grow in our country and they are crucial to our diet so we import many needy basics from other countries like Kenya, India, China and Tanzania. Our relations is good with other states that is why we are able to do the import and export of foods. if all countries had a good relationship with their neighbors this could solve the food crisis regionally.

  • Yes it is right,as today's leaders live in comfort zone and are selfish enough to realise the needs of the needy ones. They get the food of their choice,and are the privileged ones but for the poor people,they have nothing. When the leaders don't help or no campaigns are done for the awareness, the needy ones don't get food and not even that,they are left out and are treated badly. The main reasons of leaders not taking actions on it is the political agitation in most of the countries;they are too busy to look after the needs.

    1. Can you give any examples or evidence for this?

  • I agree with the statement that the world has enough food to feed everyone but our main problems are food supply chain, Poverty , Territorial issues , mainly climate change and Covid-19 .This is not started now , it is started many years ago but it is triggered by climate change and Covid-19. We can solve this issues by starting from the basic level , we think we will fix it but we don't loot at our ourselves. We can fix food supply chain issues by making deals with other countries to meet our requirements and also help them fulfill their requirements. We should not have to waste food as it is a basic need for everyone. Territorial disputes should be solved to have good trading relations with the world. We should have to sit with each other to make the world free of food crisis. Climate changes are effecting the world mainly Asian regions such Pakistan and Afghanistan with floods increasing food crisis. We have to work on this to reduce carbon-Dioxide emission around the world , Industries should be taken away from urban areas and large number of trees should be planted with the help of biotechnology. Covid-19 has effected the whole world with serious issues including food crisis. Covid-19 has completely blocked trading around the globe increasing food crisis. Measures should be taken to reduce Covid-19 and safe trading should be maintained around the globe. At last, poverty should be reduced by giving charity to institutes which reduce global food crisis. We can also fix it by helping each other.

  • In my opinion, I would say it's us the people who are responsible for the food crises. This is due to the wastage of food, for example according to the UN's analysis a third of food produced which could feed a certain percentage of people is being wasted. And also our ignorance about how what we do affects the environment hence making the environment fight us since we have refused to change. The environment does this by sending afflictions like food crises, rise in temperature, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, global warming and many more. For example the increase in the temperatures of the UK in July, the floods that happened in Nigeria, the wildfire of Australia from 2019 to 2020 are due to the different activities that we carryout. These activities include deforestation, swamp drainage, industrialization, over fishing, over exploiting resources, over grazing, over cultivation and many more. Therefore we can help to end this crises by doing something like maybe supporting things like carbon capture, utilization and storage(CCUS) to reduce on the amount of carbon being emitted since according to their analysis 67 million tonnes of carbon are being emitted every 13 hours and it causes global warming. We can also solve this problem by conserving the environment for example by carrying out activities like afforestation, re-afforestation, and many more. Lastly we can also stop this food crises by conserving food.

  • During a Youth and Truth conversation, a student wonders why world hunger has not yet been eliminated, despite an abundance of research and resource.The persistent problem of hunger, There are many causes of Food crisis These include food wastage, poverty and climate change etc.
    •Food waste
    About one-third of all food produced globally is wasted each year.World hunger is still a problem due to the high rates of food waste.For example, in a household, a poor family cooks as much astheir family can eat at one time, while a rich family cooks four different types of food at a time, half of which is eaten and half is wasted.give If we could reclaim all the food we waste, we could feed every hungry person onthe planet twice.
    •Climate change Climate change is one of the leading causes of global hunger, causing more frequent and intense extreme weather events.

  • Food insecurity is when someone doesn't have regular access to enough nutritious food. It's caused when food either isn't available or isn't affordable. When food insecurity is widespread and action isn't taken , it leads to famine.
    Main reasons of world food crises.
    1:- conflict is creating hunger.
    Conflict is the biggest driver of hunger globally, responsible for 65% of people people currently facing hunger and food insecurity. "Conflict tears families, communities, infrastructures,food systems and entire regions apart"
    2:-The Rising cost of living
    Food has suddenly become very expensive. Trips to the supermarket cost a lot more. With families in emerging economies spending an average of 25% of their budgets on food."Food price increases are having devastating effects on the poorest and most vulnerable".
    3:-Extreme weather and drought
    Extreme weather like hurricanes and droughts is increasing global hunger by shrinking harvests and skyrocketing food prices like Pakistan rely on agriculture as their main industry,and they eat seasonally according to their harvest.
    Thanks and regards

  • The entire world is experiencing a global food crisis as a result of the confluence of several competing crises - caused by climate shocks, conflicts and economic stresses in 2022. Conflicts, COVID-19 pandemic, climate crisis and rising costs threaten up to millions of hungry people around the world. It may shed light on the looming famine in the Horn of Africa. The longest drought in more than 40 years will continue. In order to solve this crisis for the world, we must work on the following:_

    1_ Food security: ensuring that everyone has access to healthy food every day, and that our land is capable of feeding us all, and humans must distribute food fairly, and leave no one empty-handed!

    2_ Sustainable agriculture: The use of fields, forests, oceans, and all arable natural resources necessary to produce food without harming the planet and must be sustainable because food production must respect the environment, and all the people and animals who live in it, otherwise our resources will not last.

    3_ Poverty eradication: we focus on building institutions, helping the countries concerned to mobilize the necessary resources to provide services, encouraging transparency and accountability, donating by placing a fund in mosques

  • Putting everything aside I think that one of the biggest factor of food crisis is food wastage. There are regions of world were people are over nourished and then there are people who are malnourished. Billions of tones of food that is wasted if it is provided to those people we can at least reduce world hunger if not end it.
    It's something we can do even on domestic level, only if we're willing.

    Another big factor I think is war and inflation either it's a foreign invasion or a civil war . During a war all the normal economical activities are disturbed and the infrastructure of a country crumbles. Just like in Ukraine the GDP rate had already fallen by 4.4 % due to the pandemic ,now because of war there is a risk that there economy can shrink more then 35% . If the circumstances don't change many people would die because of hunger.

    1. I agree because... Food that is wasted can fulfill needs of many...

  • I disagree with the first half of the statement given above. We can't just jump into conclusions that the world leaders aren't doing enough to help the problem of food crisis. For instance, immediately after post-independence, India, to manage the food crisis prevelant across the nation, initially sought help from many developed nations for supply of food. However, the then leadership with its wonderful team of experts introduced plans like white revolution, green revolution to increase the food production in the country. Thus, several measures in this context made India a self-sufficient country. Hence, we cannot dismiss the fact that many countries leadership are doing their best to control the food crisis.

    To add on to this, i would like to mention a few more reasons as to why the food crisis occurs. One of the primary reasons is climatic change. People living in rural areas are the ones who get affected the most due to natural disasters like flood, droughts play a vital role in shortage of supply of food grains. Also, another reason is the displacement of people from one place to another or even to countries for livelihood. The classic example would be the Syrian refugees moving to other countries due to the prevalent unrest in their country. Likewise, Pandemic led to loss of jobs for millions across the Globe thus leading to Food Criss among the people.

    If political will power and collection actions happens between nations, the disaster of food crisis could be uprooted easily.

    1. Great use of example, charming_weaver!

      1. I really agree with u
        U are absolutely right we cant blame only to our governments we are also responsible for that

  • Unemployment is the biggest cause of hunger. Secondly the food produces globally is waste. If we recover that food we waste, we can reduce the ratio of hunger

    1. I disagree because... If we start value addition in agriculture..for example making jam, jelly, juices from fruits etc ; not only the perishable food can stay longer but unemployment can be reduced to a great level...

  • I agree with the above statement as food is enough but their are difficulties to feed the food to the needy ones. One of the best ways to get rid of this is by advancing seed varieties that increase yields to small-scale farmers. Adding to local production would improve food security, raise farm incomes, and reduce emissions from food transportations. Conclusion it can be solved by following these measures.

  • World hunger and food crises are due to lack of attention towards Agriculture . In this world Agriculture is considered as old fashioned profession . young generation adopt Doctorate, Engineering, Business and IT mostly, as there is perception that these are hugely payable and modern profession . Due to this misconception Agriculture is failed to get attention of younger . This is the reason that new and modern technique are not introducing in Agriculture as much which produce high unbalance between production and consumption of food . That is a way towards world hunger.

  • The global food crisis has recently become an important issue that is strongly raised in international forums, so we should know about it.
    It is a rapid increase in food prices and shortages in the food supply around the world.

    The issue of food security in the Arab countries was not easy in the normal situation, whether in the global food crisis in 2006 and 2007, or in the climate change crisis in 2010, or in light of the Corona crisis, which continued during 2020 and 2021.
    There are many solutions to this crisis.

    I want to tell some accessbile solutions that we as young people can do. First, raising awareness on how to deal with crisis by establishing some web pages that provide helpful instruction to keep our resources.
    Moreover, we can held a compaign that aims to take the leftovers of excess food from the restaurants, and wrap it in a beautiful and attractive way, and then distribute it to the poor and needy, it may contribute to reducing this crisis.

  • There is not a shortage of food. Food is enough to eat and to fullfil human needs .But million of people sleep hungry.This situation is caused by wars, natural disasters,, rapid climatic changes, poverty, supply blockage of food and affordability.
    As I live in Pakistan and it is agricultural county.We eat most of our own food resources.But shortage of food is still here.
    Recently Russia Ukraine war has revealed bad impacts on food supply.
    Our most of wheat 🌾 comes from these two countries which is blocked.
    On the other hand civil wars in Sirilanka ,Syrea and Afghanistan had also revealed bad effects on food condition.
    The natural disasters especially flood in Pakistan had also revealed bad impacts on 1 by 3 food resources.It also have effected fertility of soil.
    Poverty also leads to hunger.A specific amount of worlds population is facing poverty.People don't have money to eat.
    All of these problems are causes of worlds hunger.

