#33 Invention test!
07 May 2021
Winners Announced!
We loved reading your competition entries this week and thought that all of your inventions were fantastic. We hope you use your creativity to make some of them a reality in the future!
We think the best inventions were thought-up by…
genuine_penguin of Government Secondary School Wuse Zone 3 in Nigeria, who described a brilliant machine that would turn waste products into clean water
victorious_tree of Bombay International School in India, who explained how their machine would turn CO2 (a gas that causes global warming) into diamonds!
Excellent work!
This week, we'd like to put your creativity and invention skills to the test, so...
If anything was possible, what could you invent to protect the environment or slow climate change?
We don't need all the details, just a simple description of your idea - so your challenge is to use 50 WORDS OR LESS.
Need help getting started? Use this sentence structure:
I would invent a (insert your idea here). It would protect the environment/slow climate change because... (tell us what your invention does here).
For example: "I would invent a flying robot that plants trees and picks up litter faster than humans can. It would help to slow climate change because trees are good at capturing carbon and cleaning the air. It would also help to restore lost habitats for animals." (= 45 WORDS)
TOP TIP: Check your entries using this word-counter before you post! Your entry can't win if it's too long!
The deadline for entries is Friday May 6th at midday. PLEASE ENTER ONLY ONCE and make sure your work is your own. Good luck!
Comments (879)
I'm going to show you some of my inventions that I do when I grow up
I will create a robot that can reconcile antagonists so that society is wonderful and also the best world💖🌺
Hi best_sea, thanks for entering! I have translated your comment this time, but next time please write in English.
WOW ! That's very nice
don't wary he write his comments so wonderfully
WOW ! Your dreams are big
Hi am inventive tomato I hope to create a solar car that do not contribute to sir and
WOW ! Your dreams are big
That is a good thing you have a bright future
Hi am inventive tomato,I hope to invent a solar car that will not contribute to either air or noise pollution.And I will invent a robot that could make cars, bikes ,and even recycle things like water I no it's possible.
🤩that's cool
I will ensure that
That's great!!
That's a wonderful initiative
I also want to create a trash bin that divides the trash on itself making recycling easier
Great Idea
This is absolutely amazing. Your ideas for robots is revolutionary! you should get a nobel prize for this idea.
Very good idea . I encourage you to pursue your dreams
I would like to invent an electronic book that is collapsible and this book is considered the future of electronic books and is distinguished by that it has a flexible screen that allows you to fold it and return it to its place easily, and this book I find a great idea for every person who hates books or loves books, an amateur or an expert in books as if it was designed for Everyone and this is the basis of future inventions
Nice idea! But to enter the competition your invention needs to help the environment and your entry needs to be 50 WORDS OR LESS.
I would like to invent a robot in the public park that sterilizes the place after people firsthand, in order to reduce the rate of infection spread among people and protect people. I chose the robot because it has no side effects and no smoke that pollutes the environment
I am compassionate_sheep I am dreaming that will invent a solar car that use no fuel,petrol and diesel to reduce climate change
💯💫 great idea
💯💫 great idea
I would invent a portable machine which converts waste products to clean drinkable water. Not only would this reduce the amount of waste products polluting the environment, but it would also be a source of clean water for people who don't have access to drinkable water.
Inventing a portable machine is a good thing to do because due to this machine it will convert waste product to clean drinkable water. mine is to invent a powerful machine that will make people stop using fossil fuels crude oil and natural gases and start using renewable energy resources
Great idea😍
Can you accept to drink it?
It's important for country they don't have good water
I will like to invent a phone that qill
I would invent a ship that converts wind into electric power and these ship's mission is to collect all the rubbish in the seas and oceans this would help bring our seas clean again and if I have another invention to think about is a small and cheap solar panel that every house and every factory can place on the roof, this will certainly reduce the use of fossil fuels and help go back greener
Great idea.
I love the idea of having clean ships. What about providing large ships or oil tankers with an invention like the sponge that allows the captain to put in the ocean in case some of the oil dropped in the water. This sponge of course to gather the oil and not to affect sea creatures below. This will protect the environment.
I will like to invent solar ball pencil that will write a letter from the sky to human life,and I will also like to invent a solar machine that will cool down the climate change and then building back the greeners
Great idea
It is a great and beautiful idea
A good idea because there are a lot of people who throw waste in the seas and oceans, which leads to water pollution, as this method will reduce waste and make the water drinkable.😊🌹
great idea
Really good idea 💡🙂
A great idea that should be suggested to the Minister of Industry. I think it will support the country a lot
I support you I hope you will work with this invention in the future
I would invent a Humidity tracker, considering the fact that humidity has vast effects to our health,
For example people with health problems such as Arthritis would be affected in days with high humidity, this device would help patients monitor their environment to ensure their safety.
A great invention passionate_drawing - but would this help to protect the planet or slow climate change?
yes, it would, because this device would also provide information to soil scientists therefore helping them to create or maintain a good soil moisture.
I don't agree with you because the humidity tracker will never help them curb climate change, you say it will help people who suffer from arthritis, but we don't want to get to that point, we want to solve the problem before it gets worse.
I would like to invent smart homes, as technologies of meters, smart thermometers and motion-activated lighting sensors contribute to saving electricity use in the home, and this development has a great impact on the environment, and homes and companies consume less energy.
Wow 😍
I want like that home😏
I love your idea but what of the people who are less privilege, will you be willing to donate to them?
Very wonderfull .
I loved this
This is a nice one
I am pretty sure smart homes already exist but still it is a cool idea.
I would like to invent solar powered machines in order to reduce the emissions of chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons which are caused by refrigerants from air conditioners, aerosols sprays and so on. It will help in reducing the depletion of the atmospheric ozone layer.
Great idea 👏🏻
Great ideas 👍
Wow this good
I would like to invent electronic cars without a driver as they help reduce environmental pollution and facilitate the process of human mobility from one place to another without obstacles and have a program on phones to request it quickly and easily, thus we reduce pollution in the environment
This is nice. You can also make it expand and rise when you are about to collide with a car or turn like a plane and rise up
but it is some dangerous because maybe battery get of
I would invent a way to make fusion nuclear power ( nuclear energy used only in bombs because it's too energetic) into a safe energy source.
This would provide a sustainable cheap and perfect alternative to fossil fuel, reducing Co2 emissions and limiting pollution.
Great idea
I would invent a medicine that cure people who get cancer. By taking this medicine, they will be able to kill the cells that cause the disease and people will be able to get back to their normal lives and to their beloved ones. By inventing it, the number of dead people of cancer will decrease.
Thanks for your idea engaging_ocean but we'd like students to think of an invention that could protect the environment and or slow climate change. What would be your invention?
Wow , Great idea 😍🤩
It is very good for people with this disease, as it will ease people's fear of this disease
I find your invention great it shows how sympathetic you are but how can it help reduce global warming and climate change I think you rather find an invention that helps millions of people who die every year because of natural calamities due to air pollution
I want to invent cars with solar cells in the back that protect the slow climate change because they reduce the gases from cars that destroy the ozone layer.
Thank you
Plants or trees are used for beautifying the environment. And also used as fences in some homes for protection. It also serves as Habitats for birds. So the more we practice deforestation,the more we Indirectly destroy the Habitats of birds.
Great idea😍
I would invent underground trenches to collect rubbish and environmental waste and convert them into organic fertilizer for plants
Imagine that your idea comes true?
Wow, that's a great idea.
I will strive to create a questionnaire that investigates the cleaning of any lake, as I believe that nothing is impossible with science!
True, nothing is impossible 💯💯
Well done .. great idea
I'm going to invent a portable machine for everyone who cleans their trash behind wherever they go. This will reduce the waste in the world, which is the main cause of pollution.
Great idea 😍🤩
I would like to invent a machine that absorbs all carbon emissions and turns them into environmentally friendly materials, I would like to invent this because gaseous emissions are the most harmful to the environment and the climate, and this machine will do its job.
Nice !!
I will invent smart landfills that sort waste to what is receycable or combustible in technological factories .
It would help to slow climate change because it reduces the waste that is burned in air . As it will take advantage of the heat generated by burning in the production of electricity .(= 50 WORDS)
Thank you for liking the idea,This encourages me
Great idea
I will invent a garbage bin that converts all of its waste into clean food or drink. Thus, we do not reduce the garbage, but increase the percentage of clean food and drink
A good idea, that way, we could solve the world garbage problem and the world hunger problem.
Good ìďèà 👍🏻💯
I want to invent a machine in every building that recycles its waste, for example converting liquid waste into arable water, converting waste paper into writing paper, and converting organic materials into compost. So this helps in getting rid of all kinds of waste and making use of it.
we need it this machine
What a great idea, I think it is not far-fetched.
Imagine if it were real, the environment would not be dying as it happens now !!
We really need this machine.
Thanks you
I mean Thank you
Your welcome ❤
I want to invite a machine that filters the air from microbes and dust , it will preserve the environment , it will preserve human respiration , it will preserve the ozone layer
I would invent a robot that can pick up litter and plant trees. I would invent this because it can help us give oxygen to breath and help the litter men pick up litter a lot faster. It also would give animals that are homeless a home.
To protect the environment we could save water,save electricity and not litter.
To slow down climate change we could stop working in factories, stop using petrol and try not to travel too much and keep it at a minimum.
Thanks, engaging_planet. What would be the one invention would you create to help the environment and slow down climate change? It could be a machine or anything you like!
It is true, but the sentences that are more true are not "stopping work in factories", but stopping environmentally unfriendly materials in factories, such as plastics, and not "not traveling much", but using renewable energy as an alternative to fossil fuels used in transportation.
Very cool because when something is forbidden we have to find better alternatives
Please they only said we could post once not twice
I would invent a ghost dedecter but instead of detecting ghost’s it would be to detect litter so you can pick it up when it’s near you.🍀🌿🍃I would also invent one more thing which is a button that beeps whenever someone drops litter or rubbish on the floor.🍀☘️
I will strive to create organic petroleum that does not pollute the environment.
I will strive to create a device capable of converting any garbage into compost.
Great idea, but there are people who convert from garbage to compost in very short time
Yes, I know that, but not all garbage can be composted ... for example, plastic
Plastic and its waste can be recycled, a machine made of plastic can be made of useful things, for example: a vase, ...
Plastic waste can be recycled at home٠💔
I will seek to create a robot capable of measuring the percentage of pollution in the air, water and soil and informing the official if it exceeds a certain percentage
I like this robot
I love that .
I would invent a solar panel that is 80-100% efficient as opposed to current solar panels (15-20% effective). We rely heavily on polluting and non-renewable fuels, but our renewable fuels do not generate enough energy to provide for the populations needs/wants. My invention could solve this, helping the climate!
I would like to make a recycling machine and put it in the school where this machine works when a student puts his broken pen in it to recycle it again
I would like to invent a device that is able to detect the presence of toxic gases in nature, because the climate change depends on the toxic gases that spoil the ozone layer.
I would like to invent a device capable to prevent any fires because it helps to protect the environment
A robot can speak all languages to convert garbage into energy which can be used to run the machine in factories, this helps reduce gases emitted from factories, protect the atmosphere from air pollution and reduce global warming
I would like to create a device capable of protecting groundwater from pollution.
So then ,what about inventing something like small seeds ,that can be put inside the soil; to suck the poisonous materials from water before reaching ground water.
I want to invent a device that can protect and support the ozone layer, because it protects our planet and our climate
I want to invent environmentally friendly factories, to protect our air and water from pollution.
In what way these factories could be friendly to the environment. I suggest creating a material, to be added to the ceilings of the factories, that can purify the smoke before being outside. This purification can be like sorting gases into Co2 and then automatically to the nearby fields. Instead of having Co as a poisonous gas. It can be used in other manufacturing such as melting irons. In this way instead of having gases that are going to stuck on the air then formed acid rains, we get benefit from these gases and factories are really environment friends.
Unfortunately this entry is more than 50 words long!
Soory . I think as a respond, I can write more than 50 words.
I'll invent a “Green stickable microchip” alerting people when they harm nature and helping them find a greener way to do things. It will connect them with other people who are fighting climate change. This will encourage them and will improve the humans' relationship with the environment.
I want to invent alternatives to the toxic materials that we use and harm the environment, to protect the environment.
I want to create a glass sheet capable of improving the air and converting toxic gases to oxygen, to protect the green environment and climate and prevent disease cases.
I would like to invent a tool capable of treating various plants and animals with various diseases, they are necessary to protect and conserve our environment.
Wow it's really great idea
I want to invent a machine that enables us to send a message to the past, to tell them about their bad behavior towards the environment and that solutions must be taken to protect the environment before it is too late.
Nice!! but I don't think it will change anything because they already knew what was going to happen but they didn't do anything because it's after them
I agree with you, because climate change has been around for ages
message to the past, interesting 🙄
message to the past, interesting 🙄
Your idea it's really different but you should think about the future because we know what happened in the past
Wow 😍😍😍😍😍😘
Really good idea !
Probably the best one , it will give us the opportunity to tell people about what will happen if they ignore Climate change and it will be VERY easier to fight it .
But will they belive you ?
I want to invent a machine that enables us to talk to animals and the environment because it will inform us of their suffering, and then all people will understand what you are going through.
I want to invent a machine that prevents earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions, because it will protect the environment and protect people.
I will invent a machine that cools down or warms up the Earth to prevent global warming or global cooling, depending the situation.
Wow 😍
Greet idea
Amazing ideas 👍
My invention would be a sun. Like machine that could be seen from earth to show everyone the amount of carbon monoxide in the air and if reaches an alarming stage it starts beeping until it goes back to normal so that people won't forget about the problem because I find that campaigns to sensify people are still not enough
Great idea👍
It could perhaps be a satellite-like machine that will rotate around the earth detecting the climate change.
nice thinking steady_ferrets i think that will really help us right now
That is a great idea
I would to invent tree-shaped robots that perform the same function as trees, but the difference between robots and trees is that these robots aren't affected by climate change and do don't need environmental factors in order to grow, to make the impact of trees larger and wider.
Wow ,Great idea 👏🏻👍🏻💯😍
Great idea, in my opinion trees have a great role in purifying the atmosphere.
Perfect idea for our community
It is a genius idea, it came on my mind, but you already published. I support you very much and I hope that it will happen because it will serve the environment a lot and make it pure
I agree with you. Trees grow very slowly and need good attention and care, even though they are very beneficial for the environment.😊
You know, the side effect of this invention may be that people may rely on robots and don't care about trees. That will affect animals and agriculture .
I wish to invent a machine that prevents wars; Because it will protect the earth and the environment.
Do you think that a machine can be invented to stop wars?
War: resulting from disagreements and conflicts between two or more parties, and this will not help in curbing climate change.
I want to create the largest water wells in culturally developing regions, so that these wells contribute large quantities of water that people need, especially children for bathing and human use, and to protect their bodies from diseases and epidemics such as malaria and diseases. That infect the respiratory system, which led to infection with Covid 19 virus
I would like to invent a small house, but from the inside the size of a hotel, this will not reduce the frightening urban expansion, but rather it will protect the environment.
I want to invent a filter that can collect all the garbage from the water, because it will save water from pollution and marine animals.
Great idea 👍🏻👏👏
Really an invention worth working on because garbage in the seas and oceans poses a double threat to humans and marine animals because this garbage is consumed by fish and marine animals, which ultimately return to the food chain.
Likewise, waste that is thrown into the seas releases chemicals when they are decomposed or dissolved, polluting the entire sea
Great idea 👏🏻
Yes, I agree with you, marine animals could die from water pollution, so we must find an appropriate way to solve this problem.😊
That's a wonderful initiative
I want to create furniture from the garbage, because people will stop cutting trees ..
I want to invent a device that can create a use for all the garbage, because that will help the environment.
eager_reflection here,
I would invent a solar-powered robot with a built in plastic detector. The Robot picks plastic up and brings it to a recycling bin. It could clean beaches, protecting the environment by not being powered by fossil fuels and helping uncover pieces of plastic that are hidden under something.
Thanks for reading.
I really wish that happened in the future 💛
I would prefer a robot that can be powered by eating plastic and instead of exists Co2, it could be O3 ( Ozone). In this way we get benefit from waste plastic and keep the climate change less.
Help Nature is the most important way to build up back greener because it makes planting of trees easier due to that it reduces pollution and protect the habitats
I would like the invention of the robot is placed in water tanks, which reduces water consumption by large.
The way I think for my country to build back greener
is that we should invest in green business, support agriculture, creating a green estate, planting of trees
Make the following things green
High way lights
Security vehicles
Government should create green transport
Stop using fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy
Using electric car
I hope to invent Solar airplanes which has aircraft store solar energy in batteries for winter use and depend on solar panels covering the airframe and wing
do not need to use oil and gas, but rather use clean energy that contributes to protecting the environment from air pollution
Great idea
That's really a very nice invention.
Beacause the solar energy is always available in summer but the problem is with winter so we to store energy in this season
It is truly amazing innovation .
This is a great idea..
I want to protect the emironment.
If anything was possible,I would invent amachine that change the Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen at night and in this way we will clean the air all the time and reduce pollution.What do you think about this invention? Is it possible to be real one day.
This is going to be semi_plants invention. In this way. You need to add soecial sensors that keep the necessary balance between O2 and Co2. Otherwise, we are going to lose plants on Earth; since plants in a bad need to Co2 as well.
Yes, but I said that the machine will convert the second carbon dioxide into oxygen at night only.
I would like to invent a heat-sensitive robot that keeps the earth's temperature below 1.5 degrees and gives an alarm when it rises, it will help protect the environment because it will reduce fires, floods and droughts.(= 37 WORDS )
I would like to invent a device that lets us know if the person is infected or the surface has Covid 19 from a distance of ten meters, so we move away from it and the rate of spread of the virus decreases until it completely disappears .
I would invent a drone that can store water and sense heat and smoke and therefore detect fire to put it out. These flying robots can also be used in watering plants and help them grow to lessen the impact of global warming
I want to invite a good the purifies the air of microbes to keep people healthy from the resulting epidemic , where the world has lost millions of people for the moment , and broke the hearts of many people by Loving them ..
I want to make all machines and transportation working by renewable solar energy , not by petroleum which polluting environment.
Actually , I would like to invent a plane that works on hydropower, it is a useful invention for tourist countries as it will not produce carbon emissions that cause climate change, and travel and tourism will not have a negative impact on the environment.
Wow that's incredible and it will contribute alot
I am glad that you liked it, in fact I am currently working on this invention because I feel sorry for what industrial development has caused on the environment.
An idea for reducing pollution, especially air pollution, is to invent a huge machine that can reroute factories smoke. This machine should have tube paths for smoke to move through. condensation process may be provided in the system to turn smoke into water. then water can be easily purified in stations.
I want to create a climate reactor, we can control the climate through a machine that emits air masses equal to the air mass present in velocity and opposes it in the direction until we get a moderate and stable climate.
