kind_guitar has not published standpoints yet. Comments by kind_guitar Comment Post Date Comment: I agree because... some countries export electricity which earns them income not only as export... Post: Are our efforts for renewable energy really helping? Date: 19/5/23 Comment: I agree because if they have loyal family it would promote dictatorship and tribalism which will... Post: The role of royals Date: 24/4/23 Comment: I agree because... in the way they will respond the to people's cry and do the needful to them... Post: Are royals relevant? Date: 24/4/23 Comment: Yes, we can get proteins from other foods other than meat for example meat from some animals are... Post: The law in your hands? Date: 24/4/23 Comment: I agree because the metaverse is developed by people who use their money to start it so if they... Post: The metaverse: marvellous or madness? Date: 24/4/23 Comment: I disagree because when one wants to explore some things like volcanic eruption, can use the... Post: The metaverse: marvellous or madness? Date: 24/4/23 Comment: I agree because some people conduct businesses abroad hence reducing their income. And if a... Post: The law in your hands? Date: 24/4/23 Comment: I agree because meat provides us with proteins , the proteins not only protect us from... Post: The law in your hands? Date: 23/4/23 Comment: I agree because we have to dwell on developing the world . If you spend money on the... Post: The metaverse: marvellous or madness? Date: 22/4/23 Comment: I support you because whats causing high climate change is unawareness. So if we create... Post: Climate change in your country Date: 18/4/23 Comment: I strongly agree with you terrific_keyboard, why? because the two aren't most likely to be at... Post: A new realm to rule? Date: 18/4/23 Comment: I think it is not good to develop the metaverse because some show pornographic movies and... Post: A new realm to rule? Date: 18/4/23 Comment: I think law 3 can not be implemented in some countries because they manufacture military weapons... Post: The law in your hands? Date: 17/4/23