  • I am agreed with the argument that world leaders aren't doing enough to solve the food crisis.
    They need to focus on the fact that their policies direct effecting the zero hunger programs. The solution of food crises links to ensure the human survival and solve the health issues effecting rich, poor and obese to the hungry and poor.
    Food crises are linked with the sociopolitical stability in the region. i.e. Ukraine being grain, fertilizer and palm oil exporter cut off from foreign markets by war. India's and Indonesia's ban on grains and palm oil in the wake of shortage.
    World leaders aren't searching any good lawyer to fight for the planet environment leads to the serious challenges of climate change results in Flood crisis, biodiversity and pandemics.
    They aren't paying attention towards the fact the conflicts and wars leads to serious damage of agriculture, farms and live stocks. Its leads to the migration and urbanisation may cause the malnutrition, food insecurity, high prices and low supply.

  • We haven't solved the problem of World Hunger yet not because of limited food but because of limited means to supply it. Due to conflicts between many countries and civil wars within countries, importing and exporting of food is not possible. On the other hand, we are having extreme weather conditions nowadays. Glaciers melt due to global warming and floods are coming more excessively than before. We have to solve these issues to solve the problem of World Hunger!!

  • Do you know that the perfectly good food is thrown away every day in some countries but when I listen that people don't have enough food to eat it seems crazy that so much food is wasted????

    1. Yes there should be laws and awareness campaigns in this regard. Also there should be policies and all the stakeholders should be answerable. Wastage of food must deal as serious crime.

    2. @charismatic_eel this is so true. It feels to me we should also be tackling this by investing in educating people around the world about food waste. What are your thoughts?

  • Ending hunger isn’t about supply. The world produces enough food to feed everyone on the planet. The problem is access and availability, both of which are disrupted by things like extreme weather, food waste, one’s gender and worst of all conflict.

  • In my opinion supplying food all around the world is not enough there should also be a way to supply this food to poverty
    Because the main reason of food crises which we can't neglect is poverty
    Due to poverty more than twenty eight million Children under 5 go to bed hunger and more to than 45 million people are those who's bellies are starving
    If we can't supply food to those people free of cost at least we could help them by not wasting of food and providing this food to such type of people

  • First, because of poverty
    Lack of resources such as agricultural land as well as the means to harvest, store and preserve food are major challenges facing the poor population. The cyclical nature of hunger makes it very difficult for those who suffer from hunger to help themselves. This is why those who have access to adequate resources need to step up and provide assistance.

    The United Nations estimates that nearly a third of the food the world produces is wasted each year. This is more than enough to feed the undernourished mass. It is unlikely that food that is currently wasted will be sent to poor communities, but by respecting food we can work towards a global redistribution of food resources to help those in need.

  • Many people around the world are too poor to either buy food or to access the resources they need to grow ,harvest and store their food.This is the primary reason hy world hunger is still a problem.Poverty is the main reason of world huger.There are many causes of poverty that contribute to the problem of world hunger.For example conflicts around the world,including wars between countries,civil wars within countries,terrorism and other violence,displace millons of people,leading to increased poverty and hunger.

  • I agree with the above statement because This is the Government priority to solve the public problem. Provide them shelter, food , clothes. And the other issue here is that "Food crisis" today world is facing this problem the Food security administration should provide food to the world under their own special super vision. So that less people go to bed with taking meal. This is our duty to delve the issue of food crisis

  • Unemployment is the first and foremost reason following that insufficient salary which is not able to run the family. The increasing prices of commodities is due the increase in price of fossil fuels. Due to war in the world we cannot able to get the necessary commodities. Increse in population all over the world is also an important reason for price hike. Drought and as welll as flood are also an important reason.

  • Food prices hicked in all over the world after the Covid-19 pandemic. Pakistan also suffered in this situation , food prices increased drastically but Govt. didn't take step to overcome the artificial increase in prices.

    How we can solve the conflicts of countries to overcome the food crises in all over world??

  • Yes, I certainly agree with the statement and there are more factors affecting world hunger hence making bit hard to solve. The UN and FAO have tried many ways to fight world hunger and these include providing food to countries badly affected by disaster. In many cases, the support provided by these organisations doesn't reach the people that need it most. This introduces us to one of the major factors affecting world hunger. This factor is corruption. For example in my country Uganda, The government came up with the idea of donating food to people all over the country since most of them weren't working during the Covid-19 lock down and them families were going to starve. Many individuals and organisation tried to assist the government by donating food items like cooking oil, milk and other food accessories. but most of these donated items didn't reach the general public and reached a few of the essential workers. this was due to corrupt leaders that only supplied poor quality maize flour and beans to the citizens and decided to sell the food stuffs of good quality. With such corruption in the world, it will be had to fight world hunger.

    1. This is a thoughtful comment that give a detailed example of a problem. How can this problem be addressed do you think?

  • Food crises not solved yet because I think everyone/every country have its own priorities and own different problems, so they act accordingly. I think UN can play a vital role to address and solve this problem through a proper planning and strategy.

    1. A good comment supportive_strawberry, I like what you say about each country having different challenges.

  • In my opinion,no,leader do nothing to solve the problem is not the only reason.There are many reasons. Wars exacerbates the food crisis in addition to climate change, rising costs of living and rising fertilizer prices. All of these causes are creating the most acute global food crisis.So to prevent this crisis make trade in agricultural commodities more free and more secure.Also, We can make a fundraising campaign from all over the world to solve this global problem.

  • Food waste is literally a very big problam which many people dont realize including me before i started to search on it
    Its true if you haven't suffer hunger or you cannot realize the pain of hunger you cannot realize that what are you wasting
    When their was a leftover in my house i always see that my mother don't have enough courage to waste that food. She may give it to made or recycle it but she never waste it
    It make me a little bit confused that why she dont waste it
    But now beacuse of this festival i realize that how important every single plate is for poor
    I would say that we should take care of every single person of the society only by thinking that it's a part of human right

  • There are many reasons for the global food crisis.One of the many is the fact that the ongoing war in Ukraine has led to many necessary and compulsory items' costs skyrocketing.This will mean that many low-income families and individuals will struggle to buy these necessities;though many world leaders are often way more well-off than normal citizens.One of these necessities is food.Another of these reasons is poverty.Many families who don't earn very much or don't have a job may find life very difficult and might starve on the streets.In addition,Covid 19 has also led to many people not having jobs.This is leading to increasing numbers of people unable to afford buying simple,everyday items.This will-in turn-lead to starvation taking over the world,with climate change following it.Climate change has led to droughts,floods and many other unpredictable events.Droughts will lead to food crops not having enough water and wilting.Floods will lead to many useful crops dying and being ripped from the fields.This situation needs to change.

    1. Great links to the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change still affecting people's incomes.

  • The world is a beautiful place. It's filled with endless possibilities and new discoveries just waiting to be made. But despite all of its wonders, one problem continues to plague us: world hunger.

    We've been trying to solve this issue for years, but we just can't seem to get ahead of it. We've tried every solution imaginable, but nothing seems to work. There are so many factors at play, and it's such a complex problem that no one knows how to fix it.

    But maybe that's not entirely true. Maybe we do know how to fix it, we're just not willing to try. Because fixing world hunger would require us to change the way we live our lives, and that's something most people aren't willing to do.

    It would mean giving up some of our luxuries, and sharing everything we have with those who need it most. It would mean working together as a global community instead of focusing on our own individual needs. But most importantly, it would mean admitting that we're not perfect and that there's still more work left to be done.

    1. good points, brilliant_leaves -- and you describe an unwillingness to change that is responsible for lots of global-scale problems, from hunger to climate change.

  • I think that the global food crisis is caused by inequality and poverty, not dearth, and the production of food is increasing as the rate of growth of the population increases.

  • I am not very happy because it means my parents are getting food for more money which means they do not have enough money for wants like phones and new gadgets.

  • Well, I agree that climate change, covid-19 and leaders not giving enough help to solve the problem of global food crisis are some of the reasons why we haven't solved the problem of world hunger. But in my opinion, some countries like Uganda leaders are corrupt and selfish they want every thing for them selves. So when the leaders from a higher level send money to leaders under them to help those with hunger problems those leaders can eat the money and run away or steal part of the money and give the poor a small portion of the money. poverty is also another issue, leading to world hunger, in my country poverty is mostly in those families that have many children, some families don't carry out family planning, not knowing the more children they produce the more basic needs to be provided including food which will lead to suffering because there isn't enough food to survive.
    Well in terms of climate change, plants grow in specific seasons. In the wet season plants are supposed to be planted. In the dry season then harvested. Each season has its purpose.
    In terms of covid-19, it affected the transportation of things like seeds and food to different places due to insecurity.

  • I feel like the food crisis isn't looked at nor talked about enough. And that World leaders are not doing anything about it because it doesn't directly affect them. The world hunger is only going to worsen, specifically with poverty rising and the recent pandemic that we have yet to recover from.

    1. Great point about world leaders not being affected, helpful_seagull

  • I agree that world leaders are not doing much to help...
    Because ...
    1. They aren't the ones suffering
    2. They think that because they are rich, they should use their money on luxuries
    It is not just them that are doing the wrong thing. Us human being are causing the global food problem because when we are given food to eat when we are full and stuffed, we throw the rest in the bin which is such a waste. Instead, whenever we have some leftovers, we should give it to the homeless on the streets because they are hungry and some are dying from starvation.
    Me and my family do this because we because we believe that everyone is equal.

  • I'd say that there are some good amount of factors that would make solving world hunger a problem. The major issue would be distribution of the food. Because some areas of the world are hard to reach due to the poor transport network, some areas in the world aren't even known of. The other issue would be corrupt leaders. For example in Africa a good 75% percent of the leaders are corrupt. The leaders would use the money given to them for their own personal needs instead of buying food and distributing it to the people of their countries. So in conclusion I would say that yes, world leaders aren't doing enough.