It invents a lawnmower automatically faster than humans do. This will help me purify the air and increase the clean oxygen
I would invent a spaceship that works with batteries or solar energy and collects the garbage accumulated on the ground and take it to the space , so that it is treated and converted there into different types of energies that help the environment and slow the climate change .
I would invent robots for plant and fish farming is a way to efficiently grow plants in processing and reuse systems.
This will help nature use fish waste to irrigate crops, fertilize the soil, and increase green space
I would like to create a liquid that looks like water but is not subject to contamination, and is everywhere.
I would like to create ships that run on water energy instead of oil that spills and kills marine organisms.
I would like to invent a robot that collects garbage, sorts it and then recycles it and uses it inexpensively.
I would like inventing a machine that can detect a certain area in the future, where we will be able to know where the pollution and take action
I want to invent a chip that is placed as a contract whose function is to protect people, not allow them to be hungry or thirsty.
I want to invent a liquid that protects plants and trees from damage, protects them from pollution, strengthens their roots, and makes them able to purify polluted water according to the tree's need.
I would like to invent a machine whose function is to monitor the vital signs of humans, animals and plants, and warn the official in the event of a danger to their lives.
How can we eliminate plastic pollution ?? We can invent spoons and plates for food of rice, white corn and wheat, and this invention instead of disposing of 40 billion plastic containers.
I will invent a machine for cooling volcanoes to reduce volcanic eruptions in the world 🙃
I will invent a machine that makes it impossible for humans to harm the environment, just taking what is needed from it.
I would invent an electronic butterfly working on solar energy. This butterfly can travel through the future and tells us about the diseases that will affect humans due to pollution and climate change. Therefore, we can find solutions and treatment for them before they happen .
WooooooW 👍🏻💯
Very impressive innovation .
Or we can prevent it from happening in the first place
I will invent a portable solar energy that will be washing the world to inform us about what is happening and what is about to happen, in order for us to stand and fight
That's good idea
I would like to invent an alternative to anything harmful to the environment, as our environment will be pure green.
I would like to create a liquid that is able to extinguish fires and at the same time prevent their occurrence, that will not only protect the environment; It will protect humans, animals and plants.
I want to create a conditioner that creates oxygen from the toxic gases in the atmosphere.
I would like to invent a pen that writes to us messages from people from both the past and the future, informs us of bad things and upcoming disasters and suggests solutions to this crisis.
Yes, I agree with you, because we will be able to prevent possible disasters that may happen in the future.😊
Great idea
I would invent a robot . It would protect the environment/slow climate change because. He is going to punish people who pollute the environment and He has a filter which clean the water and the air to save marine animals and birds. He is going to be with solar energy.
I want to invent a machine that can adjust the air temperature to suit the needs of plants. It will enable us to grow in a more diversified way.
I would like inventing a tool that can without food ingredients industry, from zilch where it can prevent famines.
I will invent a machine which automatically left waste into the air transform them to non harmful water which serves as rain to water the land causing tress, plants and flowers to grow making our waters fresh
I would invent new types of filters to air conditioners and fridges that would reduce emission of co2 or transform it into harmless gas. This gas can be led to another apparatus that recycles it to be reused without being let into the air.
I would invent a flying machine which can quickly pick up litter and non-biodegradable objects and can convert them into litter pick-up sticks for humans. This would help protect the environment as litter is visual pollution and the machine speedily picks up rubbish.
We can invent a device that sends the Arctic ice with clean rays so that the snow does not melt and helps to get rid of global warming and maintain the continuation of clean life in it.💯💯
That's very great.
Good idea 👍
we need this project
I would invite electric appliances in my school using solar panels that would make all lights in classrooms use clean energy. We would save money and purify the school environment
that's a great idea 😊
I would invent solar powered planes! They would protect the planet, because they would use the power of the sun rather than diesel/petrol. Planes fly above the clouds, so there will always be sunlight for them to use.
I would invent a machine that would change the direction of asteroids heading to earth to different directions.
I would like to invent a machine which it will pe present in all the cities and roads ... İt will be like a robot who collects all kinds of dirt dumped on the streets then he divides them into types : plastic , glass, paper... And if someone wants to pull a tree it will try to prevent it.
I would invent a car, but not like any other car. It would be powered by solar energy and would have autopilot It roams the city every day looking for garbage. And it has cameras to monitor the people, and fine the polluters. My car also recycles rubbish automatically
I would invent a machine that would detect were the rubbish is and it would go and collect(if it was invented,it would be in every country)Then because there is a compost bin in the machine,it would make compost.👌🔥
Hello my friends
I want to invent a machine or a robot to purify the air from fumes from cars, factories or others.
I would like to invent a camera that visualizes the problems we may have due to the climate in the future so that we can work on solving the problem before it comes.
I would like to invent a robot that raises awareness about the climate risks that we may face in the future and how to reduce them.
Hi it's brilliant_cloud .I will like to invent solar panels and wind turbines, turns sun and wind into electricity without using greenhouse gases as the technologies have scaled up and converted energy more efficiently they have come down in price to become cheaper than fossil fuels globally.
Thank you.
I would like to invent a robot that raises awareness about the climate risks that we may face in the future and how to reduce them.
Electronic glasses work to clean the air before a person breathes in. They help kill viruses and bacteria that harm people, protect them from diseases, and clean the air from pollution
I would invite a device that converts faul-powdred machines into clean solar energy in aircraft and factories . 😊
I want to invent a machine that determines the percentage of pollution in the environment, especially in the air
I would invent a robot that would suck up dirty air and take away any bad bacteria or smoke or anything polluting it, then it would blow out the clean area. It would slow down climate change as it would suck the dirtiest air up. (45 words)
I will invent a device placed in every home that extracts methane gas from household garbage and uses it to generate energy for the home.
This device also converts plastic, glass and paper materials into raw materials that we will benefit from by recycling them into useful materials.
I would invent a smart vehicle that run with solar power that would collect and categorise all types of litter around the city into plastic, glass, paper. It would also declare illegal logging of trees. I would call it Green Supervisor .
Invention of a music device that plays songs and sends frequencies that kill germs and bacteria and kill the negative energy around the atmosphere.
I loved your idea
I would like to invent a drug that speeds up the growth of trees because trees take carbon dioxide, give us oxygen, and absorb excess water on the ground to prevent aberrations from occurring.
I have a great idea to protect the environment
If we had invented electronic fans that run on wind energy and collect smoke polluting the environment and viruses and purify the air
If found, this invention would definitely contribute to preserving the environment from pollution
And you, what do you think of my invention, and do you think it will work to preserve the environment ??
I want to create a device that works to prevent the leakage of oil from the steamers in the seas and oceans to protect the fish wealth
I would invite a rebort that prepared food and drinks instead of the chefs in the restaurant. That will save time and effort. And that will let the life begin easy.
I would invent automatic plant and tree growers so that we can grow them anywhere and anytime. I think it would help the environment because when we cut off trees and plants, at the same time, we will be growing them.
I would like to invent a machine that enables us to communicate with future residents and discuss the climate problems they are suffering from and work to reduce them at the present time.
I'd like to invent a machine that creates a hole that eats up everything that damages the climate like the black hole that eats up everything.
I would like to invent a machine in which we can put food waste to produce Ozone. The latter consists of three atoms of oxygen that's why I think it is posdible. That's, definitely, will protect our planet and slow climate change as well. ( 44 words)
I am thinking of making a device that can talk to the earth and listen to her complaint by measuring the temperature of the earth and the strength of the eruption of volcanoes and albumin and converting those signals into words through which to speak to the earth, can the imagination really be turned into reality?
I would invent a Electric cars, meaning they run on electricity,it would help to slow air pollution from automobile smoke, because they air really important for us because we take alot of breath during the day
I would make chemical "enzymes" to be put in either water or land harmless to the environment that can break down plastics where they decompose in limited time which reduces land and water pollution.
I would like to create a butterfly that can predict what will happen in the future , about upcoming diseases or disasters , so we have knowledge about what will happen, and discover a solution to it as soon as possible.
I would like to invent a machine that works as an alternative to the action of insecticides to reduce air pollution resulting from the process of pesticide evaporation in the event of high temperatures.
I want to create a machine that could suck in anything that pollutes the environment and replace it with something better. For example, polluted water will turn into clean drinking water, harmful gases to unpolluted air and plastic bags to cloth. It will be run by solar power.
I will invented a machine that purifies the air from dust and impurities , to protect the environment from pollution , save human life and protect the plants .
Hello,I will invent devices that run on solar energy to prevent air pollution.
This will help slow climate change because the sun's energy is renewable energy .
Hello,I would invent devices that run on solar energy to prevent air pollution. This will help slow climate change because the sun's energy is renewable energy.
I'd like to invent a car that runs on solar energy instead of on fuel to reduce climate damage.
I will like to invent a machine barring a radical reduction of global greenhouse gas , emissions researchers at Harvard capable of sending sun blocking particles into the air to cool the planet and stave of the waste consequences of climate change .
We can choose simple things and with hands, for example: waste classified by placing plastic waste in its own bags and putting glass waste in its own bags and so on.
We also have to reduce the use of plastic materials.
I would like to invent a robot that protects trees , watering them , and pruning trees. This to protect the environment and save it from death
I would like to invent a machine that can tell a feature coming disease /infection and a cure to that particular disease/infection .
I'd like to create robots Working onto replace traditional buildings with green buildings to reduce climate risks
I would invent a car that works on air. It would protect the environment and slow the climate change because cars right now pollutes the air and the enviroment it pollutes the air with its carbon dioxide and fuel that also harms our respiratory system and pollutes the enviroment by polluting the trees , the plants and then the carbin dioxide and the fuel will cause the death of the greens which harms us too so thats why i would to invent a car that works on air.
I would like to make machines that Working Replacement on chemicals that negatively affect the climate with green chemistry to reduce Climate risk.
I hope to create a greenhouse gas purifier that will save us from global warming, as it purifies the air of greenhouse gases that cause a rise in temperature, because this leads to a change in the amount of precipitation and an increase in the severity of extreme weather events.
A good idea, but sometimes it can be dangerous.
I want to make biodegradable equipment from clean materials
We are working to encourage people to use environmentally friendly gadgets for eating , and stay away from the use of plastic. Because plastic is not biodegradable and harmful to soil .
The world has to make biodegradable tools and recycle them for use in various fields .
In the world there is someone that take care so much to our planet that has invented things that help us to not destroy it.
Their inventions maybe do not really improve our life by use them, but they will considerably improve the quality of our global life do to the fact that they are all inventions Eco-sustenable
Hi I'm jazzed_blueberry,
I would invent a new type of engine that does not require use of fossils fuels hence reducing on the amount of pollution .This will control the amount of toxic gases released by cars which will reduce climate change and protect the ozone layer .
Thank you for reading my short text ,
I would invent a global alarm bell that would ring all over the world. Whenever the inhabitants of the earth produce pollutants that threaten the environment, it will alert with a loud voice that there is a danger, as in wars, because the environment does not speak, so let it shout instead.
I would like to invent a book that allows kids to travel through and see what our planet is going to look like after 20 years ; the side effects of human behaviors. That's to increase the awareness towards environment . ( 39 words )
I would invent a machine that turns plastic into wood. Wood can reduce carbon emissions because it stores carbon dioxide, thereby reducing solid waste.It benefits the economy
God willing, in the future, I will make a machine, and I will call it a recycling machine for everything that is not good or useless to something else that we benefit from, such as cleaning up lakes from garbage and recycling it, purifying the air, cleaning parks and public parks, and recycling their waste
I hope that you like my idea😊😊😊
I would like to invent bees that work like natural bees that transport pollen and make honey, and these will fly in the air, dive in the water, and dig into the soil because they will act like filters and probes, looking for imbalances in the environment and treating it.
We can invent an electric car in order to improve green transportation.
I would like to invent a flying car when it comes across a forest or a tree, as we will not need to cut down trees to build roads and trains.
I would like to create multi-storey buildings that are lightweight so as not to affect the infrastructure of the planet, resistant to earthquakes and volcanoes.
I would like to invent a new type of energy that anyone can obtain, strong and can operate factories, and at the same time environmentally friendly.
I would like to create a game for children in the form of a plant, that can speak fluently and answer all questions as they can raise it carefully, as it will make them realize the importance of the environment and the importance of the green cover of the planet ..
I want to invent a spatial loop that will make us move to any place on the planet, where it will save many people at the time of the disaster; And people will become indispensable for transportation polluting the environment.
I'd like to invent a solar-powered RV
In the summer, camping and transportation trips abound, and transportation wants to provide it with fuel, so if you charge these cars on the sun's energy, your trip will be safer and cheaper, and there is no need to stop and fill in the stations .
I would like to make organic burial capsules, graves are considered a dangerous business, every year 4 million acres of hardwood forests are cut down to build caskets, this capsule is a biodegradable burial chamber that allows your body to become the "seed" of a tree when it dies.
I will create solar powered ships to reduce water pollution and air pollution from oil smoke from ships
To curb climate change, it is based on enacting international laws that limit nuclear testing, and creating alternative robots to burn energy and reduce pollution and plant green trees everywhere on earth that can be cultivated.
I will invent a machine that controls gasses that leaves the surface of the earth to the atmosphere. it will protect the environment and slow climate change because it will fight against gasses that will deplate the ozone layer and reduce climate change for good
I would like to invent an international bridge that connects all parts of the world away from the politics of states and wars .. and is dedicated to performing rituals and visiting all religious sanctuaries, such as mosques and churches. And the mechanism for people to reach the place they want to visit easily, without financial cost, and available to all peoples of the world
Thank you for reading♥️♥️
I would like to invent in the future means of transport that work on solar energy, and inside transportation there are batteries that store solar energy in case they want to go out at night or in the winter ... This works to reduce the exit of polluted smoke, for example from cars that use oil or gasoline that work On environmental and air pollution
Thank you for reading♥️♥️
I would like to invent a machine that recycles plastic waste and turns it into stones or bricks. By using sand and a mixture of plastic waste, bricks can be produced, and this invention preserves the environment from plastic waste and reduces air pollution from stone business.
Congratulations for getting the star
I would like to invent asphalt made of plastic, after a person has finished using plastic, not to throw it in the waste site, while we make modern asphalt that is 60% stronger and more importantly environmentally friendly.
Beautiful and creative idea
I would like to invent buildings covered with trees and plants that absorb pollution. Trees and plants absorb harmful carbon dioxide and produce more oxygen while also creating habitats for birds and insects.
I would like to make edible water bottles, with the vision of creating low-impact packaging. We can invent an edible film made from seaweed extract, this invention can put an end to the millions of plastic bottles that are thrown away every day.
Very nice idea
I would like to invent doors that purify the air inside the room, so that a person can breathe better and not breathe polluted air, at least in his home.
I would like to make windows and curtains that prevent viruses and microbes from entering and at the same time they are charged from sunlight and illuminate the house at night with a harmless natural light.
I would like to invent the Automatic Irrigation, which works at night,it waters plants and trees during dangerous times such as wars because people aren't be able to water their plants .
Also,it works during fires ,it extinguishes fires quickly and the fires don't start and pollute the environment because of Automatic Irrigation system.
In addition,it can work during travelling, when people travel ,it can water their parks.
All that protect the environment and reduce climate change 🙂
I would like to invent (a mobile home that flies by solar energy to make it easier to move around and save time to go anywhere we want) ❤️🌹
Hello my friends, I am the little discoverer: I invented a new idea to protect my environment, namely:
1_ Planting trees to decorate the environment and provide us with oxygen and fresh air.
2_ Spreading the culture of using trash in public places.
3_ Create pages on social media and the press about the importance of the environment.
4_ Rationalize the consumption of toxic materials
5_ Reducing the consumption of toxic materials.
6 _ Putting lessons in school curricula about the importance of hygiene and its positive impact on us.
7_ Recycle damaged materials. ,, I hope you will work with it
I would like to invent a barcelet that rings to get its owner attention whenever he/ she waste using materials like water. This helps people to customize themselves into less use and protect environment.
I would like to invent a smart bin that is specialized in certain material. For example, if it is only for plastic then we throw metal inside. It will send voice messages not to. After a while throw that thing out. This bin obligate careless people to be more careful towards the environment.
_Biodegradable Coolers.
_Living chandelier.
_Drainage Pipe Nets.
_Plastic-Eating Caterpillars.
_ Take care to keep the foodstuffs in the best condition.
_ Car exhaust and smoke cleaning.
_ Keep factories away from cities.
I would invent underwater drones that would remove any plastic, metallic and other waste materials from the water bodies of the world.The drones would protect the environment by cleaning up the oceans, protecting the habitats for aquatic life and controlling the contamination of water sources around the world.
I think this is a very imaginative idea and would fully support the creation and development of this invention
I will be able to invent filters to purify the air that are used in all places, especially in hospitals that work with a fan that makes the air pass through filters made of a material capable of capturing microbes and viruses. Long inside the room
The seabin project
Designed to be set up in marinas and ports, the floating trash can is powered by an on-shore water pump. It filters through seawater and collects accumulated garbage, which can later be disposed of properly. The Seabin is also capable of capturing oils and pollutants from the surface of the water.
I Wont to Create a Car that turns in to a robot in the form of a robot because the Car is Used to Carry People, and the robot Can be Used to remove Waste and plants
I want to invent a device that is able to dispose of human bodies in a correct and environmentally friendly manner, even if they are infected with an infectious infection, so that it will save the environment from cremation and save people from the spread of infection.
I would like to devise a cube capable of protecting a particular area of the environment from disasters, whether it be human or natural, which will save the environment from destruction ..
I want to create a fluid that can make plants grow quickly, so that we can renew the air faster, and enable us to protect the environment.
I want to create a very small box, in which we can put many things regardless of its size, so that it will save this environment from excessive expansion.
I will invent a time clock that can advance and delay time as you wish, so it will help us see the future and predict what will happen ... and go back to the past and correct all the mistakes that happened to it, and if a virus came that saved the people who died because of it.
I would like to create a flying robot with clean energy that flies in the atmosphere and works to absorb polluted air and harmful gases and purify them because this works to reduce global temperature, global warming and climate changes.
I like to create robotic businesses that go into the past, warn people about the dangers of climate change, and travel to the future to see if the help from the past is good for the climate, because the climate will not change by itself, we will change it.
I will invent a magic wand that as soon as the wand can clean and sterilize any place I want, and this wand will help many people in protecting the environment around them, and then my name will be recorded in history and called the little inventor .
I would like to invent an organic plastic material that resembles plastic in its properties and uses, but which easily degrades in nature. Thus, we can solve the problem of plastic pollution in the oceans, the soil and nature.
I want to invent organic burial capsules.
To solve the problem of the ozone hole, I will invent a robot that absorbs harmful radiation from it and turns it into clean energy that can be used in the fields of life.
I would invent a device that stays up in the atmosphere and absorbs chlorofluorocarbons and carbon then converts it into oxygen to help us to maintain the environment
I would suggest, not invent. I suggest that the government force building owners to convert buildings into smart buildings that include placing solar cells, roofs, and green gardens on top of them and converting their waste into compost.
