Climate change in your country

The United Nations has described climate change as “the largest, most pervasive threat to the natural environment and societies that the world has ever experienced”.

In a recent report, it stressed that "there is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all”.

One argument that the experts in the report make, is that if people reduced their personal carbon footprints, it could help to slow climate change. This got us thinking:

What's the best way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints? And what could people in your country do to help?

Comments (306)

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  • India is a country which has a different climatic condition across the world and faces an unpredictable weather condition. One of the common factors contributing to climate change is carbon. How is carbon produced? Carbon is produced from various factors, especially from plastic, fossil fuel and electricity. Plastic such as one time usable or which cannot be reusable or recycled emits 12.5 to 1.5 million metric tons of carbon. Usage of Fossil fuel such as oil and coal also contribute heavily to carbon emission instead, we can use electric vehicles which emits carbon lesser than fuel vehicles. As we can see, it is not possible to use electric vehicles in all climatic conditions. Instead, we can use electricity produced from natural resources such as water, sunlight, and even wind energy. There should be a reduction in usage of electricity which is generated from nuclear power plants and thermal power stations as these sources emit 20 times more than the other source of producing electricity. In India major source of electricity is produced from fossil fuels and even from natural resources. Many people such as youngsters and teenagers from this country have made innovative ideas to control the usage of plastic and using plastics in building houses, constructing roads which is greatest idea for controlling burning of plastics. Nearly 3.4 million tons of plastic is used in the country. Government of India had implemented laws to control usage of one-time usable plastic an using plastic which is recyclable. Every across the world had to implement laws to control usage of plastic and using biodegradable plastic which would be great option to control climate change. Many countries adopted so many methods to control usage of plastic, but some countries have not yet taken any steps to control usage of plastic. Planting trees also contributes in an effective way to control carbon emission. Even sea grass has been used to control carbon emission.

  • In Ireland, where I live, it rains very often and it is quite windy. Ireland has lots of wind farms, which encourage sustainable energy and electricity. However, Ireland's energy system is characterised by a high share of fossil fuels, despite a rapid increase in renewable energy sources. Fossil fuels accounted for 87% of the total primary energy supply (TPES) in 2019, according to, the official Central Statistics Office in Ireland. I think we should stop using fossil fuels and focus on producing and using far more renewable energy.

    Ireland is an island, so many people live on the coast. Floods occur quite frequently and it is likely that in the coming years people’s homes will be flooded more often. Sea level is projected to continue to rise globally. All major cities in Ireland are in coastal locations which are subject to tides, and any significant rise in sea levels will have major economic, social and environmental impacts. Rising sea levels around Ireland would result in increased coastal erosion, flooding and damage to property and infrastructure. Ireland has also seen an increase in average annual national rainfall of approximately 60mm, or 5%. Similarly to most countries, Ireland's climate is gradually getting warmer, with a temperature increase of an average of 0.8°C compared with 1900, according to

    A lot of people in Ireland don’t really do much about the waste and rubbish that they produce. There is always rubbish littering the streets. There are recycling centres, but I don’t often see anybody using them. People just throw their rubbish on the streets and sometimes you can see large black plastic bags filled with rubbish in parks or around neighbourhoods. It is sometimes even upsetting to see how little people care for their environment.

    There is a graph on showing the levels of carbon dioxide emissions in countries in the European Union, as of 2021. According to the graph, Germany has the highest levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, with 628.9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere in 2021. Compared to Germany, Ireland had drastically lower carbon dioxide emissions, with 34.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere in 2021. Still, this is not good enough in my opinion.

    Climate change and global warming are active problems, and are getting worse rapidly. I think to help slow down or even prevent climate change, people in Ireland should do more. We should change to 100% renewable energy, because currently, only around 43% of all energy produced in Ireland is renewable, according to and This is good, but we can do better. We should use less coal and gas, and instead use renewable electricity for heating and light. We should recycle everything we can, and do it correctly. Many people don’t know which bins they should put their rubbish in, and if they put it in the wrong one, it won’t be able to be recycled. Our school tries to help the students and teachers with this. We have a Green Schools Committee that takes part in protecting our local environment and wildlife. They explain which bins to use and check that everyone is recycling correctly. We have recycling bins and general waste bins in every classroom, which are clearly labelled. Different people are assigned to empty the bins at lunch every day. We also have large recycling bins and compost bins outside. People should not throw their non-recyclable rubbish on the ground, instead show throw them in a bin. I think recycling and not littering are the easiest ways to reduce your own carbon footprint, and it prevents us from polluting the environment with rubbish. We could also pick up rubbish that we notice on the ground and put it in a bin.

    1. This is an exceptional comment. You've used research and included where you found your information. You've shared your own experience of action in your school and you've given great context to the situation in Ireland. Great job!

    2. everyone is recycling correctly. I think it is important that more schools and communities create similar committees to raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage people to take action.

      In addition, we should also reduce our carbon footprint by using public transport or cycling instead of driving, and by buying local produce instead of imported goods. It is important to be mindful of our actions and how they impact the environment. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can collectively make a big difference and help protect our planet for future generations.

  • The climate crisis is basically one of the most serious threats facing regions all over the world and also greatly harms economic growth, so solutions must be found to address the climate crisis, and according to my knowledge they are as follows:
    1. Saving energy in homes: producing a lot of heat that we use from gas And others, it requires us to use energy-saving electrical appliances.
    2. Reducing food waste: When we throw leftovers into the waste bin, we're wasting the resources that were used to produce them. When food rots, it produces methane, which is one of the most powerful and dangerous gases. So the leftovers should be used with useful things, such as composting for the soil.
    3. The practice of agriculture: The practice of agriculture helps to increase agricultural growth, increase production, and the ability to withstand the effects of the climate crisis, and forests are reservoirs for carbon absorption and storage in the soil.
    4. Speaking: speaking in a loud voice and working to encourage others to take these actions.
    Based on my knowledge and studies, these are the four most prominent solutions that may help reduce the climate crisis.

    1. I love this comment, you take into account the economic issues of climate change and what individuals can do.

        In my country most of our resources are air pollutant due to this people might not be able to obey this rule.
        Financial crisis is also a reason why people should not obey this rule.
        Some people use tractors and they release a lot of smoke which pollute the air.
        some people use generators to generate electricity when it is unavailable.
        Some people burn their trash instead of recycling it.
        some people can not afford a gas cooker instead they cook using wood or charcoal.

    2. If you like your comment, you take on the important things in your country and speak proudly about your country. I like that

  • It mostly floods in some areas in my country which is an example of climate change.
    The most effective way for people to reduce their carbon footprint is for them to stop bush burning.
    What people in my country can do to slow climate change is to obey climate n laws.

    1. @greatful_conversation thanks for your contribution! You say that to slow climate change people should obey climate laws - can you do some research and give me an example of a climate law your country has and a reason people might not obey it?

      1. One example of a climate law that India has is the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), which was launched in 2008. The NAPCC outlines a set of eight national missions aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change in India, including promoting renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and conserving forests and biodiversity.

        One reason people might not obey the NAPCC is due to lack of awareness and education. Many people in India may not be aware of the goals and targets of the NAPCC or the importance of taking action on climate change. Additionally, some people may not have access to the resources needed to comply with the law, such as affordable renewable energy technologies or training on energy-efficient practices.

        Another reason could be lack of enforcement mechanisms. Although the NAPCC has set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it does not have strict enforcement mechanisms in place to ensure compliance. This means that some individuals or organizations may choose to ignore the law or only comply with it to a limited extent.

        Overall, raising awareness about the importance of climate action and implementing stronger enforcement mechanisms could help increase compliance with climate laws like the NAPCC in India.

        1. I agree or rather support you because yes the rate at which bush burning causes climate change is very high and deforestation is a very big cause of climate change

      2. One example of a climate law that people might not obey in Ghana is when the government announced citizens to stop mining because mining destroys our waterbodies causing people to get sick randomly.
        Now the reason why the citizens of Ghana will refuse mining is that mining is the only Ghanaians can get recourses such as gold, diamond, bauxite and salt. Because of this greenhouse gases and other dangerous gases have affected our weather cycle causing so much heat to the country.

    2. I support u because the rate at which bush burning is causing climate changes is too high. In my country, Uganda, deforestation is also a very great cause of climate change. It has led to floods in low land areas and landslides in highland areas like Mbale region in Bududa which have led to high death rates of people and loss of property.

      1. I agree because... if deforestation is also a very great cause of climate change then reforestation and afforestation will slow down climate change.

    3. I agree because... in many countries people can only reduce the climate crisis by obeying the climatic laws, like when they have been refused to cut down trees, uncontrolled bush burning, things that can only easily rot.

    4. I agree with you comment because in my country , we suffer severe drought which is an example of climate change.
      To reduce drought in my country people must stop cutting trees. Government should band all illegal mining from destroying our forests and waterbodies. Burning wastes and plastic is a major problem in my country that must stopped my the citizens. Government should find better ways of disposing off our waste and plastic , by recycling them into designs , artworks or decomposing them into fertilizers, this way more trees can planted to reduce carbon footprint.