  • The problem of world hunger haven't solved yet because of extreme weather, wastage of food, etc. Conflict is the main reason which halts the country's agricultural production and destroys economy. And next is the poverty which increased the food crisis. Example, COVID-19 which affected the country's economy and the income of the people had decreased which lead to disruption in food supply chains.

  • I agree the above idea, Our world is facing an impending global food crisis.
    Our politician has the power to spread a thoughts among the people about food crisis and it's disadvantages, there is another set of government that is Department of food , which is responsible for these, though the public distribution helps the people lot, still it results in food crisis. *Reasons//

    1) Due to conflict, trade between the countries is affecting.

    2) Extreme climatic conditions results in food crisis and the harvest is getting affected Or delayed . So the country's farmers family and poor people who are depended on the agricultural products (natural) for their food is not getting sufficient food .

    3) COVID - This affected the employment for many people in the country and made them impossible to buy their essential things

    Other than these,
    *sudden increase in the rate of food affects the people and also resulted in the demand for the food .
    *We people consume lots of meat to balance our diet,we harvests soybean and majority of it's were useful to feed the cattles, instead the soybean can be used as a healthy food for the poor childrens.

  • climate change has a big roll in global hunger for example it decreases the nutritional value of food hunger and malnutrition are both quantities and quality.
    climate change affects both. studies show that higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in plants reduce their protein,zinc, and iron content.
    supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19 and increase consumer demand for food drastically raised food prices across the globe increasing the severity of food insecurity for the million people around the world who go to bed hungry every night.

  • For sure, there's enough food in the world, only if it's distributed with justice. Our problem with food is the cost that traders have to pay for the customs when they trade food from one country to another one. Another problem is that some kinds of food cost so much money when we move them from one place to another, for example fish need a freezer in order to keep them safe in the way, and this costs so much. If we want to solve the problem we need to exchange food amongst each other. For example, county x produces tomatoes and country y produces olive oil. Each food has a fixed price so county x can give county y some tomatoes and receive some olive oil in return. I think this is a solution worth trying.

  • In my opinion, famines are caused by the selfishness of the wealthy and the lack of preservation of food, and the crisis can be resolved by making each country collect a certain amount of the money from the rich in general To invest it and distribute food to all kinds to famine countries, and therefore the food crisis will reduce dramatically after a period of implementation of this.

    1. hi @reflective_journalist -- what problems do you think would come up if each country tried to collect money from the rich specifically for food-distribution elsewhere?

      1. I believe , there will be no problems, as there will be cooperation between the classes of society, and there will be integration and interdependence, where hatred will decrease and people's love will increase, and if there are other problems, they will be few and almost negligible. And there is another thing, that this will reduce theft and crimes in general, reduce the number of wars, and spread peace.

  • This is the fault of the heads of the country, some of them do not care about the citizens or their needs and take advantage of the simplest things. But if we share food, this problem will be solved. There are also climatic causes that cause famine, such as desertification of lands Agriculture and drought that is spreading widely in Africa due to heat and low rainfall

  • Wastage of food is a cause of global food crisis. In my family, when we want to get what the house needs we buy excessively and at the end it get spoilt or thrown away.
    So many families are in search of food, dying of hunger, but some families like mine buy excessively and waste them at the end. If people can buy what they need at that particular period, it will help reduce wastage. As a country, knowing what we need at that period of time will help, knowing what season it is

  • ☆rich people help poor people
    ☆give deserts water and plant it
    ☆hilp poor people to get work and keep them away from place that disaster happand in it

  • The above statement are some factors that is responsible for the food crisis, but half the statement say that leaders were not taking a big part to reduce food crisis. They are also finding ways to solve the problem through providing free foods, conducting nutritional programme.
    *We should know the proper way to store food for a long time, preservation methods should be improved.
    *Instead of throwing food,
    ~we can share it with the people who were unable to consume food at least once a day.
    ~We can distribute it to the orphanages.
    *The population of the country is increasing, so we need proper food supply for survival of all people .
    *Climate affects the farmers to cultivate crops on specific period, it results in the demand for the crop and increased price level. So, it made it impossible for the poor to buy those lower prices food which became costly.
    *The food that is became wastage today, is the shortage of tomorrow.
    *Conflict between the countries affects the trade. Imports and exports of the country is not sufficient.

  • Poverty is a major contributing factor which lead to food crises
    Another reason why it is difficult for solving world hunger
    1-Is storage of crops.After harvesting the crop many crops get wasted due to bad storage of crops and the quantity of the crops supplied will be reduce which will eventually led to hunger
    2-wars between countries make the country people unsecured like the war in Ukraine
    3-Unevenly distribution of food
    4-Increasing in prices day by day
    5-flood :-like in this year which affected so many countries.It damaged 50%crops which led to food crisis
    There in no way to finish food crises permanently but there are few ways to reduce it's effect
    •-by reducing the rate of food
    •-by distributing the food among the people with justice
    •-by sharing food with others

  • As you are all aware COVID pandemic started in 2019 but the climate change has been an ongoing crisis for almost a couple of decades. Due to global warming, cows give less milk than before which affects people who uses dairy products and many crops which are about to harvest were getting demolished by cyclone .
    * Conserve Water
    * Reduce Emissions
    * Afforestation and Reforestation
    * Make others aware about this, so I conclude that these are some measures to prevent climate change and to reduce global food crisis .

  • In fact, it is up to the leaders of the countries, that is, everyone who owns the rule, that is, those who are accustomed to making a better job for their country, and this is a problem that no country is free from, but there are poor focused places that must really be helped, and the matter is in the hands of these leaders In my country, we live in suffering, one of which is the lack of sufficient food that the developed countries enjoy, which have the ability to provide half the assistance. People must rise together, even to deliver this revolution to the leaders.

  • World hunger is an important issue and there are a number of reasons why we still have not solved this problem.World leaders have been taking measures to solve this issue.For instance,In India we have the public distribution system (PDS)where essential foodgrains are provided at affordable price.This ensures that food is being provided to the poor people too.But still things like climatic change,war between countries,food hoarding by some people are making things difficult.Food wastage is another major reason.When I mean food wastage,I refer to the wastage that happens at different stages.Right from production to distribution and consumption.Food is also being unevenly distributed among countries which contributes to world hunger.

  • The term Hunger is enough for its meaning. In this world, we human beings have got a lot of basic needs like shelter, education rights, but beyond all of this what I think is food is the most important thing in this topic and this is what we need to talk. About 8 billions of people are living in this world and do you think everyone are getting the foods to be eaten, obviously the answer would be NO. Almost 689 million people in the world are facing the problem of poverty, but the problem, not solved yet!! The main issue the problem is getting greater days by days is obviously due to ignorance in this matter. Talking about my country NEPAL about 17.4% people are affected by this problem. Being a agricultural country the people are going through poverty. What I think the main solutions are educate your children,Improve childhood nutrition and mainly EMPOWERMENT.

  • I Disagree with this statement many of the leaders trying to control the food crisis. but the problem is there is an insufficient availability of national income before Covid 19 pandemic and after pandemic it made the things even worse. when we try to generate national income from the people through tax how they can pay that because already they exist poverty in the country due to uneven distribution of income , food and so on . To generate agriculture to reduce the food crisis we need to have availability of water, fertilizer and etc . But the thing is in many of the country there is an unavailability of such resources so that this is also not a remedy. when we try to import food and export surplus from a country food for this also we need fuel resources which is also scarce in many countries . When the leaders try to solve one problem and another problem is arising behind that.

  • I agree with the statement that some world leaders are not doing anything about the global food crises because in Nigeria is where most world hunger is placed on there source of food so what we can do to help Nigeria to get more food is donate food into the food donation box at your local supermarket to Nigeria so it can stop world hunger.

  • About one in nine of the over seven billion people on earth suffering from hunger.In my country Sudan almost 12 million people-a quarter of the population are expected to face hunger.In my opinion the global price shocks in grains and other food is the main reason of food crisis.Food has become more expensive for different reasons such as increasing of gas prices, demands and also floods is one of the reasons in some countries because they destroy the crop. Also if farmers can not longer afford seeds and fertilizer because of rising prices, cultivation and harvests will shrink and proverty and hunger will grow as a result. I agree with the statement that says world leaders are not doing anything because they are not affected.

    1. What do you think would help farmers?

      1. Farming uses 70% of the world’s fresh water so I think good water supply is the most important thing.

  • in my opinion world leaders should donate more money and food to other in need and the rich countries should stop leaving leftovers of food in the bin and give it to the homeless or homeless shelters near by even the smallest peice of food will help.Egland America Canada Germany France Italy Poland all the countries could help alot but they dont share enough.

    1. Lots of the countries you mention are indeed richer than most, but they also have people in their own countries struggling. Do you think they should support their own people only or spread support across other countries too?

  • In my opinion,the reason why there's poverty around the world is because people are wasting money on food they waste. They are giving themselves big portion and they still decide to throw it away. Covid made people lose their job and now lots of people from all around the world goes hungry nearly every day.There is enough food around the world but not everyone has it .The government could make a change but they choose to make prices higher [gas,food ,bills].2.5 billion food is wasted. If the world changes they won't have to beg for the money instead they already have the money.There are natural disasters which is affecting people who are currently unemployed .THEY SHOULD STOP CLIMATE CHANGE!

  • Honestly I think it's because of the rich people because they don't really share at all and only give pennies which is not enough to buy food.

    1. In the UK, those who earn more pay more in taxes. These taxes can then be used to support others. Do you think this is a fair system? How much do you think should be paid in taxes?