I think I would invent a water resistance machine that would clean up all the water bodies world the world. Also if I had a change to talk to the government I would tell them there law of dumping of refuge should be stricter.
Hello I am willing_statement I will like to create electric cars, bikes and other automobiles so that carbon(II) oxide will not be emitted in the environment
I would invent a machine called, "The Future Councillor" which would tell us how the world will turn out and take us to see how the future would look if we do not protect mother nature and also advice us on what to do before it is too late.
That sounds good
I would invent the G.E.A.F(Green Earth Air Filter) which would act as a stitching machine for the ozone layer by producing ozone in right amounts and also purify air from industries while depositing ashes and residue in artificial islands like in Singapore.
I think I would invent a recycling machine using solar energy to reduce carbon dioxide in the air to stop global warming
I will invent a device that decomposes carbon dioxide into oxygen and solid carbon to take advantage of them separately.
Hello I am Miraculous heart,
If anything was possible I would genetically modify seeds that would me able to grow within 4 days so that we will have more trees on planet earth🌍 which would help us save planet earth from global warming.💥 💯💯 It would change the weather making it conducive for plants and animals. (:
I would invent filters that will be used in car exhaust pipes. It will protect the environment because it will convert the harmful fumes that are emitted into purified air.
I would prefer living in a place with no transportation at all. Therefore I would invent a glass that can read brain messages then remotely you can see your new distances and remotely you can do your tasks as much as possible . Planet with less transport is a healthy planet.
I would invent a machine that converts carbon II oxide to oxygen. Not only would this reduce the amount of poisonous death, but be a source of filtered air.
Hi I would invent a machine that could calculate possibility of death resulting from air pollution and would produce a reasonable solution, this machine would also be able to determine cause like the "wilhelm schickard" it was an accurate calculating machine but this machine would determine climatic causes of death and offer ways to solve it. unlike the time machine or cloning device this would surely have use. I would call it Bright's death system, and I hope it has more use than expected
I would invent a machine that recycles and neutralizes all the effects of the waste products that is released from industries because industrial activities are a major source of air, water and land pollution and it would able to filter the air in a specific region.
I can invent a machine that is used in regulating the over flow of water which causes flood and the destruction of houses and properties and help regulate climate change.
I would invent an electric car because the normal fuel consuming cars emit bad air which leads to air pollution. We would save money and also curb air pollution.
I would like to create a machine that can help in regulating the adverse effects of climate change in my country, Nigeria.
I would invent a carbon regulator. The machine detects chemicals containing any form of carbon and if harmful contains it and converts it to useful gases in order to reduce the rate at which the ozone layer depletes.
I would like to invent drones that would Nigerian military in fighting armed terrorist in Nigeria ,because the level of insecurity in Nigeria is becoming unbecoming .
i would invent cars that are charged up by hydro-power in order to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide so that the world would be a better place.
I can invent a machine that gathers greenhouse gases and converts it into Carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2)
I would invent a massive vacuum cleaner for air. It could be set up at any house to absorb all the carbon dioxide and turn it into Oxygen. It will be very helpful for reducing methan and co2 emissions from factories and the Earth.
I thought of inventing a jacket or shirt that is to be worn during hot weathers ,in such a way that it absorbs heat from your
body, thereby realizes fresh and cool air which makes you feel a little bit cold, just like an air conditioner.
Nice idea and has a beautiful meaning
I would invent a satellite that detects gas, oil, leakages . That way we can prevent pollution
I would like to invent a machine based on reducing nuclear testing and , creating alternative robots to burn energy and reduce pollution , and I would like to create a machine that grows trees everywhere on earth that can be grown.
I can invent a machine that would touch the hearts of factors that promotes pollution in the environment and climate change
we can invent an ozone generator which will produce more Ozone gas in the stratosphere and it would help effectively in water purification, and also in the removal of air pollutants like carbon (ii) oxide (CO2) and chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) in the air. And would likely be used to convert it into harmless gases. this would help to reduce global warming and prevent greenhouse effects. Maybe through this the world can be more closer to the end of climate changes and most of all, "building back greener".
yes i think so too
I would like to invent a satellite that can spot methane leaks from industries. Methane leaks can cause organ damage or death. But with the help of a satellite, it can help to end methane leaks from industries
Beautiful and creative idea
I would like to invent containers, small boxes but equipped with the latest technology that breathe polluted air from smoking and fires and purify them into clean air while absorbing sunlight and illuminating road lights at night.
Invention of a device that senses hurricanes before they come and creates anti-hurricanes.
I would like to invent flying agricultural fields because millions around the world suffer from food insecurity and it is expected that these millions are expected to increase steadily with the exacerbation of climate change.
I would invite an electronic device that those not allow the disposal of recyclable materials. The device will be made to remove recyclable materials from waste bins and will be put in the recyclable bin. This will reduce landfill waste and will also save energy and resources.
I would invent a device that manufactures ozone from sewage and non- biodegradable wastes in order do reduce pollution and and prevent UV rays from reaching humans and plants
I would want to invent a robot that converts all the carbon into oxygen and also take the role of a tree, where it houses earth saving organisms. It would help to slow down climate change because the carbon is converted into oxygen and does not destroy the atmosphere.
hello, I will invent a drone that can plant trees which is important for storing greenhouse gas emissions, filtering air and water, nourishing soil, providing food and shelter, and fostering ecosystems.
I will invent a machine that cools down or warms up the Earth to prevent global warming or global cooling, depending the situation.
I would invert a machine like a trash bin, that when you recycle or trash any type of plastic or other non-degradable material will give you money or some kind of token, base on how the material is affecting climate change or on how you have contributed to reducing climate change. I think this will help people earn a little profit and help reduce climate change.
I will invent a machine that cools down or warms up the Earth to prevent global warming or global cooling, depending the situation.
I would invent an efficient robot that would help by reducing global warming in the environment. The robot would be able to take carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere and then use it to produce fuel instead.
If anything was possible, I would create a machine that stores and converts the energy dissipated from harsh weather conditions (tornadoes, tsunamis and sandstorms) and nullifies their effects by containing them in energy shields.
I would invite a filter that can collect the harmful gases from industries that destroys the ozone layer which causes global warming. And covert the gas into a renewable energy that is not harmful and more safer for the environment to be able to use without any side effect.
I think this is a great idea and would love this to be invented and used to its full use. If this does not happen then i hope something this creative will happen soon
I think this is a great idea and would love this to be invented and used to its full use. If this does not happen then i hope something this creative will happen soon
I would invent a harmless virus capable of re-structuring the ozone layer and protecting it against any form of attack in other to stop climate change.
I would like to invent robots which can fly that could improve the energy efficiency and vehicle fuel economy, and protecting forests which are all potent ways to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases trapping heat on the planet.
I would invent a cheap and portable air quality detector.It will slow climate change by providing air quality information. This information will assist in making greener choices like planting of trees or reducing burning of fossil fuels.
Hi I am powerful opinion and when I grow up I want to make a solar air plane that can convert climate into a healthy weather
And also I want to make a vaccume that can suck any air pollution or its particle to keep the enviroment clean and healthy
I would like to invent a machine that can create paper using waste materials. And this machine will work without the use of timber. And this would reduce the amount of trees been cut down.
I would invent airplanes that do not use jet fuel, because planes release a lot of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, which causes temperature to rise and its very risky to human health, this invention can reduce help curb global warming .
Hi inquisitive_library here,
The environment and the climate change is been affected because of the continuous use of fossil fuel such as coal, wood, oil and gas to generate electricity and manufacturing industries, deforestation because the trees help to absorb carbon dioxide. Generally the climate change is caused by human activities.
I would invent an advance biodegradable machine that can be able to degrade and renew natural processes into useful forms. Waste can also be broken down into carbon dioxide, water and other useful materials.
I would invent a robot that records abnormal changes in the global environment and proffers a solution to it quickly and would call the attention of all the world leaders to it immediately.
I would invent an under water drone with remote control that would have hands to clean sea waste like plastic bags, used masks, and that could plant coral since they are homes to endangered species of flora and fauna like sea turtles. This would reduce the impact of global warming since it is linked to other types of pollution
I would like to invent robots that search for and decompose trash around the world starting from 8 continents made of plastic. This will save more than 700 species of marine animals because 100 million species of fish die every year from plastic. It also makes the world cleaner.
I would invent a solar powered car which will be supplemented with batteries and will not produce any green house emissions.
I would like to invent devices and insulating materials to regulate heat because they reduce carbon dioxide, which slow climate change.
I would like to invent robots that recycle waste very quickly. This would reduce toxic carbon emissions, which would slow climate change.
I would like to invent robots that recycle waste very quickly. This would reduce toxic carbon emissions, which would slow climate change.
I would like to invent devices and insulating materials to regulate heat because they reduce carbon dioxide, which would slow climate change.
I would like to invent in the future means of transport that work on solar energy, and inside transportation there are batteries that store solar energy in case they want to go out at night or in the winter ... This works to reduce the exit of polluted smoke, for example from cars that use oil or gasoline that work On environmental and air pollution
Thank you for reading♥️♥️
I would like to invent big, high quality batteries to generate electricity instead of fuel in cars. This will help reduce the emission of harmful gases such as carbon and others, which will help slow climate change.
I would like to invent a machine that converts carbon dioxide into rocks through high pressure, referring to the interaction of the liquid filled with carbon dioxide with the elements calcium, magnesium and iron present in basalt rocks, and that will help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.
I would invent a waste energy converter which is a waste bin, but when you put rubbish in it, it then converts into electricity which can power our world. This can slow down climate change because it's stopping waste from going to the dump and making electricity without using fuels.
Wow, a beautiful and creative idea
I would invent an under water drone with remote control that would have hands to clean sea waste like plastic bags, used masks, and that could plant coral since they are homes to endangered species of flora and fauna like sea turtles. This would reduce the impact of global warming
I will like to build a device that changes exhaust fumes in cars into oxygen and carbon pellets. This will help reduce the toxic fumes released from cars into the environment.
I would invent a cheap and portable air quality detector.It will slow climate change by providing air quality information. This information will assist in making greener choices like planting of trees or reducing burning of fossil fuels.
The idea is beautiful and creative
I will invent a machine that will absorb the polluted air and carbon monoxide in industries. It will provide the community with clean and healthy air,making the environment safe for those living in the community, and also building back greener in the process.
If I could, I would create a time machine so that I could go back in time and raise awareness about climate change and try to find solutions.
We can choose simple things and with hands, for example: waste classified by placing plastic waste in its own bags and putting glass waste in its own bags and so on.
We also have to reduce the use of plastic materials.
I want to invent a machine that determines the percentage of pollution in the environment, especially in the air
Hello my friends
I want to invent a machine or a robot to purify the air from fumes from cars, factories or others.
I would invent a sea turtle robot that can filtre the sea from the garbage because the real sea turtle eat plastic bags instead of meduses. So this robot eat plastic bags and other trash in the sea and oceans to save water from pollution and save marine animals lives.
I am intelligent seal and when I am older I want to a time machine so that people can travel back to this time in years time
I would like to invent a small device that a bsorbs carbon dioxide from the air in order to purify the atmospheric air. A machine that emits steam can be a ccompanied to soften the air and plant it in different areas, especially in the densely populated areas, vehicles and factories. 😊😊
I would rather to invent a special cameras that allow people to see the most polluted areas. That helps to take serious actions towards such places and slow climate change
Also this idea is great 😊😊
I would like to invent anti-pollution devices that are able to remove pollutants by absorbing them, filtering them and filtering them in factories. To protect the environment.
i want to be simple and just plant and protect millions of trees. the way to protect the environment is to not use technology that damaged it in the first place. lets stop climate change by helping nature.
I would like to invent electronic birds that are able to grow trees everywhere; Because trees are a source of food and oxygen and help clean the air and prevent climate change.
I would like to invent a satellite that monitors the earth's climate and moderates the climate on the earth and absorbs air pollution and ozone emissions, and this helps solve the climate problem.
I would like to invent a fan that draws carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and turns it into a fire extinguisher. This will slow climate change because it will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
I want to make environmental robots on its own. If it sees something that spoils the environment, it removes it and puts it in the place where it should be, and helps farmers to plant trees, trim them and harvest their fruits in the right way, and I will call it sweeping the damage to the agricultural environment.
I would like to invent devices to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it on the ground. This of course will reduce the percentage of carbon dioxide, which will slow climate change.
I would like to invent an atmosphere that surrounds the earth that doesn't effect the atmosphere, but which function is to absorb toxic gases such as methane and carbon and prevent them from reaching the atmosphere. This will reduce global warming, which will slow climate change.
I will invent a machine that can detects and absorb large amounts of toxic air and turn it into a clean air. And by this it will reduce the amount of air pollution caused by cars. And surely we would build back greener
we can invent flexible solar cells, using houses from all directions, as these cells generate electrical energy that powers the devices inside them, meaning every building generates its own energy
This will reduce the plastic materials (wires) and the harmful emissions resulting from burning fossil fuels in generators.
I want to invent an electronic cloud that absorbs toxic gases of cars' engines and factories then turns it into oxygen in order to reduce the ozone hole and increase the percentage of oxygen.
I would like to invent a robot that helps the elderly as a friend to them in their whereabouts
When I grow up, I want to work to support poor countries with all the health supplies and medical staff
Creating cars that work on solar energy to get rid of the problem of car exhaust, which in turn is one of the most important factors that increase the problem of ozone hole and global warming.
I want to create machines that work to get rid of marine pollution and water purification, and to strengthen these machines in all countries
I would like to invent mineral water that purifies and purifies human hearts from hatred and spreads love and affection
I would invent a pollution machine. This will help because if you use a car or bus, it will grab all the pollution and put it in a place where it would not cause the earth any harm. This will help the environment.
I would like to invent a robot that cleans the streets of garbage to preserve the cleanliness of the environment.
I would like to invent trees that perform the same tasks as natural trees and be similar of them but it doesn't effected by external factors such as pollution and global warming.
I would like to invent a robot that plants trees in home gardens and public gardens, yo preserve the environment and purify the air .
I would like to invent a powerful and fast extinguishing fire's quickly and to prevent the spread of pollution in the air .
I will be able to invent filters to purify the air that are used in all places, especially in hospitals that work with a fan that makes the air pass through filters made of a material capable of capturing microbes and viruses. Long inside the roomAnd it makes a clean and pleasant climate because it cleans dust, improves air cleanliness, eliminates pollution, and is useful in cases of allergies and asthma
I would like to create a machine that calms the body from any phobia in a person and relieves heart rate and tension
I would like to invent a car that works on special techniques for blind people, so that there is a talking robot that indicates who is driving on the road and senses that an object is found in front of it and that its path is secured for it
I would like to invent a car that is shopping alone with a micro-sensor
I want to create a device that works to prevent the leakage of oil from the steamers in the seas and oceans to protect the fish wealth
I'd like to create a machine that neutralizes the body's temperature when it gets too hot
I would like to invent a multi porposre for the militia tasking of human resources and work that runs solar iho friendly
I will create a device that detects dangerous places and sends a notification when there is a danger
I would invent a robot that limits unclear testing and chemical industries to reduce the level of global warming , and
I would invent a machine that plants trees everywhere and when they spoil , alternate trees are planted to clean the atmosphere constantly .
I will invent a solar umbrella that will cover the presence climate change and the future once, and also protect the future leader and the youth from the disaster
Hi my name is hala👋😻I would like to invent a device for bees because of its manybenefits for the environment, as bees contribute through their role in pollination and food production in protecting ecosystems, maintaining environmental balance, genetic and biological diversity, by preserving different animal and plant species, as well as the extent of existence and spread Bees as an indicator of the environmental status, as it is possible to monitor the development and health of bees to predict the occurrence of changes in the environment, and to take the necessary preventive measures accordingly in a timely manner
I will invent a solar broom that will swiped away these present and future coming disease from the sky
Hello, I would like to invent a membrane to purify toxic minerals from the water and also I would like to invent a smart litter box that works to award prize points for everything that is thrown in to motivate people to throw garbage out......The environment develops, it becomes clean and beautiful
I would invent a machine that would convert industrial waste materials into reusable energy to not only conserve the environment but also reduce on pollution.
This might not be an invention but i would just like to say that i am stunned on how people across the globe are so thoughtful! I have never seen such amazing ideas like this before so i request you to keep up the good work!
When I heard about the gases industries release and the side effect I have brought up this idea that,
I would invent a powerful container that when the toxic gases or smog that exhausted from an industry is been release and passes through that container it transform the dangerous or harmful gases into a minor gas that can be inhaled and not causing any harm.and
A beautiful innovation that has significance in our lives and thus reduces diseases
I want to invent a smartphone that helps slow climate change, because it identifies environmentally friendly gases, greenhouse gases, ways to eliminate harmful emissions, and determines the rates of climate change.
I will invite a machine that can recycle plastic bag into plastic chairs.
I would love this to be invented because the fish are eating plastic then when we eat the fish we consume the plastic so i 100% think this should go ahead.
I will invent a fire fighting drone that will be used in a faster way to prevent bush burning and slow climate change, because bush burning causes the deplection of the ozone layer which prevent direct sun rays to the earth and it also causes harvork to agriculture
I would invent a machine that would be a machine that's not just throw away food or make it into Walter it prevents juice so all that waste food go into a a machine and recreates that into a liceid because
It creates it into that because some beople don't have drinkable walter/juice
I would invent a parable that predicts Earthquakes hurricanes and eruption of volcanoes So that people can get ready and protect themselves from Natural Disasters It can also find lost people with the gps system.
Hello 👋👋👋
I want to invent a man who helps in growing trees easily because trees give us oxygen to breathe and breathe carbon dioxide 😊😊
When I grow up, I will make a machine that turns CO2 into energy and put it in every factory and car and this get rid of the thousands of metric tons of CO2 that power plants release annually and lead to air pollution.
I would like to make a litter box that sorts waste (minerals, glass, vegetable waste) to facilitate the recycling process.
Painting houses - Agriculture - Reduces car use - Energy conservation - Do not run fires - Manufacture of fertilizers from food residues - Invention or import of machines that work to meet human needs.
I would like to invent a trash that can go like a magnet and collects everywhere by remote sensing whenever the garbage collects . It sterilizes and recycles it without effort. So it reduces waste and uses it again, and this is good for cleaning the environment and ridding it of waste.
I would like to invent a shoe instead of a car. You press the button and it will run like a wheel shoe without making noise or smoke, and this will contribute to the purification of the environment and get rid of smoke and noise, and it will also reduce the number of accidents because it is 100/100 safe.
I would invent Electronic Cleaning Machine it would protect the environment because Can be walking in the state streets of a little time and refuse collection,In addition to the absorption of smoke factories
I would invent a scientific robot that can grow trees faster,clean environment and that can decrease air pollution.It would tell us about the harmful effects of the climate change and pollution.So that,humans can be aware of it.