  • Switch it off, turn the light when natural light is sufficient and when you leave the room, climate control wasteful windows minimize plug load, phanton power, give it rest ,take the stairs, loaded laundry.

    1. I agree with turning off the light when it's not needed or get a smaller light because natural light is sufficient and also we can turn off the sink water and try not to waste so much water when we don't need to.

    2. @ excited_signature can please explain more about what you said "Switch it off, turn the light when natural light is sufficient and when you leave the room, climate control wasteful windows minimize plug load, phantom power, give it rest ,take the stairs, loaded laundry" in a way that i can understand more about what you are trying to say

    3. I agree with turning off the lights when you leave the room can help save energy . It can also help reduce carbon emission and other harmful greenhouse gases . Nevertheless turning off your lights is a simple way to help protect the environment and save the planet.

  • Humanity faces many threats but none is greater than climate Change, in my own country it has caused more intense and untimely rainfall in some parts of the country this have added to land degradation, erosion and floods. It has worsened some of the most vulnerable states across the country, sudden and uncontrollable flood erodes the soil and causes loss of life and property.
    The easiest way for reducing carbon footprint in my country is by the government provision and generation of enough power for it growing economy through the use of renewable energy source, with this more than 60% of electricity would come from solar and wind a shift from fossil fuels will pay off in socio-economical activities. Recycling and proper disposal of waste , increase in the use of energy saving (Eco-friendly) appliances will help in the reduction of burning fossil fuels and the usage to generate power.
    Climate change can be tackled and reduced by saving energy, example is through the use of a fluorescent light bulb, walking or riding a bike to short distances instead of driving will reduce gas emissions. And also reuse and recycle, to help our climate recycle what you can .

    1. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts could be natural, but since the nineteenth century, human activities have become the main cause of climate change. This is mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels (such as coal, oil and gas) which produce heat-trapping gases.
      I agree with you. You explained the topic very well 👍❤️

    2. I cannot agree more because the role of governments is really prominant. Regarding my country, I think it is affected by climate change through various ways, including rising sea levels, water scarcity, extreme temperatures, and more frequent and intense natural disasters such as floods and storms. These effects have a severe impact on the already vulnerable population, exacerbating existing issues such as poverty, unemployment, and food insecurity.

      The easiest and most effective way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints is to reduce energy consumption. This can be done through various steps, including using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using public transportation or cycling instead of driving, reducing meat consumption, and using renewable energy sources such as solar panels.

      People in Palestine can help slow climate change through various actions, including promoting renewable energy sources, reducing waste and plastic consumption, supporting sustainable agriculture, and advocating for policies that promote environmental protection. Additionally, individuals can join local environmental groups and organizations to raise awareness about climate change and push for concrete actions to mitigate its effects.

    3. I agree because the solutions listed here are very effective and will reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

    4. I agree with your comment because humanity faces many threats but none greater than climate Change, my country faces intense drought and severe heat making it difficult for farmers and fishermen to get crops and fish. Food has because difficult to find and the prices of things in the markets have gone up. Animals die because it is difficult to find water and our livestock declining.
      The best way we can reduce our carbon footprint in my country is for the citizens to stop burning their waste openly and find better ways of disposing of them, secondly, the government to stop all mining production, to stop polluting our water bodies. government should band woodcutters from entering our forests and destroying all the trees, and lastly, the citizens should start planting trees at places where trees have been destroyed,

  • According to me I really feel like the most effective way for people to reduce their carbon footprints is by preserving and planting trees/vegetation. I say so because since trees absorb carbon during photosynthesis the amount of carbon in the environment is reduced and on top of that they as well release oxygen which we need for different activities concerning health. I feel like this is more effective because carbon can not be prevented but rather reduced and even if the government puts a law that abolishes the practice of activities that lead to carbon footprints like the use of transport means that use fuel I feel like this would be a much more bigger problem because most of those activities contribute to the well being of people.

    1. In your comment, you have become all other ways, and there are other ways to reduce carbon fingerprints, which is the lack of use of cars and trucks from which huge carbonate and harmful to humans at the same time and allocate areas designated to throw garbage, for example, to form three shelves above each other for the glass, the other for plastic and the other for the carton and in the case We decreased something at home, we can recycle with ease. You know how to do it.

    2. I agree with you that planting trees is an effective way to reduce carbon footprints and climate change.. plants called the green lungs of environment due to its role of air purification during photosynthesis.I hope that the world will be covered by green dress decorated with flowers.

    3. But I am of the opinion that we should find another way to prevent the cutting of trees because the world is increasing in population, so people are forced to cut down trees to build on the land

    4. I agree because we produce carbon and the plants then use the carbon for themselves.

    5. I agree about that comment because these means of transport has improved the way of our living.

    6. I agree with your comment because cutting down of trees releases billions tons of carbon dioxide in the air . By planting trees you are helping to combat global warming because trees absorb carbon dioxide . You are also helping to reduce run off water from hills.

  • 1, My country is affected by climate change through indiscriminate cutting and burning of trees, forests and bushes
    2, In my own opinion the most effective way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints is to show them the effects of what happens if they don’t stop their personal carbon footprints using the aid of an expert to on personal carbon footprints
    3, The things that people can do in my country to help slow down climate change is to recycle more, make more use of solar panels or other methods of clean energy and to stop the indiscriminate cutting of trees, forests and bushes

    1. Some great points there @amazing_horse, well done. Which method to slow down climate change do you think is the most accessible (is easy/has the least barriers to do it so more people could) and why? Also, which method do you think the most effective and can you find any evidence to support this?

  • 1.Our Country is affected by Changes in weather and climate that leads us to live in risk. Heat in summer is one of most deadly whether in our country. As the Ocean Temperature rise,hurricanes are getting stronger and stronger which cause an indirect and direct death. Because of heavy rain and thunderstorm there are many poor people which lost there houses,job and so on.It leads to the food scarcity and health issues.

    1. How do people cope with the heat in the summer?

      1. To Cope with the heat in the summer by taking cold food and drinks or use cold water to make our body Chill . We can get natural cold breeze during night Because at night the temperature was gone better than at day time by using these ways we are just manage to live in summer

      2. This comment caught my attention because people do not know how to control them selves during the heat,and these are some tips that you can use to control the heat
        1-Drink plenty of water, do not be exposed to the sum too much in the summer, and wear sunscreen and a hat that may protect you and help you in the summer and during the extreme heat

        1. I agree because... you had provided us with useful tips how to behave during high numbers of temperature.

        2. Are there people who can't follow this guidance? For example, what about those who have to work outside in the summer or don't have access to clean water?

          1. Of course, not everyone is able to follow these directives due to the difference in geography, the climate factor and the economy, if they are poor or rich as well. Those who work abroad must have a special uniform that protects them and a special place to rest.

      3. People deal with the heat in the summer in several ways, including:
        • Wearing cotton clothes.
        • Limit afternoon departures.
        • drink a lot of water.
        • The Egyptian Foreign Lighthouse.
        • Use of air conditioners.
        • Sitting under the shade of trees.

      4. I like your question , I have some solutions to avoid the sun like:
        1- drink water.
        2- We put sunscreen on our body so that our body does not burn from the hot sun.
        3- Drink cold drinks to make our body cool.
        4- Go out at night because the night breeze is cool and refreshing for the body.

      5. People cope with the heat in the summer by using electrical fans, air conditioners .
        The people who live around forests or woods cope with the heat through natural breezes because the trees
        produce a lot oxygen.

        1. Air conditioning is often criticised as being damaging for the environment. Coming from a hot country, do you think it's realistic to expect people to give up using air conditioning? What alternatives can you suggest for people who live in the cities where there are fewer trees?

      6. We should not drink drinks that contain caffeine or sugar because they lead to loss of fluids from the body. She indicated the necessity of wearing light and loose clothes, wearing protective head coverings and hats, and taking a break, especially for people whose work nature requires staying under direct sunlight for long periods, so that no one gets sunstroke.
        Therefore, you should drink a lot of cold fluids to keep the body cool and also help lower the body temperature.

    2. I agree with your comment because, in my country, our weather cycle has changed in the past few months, heat levels are increasing every day causing intense drought in our country. There are fewer rains and our crops and livestock are dying. Farmers find it hard to get water to water their crops because all the nearest waterbodies are all dried up. Prices of things especially water and food have gone up. People come home every day from work with empty stomachs and no food to feed their children for the day. People are dying out of starvation and thirst and health failure.

  • 1.My country is affected by climate change through the gas exhaust given out by cars and generators,and,industries.
    2.The best way for people to reduce there personal carbon footprint is to engligten them about the dangers of carbon footprint.
    3.Some of the thing the people in my country should do to slow down climate change is:
    •Reduce bush burning
    •Stop cutting of trees
    •Plant trees
    •Use solar energy as source of electricity instead of generators.