  • In my opinion, ' Global pandemic ' making it worse , causing to stay in homes,not allowed to outside and the rush over toilet paper and many other things! People that are poor can't buy food, water and the basic things they need, food prices rising due to not enough distrubtion from that country. Lots of people are dying because they have no food or water! To help, we can stop wasting food, give food to starving kids,adults in need! many people are careless and think it's okay, conflict, climate change and natural disasters are happening a lot. Ukraine can not ship their food due to Russia stopping them because of the war.

  • In my opinion, we Haven't solved the problem because the wealthy people don't make an impact on the global food crisis. They don't share with the needy and poor people. We can share to end poverty! If you didn't know people waste more than 900,000 food in the world! That can fill up 9,000 giant cargo ships! I also think the world leaders aren't doing anything to the problem, Instead of offering to help, In the United Kingdom they make the electricity bills 300% higher and people with flats and little households cant pay this much. As well as that we can do these things to make a big impact on poverty in the United Kingdom.

    1. We need better sharing of resources.
    2.The management of food waste (eat everything on your plate and don't throw it away in your Bin)
    3.We try solving the pollution problem
    4. Donate little money to the charity and homeless people on the streets
    5.We Try tackle unemployment

  • in my opinion the world leaders aren't doing enough work because the poverty doesn't affect them.The people have wasted food that are as big ass 9000 cruise ships.The people make big portions and throw the food away just because they couldn't eat the food that they made for themselves.Natural disasters cause climate change due to crops dying because of extreme weather.There is food crises because of covid,conflict and natural disasters the war has been causing the food crisis. Some world leaders are ignorant about food crisis because not even 1% of the food crisis is affecting the world leaders

  • I agree because we all have enough food to spare but if we keep wasting food there will be hardly any left for people in need.And over 1 million people go to bed starving with hunger so we should stop wasting food as well.And the world leaders are not doing anything about it nor helping.Also sadly all the things that are going on in the world like Poverty (covid 19) conflict and Global pandemic also because of covid 19 people are losing there jobs and losing there money so lets help people in need and stop wasting food.

    1. What top tips can you find from some of the other comments about saving food?

    2. I agree because... this is very true and plus you are talking about wasting food and how there looseing money and there jobs so they can't help thier family

  • In my opinion, greedy people just throw away perfectly fine food. World leaders know about this and don`t do anything about it. They see people who are starving every single day and don`t do a single thing. Unemployment causes poverty which leads to people starving. over 828 million people die due to world hunger. Some countries don`t share their food with other countries that are suffering. Conflict between other countries affects the global food crisis. for example the war between Russia and Ukraine is stopping the ships of food to get sent from Ukraine to Africa and Africa is a continent in need of food. Covid was also a problem. It was stopping people from going out and buying food.

    1. Can you find any examples of things people are doing with waste food?

  • It's true that world leaders aren't doing anything to help solve the problem because it's not affecting them. The reason it's not affecting them is because they are way more wealthier than us. some world leaders are ignorant about the food crisis and that's why some people have to starve to death. Some solutions we could do to help the food crisis is by sharing resources, cooperation between world leaders and more. The problem is that we are wasting too much food and people that are less fortunate than us are dying from us scraping our food out in the bin when there it is still a full plate. We can solve this by eating all our food on our plates or by tackling unemployment and tons more. Covid has taken a big part in this and food prices have risen some people have not been able to do their shopping, people can help by donating money to charity or giving things away. World leaders haven't been doing their job like they're supposed to and the reason they haven't been doing their job like they're supposed to is because they make billions of pounds at least every month. Then some of the tax the adults pay goes to them making themselves way more wealthier than us. I hope something will change soon because food is a key thing for survival.

    1. Can you find what some governments are doing around the world to help people during this time of high prices?

  • world leaders arent doing enough jobs because its not affecting them

  • I think rich people should give people in need money help them also they should stop cutting down trees because
    we will have less oxygen c02 will be released from trees up to the air.People die because of hunger we need to stop
    wasting food.The trash goes in the sea fish eats the plastic that goes in the sea so when you eat fish there some plastic in fish.

  • I think we haven't solved the problem of world hunger yet because there are people who don't care.World leaders aren't doing enough but also the people need to stop wasting food that could be sent to other countries and covid and climate change aren't helping either.War also means that supply chains break and 117 million childern die every 5 seconds because of poverty.They are also in unimployment,so they don't have any money to spend on food.There is also an uneven food distrisrabution.

  • we haven't solved world hunger because we have enough food for everyone but some countries don't share it. Effectively and more and more people become homeless everyone should help by donating to charity. So we can all stop world hunger even the most wealthiest people.Can help even if you are not that rich we can still we can still help.The Goverment can help but they just make prices higher such as gas prices food prices and much much more a lot of food are going to waste some people don't think about the poor they only like money but if this stops maybe everybody can have food Africa and Canada and lots more countries.People everyday are suffering from world crisis lets help altogether.

    1. Is it the government that decides food and gas prices or the companies that sell them? Can you find what some governments are doing around the world to help people during this time of high prices?

  • I think this statement is true because word leader's are not doing enough because they've never experienced hunger like we do because they're selfish as well ,as king Charles the third. And also because of conflict like when Russia invaded Ukraine they coudn't sell many grain to Africa because the conflict was destroying everything crops, farms and all other things.Also the climate change have destroyed 5 million crops, so what i'm trying to say is that we have to stop wasting food because the food that we are wasting is as big as 9,ooo cruise ships ! so we've got to stop wasting food and always try to take care of homeless people and give them some money.

  • I am 12 years old and from Pakistan,I observed my fasts last year and I could feel the hunger.Yet fasting was my religious act and I knew I would get my iftari soon,But when I Felt it deeply I could imagine the worth of food.
    In my opinion Food crisis does not affect leaders directly as they are not experiencing food crisis my themselves beacause they are rich enough to afford food rather indirectly they will loose their vote bank by not providing enough food for thier country men and will not be selected for the elections the next time it happens.

  • I agree with the statement that says world leaders are not making any attempt to solve this problem. Some of these world leaders said it in their manifestoes that they would solve this problem but they didn't make any attempt and this is very wrong.
    I have to admit that they are very wrong but there is one major hinderance to solving it which lack of means of communication to some areas. There are some rural areas over here in my country which cannot be reached because they have bad roads or they are too water logged. This problem can be solved if the government create good roads .

  • I think the global food crisis has happened because war/conflict,the pandemic,losing jobs,people have lots of poverty so they are poor,climate,unemployment,raising energy bills and the cost of living.There is enough food in the planet but these problems need to be solved by giving to charity,less food waste,sharing between countries,volunteering to charity,raising awareness in school,tackle climate change,diplomacy-negotiation-resolving conflict,the World leaders and the Government could do something like making a day to donate and innovations in science.

  • In my opinion we haven't solved the global food crisis because of the pandemic,war conflect,lack of jobs,not enough money,climite change,rising energy and lost of more.We need to stop this now by cooperation sharing,tackling climate change also stop wasting food and give it a home less person.Please please do all of theese things.Thank you

  • I think that the global food crisis has not been solved yet because world leaders and rich and important people have not noticed neither contributed to helping world hunger and poverty. Another reason that world hunger has not been solved yet is because of all the food waste that we and others are producing, there are 900 million tonnes of food waste thrown away every year! A way we can help to solve this is that we could give more food to charity or we could try to raise awareness by educating more children about the global food crisis. Management of food waste can be a big help in stopping the crisis as we could give some of it (the food waste) to people with less food than us.

  • ln my opinion we haven 't solved the global food crisis because of the pandemic,war conflect,lack of money and waste of food.

  • In my opinion I think that world leaders are doing nothing to help solve the global food crisis,really some are being ignorant about it espesialy because it doesnt affect them.Bad weather conditions means no crops and so for some people they are suffering from world hunger it has come to my concern that world leaders and the goverment should take serious notice of whats going on.

  • I think people should give money to the charity way people can get some food and thier should be less war's

    1. I agree because... Giving them good food and water will help.😀

  • I partly think this is because of the global food waste. Rich people are feasting while the poor are dying the rich should be more kind and give more to the poor in the world. Also I think world leaders are not pushing us hard enough to give away food for free. Some world leaders are trying not to solve the problem this is very wrong and more people should be pushed to give, not take more.

  • In my opinion one of the reasons why we have not solved the food crisis is because we are wasting lots of food every day .The world leaders also need to do their part by working together. Everyone can help by sharing food and storing spare food and freezing it.

  • In my opinion I think that we have not fixed world hunger because if we did not wast so much food we could feed the whole entire earth we have to share it is unfair that someone had a feast and someone having nothing a day.

  • I think the global food crisis can be solved but some people just don't want to do anything about it because they are not in the crisis.One way I think people can do to help is Instead of doughnut shops in America throwing away over 10,000 doughnuts a day they can ship them to country like Africa,Afghanistan,Gambia etc.

    1. If they shipped these, they would go off before they reached the other countries!

  • Because we are not eating all are food and throwing it in the bin and not keeping it for another time or give it to the people in need.Because you eat loads every day and go to sleep full of food but other kids cant afford it and they go to sleep hungry.So why should we be able to eat and they don't they have to live with no food just because were wasting food.Did you know that there is enough food in the world for everyone but were not sharing equaly together and thats also why people are going hungry.