I would invite innovative star
which generates solar energy and tells us in the event of an upcoming storm so that people take the necessary precautions and tell us where water is in nature ( 34) word
I want to invent an interactive (smart) garbage bin, which gives users prize points for everything that is thrown into it, and that encourages people to throw garbage into the containers, thus reducing the pollution of the environment.
I want to make a car powered by direct solar energy, instead of using fossil fuels that pollute the environment.
I would invent a portable robot that protects the environment by collecting all the plastic and aluminum dumped in the sea and the land and turn it into eco-friendly energy that would run means of transport and light up cities.
I would invent a machine that would absorb excess humidity in the atmosphere transforming it into clean and usable water at the same time purifying the air. It could be either powered by wind turbines or solar panels.
I would like to invent a machine that removes waste from agricultural lands and transforms them into perennial trees. This will reduce the percentage of waste and increase the percentage of arable land and increase the percentage of oxygen through the photosynthesis process carried out by plants.
I want to create a device that works to prevent the leakage of oil from the steamers in the seas and oceans to protect the fish wealth
I want to create a machine that prevents global warming and protects the globe from the threat of piercing the Amazon layer and ultraviolet rays.
I want to invent robots that work like trees that take carbon dioxide and give us pure oxygen gas.
I want to invent an eraser to erase the bad and harmful past to the environment and keep the beneficial and good things that are not harmful to the environment
I want to invent a machine that does the same work as trees and produces all agricultural crops, including vegetables and fruits, in order to reduce famines in some countries resulting from drought, lack of rain, and unfit for agriculture.
I will like to invest electrical machine that go all over the earth find out a incurable disease which will harmful to human pass out the message to people to make us find the solution before it getting late according to the environmental pollution thanks
I want to invent a purification strip of dangerous substances and pathogens ,one of which is placed on the shoulder and another in homes ,public places and factories that work to kill pathogens through water and air and turn them into materials that benefit the organism.
will create a robot that controls the ozone layer that reaches the earth, because its increase negatively affects us, leading to an imbalance in the earth's climate because it is from global warming, and it will also help reduce skin cancer resulting from it ...
I want to invent a waste management robot that will pick waste faster for recycling . Because, Recycling helps by reducing energy consumption and emission of green house gasses which will also reduce heat.
I will create vehicles that run on energy, not only solar, but also cold and water. Because the sun will not be present in all seasons and in all countries .... With this, we will get rid of the problem of environmental pollution due to harmful fuel combustion ...
I would invent some trees that give 4x oxygen. I would also invent a trash can in every acre of land to pick up litter that's in their acre and also sort it properly. The best one, I would invent a time machine to go back to when climate change started and stop it.
I would invent a pliable robot that could interact with soft bodied animals and those under water to find more about their living and to stop their extinction. I would also make an underwater base where you can study the creatures natural habitats and perhaps collect samples of its genetics so a further investigation on the species could be taken place. I would make sure that everything is gradual and wouldn't do any harm for the animals.
I would invent a robot that could interact with soft bodied animals underwater to find more about them and stop extinction. I would also create an underwater-base where you can study their natural-habitats and collect genetic samples so further investigations could be carried out.
A beautiful idea that has a beautiful meaning and in many animals, such as earthworms, jellyfish, tapeworms, squid and a huge variety of animals from almost all parts of the animal kingdom.
I Will devise a robot to sterilize the atmosphere every quarter of an hour To protect Our environment
Some infor ation on how to protect the environment
* Use manure instead of chemical fertilizer
*Using nitrogen gae instead of fuel
*Condensation from tree planting because it produces Oxygen and helps purify the air
*Use anti-pollution devices capable of removing
*Car exhaust cleaning
Today I loveed to tell you about my new invention, which is the (Electronic watch) tcontains buttons when you prees it to know the rate of pollution in the air and also removes pollution from the air by pressing one of its buttons.
I want to invent machines in the form of colored kites so as not to frighten children and make them happy, and to purify the air before it reaches the ozone layer, especially in industrial areas, so that we have made the children happy and the environment happy
I would like to invent a machine that creates a vortex capable of collecting smoke from factories and cars to mitigate the further expansion of the ozone layer.
Hello everyone !
I want to make a website that directs people about caring for the environment and the risk climate change , I know that it is not an invention but it could help educate people and reduce their neglect of the environment
I would like to devise a machine capable of absorbing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere to prevent global warming.
I would like to invent a barcelet that rings to get its owner attention whenever he/ she waste using materials like water. This helps people to customize themselves into less use and protect environment.
I would like to invent robots that teach people how to avoid climate disasters when they happen to keep everyone safe.
I would like to invent a type of robot bird that can alert and collect the gasses experts if the climate temperature is high or low so they can act fast and investigate the gasses to see what they can use to destroy it.
I would like to invent a smart computer capable of gathering and producing new information that helps to get rid of climate disasters.
I would like to invent machines that monitor climate disasters and issue alerts before a climate disaster strikes, to take the necessary safety precautions.
I would like invent a machine that absorbs gases from cars and factories as soon as they come out, to protect the environment and reduce carbon dioxide.
I would like to invent robots that protect people from climate disasters occurring To the province Their safety.
I want to create a machine that will connect us with future residents and learn about their climate experiences and apply them to reduce climate risks.
I would like to invent a device that converts garbage into natural fertilizer and is simple to use and accessible to everyone in order to maintain the cleanliness of the environment and protect against diseases and be a substitute for toxic pesticides. (42). 😊😊
I would like to create an electronic balloon that is able to collect the air and purify it from harmful gases in the climate and then extract clean air to reduce climate risks.
I'd like to invent a machine that makes us go back to the past to fix everything that we and others have caused climate damage to reduce the risk of the climate.
I would like to invent machines that work like plants and produce useful gases that purify the air.
I'd like to invent a robot who acts as an ambassador and discusses climate problems with other countries to work on Reducing climate risks.
Taking steps to conserve and reuse is one of the best things you can do to help save the environment, and it is easier than you might think.
Start small and do your part just by changing your daily habits. To help save the environment, try decreasing energy and water consumption; changing your eating and transportation habits to conserve natural resources; and reducing, reusing, and recycling to be more environmentally friendly.
I would like to invent a machine that converts harmful gases into beneficial gases to alleviate problems and Climate damage.
I will create a device for purifying bad or polluted water and can also filter water. This can be used to slow climate change and as a means of providing clean water and healthy water and also prevent diseases.
I would invent an efficient robot that would help by reducing global warming in the environment. The robot would be able to take carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere and then use it to produce fuel instead.
I would create a disease which has no negative effect on the human body but gives humans resistance to the adverse effects of the climate change in their specific environments and also prevents humans from getting diseases and viruses such as the corona.
I will make mandatory that use of plastics bags will reduce. for examples in supermarkets goods will not be given in leathers. Because when people buy goods they are given plastics bags any how, because leathers are cheap, but if I increase the price of plastics bags to a very high amount, then the use of plastics bags will be reduced. Because those stores or supermarket will reduce the give away of plastics bags to safe the amount of money of buying new ones.
In a country like mine, Nigeria I would invent a little gadget to put into cars that will be able to detect a negative signal when any recyclable waste is thrown out of the car and the car will send a message to the next near check point and the driver will be fined for it. This will increase our air quality, and also improve public health.
I would invent a machine (drone) that will automatically flyover trees and water them as well as converts waste products and compost into fertilizer for the soil in order to enrich it
I would invent what i called The Reduce, Reuse, recycle, and Educate machine (RRRE)
Reduce:this would make us use plastic materials strictly, and also give a signal on when we are over using it.
Reuse/ Recycled: most plastics can be reused and recycled instead of being thrown around.
Educate: It would educate citizens on the effects of plastic materials, such as exposure to toxic chemicals coming out of plastic can cause cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity and other health problems.
sorry!!! i excided 50 words but i just had to prove my points.
i hope i am forgiven.
I would invent a drone that can plant trees,because humans can not meet the pace of industrial afforestation. With this invention we will be able to bring back greener.
Hello my friends
I want to invent a machine or a robot to purify the air from fumes from cars, factories or others.
I will invent a machine that could recycle plastic waste. So we could keep the enironment clean
I would like to invent a solar electronic bee that works on sola r energ
I will eradicate the use of plastic bags so as to prevent littering of the environment.
I would invent a device that monitors the amount of carbon dioxide we are using. This could definitely help the planet as the amount of carbon that is being sent into the Earth's atmosphere is causing an increase of glaciers melting and extreme weather.
Once you’ve made your own lifestyle more environmentally conscious, you can also engage in activism to help educate others on doing the same
20 Easy Ways To Conserve & Save The Environment.
🤗 Turn off electric items when they are not in use to save energy. A good rule of thumb is that if you aren’t using it, turn it off. This goes for lights, televisions, computers, printers, video game consoles and so on.
🤗 Unplug devices whenever possible to limit the flow of electricity.
I would like to invent a magic book that makes us know the solutions of all disasters and then we implement them and get rid of the disaster and thus we will completely get rid of climate change.
nice, but will that save planet earth ?
I would like to invent a cooling device that cools the Earth's atmosphere when it reaches a certain threshold because it helps slow climate change by preventing the oceans from melting.
Hi am tranquil world,
I will like to invent a solar powered drone that can tell us disease oming in future and preventive measure
I would like to invent a (toxic gas filter)
This device sucks out toxic gases from the air "automobile exhaust, factories, etc."and then purifies them before taking them out again to the atmosphere. This will help protect the environment from the threat of air pollution.
I want to invent alarm system against overusing of energy and drinking water. This alarm send warnings to people who do that.
I would like to invent a cooling machine in the ground in areas exposed to extreme heat waves and drought , and this machine will help reduce the loss of life due to heat waves and in this way , we will help reduce climate change and halt the phenomenon of heat waves and droughts
I would like to invent a machine that reduces people's use of plastic because it is one of the strong contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and this will increase climate change , instead of using plastic, we can choose recycled plastic products or environmentally friendly products and this will help reduce climate change.
I would like to invent a machine that makes wood so that a person does not cut trees from forests and trees is of great importance because it cleans the environment of carbon dioxide and provides oxygen.
I would invent a machine that can revive plant tissues after its damage and death, it would protect the environment because it reduce air pollution and carbon dioxide and increase oxygen in the air.
I want to invent organic burial capsules.
God willing, in the future, I will make a machine, and I will call it a recycling machine for everything that is not good or useless to something else that we benefit from, such as cleaning up lakes from garbage and recycling it, purifying the air, cleaning parks and public parks, and recycling their waste
I hope that you like my idea😊😊😊
I want to make environmental robots on its own. If it sees something that spoils the environment, it removes it and puts it in the place where it should be, and helps farmers to plant trees, trim them and harvest their fruits in the right way, and I will call it sweeping the damage to the agricultural environmen
We can devise a cooling device that helps reduce the heat in summer and climate change so that everyone can enjoy their summer outing.🌞🌴
I Will devise arobot to sterilize the atmosphere every quarter of on hour To protect Our environment
I would like to invent a flying car when it comes across a forest or a tree, as we will not need to cut down trees to build roads and trains.
But, these cars will polute the air more than before.
I would like to create multi-storey buildings that are lightweight so as not to affect the infrastructure of the planet, resistant to earthquakes and volcanoes.
I would like to invent a new type of energy that anyone can obtain, strong and can operate factories, and at the same time environmentally friendly
I would like to create a game for children in the form of a plant, that can speak fluently and answer all questions as they can raise it carefully, as it will make them realize the importance of the environment and the importance of the green cover of the planet ..
I want to invent a spatial loop that will make us move to any place on the planet, where it will save many people at the time of the disaster; And people will become indispensable for transportation polluting the environment.
I want to invent a device that is able to dispose of human bodies in a correct and environmentally friendly manner, even if they are infected with an infectious infection, so that it will save the environment from cremation and save people from the spread of infection.
I would like to devise a cube capable of protecting a particular area of the environment from disasters, whether it be human or natural, which will save the environment from destruction ..
I want to create a very small box, in which we can put many things regardless of its size, so that it will save this environment from excessive expansion.
I would like to invent a brush. Anything we draw with it that can help the environment can be achieved, as we can take any possible idea for anyone regardless of this person’s characteristics to protect the environment.
I would invent a machine that can convert factory fumes to oxygen and beneficial gases, it would protect the environment because it will reduce air pollution and increase its freshness
I want to invent a machine that is placed on factory chimneys that purifies the smoke coming out of them and turns it into pure gas. This will help slow climate change.
So then ,what about inventing something like small seeds ,that can be put inside the soil; to suck the poisonous materials from water before reaching ground water.
I would invent an intelligent and mobile machine capable of transforming plastic waste into electrical energy. It would protect the environment and slow down climate change as it can help us get rid of plastic, gain more energy and save humans, flora and fauna for a serene and better future.
I will create a device that hears the voice of nature and translates for us what you complain of about the dangers of nature or the vagaries of the atmosphere that we do not know their existence. We, in turn, find solutions to it.
My invention would be drones that could fly over the world to see if there are any problems such as leaks. The drone would also have a camera so us humans could see what is going on and we could report it to make things better in the world.
Use reusable items whenever possible to limit the trash in landfills. While disposable items are super convenient, anything made to only use one time and throw away should be avoided. Not only do they create more environmental waste, they end up costing you more money in the long run.
Recycle to lower the amount of environmental waste you produce. Aim to recycle clothes, glass, metal, plastic, and paper as you can. If your area offers curbside recycling, use it. If your area doesn’t offer curbside service, or if you have items not accepted for the regular service, take a special trip to a recycling center that is convenient for you.
Volunteer your time to help promote a better environment. You can help by picking up litter, fixing bikes, planting trees and gardens, cleaning up rivers, and educating others. Find an activity that suits your interests and set aside some time to go and help out.
How to better conserve natural resources? Try some of our tips and add your own in the comments section!
🤗Our climate is changing but we can have a big effect by making small improvements which can also help us to save money and improve our live.
🤗Everyone can help this program by taking action to
Creating cars that work on solar energy to get rid of the problem of car exhaust, which in turn is one of the most important factors that increase the problem of ozone hole and global warming.
Creating a machine that produces water, hot air and electricity at the same time and works with solar energy, thus providing alternative energy to the oil that is used to operate factories.
I will like to invest more in green energy to make the industry big for my country Ghana so that people will stop using fossil fuels, crude oil and natural gases 😌
I will create a device that converts carbon dioxide and toxic gases from factories into beautiful,colorful , big bubbles of oxygen and pure gases that protect the environment. These bubbles helps to save the environment and makes it beautiful and clean
I would like to create a machine that converts the smoke of factories and cars into water vapor that falls in the form of rain, and thus we benefit from it irrigating crops, drinking and our daily life.
Iwould like to invent this machine. This is a machine that works in the sky. When factory smoke rises, the machine receives polluted air from the factories and so the air remains clean.
I would invent a car, but not like any other car. It would be powered by solar energy and would have autopilot It roams the city every day looking for garbage. And it has cameras to monitor the people, and fine the polluters. My car also recycles rubbish automatically
I'd like to invent a robot who acts as an ambassador and discusses climate problems with other countries to work on Reducing climate risks.
I would like to create an electronic balloon that is able to collect the air and purify it from harmful gases in the climate and then extract clean air to reduce climate risks.
I will create a device that converts carbon dioxide and toxic gases from factories into beautiful,colorful , big bubbles of oxygen and pure gases that protect the environment. These bubbles helps to save the environment and makes it beautiful and clean
Hello, I would like to invent a machine that absorbs smoke that pollutes the environment and has a strong impact on the climate. He invented it to keep the environment clean and the air clean
I'm going to create a device that works as a drag in the sky. It is powered by solar energy.
It drops water to irrigate plants in drought-stricken areas. In this way, the earth will be greener and healthier.
Can be invented. A small plane can predict the environmental future and tell us what will happen to the future👈💦❤
We can innovate a camera for waste sensor in the environment and be containing waste hood and once you see the waste camera is sucked and taking it to the waste dump and this will help to change the climate of society and keep. Environment 🙏🏻❤
I would invent a dual-purpose machine that will solve flood disaster. Its function is to reduce velocity of flow in rivers and absorb a larger quantity of water mass into a plain ground at a fast and deeper rate in the case of rainfalls.
These machines will be built along river banks, dams and inside drainages.
I will like to invent a shield like object that throw shadow to the too sunny parts of Africa, powered by solar and sent to hover around.
Nice one
hello guys am imaginative library i would invent a machine that could completely deplete nitrous gas, carbon dioxide, methane, which could cause global warming or that machine that could turn those gases into oxygen which is useful to the environment. thank you dears.!!!!
I would like to invent a machine that shows us the future and the dangers of climate change on us and on future generations so that the world sees that there is no time to wait any longer
That's nice, I agree with you
Its It's really a great idea .It's fantastic..Thanks a lot for this ideas.
I would invent a machine that makes seeds that grow within one day, this would help to increase on the number of trees in the environment which would solve problems like drought which is caused by over cutting of trees
I would invent giant freezers that constantly cools down icebergs.
This would prevent them from melting thus limiting the rise of sea level.
If I were able to create a machine that would help stop climate change I would invent a machine that sucks of a bad ass and replace it with fresh air this would help our environment to investing more Green energy instead of polluting our earth with fossil fuels This machine can also be used in multiple countries helping their ad to be fresh again which can stop diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, West Nile virus, cholera and Lyme disease and more this Will help our future earth to have fresh air
If we were able to invent it, this would be beneficial to the world to a very large extent, and also the benefit on the medical aspects in terms of preventing dangerous diseases cannot be described
I will invent devices that run on solar energy to prevent air pollution. This will help slow climate change because the sun’s energy is renewable energy.
I would like to invent a camera in the form of glasses to be easier for a person to take with him and be easy to use and the way to use it is with just a wink of the eye
I would like to invent a device that emits warning vibrations; To protect farms and small animal farms from rodents and harmful insects, in order to reduce the use of toxic substances; To fight these rodents and insects. 😊
I would like to invent an electric car that does not uses fuel or polute the air, and I will make sure that any body that polute the air in any way pays. And that will be a rule.
We can invent a machine that takes all materials harmful to the environment that are not degradable, such as plastic, and turns them green, environmentally friendly, and thus we reduce the pollutants to the environment and reduce climate change
Machines can be invented that identify all forms of energy in a place and produce electrical energy from them, and there is no place where there is no energy because the energy does not perish , but it is transformed from one form to another.
So the harmful emissions from burning fossil fuels are reduced
You are very right, and this will benefit the whole world, reduce the world's anxiety about saving energy, and prevent pollution
I'm going to invent a robot can measure the percentage of pollution . This robot gives announcements when the percent becomes over and by this way I can share in protecting the environment
I would like to create a car from fuel to solar energy The mechanism of converting any fuel-powered car into a solar-powered car, which will contribute to preserving the environment and the climate and preventing environmental pollution
A machine can be invented that absorbs all harmful gases such as greenhouse gases and turns them into oxygen and useful gases because this reduces harmful gases to the environment that increase global warming and acid rain
I would also invent simple machines that can plant trees that can help slow or more or less stop the climate change
And also I would invent cars that use energy efficient so that we can help slow the climate change
I think the only thing I need to create is a time machine. Show people what the future will look like if we don’t act on it and then maybe we can change it for the better.