    1. How easy is it to do these things?

      1. Hi.
        through creating awareness and providing cheaper alternatives to be used to serve this purposes

      2. It may be difficult to do it, but with the effort and desire to do it and educate the people around us about the importance of doing it, we will be able to do it and apply it in our society

  • We must increase the planting of trees in all places and allocate places far from children and large and wide to plant trees because trees work on the environmental balance and withdraw carbon dioxide and produce oxygen and we must also use renewable energy that generates a large part of the greenhouse gases that surround the earth and trap the heat of the sun By producing energy, by burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and increasing the construction of flexible, low-carbon cities that reduce carbon emissions and protect the natural environment and preserve green areas in the tides, so we must plant more trees and build flexible cities with low carbon emissions

  • In my country, we suffer from a lack of water. This topic caught my attention! And I decided to do a search for its causes. I concluded many reasons, one of which was climate change, as it leads to a change in the abundance of water and increases the possibility of drought, and the solution to any problem already exists. All we have to do is ask the right questions, and I asked an expert who works in the water municipality in our city, and he said: The solution is to improve the management of water resources to prepare for any problem, and I agree with him, what do you think??

    1. This is a very interesting comment and it is great you have researched further and asked some experts! How can we manage water better? Do you have any advice for others on what individuals can do?

    2. That's an interesting point - how do you and the person you spoke to think water should be managed differently?

    3. I totally agree with our comment . This problem occurs in my country as well. People suffer also suffer from lack of water everyday so this topic also caught my attention. Based on my research I also concluded with some of your reasons as well but it seems in my case, asking the right questions won't help but finding answers to those questions and acting on them seem to be the only way we can survive. My country mines a lot therefore deforming lands and making fresh water sources scarce by pouring their waste from their mining activities as we call it (galamsey) in water bodies. Some citizens in my country also add up to this massive problem. Some leave their refuse in water bodies, some bathe in water bodies and so on but I feel some of them do this because of their current situations , let me explain; some are so unfortunate to the extent that they must do this to survive. So I can say one cause of this is the government and another is the government's approval to constant and illegal mining. Another cause is that the neglectful people, that just don't care, because they are way too fortunate by having access to running water at any time of the day. Therefore I think our government should stop all illegal mining production, villages without water should be provided with running water constantly. government should find better ways to dispose waste, by recycling them of turning them into compost. This way our waterbodies will not be effected and will be clean for people to use .

  • Climate change is negatively affecting my town especially in recent times where there are a lot of intense heat waves which is for a day or two and then the next day is cold while we are still in the spring season, the temperature should be moderate ,but there is destabilization in the climate and many fluctuations in weather conditions which led to the spread of many diseases such as colds and influenza This is due to the transition from a warm environment to a cold environment and vice versa.

  • What people in my country can do to slow climate change is stop burning waste As this problem is very widespread and I think it is very bad as burning waste will increase the percentage of carbon which will lead to an increase in global warming and also the burning of waste negatively affects the health of the population as it works on diseases of the respiratory system.
    And I think we can plant a lot of trees and by planting them the carbon dioxide will decrease
    The percentage of oxygen will increase, and this is a positive and beneficial thing.

    1. great comment! How should young people become more active in the fight to slow climate change? How does climate change make you feel about the future?

      1. The climate makes me feel scared about the future because there will be more signs of droughts, heat waves, sea level rising, melting of glaciers and sea warming which can cause harm to both plants, animals and humans.
        It can also change our weather cycle which can cause a lot of disadvantages.

      2. Young people can become more involved in the fight to limit climate change by educating others about what it is and what their actions can do to the environment. Social media is a wonderful way for them to spread their message. Influencers and celebrities can also utilize social media to communicate with their followers or fans about the impact their activities have on the environment and the various ways they can delay climate change (due to their larger following). When people listen and decide to do the right thing, climate change will slow dramatically, which will benefit both us and the environment significantly. It will also be beneficial to future generations.

        1. I agree some great points raised and you are not alone in the anxious feelings about how we can try and adapt to a changing world. I think it is important for the young generation to increase awareness of climate change and the actions that everyone can take to reduce their impact. I think it is a great thing that you are educating yourself on Climate Change!

        2. I agree with more young people getting involved in the fight to limit climate change, they should be the new generation who changes the old way of thinking where people don't believe we even have climate change.
          Educating others is such a great way and since as you said social media is a wonderful way to spread it, there should be more popular posts about it, I would love to see more celebrities also use their social media to spread the word around and help a little more since others would listen clearly.
          We should listen and do the right thing and stand up and actually do something about it rather than just talking about it and as you said you're also anxious, I am too but we can stand to this fight.

      3. Climate change makes me wonder what will become of the Earth and how we will live, and it makes me anxious to think about how a few decisions may affect every aspect of our future, how we live, do and see things.

    2. I agree with your comment because burning waste and plastic is a major issue in my country, because of the number of citizens that burn rubbish every day our weather cycle has changed, therefore causing intense drought and the increase of heat 🔥 levels. Because of this issue, food is scarce and carbon dioxide levels are increasing. Farmers' crops are drying, making it hard for them to sell food at the market. This can affect people's health because there is nothing to eat.
      I think the best way to resolve these issues is through planting more trees, this way oxygen levels will increase. Government should ban all citizens from burning their rubbish publicly and find better ways to recycle ♻ them.

  • Well, everyone say that climate change is a bad thing and harms the environment and so is it, but for me I think it is good and even beautiful as well, as we all know there is always something good in bad things and so is the climate, today in my country there has been a big change in Climate The weather was very hot for a while until it changed in moments to cold weather, strong rains and hurricanes, can you imagine this? I love such an atmosphere, but at the same time this was a reason for stopping the daily life of the citizens in moments. Also, I think that climate change is not something we can control. I mean, we can't change the climate as much as we like. Each region has its own climate, although it may change in Moments, so we must get used to it and our geographical environment in which we live and accept this only, as it is not something easy to change.

    1. You say we can't control the climate, but it is agreed that humans are contributing to climate change. What are some steps that can be taken to reduce climate change?

      1. We can plant trees, reduce riding in transportation, reduce eating unhealthy food, and reduce the use of mobile phones, and all these factors reduce the percentage of carbon and increase the percentage of oxygen in the air.

        1. How would reducing the consumption of unhealthy food and mobile phones contribute to climate change noble_clementine?

          1. Well I think that the batteries, integrated circuits, speakers, and screens used to manufacture smartphones — along with every other single component that goes into their manufacture — are themselves mass-produced, creating carbon footprints, heat emissions, and environmental pollution of their own and also Food needs to be grown and processed, transported, distributed, prepared, consumed, and sometimes disposed of. Each of these steps creates greenhouse gases that trap the sun's heat and contribute to climate change. About a third of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions is linked to food.

        2. I agree with your comment because planting more trees can help reduce cardon dioxide, reduce heat waves and increase the population of trees . Reducing unhealthy food can help your body in many ways such as boosting your immune system , lose of weight , lowering risk of heart disease , some cancers and type 2 diabetes ,and limiting the times you use appliances and mobile phones can help reduce carbon footprint and save energy.

      2. The following are some of the steps we can take to reduce climate change;
        1. By sensitizing the public on the dangers of climate change.
        2. By supporting the communities with different tree species for planting.

        1. I disagree because... The climate changes can be reduced in many ways ,even though the public knowns the dangers of climate changes they will do many activities like manufacturing goods which is part of employment to sustain their lives . This can be done by the government and ministry by being examplary to the citizens.
          2These tree species can be cut down because of the qualities they have to make good raw material for fire wood ,medicine and timber. secure them by fencing and planting more trees

      3. We can help reduce climate change by eating less meat ,this can prevent meat industries from sharing global greenhouse gases which can cause direct environmental pollution , planting more tress can help prevent global warming and reduce green house gases ,and recycling plastics can help reduce energy consumptions. Using recycled plastics can make new products and reduce the need for virgins materials

  • The impacts and climatic changes in India are Drought and Rainfall. The unexpected and unpredictable rainfall during the harvest period of paddy and other crops causes a huge, irreparable loss for the farmers and also the commoners. Because of this, the Market price increases and the common people couldn't able to buy, farmers and the merchants will not get profit. So that the profit from agriculture to India goes a bit down. Some of the best and easiest way to control carbon footprint are, first it starts from our home...
    • Switch off the lights and other electronic appliances when not in use.
    • Can reduce fast fashion
    • Can reduce our trash output
    • Avoid using vehicles for a short distance.
    In our country most of us use cloth bags for purchasing products, instead of plastic bags. And also we have some plants and trees in our home. And we avoid fast fashion. Most of the students and women takes public transportation.

    1. Some people think businesses have a bigger responsibility than individuals to make changes. Why might they think this?

      1. Yes, I agree your statement because businesses includes many people's life. If the changes affect the business, the workers who depends on it can be affected . If the large scale business is not affected the individual who depends on it may live happily. So in my perspective business has more responsibility than an individual.