  • because of covid 19 and russia and ukraine at war

  • i think that when you finshed a meal you should put in a box for tommorow or give it to a homeless person on the streets because they dont have any food ordrinck to last them selves so if you got any spare food give it to the poor or kepp for tommorow so dont waste food or drinck so dont do wasteing food becuse it causes other people to not have any food or drinck so give poor people food if you dont people like homeless people could die from starveing and drincking give poor people food and drinck thanks

  • In my opinion we should have tackle climate change because climate change is the that make people hungying we have give them the money to eat and we have to build some home for them

  • Reasons why we haven’t solved world hunger until now is because a-lot of people think that as long as they aren’t suffering from world hunger then its fine which is bad now people in these days waste a-lot of food on stuff they will never eat like the foods on social medias they make a huge amount of food but never eat it or finish it , world hunger is getting worse than better and if humans aren’t willing to help end it there will be a huge problem on this world and it would be too late for us to fix things and get everything back to normal world hunger has already took over 46 countries which is a-lot and soon if we don’t find a way to end it or make it better we will suffer from something that will make our lives horrible because without food or water human cant live it hurts seeing kids, adults struggling to keep their eyes opened because they dont have food in their countries will humans ever realize the problem they have involved others into? Probably not until they experience it themselves.

  • I think that our world leaders need to take action on all of the food crises happening in their country and also all around the world. They do not notice this because it is not happening to them. There are many world issues that have affected leader to help starving children such as: climate change, covid 19, the war between Russia and Ukraine and what is happening to many young girls in Iran who are protesting.

    For example, some children in Pakistan cannot eat as of the flood due to climate change or that some people in Africa who have no money as they have had no education so they can't to buy food and even clean water to drink. This is what leaders need to understand that some of us cannot afford everything; they need to at least try and change people's miserable, gloomy lives to happy and joyful lives.

  • I agree that world leaders aren't doing what they can to help with the global food crisis. This is a problem that everyone can solve. We just have to work together to get it done.

    1. What do you think would be some effective actions everyone could take – can you share two ideas?

    2. I do not believe that everyone can solve this global food crisis, while there are other global and local issues in every country that can restrict the help for others. For example, the COVID pandemic would have majorly limited this due to the lack of tourism and movement between countries. Also, in the UK, the cost of living increasing would reduce the number of people willing to help others while they are struggling themselves.

  • Why haven't we solved the problem of hunger in the world yet?
    First, we look at the problem of hunger, where the proportion of food has decreased. One of the reasons is that this country has few agricultural areas, so it is not able to grow enough plants for the consumption of this country, or the lack of natural pastures, which reduces animal husbandry, and thus harms the lack of food.
    The causes of the problem of hunger are not limited to the reasons mentioned above, but may be due to the weak level of the state's economy, as the inability to provide the country's need of food or food in general,
    This may be due to natural disasters that destroy agricultural areas, so the percentage of agriculture decreases and the percentage of hunger increases

  • I think I know why we have not solved the hungry problem because all of Ukraine is getting bomed by Russia and we can not help Ukraine because it won't help us or them.And also evry one in Ukraine is starving and want water.But I think I have got a good idea we could have a vote with evry one in the world except Russia and Ukraine and see if
    desire if we should help them build up the house.😁

  • In recent years, the rates of famine have continued to increase due to wars and invasions, most notably the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Because of it, we are now facing a great danger in the face of famine in many countries of the world, because of which millions of people die, and therefore we must take measures to reduce it. An individual should not stand idly by, but should try in any way he can to reduce this terrible famine because it is the responsibility of every individual. Famine “Early Monitoring and Forecasting” through which the areas threatened by famine are monitored at an early stage, and thus measures and solutions will be taken at an early date, which helps to “prevent the spread of famine” and “enhance local food production” that makes the country self-sufficient in its food There are also many other solutions that help eradicate famine, but only by uniting and taking simple measures that contribute significantly to eliminating famine and maintaining The lives of millions of people.

  • Ending hunger isn't about supply. The world produces enough food to feed everyone on the planet. The problem is access and availability, both of which are disrupted by things like extreme weather, food waste, conflict and the main is POVERTY . For example : Sudan , Sudan has a percentage of 79.30 poverty ,and this is caused by the expanding population along with climate change which affected the agricultural sector, which in turn impacts food security and the livelihoods of people living in Sudan. For rural populations, unreliable rainfall, low productivity and small landholdings are major contributors to poverty in the area. These factors have also impacted malnutrition and children who are underweight. One third or 32 percent of children who are under the age of five is underweight as a result of chronic malnutrition. I totally agree with the statement that says the world leaders aren’t doing enough to solve the problem , because if they tried to solve this problem and put some effort , the starvation would have stopped .

  • Food crisis is caused because of mismanagement either caused by different natural factor, like climate change effects and the disasters inflicted by it, or either by the global food managers. Ever increasing population of the world can also be taken as a major cause for the crisis despite the management measures. ''The Population Bomb'', written by Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich and his wife, Anne Ehrlich gives enough understanding to grasp the cause of food crisis. We have to halt the increasing population and enhance the food production simultaneously. Moreover, access to food is to be ensured at the same time as well.

  • If we look at the causes of food crises, we will find that population density and environmental problems are among the biggest causes of this problem, which makes us look for a way to address this crisis, such as sharing food, for example! Why don't developed countries share their food production with developing countries?! . The first reason is conflict and war, which is the biggest cause of hunger in the world, forcing families to flee their homes. It makes it difficult and dangerous for humanitarian organizations to reach communities in need. Political instability Inflation and economic shocks have affected many people's access to food, but even if food is available, it is too expensive for many people. The recent global financial crises have also led to a rise in food prices and a decrease in investments in agriculture by individuals and governments in developed countries, which has led to a decline in food production.

  • Well, some country leaders are ignorant and not well-defining for being helpful and caring. World hunger is still a problem because of some specific factors and maybe more.
    ● Poverty- a main factor. Many people around the world are too poor to buy their own food and get rid of hunger. Poverty contributes to world hunger by forcing them to sell their livestock, tools and even forming a vicious cycle, which makes people who cannot afford buying food undernourished.
    ● Climate change. Cyclones and hurricanes have caused damage to people's livelihoods and agricultural production. Even floods and drought had to make people face hunger crisis.
    ● War and conflict. The process of conflict often involves seizing and destroying land or other resources. It also includes the destruction of transportation infrastructure.
    ● Food waste. Food waste often occurs when restaurants and people at home throw out food. Some throw food in oceans because they have nowhere to get rid of the food, affecting aquatic animals and destroying sea nature. Often, distributors and retailers reject fruit and vegetables that have blemishes or spots.
    These kinds of food could be something to be given at least to feed undernourished people. There must be emergent efforts to reduce world hunger that include: lasting solutions to empower people, bringing an end to conflict, taking better care of our planet and making a conscious effort not to waste food and weakening sea nature.

  • The main problem is access and availability, both of which are disrupted by things such as extreme weather , food waste ( this mainly happens alot) and conflict .
    Poverty , its the cause of hunger around the world, in both higher wealth and low to middle income countries..

  • we can also say that the vicious cycle between malnutrition and making it harder to function in jobs ..
    malnutrition which is not merely a lack of food , but lack of nutrition directly affect's energy, health and cognition.
    when a person is caught in a cycle of not having the nutrition they need to thrive , it makes them underperform both physically . this inverse relationship creates a vicious cycle that self-perpetuates

  • Global food crisis is a problem that effect us nd our leaders too. The reasons for hunger nd food insecurity vary from countryto country but generally ,its result of conflict economic shocks such as hyperinflation and rising commodity prices and environmental shocks such as floods ,droughts nd acid rains .world leaders should make such policies which increase productivity . They should prepare people how to conserve resources . If we have any productivity extra than that of our needs ... plan in advance to share with others so that it would not b wasted . Keeping in mind that hunger can make u to snatch from others what u ve not, either u surrender for dying . Both r extremes . We need balance .

  • Some leaders of the world are not paying heed towards solving world hunger yet they dont know exact productivity nd consumptiin of their countries .they must know which exports could fill the gaps of imports .they must have friendly contacts with those countries which could help them .
    UnO can also play a key role nd bring forth issue of food crises At the time of floods in pakistan UN secetary General AntinoGutterrs called for aid . Many countries come forward to help pakistan .

  • Poverty is one of the principal cause of global hunger and that is because of the unequal distribution of income and and natural resources around the world. Developing counties lack resources , income and technology and because of this millions of people simply cannot afford the land or farming supplies they need to grow crops and they do not have the income to purchase food and because of that people can not gain access to nutritious food and the people starve.

  • In my opinion: I think that world leaders do not do enough to provide their people with enough food and the necessary food, but at least they are trying to provide food for their people, and this is nice from the presidents because they take every precaution against the spread of hunger. Certainly there are reasons why hunger in the world is a problem that is difficult to solve: including soil pollution, weak economic factor, the spread of epidemics and diseases such as the Corona pandemic, the spread of poverty in abundance, the high population and bad climate change, the large number of conflicts and conflicts between countries and their division, people wasting food and spoiling some foods, and there are solutions to this problem, as it is said. *Every problem has a solution* And this problem must be solved as quickly as possible by winning the friendship of friendly peoples to prevent wars and conflicts that affect the destruction and damage of the soil, which reduces agricultural production and overcome poverty, not using chemicals that burn agricultural crops and spreading the spirit of cooperation with the help of poor countries before Developing and developed countries, promoting agriculture and food donations from countries where food is available.

  • My answering is your questions///
    (Better save than sorry).

  • I think it is just rude to waste lots of food when so many people don't have much of it. It doesn't just impact the people that don't have much food it also impacts the environment.

    1. To a small extent I agree with your point about it impacting the environment, as I believe that it is the other way round, whereby the destruction of the environment catalyzes the food crisis. For example, without nutritious soil would impact the growth of crops for farmers.

  • Because we are too slow in producing food to cater to the ever-increasing population around the globe. We are urbanizing crop fields rapidly. Cutting trees so fast. So it means that field producing areas are reducing and people to eat are increasing. We are reducing food production by poisoning our irrigating waters by adding pollutants released by our industries. We are destroying the environment by releasing poisonous gases into the atmosphere. We are doing such things which are responsible for climate change. Climate change effects are responsible for the erosion of cultivable soil and the destruction by floods of standing crops.