I'd like to create glasses that help see bacteria and viruses in plants so we can treat them before they wilt💗
I would invent a robot that can clean the air from dust and pollution. It would help to get back into fresh life to people who suffer too much from air pollution.
Invent in energy-efficient appliances, reduce waste of water,
would invent an atmosphere coating that prevents ultraviolet rays from escaping to our planet to protect humans from its dangers and from developing skin cancer and burns.
I would invent a massive vacuum cleaner for air. It could be set up at any house to absorb all the carbon dioxide and turn it into Oxygen. It will be very helpful for reducing methan and co2 emissions from factories and the Earth.
I would like to create a bubble surrounding the globe to protect it from any virus entering it
I really love your idea.
I would like invent a secret barrier between trees and people so that we can protect trees from being cut down and also keep trees giving us oxygen and ridding us of carbon dioxide.
I would like to create a car from fuel to solar energy The mechanism of converting any fuel-powered car into a solar-powered car, which will contribute to preserving the environment and the climate and preventing environmental pollution
I would invent an intelligent and mobile machine capable of transforming plastic waste into electrical energy. It would protect the environment and slow down climate change as it can help us get rid of plastic, gain more energy and save humans, flora and fauna for a serene and better future.
I would invent a machine that works with solar energy and capable of planting trees and plants all alone. It would help us protecting the environment, building back greener easily and reducing co2
I want to invent a robot called a forest ranger, which works to get rid of the amount of dead wood in forests that is a major cause of fires that cause global warming
Whoa what a wonderful comment.i Love it
Thank you for encouraging the idea🤩
I want to invent water balls that can be eaten. The wrapper is made from safe marine plants. This invention will say goodbye to plastic water bottles.
You are only allowed to enter the competition once each week. Additional entries will not be counted.
Nice one, truely there no time, it calls for emergency.
I would like to invent refrigerators programmed with modern technology that examines the food that enters it. If the food is not fit to eat, you recycle it and recycle it for animals, so the animals digest it and produce their waste as fertilizer for the soil.
You are only allowed to enter the competition once each week. Additional entries will not be counted.
I would like to invent a magnetic vessel that not only captures iron, but is programmed to capture all plastic, copper and all debris in seas and oceans.
I would like to create a talking mirror that tells us what is coming, where the causes of climate change are, and how solutions can be addressed as soon as possible
I will invent a car that powers itself by running a motor that generates electricity with its own electricity, so people won’t have to charge their cars so often.
I want to invent a future machine that can show us the future and the disasters that we will cause to aware people now of the danger of their actions towards the environment.
His invention is difficult but not impossible, I hope this is invented
I have a question for you, do you think that would cause danger and make people anxious when they know about scary things about their future?
Hi, since trees in my country are cut get papers to make books. I would invent an electronic book where students write their notes. This will save the trees from being cut and save the environment from the harmful of the used papers which damages the soil fertility
I would not invent a machine, I would rather launch a Green Radio station run by my peers that would raise people's awareness about Climate change and would interview experts to share statistics and facts about the risks.
You can only enter the competition once, therefore unfortunately this entry won't be counted.
Thank you, I just wanted to give this idea and get a feedback. I like stars but I enjoy sharing my ideas even without getting rewards. Can I use it in a post?
You can indeed!
Great!!, but do you have a plan to implement this project if it can be implemented ???!
I will invent a machine that cools down or warms up the Earth to prevent global warming or global cooling, depending the situation
Oh wow we hope the goodies from you
I would invent a robot warns us when we do wrongs for the environment and tells us what to do in situations to protect the environment. This will increase people's environmental awareness of what to do.
I would invent a range of solar and electric powered vehicles.This would protect the environment and slow down climate change because the use of solar power and electricity in the transportation sector would mean less carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere reducing the rate of ozone layer decay.
I would like to invent a flying robot which can find people who are doing something harmful or bad to the environment and educate them and guide them to the right ways
I would like to create smart clouds that do the hydrological cycle to protect the environment from drought and not only that, but also increase the fertility of the soil for agriculture.
Even i having the same idea too
I would invent a robot to swallow waste and turn it into manufactured materials again like paper and plastic.It would help to protect nature to get rid of waste and reduce numbers of factories used for recycling, as a result less pollution.
Very generous .. and we can benefit from it greatly. I agree with you completely
Good idea, but plastic is bad because it doesn't decompose !
Nice idea with valuable meaning
A beautiful idea that has a beautiful meaning and means disposal of waste, thus it is easier for workers to collect it and reduces diseases for people
I would like to invent a device for developing appropriate strategies for adapting to the phenomenon of climate change
Using waste as a raw material or as a source of energy, as the whole world will seek to reduce carbon dioxide emissions during the coming years in large proportions, which prevents pollution and preserves the climate
I will create a smart litter box that gives award points for everything that gets thrown into it to motivate people to throw garbage into itBecause this leads to a decrease in the emission of carbon dioxide, and it becomes a beneficial climate
I will design a bicycle that energizes the body as well as reduces car exhaust, thus preserving the environment at the end
I would like to invent a device that does the work that the ozone layer does and absorbs harmful sunlight to protect the environment and living organisms. I very much like this invention because the ozone layer may be exposed to the problem of the ozone hole.
I want to invent a machine that purifies the air from carbon dioxide but there is another step which is to create reserves for trees surrounded by a cover that can be opened and closed and there are the trees that can be used in the process of photosynthesis .
I hope you share with me your views.
I would like to invent a garbage machine instead of a garbage bin, as the machine automatically recycles waste into materials useful for protecting and preserving the environment.
I want to invent smart panels that maintain thermal equilibrium. This will eliminate the crisis of climate change
I would invent a suction machine that will have a place in every factory and any thing can produce smoke. It will suck smoke and convert it into energy so that will protect nature, and also help to slow climate changes.
I would invent the machine that will change the waste to usefully material. It would slow climatic change because the machine will be used for recycling the waste material that are source of environmental pollution
I would invent Drones dat Plant trees because trees are essential for storing green house gas emissions, filtering air and water , nourishing soil providing food and fostering the ecosystem .
I will invent machines that eliminate air pollution from the atmosphere, to protect the environment and build a clean environment free of pollution.
I would invent special flying machine that will be active in reducing the rate of dangerous wastes in water bodies and in the forests because currently human activities have destructed the environment extremely👍😁😁.
I hope altogether can build the better world
I would like to invent a machine for converting plastic into arable soil .
I would like to create a device that can tell us about what will happen in the future, in this way we gone have a knowledge about disasters and the problems that will happen . I think this will help us to solve many problems.
I would like to invent a tool that stabilizes the earth and maintains its permanent balance to prevent earthquakes.
I would like to invent a machine that turns the dry leaves into new trees that grow in the desert to keep the soil from drifting, clean the air, and cool the desert.
i would invent a special machine that will trap smog on the sky. It would help to reduce ozone layer destruction because is the source of climate change and environment pollution
I would like. The invention of a super-battery powered by nuclear technology without the need for charging, and its production depends on radioactive nuclear waste, and this invention preserves the environment from waste charged batteries and reduces air pollution from toxic chemicals as well as lithium, which can cause fires in landfills that last for years underground .
I would like to invent green, porous roads that facilitate the passage of water through them instead of paved roads to alleviate floods and torrents, and then reduce urban heat islands and thus greatly reduce the risk of floods
I would invent two machine, one in the ground level and other in the upper level. in the ground level the machine would be responsible for turning waste material into useful one like toilet and other machine would be responsible for trapping harmful gases. I would reduce pollution in the ground level like pollution in the ocean that kill a lot of organism like fish and plant that control the climate ,also the other machine will trap all harmful gases that destruct the ozone layer and other negative effect like acid rainy
I will create an electronic mirror through which we look to the future and see what dangers will occur that may affect us due to pollution or climate change. Thus, we can find positive solutions before the danger occurs.
I will create a machine that quickly and immediately extinguishes forest fires before they spread. This preserves the vegetation and animal cover.
I will invent a smart garbage can. When you throw something in, you will score points for a prize and it also includes stages. And that is to motivate and encourage people. Also, at the end of the game, an audio tape narrates the story of our planet against pollution and tips to educate people about it my invention will protect the environment
Hello, I am a little explorer. I wanted to create clothes that are worn during hot weather as it absorbs heat from the body and perceives the fresh and cold air that makes you feel cold like an air conditioner💙💙
Machines can be invented that identify all forms of energy in a place and produce electrical energy from them, and there is no place where there is no energy because the energy does not perish , but it is transformed from one form to another.
So the harmful emissions from burning fossil fuels are reduced
I would like to invent catalytic digester which digest industrial gasses. Industrial gases must be trapped into the catalytic digester such that they are broken down instead of releasing them into the atmosphere. The trapped gasses from combustion must be reacted into less harmful substances .
I would like to convert all factories on the planet to solar powered factories, where the climate problem and the pollution problem will disappear.
I would like to design a digester plant for agricultural chemical containers disposition. The plant must deal proper container desposion after use safely without hindering the environment . All farming points must have a plant which makes sure the containers are recycled or safely incinerated to sponsor a safe environment .
I'm going to invent a very small plane the size of an ant. The job of this plane is to travel through the future and back and tell us messages about what needs to be done to save the environment and how.
Nice idea with valuable meaning
I liked your idea
Thank you guys 💛
I will invent a shoe if there is a grass or a plant near it, and it will automatically jumps in a safe way to whoever wears it.
I would invent water cubes that we can carry,It will be made of harmless natural gelatinous materials, and this invention will solve the problem of plastic water bottles that are harmful to the environment and to living organisms.
I would like to invent a device the size of a pen cap, this device can show you all the things that happen and harm the environment; Where responsible people will be punished.
I will invent a machine in which you put a plastic bottle that gives you candy. This invention will be good for children and we will have a generation ready to protect our planet.
I would like to invent an electricity generator that work through smoke. Part of the smoke from the factories will be compressed until it is liquid and will be sprayed on a turbine which, thanks to the effect of friction, will spin and generate electricity.
Quite cool yeah
I would invent bugs that feed on toxic gases in the atmosphere and release non toxic useful gases like oxygen to make a disadvantage an advantage since toxic gases contribute to respiratory diseases but gases like oxygen are essential for life
A great idea and I hope this happens because oxygen is vital to the life cycle and oxygen is the most important gas that the body needs for energy and growth, and without it cells die, and breathing is the process of exchanging oxygen from the air to carbon dioxide from cells, as the respiratory system filters pollutants to ensure that the body gets access to
Clean air.
I'm going to invent a trash bin that automatically collects garbage. It turns the non-recyclable items into energy that helps it move around and recycle the rest.My invention will contribute to reducing the percentage of pollution by reducing the accumulation of waste, which contributes greatly to the pollution of the environment
I would like to invent a tool that can make me live in the pre-industrial century; At that time, I would have known the world about the seriousness of the issue, especially because they had anticipated the occurrence of the crisis and ignored it because it would not happen at their time.
I would like to invent robots that recycle garbage that cannot be recycled and extract what can benefit others from it to reduce environmental pollutants.
I would like to invent robots that collect non-decomposable industrial solid waste to reduce soil pollution which plays an important role in nature.
I would invent a parable that predicts floods fires and storms So that people can get ready and protect themselves from Natural Disasters It can also find lost people with the gps system.
I would invent a detector that predicts floods fires and storms So that people can get ready and protect themselves from Natural Disasters It can also find lost people with the gps system.
I would like to invent spoons made of white corn, wheat and rice. It would help to protect nature by eating it after meals, because the accumulation of plastic waste in large quantities causes great harm to the environment
Beautiful invention and extraordinary, and I hope this happens in the future
Thats good !
But I think this will be difficult
Because after any summit we should change the spoon
Or My thought not like your opinion
It's an interesting idea
I will invent machines that work to make plastic of organic origin so that it is easy to get rid of, and not only that, it will be used after it is recycled as fertilizer
I would like to invent basins that can purify wastewater to reduce environmental pollution.
Hello I wold invent huge machine it would help to protect nature because Getting rid of a lot of waste, but we will generate new materials from this waste through the process of recycling and making new materials of importance.
I would like to invent explosives that do not produce smoke harmful to the environment as they are replaced by the explosives harmful to the environment that are used in war in order to reduce climate pollution.
I will invent a greenhouse trapping machine that can sense and absorb carbondioxide that is released from any source. The absorbed carbondioxide will be stored in the storage tank of the machine for other purposes. This will help to reduce greenhouse gas and slowdown climate change.
I'm going to invent the mobile vacuum cleaner
It will slow down climate change because it cleans places without effort.
I will invent a small protractor, capable of designing many facilities that will help the environment, such as designing factories, cars, hospital homes, and others ... as it will make it environmentally friendly, which will reduce the rate of pollution.
I will invent an alternative to the aluminum paper used in cooking, then we will protect the environment and protect people from aluminum leakage into food ..
I will create a (fossil fuel eater) robot that will help limit global warming and save the lives of many people who are dying due to air pollution from burning fuel
I would invent cars with engines powered by water and solar energy.
It would help slow climate change because smoke causes air pollution and plant death, and I desperately want it because it does not emit smoke; thus we can exploit renewable energy.
I want to make a machine that goes into the future and shows us the challenges that we'll face due to climate change in order to prevent that from happening
I will create something beautiful, for every person
It would protect the environment because cleanliness is faith, cleanliness is beautiful and wonderful, and makes the environment more beautiful, cleaner and wonderful
* Garbage should be thrown in the trash bin and not on the street or the sea.
* Remember cleanliness is out of faith, cleanliness is beautiful and wonderful and makes the environment in the most beautiful pictures.
* You love science and mathematics, so you will become an inventor. Please invent for the world something that does not make people throw garbage on the ground.
* Clean up the environment, clean up the environment, clean up the environment, clean up the environment, clean up the environment, clean up the environment, clean the environment.
* If you clean your room and the environment, then you are a nice person and you deserve that people love you and I love you 😍😘.
* I love you, if you are clean 😍😘🌹.
I will create a "space navigation" project.
This project will convert planet dust, meteorites, and objects into energy without harming the environment
I would create a machine that emits a gas that lessens the percentage of greenhouse gases in the air. So factories would use it if they burn fossil fuels or anything that would give off greenhouse gases.
I would invent Robert bee that pollinates plants in the event of the extinction of the bees. It helps protect the environment because natural bees are under serious threat due to modern farming methods, and this invention is one of the solutions to this problem. It also helps slow climate change because the pollination process is important in producing fruits
I would invent drones that plant trees🌲. Trees are essential for storing greenhouse gas emission, filtering air and water. Although planting trees by hand always helps but it's hard for individuals to match the pace of industrial deforestation.
I would invent a future travel machine to protect the environment because this will help in knowing the dangers of the large number of toxic gases that affect the environment.
I will like to invent a genetically modified plant that is pleasant looking and has the capacity to grow very fast and absorbed most of the toxins of the atmosphere that causes global warming, and purify water bodies. It should
have resistance to climatic change and can be exported.
I will create fuel for cars and heating from biogas that can be extracted from food waste
I would like to invent an electric car.The environment pollution comes from car exhaust .Electric cars would help nature to be clean.
A great idea incredible_effort - some manufacturers have started to produce electric cars, do you think we could make this process even more green?
I would like to create a television that has channels where you can see what the future of the earth looks like and you can try and fix the problem so it does affect the next generation because the next generation is going to have all of the problems that the other generations left on earth for them so i would like to create it so that the next generation doesn't have to clean up all the mess they made
I would invent a moving box machine which sucks waste from air . It would help to protect nature because polluted air is a major problem hurts human's health and trees as well.
I would invent a recycling water robot. It will help protect nature because the percentage of water in nature decreases from year to year and it becomes difficult to explore eyes and wells, thus in 3 stages we have sterilized water. This will help slow climate change from year to year.
I want to invent an eraser to erase the bad and harmful past to the environment and keep the beneficial and good things that are not harmful to the environment
we can invent flexible solar cells, using houses from all directions, as these cells generate electrical energy that powers the devices inside them, meaning every building generates its own energy
This will reduce the plastic materials (wires) and the harmful emissions resulting from burning fossil fuels in generators.
Machines can be invented that identify all forms of energy in a place and produce electrical energy from them, and there is no place where there is no energy because the energy does not perish , but it is transformed from one form to another.
So the harmful emissions from burning fossil fuels are reduced
I would invent a machine that turns wastewater into water suitable for irrigation crops, and for using it in
factories ,so that our environment becomes clean and beautiful .
A machine can be invented that absorbs all harmful gases such as greenhouse gases and turns them into oxygen and useful gases because this reduces harmful gases to the environment that increase global warming and acid rain
I would like to invent a tire cutting machine that would help protect nature because many people keep their old tires to take up a large space and are no longer useful. These materials can be recycled into new products that you need, for example in construction.
I would like to invent rubber tire recycling that will help protect nature because it burns a large amount of tires every year 300 million old tires and this harms the environment from "weather, soil, air ..., it will help slow climate change from using it in household ideas.
A robot can be invented that converts any form of renewable energy into electrical energy, thus reducing the harmful emissions resulting from burning fossil fuels in generators, and we do not have to use different machines for each form of renewable energy.
We can invent a machine that takes all materials harmful to the environment that are not degradable, such as plastic, and turns them green, environmentally friendly, and thus we reduce the pollutants to the environment and reduce climate change
The food waste can be converted instantly into natural fertilizer that is beneficial to the trees, because the world wastes nearly 900 million tons of food, so we reduce the amount of harmful waste to the environment that is used daily around the world and support vegetation.
Hello, I would like to invent lamps that change color to teach children how to save energy. He also invented a system for recycling organic waste. This device generates clean energy.
I would like to invent a machine with solar panels that can perform the same function as the ozone layer and it will be a type of machine that cannot absorb any chemical or substance which deplets the ozone layer so it can help in slowing down climate change . (49 WORDS)
It is possible to invent a robot that traps insects that harm trees, thus we protect the trees that bring out the trees with oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, thus improving climate change.
I would like to invent a machine that prevents desertification, as it can plant plants in a short time and publish warnings if someone tries to graze animals in the land, and thus we will protect the environment from drought, and we will preserve the scenic environment. (= 47 WORDS)
Hello, I would like to invent solar cookers
By using these stoves, it became possible to convert solar energy into clean and environmentally friendly thermal energy that helps in cooking food.
Hello, I would like to invent a device for saving water
A new device was invented that is installed on the tap called the Altrade. This device helps to save water by 98% when washing water or brushing teeth ... Helps develop the environment, not consuming water and saving water
I would invent amachine works on solar energy to turn baby diapers into manure.It would help the nature to reduce soil pollution and use the mature for planting trees which gives Oxygen and get rid of Carbon dioxide.