  • 1. My country is affected by climate change in such a way that it is causing more intense and untimely rainfall which is making everywhere flooded and making it hard for people to go out. It has also been causing erosion and lost of lives and properties. It has destroyed many infrastructures which has affected many businesses and has caused the economy to be backward.
    2. To reduce personal carbon footprints we need to: consume local and seasonal products, limit meat consumption especially beef, select fish from sustainable fishing, use reusable shopping bags, make sure to buy only what we need to avoid
    waste e.t.c.
    3. We can slow climate change by planting trees,saving energy at home, walk, ride on bike, or even take public transport, eat more vegetables, and throw away less food.

    1. Brilliant you have stated what individuals can do! Have you considered what businesses should do? Do they have a responsibility?

      1. Businesses need to consume less energy too, just like the individuals. They can also go into tree planting or preservation of rainforest. And also, business owners should ensure that thier companies or structures are solid or built of high quality materials.

  • I think climate change is happening as a result of changing volcanic activity and the solar cycle. People should contribute to reducing their carbon footprint by replacing cars with bicycles. Eating more vegetables instead of consuming much of the animal meat. All countries are affected by climate change. In Gaza, it is exposed to many recessions that cause us financial losses, such as fluctuations in the amount of rain and the spread of diseases and storms which affect the agricuture field. Also, schools, societal institutions and officials must educate people in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by launching a campaign to explain the effects of each of our daily activities. People can be persuaded by setting material taxes for those who break these laws.

    1. I really like how you made links to where you live, and also to how climate change is related to economics.

  • 1:in my country climate change increases the burden of diseases ,like Malaria . mosquitos breed in stagnant water and then spread to cause malaria by biting .climate change also affects the characteristics and nature of fresh water source 2:creating public awareness . enlightening the public on carbon foot print and showing them the dangers related to it ,and also showing them the negative impact it will have on the earth if it is not reduced.
    3:The public could help slow down climate change by investing in energy efficient appliances, and also by powering home with renewable energy ,throwing away less food . Switching to use an electric vehicle and avoid too much usage of generators which pollutes the air and can reduce climate change

  • 1.Climate change is affecting my country by causing more intense and untimely rainfall. Also through land degradation, flash floods and landslides.
    2.I also think, to reduce personal carbon footprints we should only use electricity when really needed, use more of fire and charcoal and toilet paper. 3. I think people in our country can save electricity at home, throw away less food and Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy will help slow the climate change.

  • Climate change has increased the burden of diseases in my country especially malaria. mosquitoes breed in stagnant water and they spread to cause malaria through bites, which is life threatening to the environment and especially among the children under the age of 5
    There is a very big opportunity to secure the environment to have a great community for the future if we could :
    Consume local and seasonal products,make sure to buy only what you need to prevent or avoid waste
    Bring reusable shopping bags and avoid products with excessive plastic packaging which causes the stagnant water we experience in our community.
    The best way to reduce our carbon foot print,we needs to reduce
    The amount of energy we use,shop locally, travel smart and reduce the amount of our waste.

  • In my country, we are very affected by climate change, as it damages agricultural crops, and most of the population of my country are farmers and depend on agriculture, so climate change increases the poor class in society and increases the high prices, which will consist of dependence on imports, other than health reasons that affect the elderly patients Elderly and those with chronic diseases.
    - From my point of view, the population in my country should stop doing the following to reduce carbon emissions:
    1- Abolish the habit of burning waste in the streets, because in my opinion it is very dangerous for the atmosphere, and the government must provide more cleaners and provide a place for waste recycling and not leave it on the street .
    2- Stop using private cars or taxis. I will not say that we will refrain from using them, but we have to replace them with environmentally friendly means such as bicycles and take mass transportation, as instead of a car for each passenger, it has become a large transpor And this, of course, reduces the huge carbon emissions.
    3 - Stop throwing waste into the sea, especially plastic, because it pollutes the environment and increases global warming. In addition, it reduces biological diversity that is important to maintain the balance of the environment. If an element is lost and we do not find an alternative for it, the balance is disturbed. And there was a loophole in the system

    1. There are some great points here - particularly #2 as you acknowledge it's likely we will never stop using cars completely.

      Why do you think people burn waste in the streets (#1)? Are recycling facilities not in place, or do you think people are just not aware of them?

      1. Yes, as I said, it is impossible to get rid of the use of cars completely, but we have to find a solution that is close and similar, but clean for the environment, such as cars powered by solar energy, because it is clean and environmentally friendly energy. From my point of view, people burn waste for several reasons:
        1- There are no good landfills, because people are disturbed by the sight of garbage dumps that are full and not beautiful in addition to the unpleasant smell, so they find that they have no solution but to burn them and dump them in the sea (and of course this results from Their lack of awareness of its damages)
        2- Waste bins fill quickly, as it may be in the middle of the day only, so the person in charge of the bin or the adults in that neighborhood are forced to burn the waste, because the waste car passes once a day in the early morning, and this problem can be addressed by hiring workers
        3- Finally, the most important problem is the lack of awareness, as the previous reasons can be caused by spreading awareness as well, as it is very unfortunate to see young men and boys burning waste even though it is not full, and I am speaking from my point of view and I demand awareness committees In schools and youth associations about proper methods of waste disposal.
        - I have another solution to attract opinions, and I admit that it is a result of my admiration for this project, as a subject related to the environment and climate changes is taught in schools, and a project is requested from it. Funding for these projects to attract more creative minds

        1. Thats right , but I think there is some waste that can be recycled .

          1. trusting_pineapple Can you give an example of waste than can be recycled?

            1. Yes 😊...
              There are a lot of things that we can recycle, but we overlook them, given that these actions will take us time and will not benefit or harm us, but in fact the recycling process is very important to us and our environment on which we live.
              I show you some things that can be recycled:
              ♻️ Recycling cardboard or paperboard as we use it a lot into handmade things that add beauty to our environment.
              ♻️ Recycling plant peels by making them compost for girls.
              ♻️ Recycling glass and making plastic bags from it.
              ♻️ Aluminum recycling in all its forms.
              ♻️ Recycle metal cans. And other things that make our lives easy, fun, inexpensive, and even bring us money 🤑 But the world's population is now resorting to throwing waste that is recycled at a very large and huge rate.
              🤔 Do you have solutions?
              🧐 We discuss how we can help the earth and living nature breathe clean air?
              We discuss: Some people collect metal cans and then sell them?

            2. There are many recyclable wastes such as glass, paper, cardboard, metals, plastics, tires, batteries, compost, etc. There are also biodegradable materials such as foodstuffs.

            3. * Recycling is the process of processing waste for use in new things, and it is considered to be of recent origin.

              *From waste that can be recycled.
              1 carton
              2 paper
              3 newspapers
              4 magazines
              5 aluminum materials
              6 textile materials
              7 plastic
              8 glass
              9 iron
              10 unused car tires

              The importance of recycling
              1 Waste reduction and disposal.
              2 keep the environment clean.
              3 Preventing climate change.
              4 Increase job opportunities.
              5 Increase the workforce
              6 Preventing global warming
              7 Production of new materials.
              8 reduce pollution.
              9 Reducing energy consumption.
              10 Composition of new cardboard and paper and other use thereof.

            4. Down here in my country Nigeria, the FG has made rules to indiscriminate dumping of waste material by individuals and know carry out an activity the call sanitation, this happens once a month, the FG has appointed workers who ensure that all waste which are disposed to the national center of waste are recycled and examples of such wastes are:
              -Paper including newspapers, magazines, and mixed paper.
              -Cardboard (OCC)
              -Glass bottles and jars.
              -Rigid plastic products.
              -Metal containers, including tin, aluminum, and steel cans.
              This the best way for Government to make their citizens to reduce their personal carbon footprints

              1. I agree with your points because... we are still exposed to a lot of pollution affecting us due to people dumping their waste on the street, thereby increasing the chances of serious diseases affecting the health and standards of living. However, we can change this mentality if the FG should enforce stricter laws such as bi-weekly sanitation exercises across the country and improving on facilities such as incinerators that would help keep the environment healthy. The FG could also enforce laws for all to dispose refuse by burning with a incinerator instead of people burning in the open fires which constites a threat to the environment and our survival as humans. Lastly. there would be need for more sensitization programmes as a way of educating all especially the younger generation on the dangers of not protecting our environment and how to reduce the risk of climate change.

            5. There are lots of things you can recycle like bottles, cardboard, food waste and also glass.

            6. Yes, I can give some examples of waste that can be recycled
              Plastics- plastic recycling reduces the need to extract new raw materials ,from the earth as it reuses the stuff that already processed and protects natural recourse. this can reduce emissions of heat- trapping gases into the atmosphere. It also prevent adding rubbish to landfill.
              Papers- recycling paper helps to reduce greenhouse emissions that can contribute to climate change. It takes 70% less energy and water to recycle paper than to create new paper from trees
              Metals- recycling metals is a more economically and environmentally viable way to obtain and use metals as it uses less energy than metal production
              Glasses- recycled glasses reduces air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50%. recycling glasses reduces the space in landfills.