  • Famine is a scary thing, there are several problems that prevent donating food or cooperating with it, such as the economic situation, the money is not enough for transportation banks or social status, there is no relationship between the needy country and the donor country, and from here the crisis begins to increase and famine spreads in countries And the death of children and people who have no fault in all these problems. Do we think with our heart for once and forget all the problems and help children from slow death (starvation)? Isn't it worth thinking for once because they are spirits and are associated with death...

  • I agree that people should stop the food waste because there are many people around suffering from starvation. There is a lot of food around the world but some people waste and they don't know how it feels to suffer. I think that every person shouldn't waste food because it is very important that we eat everything on your plate. However, the global food crisis is more than that. People aren't just hungry, they are suffering because they don't have enough food to survive. The problem has always existed. However, because of climate change, covid-19 and conflict it is getting worse. Some people in this world think that world leaders aren't doing enough to solve the problem that is going on because the global food crisis does not affect them in the same way as someone who doesn't have enough food.

    Do you agree with me?

  • 'Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet?'
    Well, we need to think about the inflation which has been very difficult for everyone. This year especially has been hard with covid 19 which means no one could have gone out. Climate change has also impacted farmers crops which then makes it difficult for the truck collectors to transfer the food to the supermarkets. World leaders aren't really doing anything about this matter because it is gradually getting worse every day. They need to make a change and help those struggling to survive.

  • I think global food crisis can't be solved when we don't have adequate food supply, the adequate food supply is imposible because of the major problems the whole world is facing for example the recent pandemic COVID 19 it has led to alot of change for example the money that had to be used to solve the crisis was now reverted to the health sector because it was more useful at that time for example the money the WFP was supposed to get was reduced and given to the WHO so this really leaves a gap in these organizations which they have to fill before coming back on board leaving alone the covid 19, i talked about the inadequate food supply this comes about because of the climate change and its indicators, climate change is greatly affecting the food production because it indicators really are not favorable to grow crops one cause of the climate change is the use of vehicles, industrialization which emit carbon monoxide the atmosphere hence destroying the ozone layer which could trap the sunlight rays and so the rays come directly to the surface which causes desertification hence reducing the food production which makes the solving of the food crisis impossible and if we can't solve the climate change we can't solve the global food crisis and climate change is increasing day by day and when it increases it will create more refeeges and more land will be spoilt hence making the global food crisis impossible.

  • At least we can eat as many things as we need at any given time, But we also know that there are many people especially childrens, who are suffer from hunger, cold, work, steal and they have no shelters, and they do not live in comfort, safety, and responsibility at a very young age. We can alleviate the problem of hunger by reducing food waste, and instead of throwing it away, we should distribute it to the poor people and try to help them in the matter of hunger.

  • Another reason for the spread of hunger in the world is the acceleration of the phenomenon of "civilization" in developing countries. In other words, the displacement of large numbers of rural residents to cities, and a large part of them gathered in belts of misery in the suburbs of these cities, with the unemployment rate rising to unprecedented levels. The decline in the number of workers in the agricultural sector and the transfer of the most vital and economically active groups to other sectors of the economy that do not produce foodstuffs, which leads to the neglect of large areas of land in the countryside. These are matters that lead to a decline in agricultural production in a large number of developing countries, and thus to a decrease in the possibilities of food security for their populations.
    Another reasonis the impact of climate change.
    With the increase in pollution in the world in recent years, incidents of severe weather manifestations have increased worldwide, and this leads to crop damage due to severe drought or cold, heavy rain, floods, soil erosion and hurricanes. Those most affected by climate change are the poorest countries, where hunger is rampant and there is no social security. But another problem is fueling hunger through climate change.
    The matter here is related to "the high concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which leads to a decrease in micronutrients in beneficial plants and a deficiency in protein, zinc or iron," and a decrease in the nutritional value of basic foodstuffs such as wheat, rice, corn and soy.

  • I agree that world leaders aren't doing enough to solve the world food hunger crisis because they won't ever know what it feels like to go to bed hungry because they happen to be even more fortunate than others (this is disregarding the world leaders who came from underprivileged backgrounds).

  • I think we can solve the problem of hunger because of war: during war, people are often taken from their homes. Farmers are driven off their lands or driven off to fight, making growing crops nearly impossible during wartime. Opposing forces may scorch the land, kill animals, and also contribute to starvation.
    Climate Change: Climate change is causing not only unpredictable weather but deadly storms and temperatures (hot and cold) that make it increasingly difficult to grow crops.
    Failure of political institutions: Although this failure occurs for multiple reasons (war, corruption, colonialism, famine, etc.), political upheaval can lead to conflict that, as we have discussed, drives farmers off their lands or completely destroys the land.

  • Why haven't we solved the problem of hunger in the world? For example, poverty causes a lack of education but war can also cause poverty. And of course, when people starve, they cannot find the energy to grow crops which in turn leads to more starvation. This is why solving the hunger crisis is so problematic. One organization simply cannot handle every issue.

    Poverty: This is very obvious. When people do not have the economic means to buy food, they will starve. Sometimes it is necessary for them to decide whether they want to pay for food or pay their rent.
    Animal agriculture: Famine and war cause only about 10 percent of hunger-related deaths. About 90 percent of the other deaths come from chronic malnutrition caused by poor distribution of resources such as the majority of the world's grain being fed to livestock rather than people. In turn, this cattle cannot feed as many people as the original grain. In addition, meat is more expensive than grain, so only those who have money can buy meat, which further perpetuates the hunger crisis

  • The infernal circle of world hunger:
    The problem of hunger circulates in the infernal circle and is passed on from generation to generation
    Hunger plunges the individual into a cycle of endless poverty and need, and this vicious cycle or cycle is passed down from generation to generation.
    as follows:
    Children: Malnutrition hinders their mental and physical development. Young people: They suffer from chronic diseases that make them constantly tired, miss school, and ultimately lead to poor learning. Adults: lack of awareness and knowledge, which hinders their ability
    at work.
    Family: Poor health during the mother's pregnancy leads to the birth of a child
    He suffers from malnutrition.
    Then the cycle begins again and can be summarized as follows:
    Health problems
    inability to work
    An unhealthy pregnancy and an unhealthy generation capable of working

    1. This is true and the way that you have shown how one thing leads to another shows great problem-solving. How could people break this cycle to prevent generations of people from being "trapped" in it?

  • Hi We all know the problem circulating around the world is the food crisis, a crisis that many have not looked at I believe that the cause of this crisis is because of the difference in food stocks in the world due to drought and the increase in population, which led to the disappearance of half of the forests in the world, scarring of groundwater resources and erosion of biodiversity. The leaders are not doing badly about it because it does not affect them directly, and hunger in the world will only get worse, especially with the increase in poverty and the epidemic. We hope that this crisis will disappear very soon.

  • Hello, i want to say that
    "Hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food,But by a scarcity of democracy”

    1. This is a very interesting statement. Can you explain what you mean by this?

  • Millions of people around the world are simply too poor to be able to buy food. They also lack the resources to grow their own food, such as arable land and the means to harvest, process, and store food. There are many causes of poverty that contribute to the problem of world hunger. Persistent instability due to adverse climate events, conflict and economic slowdowns all contribute to food insecurity. Although the majority of people suffering from extreme hunger are living in developing countries, the main cause of hunger around the world is poverty.

  • Not all people stand by each other to solve crises,help poor people and contribute to improving their standard of living . Also we should encourage institutions and owners of centers that provide assistance to poor people stand by them and donate to reduce hunger and poverty and in this way we can save the fundemental rights of children and make them happy, they don’t feel offended and equal to everyone in society.

  • Hunger is one of the most terrible feelings, and hunger is a product of poverty, as we can find many brilliant examples of this. On my personal side, I see this example daily, and it is my country, Lebanon. I do not know if you have heard about Lebanon's economic crisis, Lebanon today is on the list of the most three worst crises in the world, while Lebanon was one of the richest countries with its resources. But, because of the wrong use of state funds and the accumulation of huge debts on this country whose area does not exceed 10,500 square kilometers, the local currency collapsed, and as a country that imports more than 80% of its needs, commodity prices rose automatically, so the Lebanese began to buy only their basic needs due to the weak capacity. Purchasing, so that there are many Lebanese who are unable to secure bread for their families, so most Lebanese have witnessed this change in their eating.

    So I do not think that solving the food crisis is easy. Because the food crisis is the result of much larger crises, and it can only be resolved by resolving what led to it.

  • I certainly agree with the statement and there are more factors affecting world hunger hence making bit hard to solve. The UN has tried many ways to fight world hunger and these include providing food to countries badly affected by disaster. In many cases, the support provided by these organizations doesn't reach the people that need it most since the distributers have selfish desires and tend to sell it. This introduces us to one of the major factors affecting world hunger. The major factor here is corruption. For example in my country Kenya, the government has decided to import GMO maize to carp for raising prices of food to people all over the country since most of them didn't plant and their families were going to starve. Many individuals and organization tried to assist the government by donating food items like cooking oil, maize flour and other food accessories, but most of these donated items didn't reach the general public and reached a few of the essential workers. This was due to corrupt leaders that only supplied poor quality maize flour and beans to the citizens and decided to sell the food stuffs of good quality. With such corruption in the world, it will be had to fight world hunger. If we want to solve the problem of food crisis we have to fight corruption first.

  • I think that world leaders are focusing too much on development of higher income countries and are not spending enough money on the lower income countries. This results in an element of ignorance towards those in LICs and therefore does not provoke an improvement in the global food crisis.
    Also, other global issues, like COVID and the war between Russia and Ukraine, act as a distraction because global leaders only act on issues that affect almost every country, and class issues like the food crisis as a minor situation. I do not agree with this because the food crisis is a global issue, but not everyone can voice their situations in LICs with lack of technology etc.