Hello, I would like to invent a device for saving water
A new device was invented that is installed on the tap called the Altrade. This device helps to save water by 98% when washing water or brushing teeth ... Helps develop the environment, not consuming water and saving water
I will invent a robot that is able to utter messages from the future, where they will tell us about problems and solutions; Then we will be able to protect the environment and prevent disasters.
I will invent a small ring capable of sending messages to the past to inform them of the problems that will occur due to their negligence; To develop solutions and not to underestimate the problem ..
I would like to invent a new type of fuel for cars . The fuel consists of different types of fruit juice . People have been sucking exhaust fumes for too long .
I will invent a bracelet that is able to travel through both the past and the future, as it will go into the past and inform them of the problems that will happen; And go for the future and come back to tell us about the problems that will face ..
I will invent a small canister that is suspended like an air conditioner, and its function is to purify the polluted air; And it turns it into clean air, and it converts gases such as carbon monoxide into oxygen, then air pollution will decrease.
I will invent a machine capable of converting animal waste into fodder. Then the soil pollution will be reduced.
I will invent a solar car that won't use fuel thereby reducing the amount of air pollution produced from most cars.
A great idea vibrant_mandarin - have you thought about how this technology could develop alongside existing electric cars?
I will invent a machine that will rotate around the earth detecting places with global warming, pollution, dirt and less greener environments while sending signals to the headquarters.
I would like to create an electric washer, which is a membrane that filters toxic metals from water, and by using water treatment plants, it removes toxic substances. This invention benefits people in light of their continuous increase and reduces water pollution from waste and its use for drinking.
because I love marine creatures, I want to protect them from oil spills, as I have always dreamed of putting robots equipped with sensors to sense oil spills and send an alert to the competent authorities and equip robots to clean up water and protect marine creatures.
Thanks .
Succinct_recipe : i want to invent a high_tech sieve that make the ocean drinkable , that may be able to filter out salt using less energy that could help provide safe, clean , drinkable water which is rare resources in many countries
I would like to invent a complete system that allows humans to control the weather and which cools or heats the Earth to avoid global warming or global cooling, depending on human needs.
Also, there's robots connected to the system that collect all the garbage from the Earth.
Thank you secure_idea, robots to collect garbage is an excellent idea. Have you thought about how people would agree on what weather is best? And how countries might work together to be fair?
good idea
I would to invent a camera, where when we photograph an area with this camera, it will show us what will happen from natural and climatic disasters for this area in the future, and make us take the necessary precautions to avoid this.
I would to invent crayons, these crayons achieve everything that we draw, if we paint an environment free of pollution and free of emitted gases and green environment with these crayons, the environment will be as we painted it.
I will invent huge domes made of reflective mirrors that reflect harmful sunlight and ultraviolet radiation to reduce melting arctic ice and protect animals there as well as the Earth
I would invert an organic fertilizer machine which would pick all the garbage thrown into our local cities
creating a health environment
The machine would separate ,crush and process fertilizers for our agricultural use and reduce the ozone layer distraction
I would invent a machine that can spray sea water thousands of meters into the air to aid the formation of stratocumulus clouds that will deflect sunlight, installing sunshields or mirrors in space to reflect the sun's excessive rays hence reduce on global warming.
Hi everyone!
I thought of changing Co2 into H2CO3 to get rid of all the carbon dioxide ,but then I remember that I needed huge amounts of water which would be a huge waste for water that is needed on planet. Therefore, I decided to invent a machine that can change waste and some types of fossil into water. I am still thinking of how to develop this machine chemically, so I have to ask my science teacher for more orientation
Hi, I hope to invent a machine that replaces the kidneys because there are many people in hospitals who suffer from kidney failure, and my invention will purify the body from salts, water and waste products, and so the patients will be in the best condition.
It's great to see a machine to help people with kidney failure glad_truth. Have you thought about how the body would retain the good salts and water our bodies need to stay healthy?
I want to invent something that might be considered a mere imagination now, but why not! All inventions now were considered impossible in the past.
I want to invent a printer that can print real life objects. I can print more bottles of water, more trees, more grass, and use the things I print to help reduce global warming.
I would invent new type of bricks to build houses or any building that helps cooling in summer and keep warm in winter that would reduce the need to air-conditioning and even fridges which release much co2. This type of bricks resists floods and fires which are dangers of extreme weather
I will invent an electric water drainer that will drain all the water in the environment because wasting of water causes the release of carbon and it effect will deplete the ozone layer.
I would invent an electronic mop that works with solar energy because of the slowing of climate change due to pollution. It would help to protect the environment from pollution and to purify the air.
I will invent a machine that will go round and pick all the waste and turn them into useful things to prevent burning them. for the covid- 19 i will invent a covid-19 multipurpose foot operated machine. i will also invent electric cars, motorcycle, generators etc. to avoid the use of fossils fuel and prevent the existence of chlorofluorocarbons.
This is a really good idea, loyal_cheetah! Can you tell us more about how will your foot-operated machine help to combat covid-19?
I will open a centre where i will train people on how to use solar to invent many machines. e.g solar car, solar incinerator,solar houses, solar cooking wares etc.
In fact , I think this can happen in science fiction , but I want to invent islands full of trees floating in the sky but with a special path so as not obstruct the planes.
I would like to invent a tire cutting machine that would help protect nature because many people keep their old tires to take up a large space and are no longer useful. These materials can be recycled into new products that you need, for example in construction
I want to invent an alarm device to be placed in areas where fires occur, such as the state of California , due to drought . The device detects fires and is connected to a system that works with sprinklers that moisturize the ground so that the fire does not spread.
It is an Interesting idea.
I think it's possible to do it on a small scale thus protecting our forests that are crucial for the life of several living species.
If only we could apply your invention in real life. It would just take some money and time using the current heat detection and watering technology to protect our planet's biggest oxygen producer.
I would like to invent a machine that prevents desertification, as it can plant plants in a short time and publish warnings if someone tries to graze animals in the land, and thus we will protect the environment from drought, and we will preserve the scenic environment. (=47)
I am a young inventor. I want to create a magic wand with which I strike the land, produce different agricultural crops to eliminate poverty and famines in the world, and use the wand to harvest crops away from cutting trees, thus preserving the beauty of nature.
I would like to invent robots to serve customers in restaurants and serve them meals with plates of oats and spoons .. forks and knives made of wheat. This works To reduce overcrowding and reduce restaurant waste that harms the body by the methods we dispose of
I want to invent flying robots the size of a fly that emits gases when temperatures rise that lead to the formation of a canopy of clouds over the planet.
I would like to invent him a spoon made of auxiliary materials for the environment, but this spoon can show us delicious recipes and at the same time friendly to the environment, as it does not make us pick or destroy a tree ..
I want to invent a robot that can manufacture many things that will help the environment in all fields.
I want to invent a smart waste machine that recycles harmful waste into useful materials when we dump garbage in .
I want to invent a new type of fertilizer that if it seeps into the water it will not pollute it ..
I would like to make a dirty water detergent powder that would help protect nature because people who live in remote places having clean water for them is just a dream, but it has become a reality. This powder removes bacteria and mixes with dirt and contaminants so that they all fall below.
I would like to invent a new type of insecticide, whose frequent addition will not affect plants and will not contaminate the soil or water.
I would like to invent a smart device that purifies the air from pollutants and impurities.
I want to organize an organization to protect animals by designing a collar linked with computers that cool its body in the heat ,and in event that the animal is in danger signals are sent that identify the location of the animal and the problem ,to help it.
I want to invent a device that creates and pumps gases equivalent to the structure of the ozone layer, to close the hole in the ozone layer to help stop climate change.
Hello BNC,
I think I would make the plants have an invincible force field so anyone who tries to step on the plants won't be able to
Hello I am quick_fish and my invention would be a teleporter that was powered by movement so that animals could move and people would teleport so that they wouldn't have to drive
I will create a solar-powered device that sends large vibrations to detect the locations of chemicals that harm the environment and affect the atmosphere, making it easier to locate and treat their whereabouts.
I will create a wristwatch that alerts people about any wrong behavior that they do that harm the environment
I would invent industrial soil that can revive plant tissues after its damage and death, it would protect the environment because it revives plants and the plants work to reduce air pollution and carbon dioxide and increase oxygen in the air
I agree with you, a great idea to bring the environment green.
I will invent a flood detector
Predicts before floods, whether in seas or rivers. And how powerful it is. And mitigate the damage and protect the largest possible number of lives.
I will create a mirror that enables us to see the future and the past, and present the wrong actions that we have been doing and what we must do to protect the environment
I will create a magic seed for self trees that can grow in any environment and in any situation. This will help clean the air and slow climate change.
I will create a plane that will be in space depicting the Earth, working to provide information on places of pollution and enable us to solve it before it is too late
I will devise a smartphone that sends signals indicating polluted places.
This is brilliant! if people know where there is a lot of pollution then they won't go ANYWHERE ELSE WILL THEY? You have changed my life for the better.
I'd invent a device that converts CO2 from industrial waste into solid carbon using liquid metals as catalysts. Solid carbon be passed into a machine of 80GPa to form Lonsdaleite at room temperature- effectively using recent discoveries to form a 2-1 solution. Because only a diamond-not pollution- is forever.
I would invent a tiny fish to be placed in the ocean that absorbs the oil that seeps into the water, thus preserving the water from pollution and protecting marine organisms.
i think i shall invent an climate condenser; with shall be used for condensing unwanted gases like petrol's wastes and it can collect unneeded heat or cold; and be saved for times when mother nature is in a big risk of a heatwave attack it shall send some cold manufactured cloud which rains a cold breath of air; and in cold ice age it would heat the soil for habbiting the ice to melt, it could help .
I would invent a notebook that uses a special pencil that has a chemical reaction with the pages your writing on which means that your pencil never runs out, pages are made from untearable material, and you can use wipes to erase and rewrite as much as you want.
I Would Like to Create an electric Car that also Works on battery in Order to protect the environment.
What about you?
I would like to invent trees that absorb all toxic gases, especially nuclear radiation, because of their great damage to life, such as what happened in Japan in World War II, because if this invention succeeds first, it will reduce the number of deaths and reduce the susceptibility to blood cancers and thus our environment will be healthy and free of toxic gases and it can also be To follow oxygen to do photosynthesis in other plants
I would to invent a ball, this ball is showing us the environmental disasters that have occurred previously caused by climate change, so that people know how dangerous climate change is.
I would to invent a factory gas filter, in order to reduce air pollution caused by factory gases, and curb the problem of climate change.
In fact, the first word that comes to my mind when I hear the word invention is robots. I tried to think of a robot that affects the environment. The first thing that occurred to me was to invent an animal that did horse-like work. I know it's a ridiculous idea, but here in my town, Gaza there are a lot of horses that are used to carry great weights. Actually, I would like Reducing horse pain and also saving time and effort
I would to invent artificial clouds, so when a single cloud emptied its contents, plants and trees would sprout over a wide area of land and without the need to irrigation.
My idea is that we can stop pollution by creating a water-proof robot and train it to pick up rubbish in the sea.
Your idea is so original I am sure that it will become a real thing!
I want to invent a box that converts harmful radiation like harmful rays from the sun into clean energy.
I want to invent a clock that can alert us if we accidentally throw waste, or alert us if there is a violation of the right to the environment near us.
I would like inventing an alternative to the plastic so that it is cheap and available in abundance and more practical.
I want to invent an alternative to refrigerators that use chlorofluorocarbon gas, which is harmful to the ozone layer.
I will invent a device. Aircraft exhaust absorption. This device, placed inside the aircraft engine, absorbs harmful gases, processes them, and converts carbon and other gases. To oxygen. So as not to harm the atmosphere.
I will invent a printer that provides solutions based on nature. The person will enter a description of the problem to come up with the most appropriate solutions and how to implement them
I would like to invent a machine that converts waste and harmful things to the environment into a very useful natural fertilizer for protecting the environment, so reducing harmful waste in the environment.
I want to invent solar-powered air conditioners to be placed outside the house and connected to a pipe inside the house, where the air conditioner will enter.
My brothers and I have invented a solar powered air conditioner made from recycled plastic and solar cells.
I would like to invent artificial animals that devour harmful waste in the environment. This is very good for protecting and preserving the environment.
I wish to invent space defenses; Its function is to destroy comets and meteors before they reach Earth and protect the earth from its crumbs.
I want to invent a small canister whose function is to convert gas produced from volcanoes into pure oxygen.
I would like to invent a finger-sized robot traveling at the speed of light whose function is to search for a habitable planet, in case we fail to protect the earth from global warming
I want to invent a television that can show us expectations for the future, so that we can avoid disaster and find solutions.
I want to invent solar powered cars.
I would create an electric airplane because normal airplanes are not very good for the environment and they don't help build back greener. I got this idea because there used to be normal cars before but someone has now invented electric cars which are better for the environment so that lead me to the idea of an electric airplane. If I was able to make it, I would make it good for the environment however I would still make it take you to your destination really quickly. It would look just like a normal airplane but safer for the environment and with a green spot or mark at the front that says 'Build back Greener!' so you could tell its an electric airplane!
(I don't know if they have already invented something like this)
My idea is that we create a machine that can turn plastics into reusable items like paper bags.
I would invent eco friendly batteries that would be rechargeable by being exposed to the sun which make them life long batteries and that will reduce electronic waste as most machines and vehicles need batteries.
Hello. I would like to invent small machines in the form of small butterflies, which work to get rid of harmful insects such as mosquitoes that are widespread in Gaza in the summer.
I'd invent a magnetic train all over the world, replacing all polluting vehicles. Since it is powered by magnet it won't affect the environment hence this will reduce air pollution and it will take less time to travel between 2 cities and/or continents.
I would like to make small machines in the form of a little bird that absorb polluted air and convert it into good air for humans.
I think this invention reduces global warming
I will invent the first environmentally friendly phone at all, from materials that do not harm the environment and charge with solar cells.
I will invent alternative pens to pencils that are harmful to the environment.
I will invent an alternative to batteries that contain carbon, batteries that charge with solar energy and contain an alternative to carbon, while at the same time environmentally friendly ..
I will make a new environmentally friendly oil that can even be used in food.
I would easily convert waste products such as used plastic bottles, polythene bags etc. into other useful products such as dresses, mats, re-use of the bottles etc instead of just dumping them into the environment causing pollution.
I would invent a reverse combustion machine that returns combustion wastes into usable ressources. We will be able to turn combustion products (gases and dust) into coal to provide an infinite energy source without emmiting CO2 because it will be reused again and again
I will invent capsules that absorb car exhaust, which are placed inside car engines to absorb harmful gases and treat them and convert carbon into oxygen, so as not to harm the atmosphere
I would invent a device that detects to see if there is trash around you and the device could also include a pair of gloves so that when the device detects trash so you can pick it up. It would protect the environment because it is helping the earth stay clean and it could be done easily. You don't have to clear your plans just to pick the trash , you can just pick it on your way home or from school!
I would invent a meter that counts the number of trees in an area and tell if they are decreasing and a robot that automatically plants trees if the number of trees in that area decreased. I think it will protect the environment because trees capture CO2 .
I would invent a satellite that spot methane leaks
Around the world, leaks from fracking and other activities can emmit staggering amount of an invisible and odourless gas for the month at a time before being detected that gas is methane and it trap's up to 80 times as much heat as carbon monoxide
If successful, the satellite will be able to reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas industry as much as 50%
I will create a machine that will heal the hole of the ozone layer.
As trees grow, they help stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air, storing carbon in the trees and soil, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.We have to stop emitting all greenhouse gases, for instance by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources like solar power.
I would invent a machine that transforms rubbish into trees and protects the environment as it reduces the quantity of trash worldwide. It would also help protect us from pollutants like nitrogen by acting as a natural filter as well. It would make seas cleaner and the water drinkable.
I would invent a filter that would be put on factory chimneys so that when contaminated smoke is released, the filter would sort the gases into categories of all gases whereas, carbon monoxide that destroys the ozone layer could be transformed into a harmless gas to run machines.
I will invent a flying robot that carries a solution that purifies lakes and water bodies from germs and dirt inside them and makes them drinkable,thus preserving the worlďs water for many, many years.
Hi Burnet News Club! My invention to help with climate change would be a vacuum cleaner that could suck up car pollution. All you need to do is point it at a place where there are cars, and suck the dirty fumes up! This would help climate change.
We all know that at night trees absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide.
I'm going to invent a big hood that absorbs carbon dioxide and turns it into oxygen en this preserves the plants and keeps the environment clean free of toxic gases That the climate has changed.
Hello, I would like to invent
* Snowboards from unused fishing nets *
It manufactures "skateboards" from fishing nets dumped on the beaches for plastic-free oceans. It uses raw materials from fishing nets that gather near the Chilean coast. It also manufactures sunglasses from fishing nets, T-shirts, and other environmentally friendly goods. It affects the environment, changes in biophysical environments and biodiversity in ecosystems and natural resources
I would invent a machine that would suck up all plastic both underwater and above water and recycle them into something useable (like Rita Idehai’s vision). I believe that we should take action about such a devastating topic, for ourselves AND future generations, and by doing this we will!
I would invent a plant-based plastics that biodegrade,that will replace many of the plastic products already in circulation.Also,I would invent a mere one-atom thick, that is flexible, transparent, and highly conductive, making it suitable to a huge range of planet-healing applications. These include water filtration, superconductors capable of transferring energy across vast distances with minimal loss, and photovoltaic uses.
Hello, I would like to invent
* Eco-friendly Shower Curtain *
This curtain forces the person to get out from under the shower during the shower after 4 minutes, and this is in order to save water and not to waste it ... and it affects the environment development of the environment and provides water and not to be wasteful in it
Hello, I would like to invent
(Edible water balls)
They are water balls that you can eat. The wrapper is made from safe marine plants. This invention will say goodbye to plastic water bottles ... and affect the environment, the cleanliness of the environment, and not throwing plastic water bottles, and they become clean, beautiful and sophisticated.
This is a great idea! I have seen some companies make something like this- they call it an "edible water bottle" and use a material made from seaweed as the packaging.
Whoa what a wonderful comment.i Love it
I will like to create a device that will inactivate any weapon used by insurgents in my country during war front and to nullify any toxin used from other weapons like atomic bombs except that used by the soldiers of my country so as to tackle insurgency and environmental pollution in my country.
I would invent a recycle waste management for both industrial and domestic waste which have been dispropinate.
I would build a macg
I'd like to invent something like an enhanced time machine, in which we can use to travel to the future and avoid any kind of bad effect of climate change or pollution on the earth.
An MACG(Mind, Ai, Cyclone gadget). This wonderful machine would help humans to know the diseases that would be present in the future. With in-built AI, it would make humans aware of the carbon-monoxide been accumulated in the atmosphere. Humans would the know the damage of carbon-monoxide to the environment and that would reduce the release of that dangerous gas by humans into the atmosphere. I believe that if this machine is made it can would be a vital factor in helping us build back greener. Thank you.
I would invent personal portable robots for everyone which will recycle all the waste and recreate into useful substances. I would also invent another robot which sucks in all the harmful gases and lets out healthy food.