          2. Yes, there is some waste that can be recycled but in the process of recycling, the industries produce a lot of smoke which causes climate change.

        2. Some great observations here! It sounds like some of these problems might be helped by raising awareness - what would you like to see your local/national government do differently?

          1. Really, I would like my local government to do the following things: 1- Disseminate educational and educational lessons about the environment 2- I would very much like to stop pouring sewage into the oceans 3- I would like to develop mechanisms for waste separation instead of relying on manual separation and not It is accurate, but it is only the separation of metals from others 4- Developing waste recycling mechanisms and making them usable again 5- Finally, I strongly wish to get rid of the landfill and reduce waste in it as much as possible by recycling, reusing and recycling because the view It is not tolerable, nor is the smell, not to mention the contamination of the soil and the contamination of the groundwater reservoirs that lie below us, as we have a large groundwater reservoir on the borders of Gaza, but we are prohibited from digging to extract water

            1. This is a really clear and well structured plan, well done! You've gone into some interesting detail about the groundwater reserve locally, and taking into account local conditions is always helpful. What recycling mechanisms do you have in Gaza already, and what else needs to be devleoped?

              1. We already have some recycling mechanisms, but they are simple and in limited quantities that are not sufficient to recycle all the waste water generated from all over the Gaza Strip, as well as the waste water. We do not deny that most of our recycling mechanisms need electricity, and we in the Gaza Strip suffer from the problem of daily power outages. Since we enjoy it at a rate of 5 hours a day, and this is not enough to do housework, so what do you think about recycling operations? Therefore, the government throws waste water into the sea, which becomes polluted and spreads diseases, and it becomes even unfit for fishing. Fishing in Gaza is on the beach, as fishermen are prohibited from Going deeper into the sea to catch a variety of clean fish. We do have engineers, creators, wonderful plans, and thinking minds, but the blockade, lack of capital, and lack of financial support prevented us from realizing these plans. I really hope that in the near future we will receive financial support that enables us to implement all our plans to develop recycling mechanisms.

            2. I agree with your words, but everyone says where is the government to help us, but when the government helps, people neglect the environment because there is something they depend on, which is the government.

          2. Really , I would very much like my government to make these things happen .
            1- I would like her to publish many useful educational lessons At the same time about the environment.

          3. Really , I desperately want my government to do these things .
            1- You want my government to publish many educational and useful lessons on the environment .
            2- And I desperately want to stop drinking sewage from the oceans.
            3- I also want machines to be developed for sorting rubbish due to the emitting foul odors And for another reason for the minerals to be sorted out .
            4- I also want waste recycling mechanisms to be developed so that they can be used at the present time .
            5- finally , I also want us to get rid of landfills, reduce waste as much as possible, and recycle it so that we can benefit from it, because looking at it is unbearable, not to mention the smell emitted, soil pollution, and contamination of groundwater reservoirs that lie below the ground. We also have a large groundwater reservoir on the borders of Gaza Strip, but it is forbidden to dig in it to extract water from it.

          4. I really would like my local government to do these things.
            1 Lifting the siege on Gaza and granting it complete freedom, because we, as children, want to live like other children in freedom and dignity.
            2 Moral assistance in paving the way to success, development and prosperity.
            3 Providing job opportunities and manpower to get rid of poverty.
            4 encourage people to plant trees.
            5 Work to develop educational life.
            6 Provide psychological entertainment for children and support them.
            7 Conducting seminars and lessons on the importance of cooperation, so with cooperation we rise
            8 Building and restoring roads to facilitate roads and prevent accidents.

        3. Hi there ..
          You are absolutely right. The lack of awareness is the main and major cause of these problems, as well as the lack of sufficient containers for the residents of the neighborhood, and there are some houses that are far from the containers, so this also constitutes another problem. Other than that, the trucks that come to take the waste are sometimes full, so the waste falls off them on the way or even Then she comes to take the waste and others. In my city or in the neighborhood where I live, these trucks come once a week, so we face many problems regarding waste, and this is the least problem that the environment can face.

      2. yes, There are cars that are hard to get rid of , Because it is a means of transportation , But there are solutions to get rid of environmental pollution Like solar powered cars Because it's clean , But there are people who always burn waste, which makes the environment polluted And the reason people burn waste is:
        1- non the presence of spools waste Nice and good , making people They burn their waste , In addition to emission Bad smell from it , That is why they burn it and throw it on the banks of rivers and seas .
        2- The waste container is filled quickly big , And it always fills up early in the morning Just , Those responsible for this neighborhood are obliged to incineration of waste , Because the garbage car passes by once every day In the morning only due to a shortage of workers.
        3- Finally The most important problem out of many problems It is a problem of lack of awareness , It is also unfortunate to see many young men and women burning waste Although it will be few , I also call on awareness committees in schools and youth education associations to advise them not to burn waste.

        1. Point #3 is a great observation - if we can start raising awareness in schools, but also in youth groups and outside of education, people will be much more familiar with the dangers of burning waste and will hopefully stop. How would you raise awareness in your community?

          1. The idea is very simple, but its implementation needs volunteers, and not any volunteers, but rather educated volunteers who are able to explain in a simple and understandable way and at the same time are able to answer any question - because despite the existence of groups that do not know about the matter, there are groups that are researchers and in-depth in matters and  They want to learn more - and distribute them to youth institutions and schools, as well as in classroom camps and recreational educational programmes, but this does not mean ignoring the adult category, although they are aware, but I need their help because they are the ones who monitor the actions of their younger children, and I am aware that my people are not stubborn and  They will respond to volunteers

          2. Well, there are many ways to raise awareness in society through short documentaries that show the seriousness of the situation, as they are shown on social media and workshops are held in various civil society institutions on the seriousness of this phenomenon. When people recognize that climate change is a global crisis that may destroy the planet they will start abiding by laws to protect our planet.

      3. In our street, people burn waste to get warm or to get rid of it.
        For the second question recycling facilities are not in place, and people are not aware of them. And this is the role of the government to apply a law about this topic to facilitate recycling and implement it.

      4. After thinking about the climate issue, from my point of view, it is good to put in place some simple laws that urge the preservation of the environment, especially the areas that are affected by the climate in a negative way. As my colleague said, our waste is burned, and this negatively affects people's lives, as many complaints from citizens arrive because of the combustion or the smell that rises from this waste. For example, we have recycling systems, but they are very few and not developed, as it is outside the country, and they do not resort to it strongly for that. Waste is incinerated

        1. I agree with your comment because I think laws should be put in place to preserve our environment. In addition to some of your points, I feel that the pollution of water bodies and land profoundly affects people and the environment. In ways like freshwater becomes scarce and aquatic animals tend to die and later on, become extinct. With land pollution, the survival of animals, and humans and the quality of soil and water are at risk.

        2. I agree with your comment , when you say laws should be set down to preserve our environment. Furthermore to some of your points, I feel cutting down trees and illegal mining has affected people and country. Cutting down trees has caused severe drought's and intense heat levels. This has lead to dying of crops and livestock. Waterbodies drying up and and aquatic animals died. Illegal mining is a major issue in my country, it pollutes our waterbodies and destroys our lands and crops. This makes it hard for farmers to plant crops and builders to build new houses and malls. Illegal mining has destroyed peoples lives , pregnant women drink this polluted water and up giving birth to deformed babies. This problem has lead to major deaths in my country.

    2. You have succeeded in saying this, but would you become the meaning of global warming?

    3. In my opinion, these solutions are appropriate, and I would like to add another solution, which is to keep waste dumps away from residential areas, and to have a special place far from residential areas, because this causes a lot of pollution and damage, especially the elderly and children.

    4. I agree with you totally because I live in the same region and we suffer from the same problem. I want to add something that we as Palestinian people have to educate ourselves and raise our children on dignifying nature and environment. Besides we have to look for plastic substitutions such as using a long-lasting packages and containers which used many times. Also we have to focus on recycling materials to reduce rubbish which destroy our beautiful country.

    5. I agree because... The effect of climate change in my country is causing more intense and untimely rainfall. Which causes land degradation,floods, landslide and erosion.
      all this has put so many life at risk, and untimely death. their have been Case where flood carried people children.

      The best and easy way for people to produce carbon footprint are through.
      * Waste sectors
      *Industrial process
      * Burning of bushes and plastic.

      Way in which we can help slow climate change are.

      *Produce more on low carbon.
      *Stop the burning of dirt.
      *Reduce the use of plastic beverages.
      *stop the dumping of refuse on the ground.

      By doing all this there will be slow climate change.

    6. I support you because if we do not stop climate changes now, it will cause climate crisis which is not friendly to our climate. other ways of reducing climate changes are;
      1.By manufacturing goods that can easily decompose. This helps in away that materials that are out of use can easily rot and form soil hence protecting our climate.
      2.By manufacturing goods that do not pollute the climate for example bicycles. These goods do not release carbon into the atmosphere.