  • Global food crisis s caused by a lot of things and this not all about world leaders helping out or anything this is about what we can do to solve the global food crisis. We can help ourselves by farming the food we eat. People come up with excuses of why they don't have food and blame it on world leaders but if we stop depending on the world leaders and fend for ourselves we can fight this global food crisis. Like I said earlier we can farm the food we eat, but some people can give an excuse saying there isn't enough land for farming that is why we can farm vertically. There is a lot of advantages to it. One of the most important advantage is that it saves land and the use of water and it is cheaper to practice.

  • we havent solved the world food problem yet because countries that have more than they need dont do charity or share the things that they have. we can also solve it by donating /

  • World hunger isn’t an easy problem to fix, especially since a lot of people all around the world are going to bed hungry. But just giving food for the hungry isn’t a long term solution, since it’s only going to help them the day they got the food, i think that most of the hungry are jobless, if not all, so we could start by giving jobs to those people. Also, giving jobs isn’t that easy as well there might be no jobs at all that can be taken, so the country should try to building more industries and factories, since that will benefit both sides(the country will have more production and the hungry will get a job and be able to buy food).

  • I agree with the statement that mentions that word leaders are not doing enough to solve the problem of world food crisis because it's not affecting them in the same way it affects someone who doesn't have enough food. Most world leaders here today in our economy are more focused on other political issues than rather trying to solve the problem of world food food crisis, I could mention that world leaders are trying their best in governing people and dealing with most of their problems, but in u day today scenario the government is more interested in making investments whereby the constantly tax people highly despite of the fact that they earn less. Our today government don't validate the fact people not only in cities but also remote areas die in large masses due to the convectional fact of starvation. People work from 6 to 7hrs a day or even ,more just to get a little wage to meet their required necessities which the major one is food, unfortunately world leaders don't think of this perhaps and still go ahead and tax these people leaving them to manage the less they have and meet their necessities. In my own opinion i believe that people should be encouraged to practice more agriculture so they can benefit equally from this and help reduce on world hunger.

  • World hunger is a major problem that many people are facing and they don't know what to do about it . Many people have already died from world hunger . I am very sad to know that people have money and food and they don't even think to give any food or money to the hungry homeless people on the streets around the world . World leaders know about this problem but they don't do any thing about it . I don't why till this moment we still haven't solved the global food crisis problem . Every country should give the basic needs to the people including food , drinks , clothing and a place to live . I hope that the global food crisis ends soon and the world leaders take place into this problem .

    1. Whilst you may feel that world leaders are doing nothing, is this true? Can you find examples of food initiatives within countries or internationally?

  • I agree that world leaders are not doing enough as it’s not affecting them personally but it is affecting hundreds of people all over the world. I think there should be more put in place to help them and there families.

  • We, like most children in the world, do not feel hungry because we always find the refrigerator full of food. So we don't worry about that. But in reality there are millions of children and people suffering from food crisis and malnutrition. Although we live in the twenty one century and with a huge amount of development and technology, it is sad that there are undernourished people, especially in developing countries. The world produces enough to feed the world's population. However, we find that many of the world's people do not have what to meet their needs. There are many reasons that lead to a food crisis. Climate change, food waste, wars and conflicts that lead to the displacement of many people and this leads to the spread of poverty, where many people are so poor that they cannot afford to buy food. The hungry people of the world live in areas where there are wars and conflicts. Wars cause hunger, as it interferes with food production. Often in conflicts land is seized and destroyed, and the transport infrastructure used to transport food from one place to another is destroyed. This means that some people may go days without getting food. This causes food prices to rise and makes it impossible for the world's poorest people to buy food. This situation requires political intervention to find lasting solutions to the conflict around the world.
    Why haven't we yet reached a solution to reduce hunger? I simply think that the problem is not the failure of the agricultural process, but the problem is due to the failure in politics and human mistake.  Political leaders must redouble their efforts and allocate funds to help poor countries adapt to climate crises as well. And launch a global fundraising campaign . There are many strategies that help solve the problem . Let's not forget our role in educating our family and friends about farming practices and reducing food wastage.

  • While the world leadrs are busy collecting money most people all over the world are suffering to collect at least the foodstuffs they need to keep them alive. This only happen if the chance were by they side due to this world issue .
    However, not just concentrating on the world leaders how bad they're not caring but instead we should let people to foucs on the positive and meaningful parts of the life they'll have after solving this problem.

  • We also know that the problem of hunger cannot be overcome despite the developed countries such as Europe and African-American despite their development, but they cannot reduce the problem of hunger. Among the causes of hunger are the conflicts between countries such as the Gaza Strip, most of which occupied agricultural lands, and the resulting lack of food resources and soil pollution Resulting from waste of excess food and air pollution resulting from factory smoke that prevents crops from growing well and pollution in water resources, including killing fish that live in seas, oceans and rivers. These causes make people feel very hungry from every side, and neighboring and European countries must cooperate with each other. to reduce the problem

  • We all sailed in a sea of health crises, as we dive from one disease to another. These diseases played an important role in the imbalance of governments and the country, as specialists began to spend money on medicines and vaccines, and they forgot the social conditions that attack the country and turned away from dealing with them, which exacerbated these cases, such as poverty and unemployment. Especially hunger... Is there any surprise at the exacerbation and spread of famine!?

  • When you think about how much money it would take to solve world hunger, it's best to start with the numbers. According to the 2020 report by the International Institute for Sustainable Development, financial estimates to stop world hunger by 2030 require a contribution of US$33 billion per year or a total of US$330 billion.
    On the other hand, the more difficult and costly approach aims to eradicate hunger by first addressing the issue of poverty, which will not only prevent hunger among the vulnerable population but also solve many other issues. Among them are reducing gender inequality, promoting climate-smart farming practices, improving the country's overall diet, and promoting disaster risk reduction.
    No matter which approach you consider, there is no fix

  • World hunger is the most immediate threat to the world right now, and you can never know the extent unless you have experienced the feeling of being hungry without a choice. It is astonishing that 25000 people die of hunger daily while so much food is being wasted by the privileged like us, I truly believe this issue is not publicized enough. Unless more significant work is being done to solve the issue in the shadows, not enough is done. The increase in world hunger recently is due to Covid 19 or global warming but even before that factors like poverty contributed to world hunger so we can recognize they go in hand. More should be done in the name of world hunger and our minds should look outside of our homes if forces are combined improvement will be recognizable.

  • The issue of the global food crisis was one of the most important topics that we should talk about, because it is the problem that most of the world suffers from.
    I believe that the real and main cause of the global food crisis is the change in the world's climate and the change in temperature in the world, which causes drought that affects agricultural production in the world, especially crops that depend on rain water such as wheat and barley, and the rise in temperature also leads to the death of animals and thus reduces wealth animal
    And not only that, the low temperature and floods that occur in most regions of the world lead to soil erosion, which will lead to crop problems and raise their prices in the world, so that poor people cannot buy them, which causes famines.

  • I somewhat agree with the statement of world leaders not doing anything because it doesn't effect them but, i also think that there are other reasons for this. As stated in the main video some causes were; natural disasters, Wars, and supply chain problems. For example, Sudan and South Sudan are still recovering from being at war for so long. These countries often need things like: humanitarian assistance and Food aid. So in conclusion, while i agree with the statement i also think there are other reasons why solving World Hunger is quite difficult.

    1. Thank you for your comment @cherished_gazelle. Can you please share other reasons why it is difficult to solve world hunger?

  • People are hungry because they don't have enough food to survive and we need to stop that because world leaders won't do anything about it because the global food crisis doesn't affect them at all. This global food crisis is only getting worse and I feel like we can do something to stop it.
    A way we can do that is by creating an organization that tries to stop the global food crisis. Another way is to give hungry people food. One more way to stop the global food crisis is to protest and tell the world leaders to help stop the global food crisis.

  • World leaders have recognized this food crisis, but the problem is that some of these leaders don't take action. Some may argue that if they took action then they would initially not have enough to give away, or it would cost more to give, but as a leader, person in government, shouldn't they strive the best for their people? I see it as this crisis is being neglected. Our world leaders only offer the necessity people need to survive (shelter, health, etc.), but food is of high priority and though there is a lot of food, it's demanding money. Most of the time, people don't have anything, nevertheless money, which leads to people having no food. Also, most people can't provide for themselves; they depend on others. If they don't have anything to give, they're all gonna end up with nothing--to the point where they're gonna end up in poverty and hungry.

  • I believe there are many reasons world hunger is a difficult problem to solve, However I also believe that world leaders aren't doing enough to solve it. I know there are enough resources to help people who are suffering but the people who have access to these resources choose to not help. World hunger is a difficult problem but it is possible to solve

    1. What do you think would be the thing that would make the biggest difference in solving the world hunger crisis?

  • Most wealthy people don't think about food as much as other people that yearn for it. They tend to do this because they have not experienced deep poverty or they have been in poverty and they are too self centred with their new wealth. World leaders are massively responsible for the global food crisis because of their greed and selfishness. Think about it. Many people from your country are starving and drowning in poverty and you haven't taken serious action yet. What part of that shows leadership? World leaders are taking advantage of their place regarding food and wealth and are refusing to look down and help people that are under them. What really annoys me is that they see past the horrible parts of their communities and only acknowledge the wealthy and fortunate people who can provide for themselves and can help themselves unlike other people. This isn't affecting in some countries; it is affecting every part of the world we live in. This needs to stop!