I will like to invent a robot performing same function as the ozone layer.But this robot will have extraordinary features like absorbing and purifying chemicals that are both harmful to humans,
Hello Katie, please, I mistakenly add the above comment please can I rewrite or continue?
You can rewrite, yes!
I would invent birds which is made of metal but they have artificial intelligence .
I will let these birds fly all over cities and jungle.These birds will tell wrong people to stop throwing rubbish or polluting environment .It spread the build back green culture.
I am going to invent a new type of wire that we use in an alternative to plastic.
I will invent a garbage container, whose function is to collect garbage from the seas and water bodies, and turn it into environmentally friendly soil.
I would invent cars with engines powered by water and solar energy.
It would help slow climate change because smoke causes air pollution and plant death, and I desperately want it because it does not emit smoke; thus we can exploit renewable energy.
I will invent a new type of hair dye, made from environmentally friendly materials, and does not harm the hair.
I want to invent a new type of clothing and fabrics, especially those in which petroleum is made, made of environmentally friendly and non-combustible materials.
I want to invent a new type of phone that is extremely thin, foldable, unbreakable and environmentally friendly.
I will invent the dictionary of infinite uses, the function of this box is to make us see by sound and image the mechanism of recycling and using anything on the planet.
Hi everyone! I would invent a machine which would produce an endless supply of energy (without harming the environment) which can be used instead of burning fossil fuels (which escalate global warming) to produce energy. This machine would be cost efficient while also being a great source for producing lots of energy.
Hi everyone! I would also invent a hoverboard which would be easily to use, require no oil for fuel and also not produce any harmful gases which could harm the environment. This would be an alternative to motorbikes which are very common in Pakistan.
I would like to invent a greenhouse made entirely solar-powered, not contain any plastic, converts sunlight into clean energy to enable them to change their temperature.
I would to invent a gigantic robot and I will put it in the middle of every country, this robot that purifies the air and gets rid of gaseous emissions.
I would invent a machine that will be able to slow down climate change and protect the environment by sucking fumes from cars and factories and then turn the fumes to breathable air. It will also turn waste into valuable things. This will go a long way help our climate
I would invent a machine that plants trees faster than humans would destroy them, it will provide food, fruits, medicine and clean air. This will help protect the environment and slow climate change, leading to clean surroundings, people would be able to breath in clean air, survive.
I will invent a car that has automated hands at the top to help the environment. As the car moves the hand picks up all the trash on it way. This will protect the environment because it can drive 1000km/s and picks up dirt very fast.
Lovely dear, I believe that it would be more effective in the case of adding a filter that help to analyze poisonous gases into atmos . Then allows the atmos to regather to form needed gases like o2 , o3 , ch4 and H even waterH2O. In this way, we get benefit from these gases in the way the environment needs.
I would invent an electrical recycling machine that recycles things into valuable materials. It would help slow climate change because burning things harms the ozone layer. This machine will reduce the fumes in the air and make the environment a better place.
I wish to invent an artificial Ozone layer which will support our original damaged Ozone layer and protect Earth from the dangerous sunlight and ultraviolet rays. This will prevent climate change to a larger extent and it will act like a shield for our Earth.
I would invent a machine that would help slow climate change and make the world a cleaner and better place to live. It will convert trash, inorganic and organic waste to clean energy and manure and the energy gotten from the trash would be used to power the earth.
I would invent a machine that would go under the sea and pick up trash. It would help slow down climate change, protect life under water and the environment. This machine would also help restore the lost animal habitats.
I will invent a machine which will give you some money for recycling stuff.Like if you put empty water bottles inside it , it will give you some cents for recycling.It will ba great invention as more and more people will start doing it .
I would invent a car that works with solar, wind and water power so that it would slow down climate change and protect the environment. This will reduce the effects of smoke on the environment and eradicate air pollution.
I will invent a machine which will give you some money for recycling stuff.Like if you put empty water bottles inside it , it will give you some cents for recycling.It will be a great invention as more and more people will start doing it .
I will invent a team of robotic farmers that will plant all the seeds. Trees grow slowly so I have a solution for this I will invent a tree powder it will help trees grow instantly. It will help the environment as trees can clean our environment.
I would like to invent a sensor that would be placed in sanctuaries and places that contain animals that are on the verge of extinction. Its function is to protect these animals when they are shot, and to photograph the perpetrator and send it to officials.
I would like to invent a protectorate
Solar powered, similar to a hotel, the function of this reserve is to contain animals inside their rooms, providing them with different environments suitable for them, similar to forests of all kinds.
I want to invent an electronic sun, similar to the sun in its benefits, powered by solar cells that can be used as a heater, for cooking or for growing plants.
I want to invent a machine that preserves the seeds of endangered plants.
I want to invent a machine whose function is to generate a magnetic field capable of protecting endangered trees or animals when they are threatened.
I want to invent a device that can talk to plants, where we can understand their struggles and talk to them.
I want to invent a glass book, a function of displaying the expected results in the future in three-dimensional form, where they can be developed and found a solution
I want to invent a water balance that is placed in the oceans and seas when the polar ice melts, the water levels of the seas and oceans will rise, and its function is to transport excess water, then modify it and water plants with it.
I want to invent a smart solar-powered bicycle, running at automobile speed, as an alternative to it
I would invent a geothermal machine which would use the heat inside the earth to produce useable and clean energy. It would help to slow down climate change as it would decrease pollution caused by fossil fuel burning.
I want to invent a machine that can turn animal bones into tableware.
I want to invent a machine capable of diving into the beard
I want to invent a machine capable of diving into the seas and discovering and protecting endangered species
very great
I would like to invent a garbage bin that turns methane, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into gases that do not affect the environment.
I will invent a flying robot that will tell people about the affect of climate change
Well that will contribute a lot
That is niece😃
I would invent a flying machine which will help protect the environment and slow down climate change. This machine will find and collect trash all over our communities and other places, this would then be recycled and used to make valuable materials, so that the world can be pollution free.
very great
I will invent a machine that will convert smoke into new and useful gas for cooking
I will invent a machine that will convert smoke into new and useful gas for cooking
I would invent a flying drone, this will help slow down climate change and protect the environment. This device would collect smoke and be used to power up electricity even though fire is commonly an unwanted product.
That's a good dream
I would like to invent a healthy robot which will make sure the environment is clean and protect our earth by slowing down climate change. This robot would educate people on how to trash their dirt, clean their houses.
I would invent a flying robot that will help slow down climate change and protect the environment. This flying will help keep the place clean, grows trees and picks up dirt faster that we humans. It will plant trees that will give fresh air to enable human survive.
I will invent a robot that will cloud the air to reduce smoke and other harmful to avoid further depletion of the ozone layer
I will invent an electronic machine that will turn east into a new product
That will be good👍
That's good also I wish would like to invent a drome robots that converts wind energy to free fresh cool breeze
wind energy to
A very good idea 🙋
I would invent a giant air filter that would protect the environment and help to slow down climate change. It will act as an artificial ozone layer and would clean the earth making it easier for all living things to breathe and would protect us from the sun rays.
I would to invent a machine that doubles trees, in order to make it easier for people to plant trees and to save time and effort, I would to invent this machine so that people are preoccupied with treating other cause of climate change.
I will invent an electronic machine that will be inventing sanitiza machine
I would invent a sea robot so that it will pick all the dirt in the sea. This would help slow down climate change and protect the sea animals, so they would not drink the water and die.
why not
I will invent a machine that would help slow down climate change and protect the environment, this machine would fly over 1,000,000 kilometers, planting fruits and food. It will also help restore life to plants and also give humans life.
I would like to invent hanging farms, where above each region there is a farm hanging a lot of trees in it, I would like to invent that to increase the area of agricultural land, because the industrial cities are now expanding greatly.
I would invent a robot that will help prevent depletion of the ozone layer with the help of a climate change blocker. This will help protect the environment and slow down climate change. This device would plant trees, supply more oxygen, takes care of trash and suck up infections.
I would invent a machine which would have powerful tubes to help suck trash faster than anything in the world. This will help protect the environment and slow down climate change. This machine would sort out trash like plastic bottles, glass and then recycle them for future use.
I think so
Hello. I want to create a plane that travels into the future and tells us messages about what needs to be done to save the environment.
I would like to invent a pendant that works on solar energy to replace air conditioners because these necklaces will be lighter and their manufacture does not need to release harmful gases to the environment, and it will also save electricity
I would invent a water resistant machine to clean rivers and oceans faster than humans can throw trash into them. This will help protect the environment and slow down climate change. It would also clean all the trash in the water bodies, it will also help preserve sea wildlife.
I would like to invent the application of automation for use in modern farms for not spraying entire fields with chemicals, so it is limited to spraying the part used for agriculture, so that all plants get their needs of nutrients, which limits the chemicals that affect the environment and in return increases the quantity and quality of crops
I would invent a machine that cleans out the carbon dioxide produced by factories and release environmental friendly gases. I would name the machine (The Carbon Cleaner). It would help to slow down climate change by making our environment cleaner.
Hello. I want to create a robot that absorbs waste and turns it into other materials like flour. This invention will help protect nature and reduce pollution. People also benefit from it by cooking.
That's very nice
I will invent a machine that absorbs heat,harmful radiations of the Sun and polluted gases in air, converting them to useful form of energy . The aim of my invention is to clean air and protect biodiversity from adverse effects of ultraviolet light. It will help in reducing global warming, this it's consequences would be wide-spread.
I suspect that people will not permanently give up plastic
Therefore I would like to invent a new type of plastic that is not harmful to the environment and upon completion of its use it dissolves in the water not harmful to the water and also makes the water drinkable
I would invent a machine that sucks up smoke, this machine will be used in factories and homes. It will protect the environment and help slow down climate change leading to a reduction in pollution because it will make the environment healthy to live in.
I would invent a high altitude floating in the air turbine that flies high a stores energy because the higher the turbine the more and cleaner energy it produces. Well dream big 💡
I would invent a machine that can pick up trash and plants more than a hundred seeds in less than ten seconds. It would help slow climate change because it can plant more trees and pick trash than humans can. This machine will also give oxygen to all living things.
I would invent a magical machine house with windows and buttons. It would slow down climate change because it has a force that attracts dirt, makes them useful, which will result in a cooler and fresher atmosphere. It would also help make places cleaner so everyone breathes fresh air.
I would invent a time machine that can take us back in time and teleport us into the beginning of the climate change crisis. Then, we could prevent the causes and warn the world about the climate change dangers to eradicate it and save our planet.
I would like to invent a machine that could fly above the forest twenty four hours ( which means the whole day) , when it sees a person who wants to cut down a tree, catch the animals or do other things that will ruin the environment, it will automatically connect the police and let them to catch the person.Also, it can recognise the person’s face so it can help the police.
I would like to invent a sticker. Where he will paste the stems of trees and broken plants so that you will return to work again ..
I want to invent a speaker that can allow the wavelengths of the planet and communicate with it, so that we can understand each other and work together.
I would like to invent a machine that uses modern technologies to remove carbon emissions from factories and power station , as it works to clean the atmosphere ,in order to reduce global warming .
I want to invent a robot that can talk with marine animals, as they are considered one of the people most affected by pollution, then we can understand each other.
I would like to invent a plastic that would be biodegradable. It would be able to decomposed by other living things and it will protect our environment in a great way because plastic is making our environment polluted
I want to invent a (climate adaptation machine) and this will help people and animals acclimatise in climatic conditions such as cold and heat.
I want to create toothpaste tablets that help protect the environment because nearly a billion tubes of toothpaste end up in waste every year, so I created toothpaste in the form of tablets placed in a glass bottle.
All you have to do is chew one of these tablets and make up immediately foaming material.
This type of toothpaste does not require any preservatives.
Volcanic eruption affect the environment and increase is pollution.
I will an electronic device that senses if there is any eruption and making aloud sound so everyone know that there is an eruption and there are taking Precautions .
I'd like to invent a machine that recycles plastic with steam, even though some countries do recycling but they burn half of the plastic.
High-temperature steam technology can convert plastic into a gas or liquid such as oil, and this innovation reduces environmental pollution from burning or throwing waste.
I would invent modes of transport which use and emit hydrogen which will react with oxygen in the air to form water instead of emitting dangerous gases,this will help reduce climate change
I would invent a hydrogen oxygen powered projector which projects a substance that can decompose carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen into the atmosphere ,this will help reduce carbon dioxide levels reducing climate change
Climate change, in the long run, leads to the death of people and if actual murderers are imprisoned then why aren't those that commit murder through climate change not imprisoned.
Having said that, I would invent 24/7 hovering robots that monitor people and the way they use the environment. those that contribute to climate change will be given three strikes and then they are sent to prison and i strongly believe that this will significantly reduce climate change.
That is a wonderful idea
I would invent 24/7 hovering robots that monitor people and the way they use the environment. Those that contribute to climate change will be given three strikes and then they are sent to prison and i strongly believe that this will significantly reduce climate change.
I want to invent adevice that works on spray chemicals in the upper class of atmosphere in a limited amount as asun rather than the label that is to reduce the grass.🌟
I agree with you
I would invent automatic electric brooms that can quickly clean up litter.
I would invent a machine that turns fruits and vegetables' peels into natural pesticides! Meals we're eating everyday are full of chemical products which harm our health, cause serious diseases but also harm the environment. This machine will convert any leftovers into a 100% natural pesticide to reduce food waste, reduce pollution and protect our health.
My recycling machine (recyclo)
My invention will recycle everything and it will collect the wastes and it will make them as they were new. My machine will have a senser in it which will help it to find waste. My machine will recycle all waste in a city in a single day.
I would like to invent pots, spoons and water bottles made from legumes such as lentils and rice to reduce the plastic materials harmful to the environment.
I would like to invent a machine and put it in the gardens, where whenever visitors eat fresh fruits or vegetables, put leftovers in it, and the machine keeps arable seeds, dries them, and plants them with soil and gets rid of food remnants that do not contain seeds.
I want to invent a machine that integrates with an irrigation machine that produces antibodies
Free from iron and aluminum oxides, they are harmful to the soil
Soil is the basis of the beauty of life🖤🙆🏻♀️
I would like to invent a magic wand that was thrown into space, and the wand could reach the Chinese missile out of control that threatens to destroy the planet Earth. The magic wand can stop it and turn it into flying ash as if it did not exist and thus protect the earth from destruction .
I guess people won't stop using fossil fuels.
Therefore I would invent such a machine that would suck in the harmful gases and liquefy them. Then mix the gases up and remove the harmful and non-necessary chemicals. A new liquid environmental friendly fuel will be formed. This fuel can be used in vehicles like cars , motor bikes , etc.
that is a very good idea
I agree with you, people will not stop using fossil fuels and this is a great solution to this problem. However, how would materials such as fossil fuels would turn into a renewable source? Fossil fuels are non renewable and removing harmful chemicals will not create a a sustainable liquid. This is a lovely idea though.
Just remove the non-necessary harmful chemicals so it becomes sustainable.
I would invent a machine that returns the Ozone layer to its main state so that the temperature is moderated and there are no more burned forests or dying people and animals. This machine absorbs the waste and recycles it instantly, which reduces pollution and protects the environment.
Hi i would invent solar powered waste gases purifiers . These purifiers will be able to sense waste gases in the atmosphere that are not absorbed by trees . they will be able to dictate waste gases and absorb them then later on decompose them to oxygen thus reducing climate change
I would invent a drone as big as a car. It can fly to other places. It will run on a environmental friendly fuel. If we start making such drones, then we can save up space for our trees.
I would like to invent a big magnet that attracts the Chinese missile that has lost control and puts it back on track so that will protect the planet from the risk of losing control of this missile.
I would invent electric carbon sinks that take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it to oxygen which will be released back into the atmosphere this will significantly slow down global warming especially if positioned in areas that have been heavily deforested
The thing that I want to invent is sensors that sense a disaster before it occurs, so we will be able to find a solution to the disaster before it occurs, so we can slow down climate change.
We should stop littering and make more solar panels and also more wind turbines
I would invent a type of factory that has a pipe and extends all the way to
the sea to suck up all the plastic it would change the world by producing less
plastic and harming animals.
I would create an invention that sucks up all things that are affecting the earth.Therefore,the earth would be getting rid of all the things that increase the amount of global warming.
I would invent a machine that is floating in the water and it has solar panels, it sucks the plastic which the machine has a system that can scan plastic and sea animals. It also could have hydroelectric power.
The thing that I want to invent are tools to build resilient, low-carbon cities. In my opinion, this will help slow climate change.
Thanks for your suggestion dynamic_bilberry - what do you think the challenges are to building low-carbon cities?
Funding. Building these cities needs huge money and there are many countries that may not be able to afford this money, and also perhaps the lack of planning and lack of awareness of the importance of building these cities is an obstacle to building them because of course they will get rid of carbon and will allow us and finally to breathe cleaner air !!
The thing that I want to invent is a tool for pricing carbon, so we're going to reduce the amount of carbon and slow down climate change.
An invention i'd invent is machine in which when a certain amount of fossil fuels have been used it gives an alert to switch with renewable energy. This could be put onto settings when the energy is switched on automatically. The machine could connected to the source of power.
I would invent vacuums which go into the ocean and suck up plastic. If fish or other sea life are accidentally sucked into the tank, there is a sensor which detects life and lets it free. The plastic in the tank would then either be recycled or transported.
I would invent something that would absorb microplastics from the sea into a sort of melter, that could then be used once again, and could also pick up pieces of plastic. It could also perform surgery so it could remove from an animal's stomach or body. This could help animals not die because of plastics, and would run on electricity produced from absorbing plastics so it would be carbon neutral.
I would invent a filter that would go underwater and in the air that would suck the pollution, micro-plastics and litter out of the sky, street and seas. This would help breathing issues, plastic pollution, air pollution and possibly stop climate change.
hi, it's jubilant_dinosaur here. For my invention, i would create a Eco litter system. what would happen is that all types of litter would be biodegradable, and when biodegraded, it reduce pollution and global warming by releasing something into the air.
Hello all. Genius _twilight here. Im here today to discuss my invention.My invention is a plane that can go underwater. The reason why is because too much of the sea life is dieng and we need to stop now. People ignore these messages so why don't you invent something to do that?
Me and awsome_atmosphere have thought of a way to pick up plastic on the beach!
Its called picker-upper and its a car with a trunk at the front, which picks up all the plastic and mircro plastic on the beach. We thought it was a good way to save the animals in the ocean!❤️🎀 - It can be used on land just goes quicker.
I would invent a robot that can rebuild the ozone layer, replant trees so that carbon dioxide is absorbed, it will gather the plastic from the ocean helping oceanic life live on, it will rid the air of harmful gasses and guess what... it runs on solar energy! (48 words)
My invention is an automatic seed gun to help plant more plants attached with a water dispenser insect repellent (safe for plants) a bird shield that protects it from birds but lets it get sunlight (it is see through). This will help them grow and stop them being destroyed.