      1. You are right because the rate at which non biodegradable products are polluting the environment is too high. So manufacturing goods that can easily rot will help to reduce this pollution.

    7. Yes you are absolutely right. Even in our country we have these problem and the solutions which you gave will definitely work. Burning of thing especially plastics will increase poll and it will emmit gases which will affect our ozone layer as well as our lungs.
      When it comes to vehicles I completely agree with your idea but people won't follow that so, in my opinion this can be possible if the government takes some action on this.
      Throwing of waste is very bad habit. Imagine, we are throwing a plastic cover which at the end reaches the sea and a fish thinks that it is some sort of food and eats it, that fish will die!! Species in sea will get extinct and even the water will get polluted. Though in our country there are many NGO's whose aim is to clean all the water bodies but still it is not possible till we give them that support. If we stop all this then we can reduce our carbon footprint. If this goes on then in future there will be time when we have to carry oxygen cylinder. I just hope that we shouldn't see those days.

      1. I agree because with your comment because Trees, plants and crops not only give us food, shelter and shade it provides us a large amount of oxygen we need to survive on this planet. Furthermore, plants and trees help reduce carbon dioxide and increase oxygen.
        I found some of your suggestions very interesting and helpful
        I would like to add some of my ideas
        1. We can plant little seedlings at places where trees and other plants have been destroyed by woodcutters or the government.
        2.Government should band all miners from mining, this there can be more land for trees to be planted
        3.Humans should stop cutting trees for buildings and homes and rather use clays, rocks and types of cement this way there will be more forest and fewer wastelands.
        4.Government should recycle plastics and make them into pots where you can plant little seedlings rather than throw them into the ocean.
        5. Burning in public should be banned to help reduce air pollution and heat.
        6. People should stop using cars and rather walk or use bicycles to get to their destination, this can reduce carbon footprint and air pollution.

    8. I agree with you because trees.plants and crops don't give us only the necessary food for human and animals but also they produce the oxygen which is needed to keep the balance at the earth .
      Moreover. the oxygen is needed by human and animals to survive.
      I like your suggestions concerning reducing carbon emissions very much.
      I would like to add
      1. We can increase the green areas in our country by planting trees every where at our schools .gardens streets and even in our houses and on the roof.
      2. We should start campaigns to increase the citizens awareness about the dangerous affects of the climate change and how to change our style life in order to reduce the air .water and land pollution.
      3. The government should also put strict laws to help reducing the pollution rate in our countries like
      Preventing factories to be built near houses.
      Prevent factories throw their waste into rivers or seas.
      Establish a governmental department to be responsible to observe factories and individuals behaviour concerning thier behaviour towards the environment.

      1. I support you because whats causing high climate change is unawareness. So if we create awareness among people, it will help reduce climate change.

    9. I agree with you because burning rubbish in streets causes air pollution which leads to climate crisis. Other ways of controlling climate crisis are;
      Banning all industries which manufacture non biodegradable materials for example plastics.

      1. I object to your suggestion because if we want to get rid of plastic permanently, we have to find a suitable, environmental and healthy alternative instead of it, an alternative that has light weight, not like pottery, is not dangerous to deal with like glass, and does not interact with high temperatures like iron, and does not rust like metal, and until that time it must  We have to follow recycling policies, reduce its use, and educate people about the dangers of dealing with it on the environment, and deal with it only on necessary matters.

      2. I agree with your comment because in my country, everywhere you go you see people burning waste openly causing the air we breathe to be polluted. Because of this many people in my country fall very ill and some people even lose their lives, not only that because of burning waste openly and fumes from factories and cars increasing , causing our weather cycle to changed drastically releasing a lot of heat and less rain . This problem has lead to drought , making had to get food and water , prices of things are expensive and livestock and crops are dying. So I think that factories that produce chemicals and automotive materials should be shutdown because they are releasing more smoke to the atmosphere causing greenhouse emission and other dangerous gases increase.

    10. I agree with your list of things to stop doing to reduce carbon emissions. Burning and throwing away waste is a major cause of pollution and climate change in my country. This is unhealthy for both the people and the environment. To help reduce this, people should learn to recycle and reuse any trash. Private cars and taxis are also a big cause of climate change in my country. These vehicles are meant for only a handful of close friends or family. This means that everyone who isn't close has to pay for a separate one. Instead of using these modes of transportation, people should adapt to using trains or bicycles for transportation. This can reduce the amount of pollution in the area and slow climate change.

      1. I agree with your comment because , burning and throwing away waste is also a major problem in my country.
        Burning waste and plastics pollutes the air we breathe causing lung diseases and illnesses on our livestock and citizens. Throwing waste openly clocks the our gutter and drains, so during the rainy season intense drought destroys our homes and families. Diesel cars ,taxis and chemical factories increase carbon footprint and intense heat in my country. This issue leads to drought, death of crops , scarcity of water and destruction of the ozone layer. The best way to resolve these issues is by recycling and reuse of waste as you said, but I think waste can be used for composting and resource for heat ,electricity and fuel by means of incineration and anaerobic digestion. Waste such as plastic, metal and paper can be made for more recycling bins and paper bags to reduce plastic bags. People should transform the way they move around by using bicycles ,trains and even walking around , chemical factories should find better ways of making chemicals rather than using fossil fuels . This way air pollution will reduce so as carbon footprint and intense droughts in my country.

    11. That's right.I agree with you wise shrimp.In our country people are not effectively following these simple steps which can create a huge impact.I think government should involve in this and strict the rules regarding this,and implementing fine for those who are not following this.I think implementation of fine is best idea so that they will follow the rules effectively 1) Instead of burning waste we can reuse it if it can be reused,it can be recycled ,if it is biodegradable then it can be used as manure to plants in our garden so we can prevent pollution and thus it can be considered as our little step to save our ozone layer.
      2) Instead of using vehicles we can use bicycle for minimum distance travel.Take public transit when possible.. Use vehicles that are more efficient and less polluting, including
      Electric vehicles;
      Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles;
      Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles; and
      Cleaner burning gasoline vehicles.
      3)If garbage is dumped into the ocean, the oxygen in the water could be depleted. This results in poor health for marine life due to lack of oxygen.And this leads to extinct of sea creatures.Plastic items are one of the major causes of death among turtles. They think plastic bags look like jellyfish and try to eat them.Thinking they are food, they may eat them.
      4) Diseases that arising from pollution can also be controlled if we follow all steps to control pollution. Household air pollution exposure leads to noncommunicable diseases including stroke, ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.
      5) If air gets polluted more then it leads to acid rain .Acid rain leaches aluminum from the soil. That aluminum may be harmful to plants as well as animals. Acid rain also removes minerals and nutrients from the soil.SO, pollution creates huge impact to our planet .
      "🍀Join the green revolution and stop pollution🍀 "

    12. Wildlife and people are affected heavily with a major issue going on in the world.The issue is not a problem that we can just fix it's a problem that will need work and determination to succeed.The wildlife are getting the aftermath of climate change and the effect that its causing effects the human population too.Even doing small things can lead to a greater change.The populations if many different wildlife animals are going extinct.LIke the WIllow project getting approved it shows the environmental issue that people care about.The Willow project was to drill in Alaska for oil pads that will create 70 million metric tons of additional CO2 for U.S emissions.Another issue is the amount of plastic being thrown and put on the earth's ecosystems are the amounts are tremendous.People do recycle and try to use plastic less put with everyone throwing it away everyday around the country but it doesn't help.

  • We receive rainfall during summer and that is because of the hot temperature which evaporates water and causes rainfall. During summer people suffer a lot because it is very hot we somehow manage the temperature by having juices, taking bath in cold water but now the temperature is getting worser and this won't help us. We must reduce our carbon foot prints. It is not easy but still small steps can be taken like using public transport so that many people can travel in one public transport that reduces pollution and using cycle when we travel to nearby places.

    1. 1

      Great insight! Do you think Businesses/Governments should have more responsibility or just individuals?

      1. Everyone are responsible and if government takes an initiative in this then definitely we can see a drastic change because government has power to implement rules why am telling that we can see a drastic change is because everyone must follow the instructions given by the government. For example if we take COVID PANDEMIC every one across the globe stayed inside their home as it was government's order and then we brought a solution as "WORK FROM HOME" . Similarly if government brings some strict rule for controlling the climatic changes we can slowly stop this problem

    2. I agree with your comment because in my country out weather cycle has change heat levels are increasing everyday ,waterbodies in are drying up and crops and livestock are dying. People find it hard to get water therefore causing health issues and deaths. Carbon footprint must be reduced and it will not easy, but little by little we can make a difference. Stopping miners from mining lands and replanting trees can help reduce carbon footprint.

  • The simplest and easiest ways to reduce carbon food print by
    1.Avoid using plastics
    2. Use Less electrical appliances
    3.Reduce Flights
    To help slow climate change we can avoid deforestation,Saving Energy sources , We can use solar panels on the roof ,Use less vehicles to avoid to air pollution.