  • Yes, the covid 19 and the climate change is a factor but there are also other assisting factors, poverty being one of them, the percent of poverty in the world is 9% while the percent for poverty is 10 % so we should actually expect that the rate of world hunger should be high. The cause would be nothing more than conflict, war, countries going head-to-head with each other. Nigeria, my country for example has a poverty rate of about 12.8 %, meaning about 5.5 million people are affected by that, the huge lack of resources does not even make it better. I can give the example of the covid 19, in Nigeria the government gave palliative but out of the conflict and hunger of Nigerians people stole the food in huge amounts thus those who even needed the food would never get it, although, I do agree with you Claire the leaders are not doing enough, in my country buying a form to run for any presidential or parliamentary seat costs 1oo million and there are millions of people starving on the streets and even in their houses I mean if they could give even only a portion of that money it could solve a whole lot of problems. Don't you think so.

  • The problem of the food shortage is most keenly felt in developing countries. It threatens to •grow worse. The whole world faces the problem that raw materials are being used up at an increasing rate and food production cannot keep up with the population increase. People in the rich countries make the heaviest demands on the world's resources, its food, fuel and land, and cause the most pollution.

  • I think we have not solved world hunger yet since
    1.there are so many people in the world so there cant posably be enough for everyone!
    2.not everyone has money or atleast enough money so they cant but stuff like food!
    I would love for the world to have no homeless people and thats why i think we need to fix that

    1. I disagree because... There is enough for everyone the government just doesn't want to cause their lazy and greedy and they would prefer to take and not give also yes you are correct not everyone has money that's why it's important to give and not take all the time yes and I would also like for their to be no homeless people.

  • I agree with the statement that says world leaders are not doing anything to solve this problem because it is not affecting them. Some world leaders are ignorant about food crisis, in some cases what causes world hunger is insecurity mostly where I stay that is Nigeria there is insecurity and most at times people are displaced that is where the problem of world hunger comes in because people are displaced from their source of livelihood and most at times can't provide for themselves. Also unemployment causes poverty which leads to a situation where people cannot provide for themselves food due to low income this also causes world hunger. I feel the way to solve this problem is that infrastructures and industries should be developed in order for people to gain employment, so they can provide for them selves food and other basic nessecities.

    Reply to this comment

  • I also agree with this statement, Why hasn't anyone done anything to this global world problem. Most leaders haven't done much to help or complete this problem, Neither have they said much about it on the internet or at least what I have seen. What I am trying to say is We need much more decisions and much more popularity on this subject. Also Most people down in poor places don't have much food and water to live on. This subject needs to rise and make a decision to solve it. The last time I've seen a video or comment was a very long time ago and now I see it less and less comments about it and videos about which is one way of saying this problem isn't important to many people as it really Is to others. There Needs to be a difference about this problem

  • Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet?

    We haven't solved the problem of world hunger yet because of poverty.
    millions of people around the world are too poor to buy their family food,or even for themselves.Some people don't have enough land or are allowed to have land, to plant or harvest food.
    According to an article it states,"America has more than enough food for everyone to eat. But each year, billions of pounds of perfectly good food go to waste. Meanwhile, 34 million face hunger in the United States."Also from the same article it says,"How much food waste is there in the United States? Each year, 108 billion pounds of food is wasted in the United States. That equates to 130 billion meals and more than $408 billion in food thrown away each year".
    And this is just for the United States!
    The Unites States have the most food waste in 2022,and the U.N. World Food Programme has a plan to end world hunger but we still are not sure when that's gonna happen.

    We can still stop food waste at home,though it isnt enough to stop food waste in the world but just the little things can make a big difference.

  • I agree with the statement because when I'm hungry I tend to get agitated or bit sad but that's just me others have a bit different ways of experiencing that their hungry. also world leaders really aren't that different because well they eat everyday when they don't they have the same feelings we do. but why do they not use those feelings to end world hunger? I just call that not caring or laziness and both of those things are my least favorite thing. Also people are suffering because food is supposed to make you healthy and strong for the long day ahead. if your not eating you will 1. be out of energy 2. you'll become sleepy and not very energized and 3. you could probably get sick.
    even with covid - 19 out it's still very dangerous even if you don't eat it's just as dangerous. if you don't Did you know 3.1 million children die just because of hunger. that is sad and I hate to say it but the only reason why world hunger isn't solved is because people don't want to do it or their greedy and don't like to share with the world or their just what we don't need in this world. In conclusion world hunger needs to be solved if we want to survive.

    1. Are you sure that's the only reason, poetic_nation? Have a read of some of the other comments to see if you can learn about any other reasons for world hunger.

      1. As I was looking I realized that that isn't just that it's also because feeding people cost money and when you have a lot of people to feed that's a lot of money that needs to be ade so we can accomplish this goal of The Food Crisis.

  • This is a main problem,around the world many people do not have food on their plate and many are trying to stop this issue but it is going to be hard considering the fact that 828 million.and the leaders are not doing anything people are making protest and all the government does is take more until the last atom. this is why the problem of world hunger has not stopped.this does not bother the leaders governments because they have money this is not who we are this is not who we have to be we can change for the better.so all we have to do is team up trade,share,and discuss.

    I wanted to share and respond to this topic because this is very relatable to me and others. please speak up to these leaders? ?

  • Food shouldn't be restricted, limited, etc you name it it also should not be taken away from humans we all need to eat to live people have to STARVE for WEEKS if not MONTHS its not fair of the fact that alot of people cant afford, or have food like I said, food should not be restricted from humans, we'll die without it. Ways we can help is donating food to selters and giving food to the homeless, etc you get the point people need help we can help in so many waysy but we dont even know how.

  • The statement "world leaders aren’t doing enough to solve the problem" is false because world leaders are trying to make their own country suitable to live and for others to have a better life. Global food crisis start is people in their country are making it worse like wasting the food instead of giving it to other people so the world leaders are making it better for example 200 countries team up together to cover up the hole of the ozone layer made by the gas called CFC (chlorofluorocarbons). after banning it 200 countries started to cover it and the result is that the hole in the ozone layer is getting smaller so the world leader is doing something to solve the problem.

    1. Do you think it's enough for world leaders to try to "make their own country suitable to live in"? Or is there a way that world leaders could work together?

  • Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet?
    We haven't solved the problem of world hunger yet because some countries don't have enough food to trade with other countries and some countries are also poor. Another reason can be caused by war between two countries. When two countries declare war on each other, they stop trading their resources with that country. However, some countries REALLY need food and water to be provided to them. They could really be struggling from droughts and low trade status. A way to solve this problem would probably be to trade and communicate to countries in need of this support.

  • Yes, in my country Uganda there is a problem of hunger and it is caused by some few factors for example climate or weather change like we have two seasons ; dry and wet season which dry is for harvesting while the wet season is for planting crops for example maize, beans, carrots etc. In which those plants you make different products out of them and they are eaten by people. Our leaders don't there their jobs for example like teaching people the dangers of cutting down trees and the importances of growing different crops. Also people don't care about wet season where they should grow different crops in order to avoid world hunger.

  • I can concur that the world leaders aren't doing enough to support ,as a matter of fact some are even primitive in their thoughts about global food crisis, there are many reasons that lead to global food crisis for instance the conflicts between countries such as the recent war between Russia and Uqraine which has no effect but harm on the world ;as an consequence for this starvation overrided many countries in Africa who where most effected by ,since uqraine is the biggest producer not only to wheat but inaddition to corn and barley with a percentage of 50% of the world's trade !
    but however this isn't the only reason.
    More over climate change is massive factor ,As greenhouse gas emissions blanket the Earth, they trap the sun’s heat. This leads to global warming and climate change. The world is now warming faster than at any point in recorded history , this leads to in an increase in time taken for plants to
    grow which will affect countries and kill people all over the the world.
    In conclusion we must concern our earth planet by stopping the political conflicts , and giving attention to climate change for example the earth summit which was held in november 6th untill november 22nd in sharm elsheikh Egypt it didn't not only examine the impact of climate change on our communities, it offered suggestions as to how we all can work towards reducing our personal carbon footprint and consider creative ways of persuading our parents and friends.

  • I 100% agree with this statement but there is definitely more to it if it has always existed. World leaders are selfish and most of the time only care about the political side of this, if they didn't then we wouldn't see people all around the world starving. Selfishness, covid 19, climate change is the reason why nearly 10% of the people are undernourished. Most people don't understand the concept of this and this is why the problem of world hunger hasn't been solved.

  • World hunger is an issue that in reality shouldn't exist; as a planet, we produce at least 1.5* enough food to feed the entire population. Wealth inequality is the main contributor to world hunger; capitalism as a structure relies on there being a group of poverty-ridden populace to stay stable, and even then, it is very precarious. World hunger is sadly a byproduct of this. World leaders' inaction is certainly motivated by their ignorance towards the severity of these issues; however, they are well aware and consciously choose to leave this issue to fester. Most are motivated by profit over the betterment of the human condition. Societally infrastructure should be developed to ensure the entire population has at the very least basic necessities like food.

  • There are many reasons for the global food crisis.One of the many is the fact that the ongoing war in Ukraine has led to many necessary and compulsory items' costs skyrocketing.This will mean that many low-income families and individuals will struggle to buy these necessities;though many world leaders are often way more well-off than normal citizens.One of these necessities is food.Another of these reasons is poverty.Many families who don't earn very much or don't have a job may find life very difficult and might starve on the streets.In addition,Covid 19 has also led to many people not having jobs.This is leading to increasing numbers of people unable to afford buying simple,everyday items.This will-in turn-lead to starvation taking over the world,with climate change following it.Climate change has led to droughts,floods and many other unpredictable events.Droughts will lead to food crops not having enough water and wilting.Floods will lead to many useful crops dying and being ripped from the fields.This situation needs to change.

  • I strongly agree that if world leaders \ country leaders were in the position that some people are in right now they would want the leaders to help their country but they are not . All the world leaders are just focusing on money and non important stuff . With all of what has been going on about the world like covid- 19 and conflict food banks should make a difference to the people who need it the most . Food banks want money not to help the poor but to spoil people who have enough food .