I would invent a cloning machine. It will protect the environment by cloning reusable plastic bags, cloning new medicines, cloning different inventions that do great things and more. It will try to clone ice, clone water, clone paper to use again and so many more things. In appearance, it will be a bit like a photocopier but when you open the top, there will be an amazing amount of space for everything.
I am content eagle and I believe that something that can help the enviroment is gigafactories. We can build back greener by making massive factories, that will be 1 for each country and this will help because these factories will take up a lot of land, but it will be made up for by the amazing power, if it suceeds all other factories will shut down, the gigafactory is powered by a giant array of solar panels, for the amount of space it already takes for factories it will not be a problem for them to make it in a massive space, large countries that should be able to create factories like amazon will have permission to create there own gigafactory, they must follow the requirements of the normal gigafactory though.
I would invent a massive brain that would hover over the clouds. When plastic is thrown into the ocean or on the floor one of the cells will suck it up and secure it in itself , if we are running low on trees it would send out seeds , when the air is polluted it would take out all the fossil fuels and put then in a cell and when and an animal is going extinct it will send out more.
The thing that I want to invent is industrial meat that we don't take from livestock. This would greatly reduce emissions of methane and other greenhouse gases, slowing climate change.
I would like to invert electronic driven school buses to ease transport shortages and cut the high cost of public transport on school pupils,it has became a huge budgeting contract for most parents as they try to manage the ever rising cost of public transport for their children
The picker deeper :
it will go on to beaches and cleans the beaches and it is water prof so it is able to go into the water and clean the seas this "machine" is all so able to shoot big ice blocks out of it and this will make sure that polar bears will not extincted❤️🤗
It will reconstruct corals and treat them with a newly founded medicine and it will bring back life to the bleached corals and will reduce the amount that are being polluted by the warmth and climate change. It will also be solar (sun) powered and resurface to collect more medicine.
i would like to invent a solar panel boat because we could save more renewable energy and it would cost alot less money and when the sailors are driving around it would collect more solar energy for country and when the sailor has finished the boat will be anchor the anchor will be made out of osmium
I think people will keep using petrol for their cars.
Therefore I will invent a system where if petrol burning in cars is detected, the car it is in will pop and will be pushed in the ground so it can be compressed into something else. The only way this will be overcome is by using stuff like electric cars. This is important because it will decrease the gas let out in the air.
Hi Pioneering_badger here. I'm here today to discuss my invention. My invention is a machine that will save the deforestation going on in the world. It will be small but sufficient. It will collect seeds that fall off flowers and trees and plant them in the places that will soon be gone. It will have a satellite to power it and will take the shape of a small box. There will be 3 settings one to plant trees, one to remove plastic with a magnetic hook and finally one to remove toxic gases from the air.
Lets all make a change!
Good luck everyone!!!
- Pioneering_badger
Hi , Clever_forest here ,
Today I am going to discuss my invention. My invention is called ' the plastic bot ' . My invention is basically a robot that collects plastic. This will help the planet to survive. If will also save our ocean . Although there are recycling bins , not many people are recycling plastic . With my invention , it will save most of the earth due to the ocean takes up more space than land.
Thanks for reading!
Hi everyone,
I am super_city.
I would love to invent such a machine that keeps an eye on people who make climate change or global warming: littering, polluting by cars (which they won't in the next 10 years but for the present). The factories should be run by solar panels or windmills and houses should have solar panels too. This will help the atmosphere recover and the world will be greener.
Thank you.
I would create a machine that acts as a tiny boat which collects rubbish in .oceans
I would like to invent a massive submarine with a gargantuan net with with senses plastics in the ocean and picks it up and once it returns to land its turns the plastic into compost and it also turns into a aircraft with a click of a button to stop air pollution and all of this is powered by solar panels.
I would invent a water purifier which will help clean contaminated water and take away and dissolve the plastic and debris within it. With this, we can reduce the amount of deaths caused by cholera etc at the same time helping the environment by removing plastic from rivers, oceans etc.
If anything was possible, I would invent vehicle engines that will not burn petroleum and diesel partially; but rather, these engines will burn diesel and petroleum completely to prevent the emission of carbon(II)oxide into the atmosphere.
I will invent an invention to combat desertification, as it is a major obstacle to the environment, such as climate and soil .
I will create (practical panels) placed on soil facing the sunlight, collecting sunlight and oxygen to hydrate it. Protecting the soil and projecting sunlight on it as needed .
Hi am willing_statement if it was possible I would like to create a machine that would purify the earth from all the diseases and pollutants especially carbon (II) oxide polluting the earth and that also brings harm to plants and animals and also the environment.
I would make some robots, it's fuel is green power, and it's job is when it sense's global problems, it will recycle the plastic, or make a free electronic car . Over time, this will make a change for the better. Making the world safer and better should not cost anything, so these robots are £0. As the worlds population is around 7.9 billion, there will be at-least 2 for every adult, at-least one for every child. The brand to get one on will be called'🌿👾Robo-Green👾🌿'!
I would want to make a robot drone that uses a vacuum to suck greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
I also thought of inventing a machine that removes impurities from the air or atmosphere.
For example when a lot of breeze tends to arise, it carries some particles of sand which affects people's eye sight, so my machine sieves the sand out of the air.
Your dreams are big
I would create a machine that store's water from flood to be used for something helpful to the environment
I would invent a machine that freezes carbon dioxide out of the air at places such as Antarctica,and store it in a frozen landfill forever.it would protect the environment and slow climate change because the air would be a bit carbon dioxide free.
Since drivers are not ready to give up on air conditioners in their vehicles I would invent a new type of metal that would keep standard temperature inside whatever outside temperature is thus less co2 is released
I will create an entire continent in the middle of the ocean, completely free of any pollution and save what remains of creatures threatened by climate change.
The invention of a device that converts harmful gases in the atmosphere into solid stones that we use in construction, so we reduce their harmful impact on the atmosphere and climate and benefit from them
It is possible to invent a device necessary for the human being and coexist with it that converts the carbon dioxide that comes out of breathing into oxygen immediately, thus reducing harmful emissions to the climate
This is a very good point
I will invent a folding bike that is very small in size as it is easy to put in the pocket. It will rescue the climate from the gases emitted from car exhaust
we can manufacture a machine wich consists of a filter which filters the air that leaves from a factory or a car of carbon dioxides and put it in a box to freez it.This will minimize the pourcentage of the cabon dioxide in the air and this will make the temperature more moderate on earth.
Am into journalism so I would create an educational radio station called "Green Voice" that would raise people's awareness on daily basis and would invite experts and students to share their concerns about the environment and find sponsors to all Green inventions
The government should work tirelessly on reducing energy, water and materials consumption.
I would invent a flying robot that can reduce car smoke . It would protect the environment , because I think the car smoke increases enviromental pollution .
Hi , 🌺 I am fierce_information from Tunisia. My invention would be an anti-pollution machine. It will suck up the waste and transform it into garbage bags . It would help the environment and slow down the climate change because it's going to stop earth and water pollution that is increasing now days
I wish to be a great inventor, I will build satellites that will help control greenhouse gases concentration in the atmosphere and as well as monitoring weather patterns, melting of glaciers, polar ice, ocean acidification and many others.
these satellites will help equip people with more information about climate change and how to slow it or completely get it done with.
I would like to invest a Broom for the clearing of environment it would help in slow climate because broom are so expensive for the clearing of our environment
hello, I am grounded petal. I wish to manufacture biogas when i grow up.
biogas is a renewable, as well as a clean source of energy. Gas generated through biodigestation is non polluting; it actually reduces greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. reduces greenhouse effect.) in addition, the raw materials used in the production are renewable, as trees, crops that will continue to grow and animal wastes.
it will greatly help slow climate change.
hello, I am grounded petal. I wish to manufacture biogas when i grow up.
biogas is a renewable, as well as a clean source of energy. Gas generated through biodigestation is non polluting; it actually reduces greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. reduces greenhouse effect.) in addition, the raw materials used in the production are renewable, as trees, crops that will continue to grow and animal wastes.
it will greatly help slow climate change.
For my project, I would build a machine that converts the polluted air into oxygen that is healthy for humans to breath. This would be an amazing machine because right now 91% of the air is exposed to unhealthy amounts of pollution. With my machine I hope to change that.
I would invent afiltering machine.It would help to reduce air pollution because it would filter the car exhausts
Hi im cultured_tamarillo and I would invite edible water blobs . It would help the environment and slow down the climate change because it will help reduce plastic waste and its made from seaweed extract
I would invent an automatic rubbish collector ( a robot bin). It would protect the environment by every time someone drops litter, it would be there to catch the litter in the bin. It would be a good idea because it would reduce the amount of plastic being dropped in small areas such as parks, roads and schools.
Hi im cultured_tamarillo and I would invite edible cutlery. It would help the environment and slow down the climate change because it will help reduce the plastic waste and you can have it as a snack too because they’re made from millet,wheat and rice
I will like to invent drones that will serve as a sources traping toxic gases in the atmosphere, that will destroy the ozone layer and in return bring back cool air to warm the earth and can also identify areas where there are a lot of pollution across the world and can also tell how those activities will affect more in the future and also find solutions in solving them
They organise events to the environment.
Finally, we should be aware of our environment and help to make it healthy and balanced because this affects our life directly.
I would like to invent simple global warming because it has a great motivation. Agriculture contributes to climate change, whether through emissions of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity or through the conversion of non-agricultural lands such as forests to agricultural lands. The change in the use of forests as agricultural land contributed about 20-25% to global annual emissions in 2010, and this reduces the percentage of pollution
With diligence and diligence we invent and get what we want
I will invite a machine that recycle plastic into black soil, so that when people are engaging in Sand winning activities the will still be good soil for planting
I would invent more bicycles to help in deduction of air and noise pollution. I would also create robots who will help in planting of trees rather than felling of trees to help fight climate change.
I want to make a machine that desalinates seawater into fresh, drinkable water
I want to create an electronic agricultural lab that checks plants and seeds for soil conservation
I would like to invent a device (oil converter) that converts oil into solar energy because it is environmentally friendly and prevents pollution and thus preserves the environment.
We can protect our environment in a simple way by using less water,conserving and purifying it can really help.the less water we use the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean. Also constructing dams to collect rainwater to help make natural evergreen by the way in 2030 we will be able to use electric cars for lesser toxic fumes.
I will like to invent a magnetic machine that traps both solid and plastic waste in all areas it find it self and sends all the waste to it main source and process it to rain enrich in enzyms that is fertile for plants to grow on.
I would invent an electric scooter which facilitates the movement without polluting the air , and at the same time , it could hold a vacuum cleaner in which streets become clean . So this invention lessens the traffic jam , which pollutes the air especially in big cities .
I would invent a gas that will help plants grow quickly and also fix the depleted holes in the ozone layer and will have no effects on animal life. This will help the environment because more plants will attract carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and keep the air fresh.
I would like to invest a transportation it would help slow climate change because transportation help to parking or clearing of environment it will make our environment look neat and fine, it will make people feel healthly due to the climate change
I really wish to manufacture as many robots that will help spread awareness and knowledge about how dangerous climate change is and how the people can help control it. these robots will monitor all people activities that destroy the climate and remind them not to.
people seem not to have much time to care for vegetation. my invention when I grow up would be android robots that will plant as many trees for the benefit of the environment. the androids will as well care for and water the trees to make a world a better place.
I would like to invent robots that build an underground city for humans to avoid damage from climate disasters.
Do you think it's right that we should only protect humans?
Hello, allow me to answer your important question because I believe that it is necessary to work on protecting plants in the first place because it works to slow climate change, as it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, and thus it saves both the climate and the people.
People need a safe environment and a good climate to live in peace and protect themselves, so I think we should focus on the environment because it is the place that protects humans.
Hi I am powerful_opinion
.I want to invent a solar air plane, roofs and houses that convert climate in to a healthy energy for the weather
.I also want to invent a vaccume that sucks all air pollution or any act of pollutive item
Since CFC and CO and other gases are not balanced, I will invent a machine and set it in sky to balance such gases to CO2 so that they become renewable for plants to use for photosynthesis and produce oxygen
Could you research if CO2 is good or bad for the climate?
I want to invent a big moving magnet that will attract all the harmful materials and turn them into environmentally useful materials.
I will invent a spaceship that will fly with the light speed to purify the air from the harmful fumes. This spaceship will then around the world in the space trying to make the air as fresh as a new born baby .
I would invent a machine that provides wood from waste so we don't have to cut down trees that takes in carbon dioxide and brings out oxygen. It will recycle waste into food. I will invent solar cars, generators and other machines that needs fuel into solar .
I would invent a trash and recycling bin. That if an objectthat is to be recycled is thrown in the trash it will pop out and tell you where it is supposed to be put. It will protect the climate because it will make less pollution and acid rain.
I was thinking the same idea and wanted to write it, but you preceded me
I would like to invent small pieces that dissolve in water to reduce pollution. It will held get rid of plastic shampoo bottles and help reduce the impact of cleaning products on the environment
I will like to invent a recycling machine that will connect 5 or more state together so when they release their trash it goes into the recycling machine
I would create a new, affordable, renewable energy source. I t would the environment because unrenewable sources (like the burning of fossil fuels) often produce harmful pollutants. In addition, obtaining natural resources (like oil) could harm the natural around the drill site.
I will invent a machine that turns food waste into useful fertilizers that we use in gardens to obtain distinctive foods, and this will help protect the environment because the waste contains decomposed garbage that produces methane gas, which causes global warming. It will also help slow climate change because it reduces carbon dioxide emissions.
You thought deeply
I will invent a sensor to control plant fertilization. This device can sense the percentage of soil nitrate. This will help protect the environment because it is designed to treat the effects of carbon dioxide. It will also help slow climate change because it provides energy at the same time.
I would like to invent a fossil robot that reduces the fuse from cars than humans try to create. It will protect the environment and help slow climate change because it would reduce air pollution and people won’t die from pollution.
i agree
I would invent cars that uses water to operate instead of fuel. It would help slow climate change and protect the environment from pollution. It would help stop global warming and it would make our environment neat. It also helps our plants grow.
I would invent a star that moves around round the world to make surrounding cool and not hot. It would slow down climate change and protect the environment because the earth would be cool.
I think it is possible to make food that helps treat or alleviate some symptoms of Corona, or drinks that help eliminate the Corona virus. These medicinal drinks do not have serious negative symptoms, but rather are beneficial to the body and eliminate Corona
I'd like to invent a machine that recycles garbage and turns it into a material for paving roads and building homes, so we get rid of garbage and have a beautiful view.
I would invent a drone that will slow down climate change because it would pick up trash and it would also help in the planting of trees and would help protect the environment.
I would invent a detective tractor that disposes trash in the safest way possible, this will help keep our environment clean and reduce individuals burning their refuse which contains plastics that release chemicals that are bad for the ozone layer.
I would invent an electric generator that gives electric energy to houses all over the world it would help slow down climate change because there will be no smoke coming out from generators from different parts of the world.
I would invent plastic that doesn't take lots of years to bio-degrade. It would slow climate change since normal plastic would take 20 -500 years to bio degrade and most of the times it ends up in our oceans. It would also prevent marine animals from dying,since hopefully there wouldn't be any plastic in our oceans.
I would invent a flying vase that would sucks up smoke and picks up dirt and clean the environment, it would slow down climate change by sucking the smoke. So we can get oxygen to breathe and we can also plant trees anytime.
I would invent an atmosphere shield it would trap all forms of fumes especially those from fumigation, burning bush, vehicles, factories and industries, it will also convert the trap fumes to oxygen which humans need and protect the atmosphere from these harmful fumes that is making our climate change.
I'm going to invent a vehicle made of completely recycled plastic, and powered by solar cells.
I would invent a machine that stops pollution; this would protect the environment and help slow down climate change. This would help people breathe in clean air, and remove pollution in the air.
I will invent windows made of layers of reinforced plastic, then we can reduce the pollution problems.
I will create calculators made from recycling waste
I will invent an edible water and juice bottle.
I would invent an eco friendly generator, it would protect the environment and help slow down climate change because it would not use fuel as a result there would be no carbon emission to the atmosphere.
I would invent cars with a vacuum cleaner that could clean streets and sort trash for recycling.
I will invent a detector like the one found in airports, whose function is to search for garbage and dispose of it in an environmentally friendly way.
I would invent a flying robot that would capture fumes from industries and factories. It would help slow down climate change and protect the environment because fumes cause some many problems.
I will invent a machine that will clean the environment and stop climate change. It would also plant more trees so that the ozone layer will be clean and good.
I want to invent stations located on the last floor of the towers , connecting the towers with bridges for electric cars to reduce congestion and reduce pollution.
I would invent a machine that makes fertilizers that enable trees to grow faster and be more resistant to dry conditions. It would slow climate change because trees would be able to live and help in rain formation in any dry season.
Compassionate_fact I would invent Sunny Sun Robot It would help the environment and slow down the climate change because The robot works by solar energy . No form of air pollution does not occur, and this makes it preserving the environment and environmental life in general
I want to invent machines in the form of balls that are installed on electricity poles that are close to the ground and the soil in order to purify the soil from all dirt until the plants grow and do their work as it is the lung of the earth
I thought about creating a hat that wears during hot weather, so that it absorbs heat from
The body works to moisturize it through some drops of water, and thus it purifies and cools the air that makes you feel a little cooler, just like an air fan, conditioner, or water sprayers
I will invent a machine that can contrast the air that comes out from factories etc and transforms it to iceblock
I would event a machine that recycles trash and also plant and takes care of trees this machine also can do many other things if programed to
I would invent an automatic tree planter that will plant trees in every place possible for excess oxygen in the nation and for beautification of the nation. It will increase the amount of trees planted in a day and there will be enough trees to get wood for production .
I would invent an automatic machine that will turn air pollutants into energy
What will my machine do?
My machine will help clear the air then it will destroy the air pollutant and by this invention I am very sure that this will slow climate change
Thank you
If I invent electrical appliances that work using our waste or trash and this will help the environment by reducing the amount of dirt on the environment giving plants the ability to grow very well also allowing us to be able to breath freely instead of having to breath bad air which will end up killing both human beings and animals.
I would invent a machine that turn trash into wood
Every on knows that one of the magor problems in society is pollution and littering so I have decided to make the most of it. Using the trash an litter thrown on the ground and in the sea, my machine will convert the trash and liter (pollution) into wood so people won't need to cut down the trees
I will invent a teleporter which will stop the usage of cars which people can do work easyer and faster with out stress it will work with the usage of solar energy. it can travel along distance.
I would like to invent a "live" chandelier that moves over glass chandeliers, made of leaves filled with algae that purify the air by absorbing CO₂ and releasing O.
I would like to invent edible meal trays devoid of plastic. Passenger flights accumulate 5.7 million tons of garbage annually, the trays are biodegradable, commercially degradable, and contain reusable plates made from wheat bran, which can be used in airplanes.
I would to invent a robot (forest bodyguard ) that works with sprinklers to moisten the ground and protect it from drying out, and it sets an alarm in places of human-caused fires, like the last in California, and makes a quick reaction to control fires