    1. Can you think of any reasons why these three things might be difficult for some people to do?

    2. I'm interested in addressing the issue of plastics, because I feel that they are one of the major causes of the carbon footprints in the atmosphere

      In 2019,CIEL estimated that production and incineration of plastic would add 850 million metric tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

      Plastic, which happens to be a product of crude oil is not naturally biodegradable which makes it a partially-permanent contamination to the environment. This doesn't mean that plastics is not useful to the world, over the years plastic has been of very high importance to the world because it serves a very good packaging item. We start to see the negative side of plastic during its production, the process of extracting and transporting the fuels required for the production of plastic and the manufacturing of plastic creates billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases.

      The big question in our minds will be "How can the world replace something that has been so useful past several years?" but a light of hope still shines because a bamboo made bottle has been invented which is capable of replacing the plastic bottle, this bottle was invented by Dhritiman Bora from Assam. When I saw this news on the Internet some months ago I was really happy but at the same time sad that this great invention hasn't been invested in. I felt so helpless because I thought I couldn't do anything until I figured out that I can still recycle the plastics around me.

      My final opinion about all these is that people should be more enlightened about Dhritiman Bora's invention so that it can be invested in and that we should also try to recycle plastics around us in order to make Mother Earth a better place to live in.

  • Here are few of the impacts of climate changes in my country
    1.In my country in the months of july to november we receive rainfall but due to climatic changes it is raining in the irrelevant seasons and heat is high during summer compared to previous years, due to less humidity .Cultivation is affected highly due to this for example after heavy rainfall onion rate increased highly and we had to buy them because it is the main ingredient in many Indian dishes and many described onion as gold so farmers started growing them in large scale but now the rate decreased due to decrease in demand of product. This causes economical damage.
    2.Many rivers in my country are non-perennial which flow only during rainy seasons so we have dams to store water for us to use in summer season but this is not enough for many regions due to climatic changes.
    3."Anything higher than normal is dangerous and also lesser is dangerous"-
    When it rains heavier it causes flood when it rains lesser it causes flood so it is our duty to keep the mother earth balanced
    The common solution for all these problems is to give awarnes to people and students like us who are going to be the future citizens and live in this world.

    1. @productive_redcurrant if the younger generation are given more awareness like you say, what actions can they take to reduce the impact of climate change?

      1. I think the younger generation should be given awareness to stop climatic changes because what we are practicing in the young age becomes are habit for instance the people are not easily able to adapt certain rules to reduse climatic changes because they already got used to the life style of exploiting natural resources, unknowingly it has become a part of their life style if we make the youngsters practice the rules to protect the environment they will make it their habit and follow it throughout their lifetime and when they are the citizens may be climatic changes could be brought into control.

  • Climate change is the most serious and dangerous thing faced all over the world,to solve this problem the steps to be taken ,according to my perspective steps to be taken are:
    1)keeping tyres inflated properly can reduce your co2 emission by upto 318kg a year.
    2)Less time in traffic helps to reduce fuel consumption.
    3)Making T-shirt uses the equalant of two days power from an average home ,so avoid fast fashion.
    4)Un plug the electronic applinces while it is not in use.
    5)Sort materials like plastic and metal and use them to create new product.
    6)Ride your bike or public transport instead of taking the car when going out alone.
    7)Skip plastic bags and use paper or cloth bags.

    1. There are some great ideas here on steps that could be taken, well done @valuable_cricket . How do you think your country could encourage people to do these things? Which do you think would be the most effective?

  • The climate crisis is basically a very serious crisis, and we know that, so we must educate those who do not know, because they must first contribute. My country is affected by climate change due to the high temperatures. Here we are now in the spring season and the temperature reaches thirty, and as a result, the farmers did not plant much on the lands. Everyone started farming on the mountains because of the slightly lower temperatures.
    The easiest way is for the government to raise fuel prices, prevent tree cutting, and educate people about its danger.
    In my country, it can be helped by using renewable energy instead of fuel and oil, and also using public transportation instead of private cars, and not wasting food that needs fuel and eventually rots and emits methane gas

    1. That is a great example you gave @trustworthy_currency, well done on giving both the impact of climate change and how that changed how farming is now done. You give some ways to reduce the impact of climate change, which do you think would be the easiest and most effective to put in place and why?

  • My country is not affected by climate change. Because of the presence of green areas and many trees that reduce carbon pollution and mitigate the effects of climate change.
    And our dependence on agriculture, Palestine industry is very little compared to the agricultural sector.
    We mainly depend on planting trees in our country.
    My climate is warm in summer and rainy in winter. Therefore, I see that it is one of the simplest solutions that mitigate the effects of climate change. Relying on agriculture, one tree can reduce factory emissions.

    1. I disagree because...
      In my country, there are those who wear short pants and there are those who wear thick jackets. For me, yesterday it was very hot, but today it is very cold. Don't you think that this is a consequence of climate change? I do so??
      Today when I went to school, no one went except 14 out of 40 students, and yesterday they were 40 out of 40, and this is because of the heavy rains today, don't you think that this is from climate change??
      Today, in the lands that surround us, not a single farmer has come to see his crops. As for our land, there are many beautiful plant flowers and roses that have fallen. Don't you think that this is due to climate change??
      In our country, Palestine, here we do not cause much climate change, but many of the effects of climate change affect us all.

  • Climate change is one of the most prominent challenges facing the world, and it affects human existence by causing death and disease as a result of weather fluctuations, Inhaling air may negatively affect our immune response, which facilitates the entry of viruses, and temperature affects the stomach, causing diarrhea and indigestion. It also affects the stomach, and also reduces agricultural yields and food quality is impaired due to floods and heat waves, and we can reduce our carbon footprint
    1 Use clean energy
    and improving home energy efficiency
    2 reduce waste
    3 Plant more trees Planting trees has huge potential to tackle the climate crisis, experts say

  • Climate change certainly affects my country, Gaza, a lot. It leads to a decrease in agricultural production and affects the lives of male and female farmers greatly. It also leads to the spread of pests, diseases, etc. Therefore, we have to take great care of the climate.

    1. You clearly have a good understanding of some of the effects of climate change! What actions can individuals/governments/businesses take?

      1. * Cars that operate on solar energy can be used as an alternative to using gasoline. * Also, plant a lot of trees because they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. * Also, I have a suggestion for the government. I think what it should do is that the amount of carbon that the individual produces must pay a specific amount of money. This means that if it produces a lot of carbon, the amount of money that you will pay will increase.

      2. I think the government can ensure that passing a law that makes the importation of diesel automobiles difficult, and also electrical appliances like refrigerators that produce green gases should be band.
        Government can pass a law that makes communities plant trees as part of their social communities.
        Governmental laws on cutting down of trees and burning of bushes must be ad heard and punishable when the law is broken

    2. Can you explain how climate change affects agricultural production?

      1. Climate change can increase heavy rain falls, which can harm crops by eroding and depleting soil nutrient. Heavy rains can also increase agricultural drainage into oceans ,lakes, rivers and streams. This drainage can harm water quality.

  • Certainly, in order to reduce the percentage of carbon and the climate becomes better and the future of the climate is better, we have to do certain things and reduce our carbon footprint, for example
    1 We have to reduce the use of electricity and energy, so we can replace it with other materials that are more cooperative with the environment, such as batteries
    2 That we eat more healthy food, such as vegetables and fruits, and that we do not throw them away and make them rot in the garbage, because when they rot, they emit methane gas, which negatively affects the climate.
    3 To reduce travel, as planes and trains are deflected from fossil coal, which results in an amount of carbon, so we have to think before we travel.
    4 We have to reduce the use of transportation such as buses and cars, so we can walk or ride bicycles, so we reduce the amount of smoke that comes out of cars, and thus we reduce the percentage of carbon in the air

    1. That's an interesting comment @ingenious_newspaper. Have you considered how and what batteries are made of and if this is sustainable for the planet?

      1. Yes, I certainly thought in advance about how batteries are made. In fact, there are many types of batteries. I think the best ones are those that are charged by solar energy. They are more environmentally friendly and better for the climate. Yes, and certainly batteries have a long durability. For example, I have a battery at home that we use at the time of power outages, because electricity cuts out frequently. In my country, we have been using the battery for five years, and this is evidence that it has a long durability and is a good alternative to electricity

  • I think that eating more plant based foods is important. it's important to keep an eye on this too however as I know that producing almond milk uses a lot of water. So we have to monitor that. I also think that young people are far more active than older generations in terms of making sustainable, long-lasting changes. So I think we need to change the language from 'educate young people' to 'educate older people' about making behavioural changes to reduce our collective carbon footprint.

    1. @diligent_donkey you've have raised a very unique point there, can you expand on how and why eating more plant based foods would help to slow climate change?

      Secondly, you say we need to reduce out collective carbon footprint - why do you think this is important? Can you give examples of long-lasting changes young and old people might make to do this?

