Comments by healthy_tennis

Comment Post Date
I will invent a printer that provides solutions based on nature. The person will enter a... #33 Invention test! 05/5/21
I would invent a tiny fish to be placed in the ocean that absorbs the oil that seeps into the... #33 Invention test! 05/5/21
I will create a magic seed for self trees that can grow in any environment and in any situation.... #33 Invention test! 05/5/21
I want to invent flying robots the size of a fly that emits gases when temperatures rise that... #33 Invention test! 05/5/21
I will create fuel for cars and heating from biogas that can be extracted from food waste #33 Invention test! 05/5/21
I will create a (fossil fuel eater) robot that will help limit global warming and save the lives... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I will invent machines that work to make plastic of organic origin so that it is easy to get rid... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I want to invent smart panels that maintain thermal equilibrium. This will eliminate the crisis... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would like to create smart clouds that do the hydrological cycle to protect the environment... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would like to create a talking mirror that tells us what is coming, where the causes of... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I want to invent a robot called a forest ranger, which works to get rid of the amount of dead... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would invent a machine that turns plastic into wood. Wood can reduce carbon emissions because... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
Very cool because when something is forbidden we have to find better alternatives #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
Thank you for liking the idea,This encourages me #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
It is a genius idea, it came on my mind, but you already published. I support you very much and... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
Really an invention worth working on because garbage in the seas and oceans poses a double... #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
Or we can prevent it from happening in the first place #33 Invention test! 04/5/21
I would invent robots for plant and fish farming is a way to efficiently grow plants in... #33 Invention test! 30/4/21
I would like to invent a heat-sensitive robot that keeps the earth's temperature below 1.5... #33 Invention test! 30/4/21
I will invent smart landfills that sort waste to what is receycable or combustible in... #33 Invention test! 30/4/21