  • Climate change has a great impact in many countries, not just my country. In my country, people, animals, and plants are affected by climate change. For people: they get diseases such as: asthma, colds, and respiratory diseases, and some diseases may be fatal, such as cancer, and this leads to an increase in The number of deaths, as for animals, some of them are beneficial to the environment, such as: earthworms that help to aerate the soil and its fertility, and some types of bacteria, but with climate change and weather fluctuations, it leads to soil damage, which causes a problem in the food of these animals, which leads to the occurrence of Fighting between them, and with regard to plant animals, they depend heavily on plants for their food, and with climate change, it leads to damage and corruption of plants, and due to the phenomenon of global warming, which causes starvation for these animalsAnd it may cause their extinction, and for humans as well, the lack of food causes famine, and with time this problem will become greater.
    The causes of climate change are many, such as: polluted air resulting from the combustion of gasoline and the gas used in cars a lot, factory gas, the intensity of oil consumption for electricity, and the frequent cutting of trees, which causes global warming, and all this leads to climate change and volatility. And to reduce that, we can use renewable energy such as: solar energy, wind and water instead of oil, gasoline and gas in cars or electricity, and we can preserve this energy by reducing its consumption.
    Also, people in my country can do a lot of things to reduce climate change, such as reducing the use of cars to nearby places and using bicycles instead, and also diamonds in my country can cooperate to establish a center to preserve and protect the environment and plant trees and flowers, and this beautifies the environment and reduces The phenomenon of global warming, and we can establish sanctuaries for animals and plants to preserve them.
    Therefore, we must cooperate in reducing climate change, to keep our environment and our country safe, clean and beautiful

  • We can reduce carbon footprints by working towards elimination of vehicles which use fuel and we can start using other eco-friendly means such as electricity.

    1. unbiased_buffalo, I think we need to sometimes be more specific. Vehicles that use fossil fuels are bad for the environment as they produce pollutants and emit greenhouse gases. But equally electricity is not always eco-friendly and neither are all electric vehicle manufacturing processes. Generating electricity by Renewable resources such as Solar and Wind can be a great way of sustainable energy production. I would be interested in hearing a development of your thoughts?

    2. The Nigerian government due to ignorance has made the replacement of fuel based cars with electric cars the one of the least of their worries.

      1. Can you explain why you think this is a bad thing, blissful_physics?

  • Climate change is a major problem that all countries of the world suffer from. Human activities are the main cause of climate change. This is due to the burning of fossil fuels (such as coal, oil and gas), which produces gases that trap heat. We can reduce people's carbon footprints by reducing the use of transportation and using bicycles instead, or replacing the use of gasoline in transportation with solar cells that are environmentally friendly, and non-biodegradable materials such as plastic can also be recycled, or we can throw garbage in the trash divided into (plastic bottles , food waste,Paper). last but not least I hope that every country will work on that because it doesn't just effect my country or your country it effects the whole world so we should work together to make Earth a safe place that we can live on.

    1. Interesting point. You said that we should recycle non-biodegradable materials. Would reducing our use of non-biodegradable materials be better?

      1. yes, Much better There is an example and he plastic And we can make of Plastic comes in many Biology like garbage bags and water bottles Because plastic is not biodegradable.

  • Humans face many threats, but not like climate change. In my country, there is what is called sudden rain, i.e. the weather changes very quickly:
    The easiest way to reduce our country's carbon footprint is
    Reducing flights, using public transportation, and consuming water cautiously are well-known ways to help combat climate change, but many of us forget how much of a difference we can make by changing our eating habits, Bilharz says that in a European country like Germany, the average carbon footprint of food is about 1.7 tons per person per year for those on a mixed diet.He explains that this volume decreases to between 3.1 and 1.4 tons for vegetarians, and to one ton for the strictest vegetarian, who also avoids any products related to animal and bird species; Such as dairy products, eggs and honey. Most of the carbon is released by ruminant products, which mainly means beef, cheese and other dairy products, followed by pork and chicken.
    How can you reduce your carbon footprint?
    Choose clean energy.
    Improve home energy efficiency.
    Mobility sustainably.
    Eat sustainably.

    1. This is very interesting, peaceful_hen, especially your statistics about the carbon footprint of food. Can you tell us who Bilharz is and where you found his figures?

      1. Thank you for your response to my comment.
        Bilharz (Tirdur Bilharz) is a German physician and discoverer of schistosomiasis. I knew him when I participated in this festival several months ago. I was browsing about the issue of food and I knew many doctors who left their mark in the science of medicine, such as:
        Edward Jenner: discoverer and manufacturer of smallpox vaccine.
        • Ibn Al-Bitar: founder of pharmacology and author of many books on plants.

  • There are reasons for climate change such as: Oil, coal, and fossil fuels, and because of the emissions of warm gases, which causes risks to human life and is a crisis for humans. We must find solutions to these problems, reduce energy use, and not put food on the waste basket because it rots and creates dangerous gases, so it helps to change the climate and not set fires to leaves or trees. This is how we have found a solution to prevent climate change.

  • To reduce climate change:
    The environment is affected by human action. The air has been polluted by factories and the soil has been polluted due to human throwing of mineral waste and even water bodies. Humans have begun to throw waste into the sea, which has led to the death or extinction of some animals.
    1- We must plant plants and trees
    2- We must use clean energy such as water, solar and wind energy
    3- End fossil fuel subsidies
    4- Carbon pricing
    5-Building Resilient Low Carbon Cities
    The environment is the source of life and must be preserved

    1. Well I think these are great ways to curb or reduce climate change but not the whole world can be involved in these processes due to low revenue and "bigger fish to fry" problems. Also if you want to outweigh pollution with planting of trees, I personally think it will not be as easy as it is being put. Trees take years to grow while harmful substances are being released into the atmosphere on a daily basis. Also, deforestation has to be curbed because wood is in high demand and cutting down of trees has to take place for wood to be gotten. I stand to be corrected though.

  • My contribution is buying a small farm,planting fruit trees and bushes. Building soil over time to put carbon back into the soil where it belongs. If you want to help,buying organic or regeneratively farmed food is a great way to do that!

    1. I absolutely love this effort, supporting your local community by buying local produce is always a fantastic way to reduce your carbon footprint.

      How do you think we can convince more people to shop locally and buy locally grown food?

  • It's as simple as walking somewhere instead of driving, or just share a vehicle. I always thought it werird almost every person has a vehicle. When a vehicle can fit 4-6 people usually"If we want the world to change, we first need to believe that chnge is possible." Such a good quote honestly more people shuld hear this.

    1. I agree in reducing our automobiles no matter where we are. The automobile has become a staple of humanity and almost everyone has one. There is an unnecessary amount of vehicles when some don't even use them. For me, it depends on where you live. Rural, it would take three hours on foot to see someone close. New York or big cities, cars aren't the most necessary. The amount of drivers on the road are going to continue to increase tragedies related to vehicles.

  • Instead of reducing our use of energy and materials we should be thinking of solutions to deal with humanities current energy consumption and materials we waste.

    1. Can you think of any solutions you could use in your community?

  • Palestine is characterized by climatic diversity between dry desert, semi-desert and Mediterranean climate. The climate in Palestine is moderate, so the temperature rises in summer and decreases in winter. As for the airport, it falls in the winter. Rainfall increases in the coastal, western and mountainous regions, and decreases in the southeastern regions. Climate change is one of the most prominent threats facing humanity. Climate change results from gas emissions, mainly carbon dioxide and water vapor. Climate change can be reduced by building resilient, low-carbon cities, ending fossil fuel subsidies, and using renewable energy.

  • Climate change is the most affected issue of the world, and it has become worse in the last few decades. In climate change, carbon footprint is a disaster. According to United Nations, global population could reach 9.7 billion in 2050 and over 11 billion in 2100. Growing population drives up emissions and deplete natural resources of this earth 🌍. Some measures to limit carbon footprint are as follows :

    ++ Consume local and seasonal products.
    ++limitation of meat consumption.
    ++bring your own shopping bags and avoid plastic bags.

    ++ take good care of your clothes.
    ++Try swapping, borrowing, renting or buying second hand.
    ++ Buy responsibly made products.

    ++ try to use bicycle or going by walk for short distances.
    ++ atleast twice in a week travel in public transport.

    ++ Switch off the lights or fan when not in use.
    ++Don't leave your phone plugged when the battery is full.
    ++ turn off the tap after washing hands or after brushing your teeth.

    1. @openminded_television well done for contributing. Which of these measures do you think you could implement yourself? Which do you think will be the most effective?

  • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts could be natural, but since the nineteenth century, human activities have become the main cause of climate change. This is mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels (such as coal, oil and gas) which produce heat-trapping gases.
    Climate change is already affecting health in many ways, including causing death and disease from increasingly frequent extreme weather events such as heatwaves, storms, and floods, disrupting food systems, increasing zoonotic, food, water, and vector-borne diseases, and mental health problem
    .As for solutions to the problem of climate change:
    Carbon pricing
    Ending fossil fuel subsidies
    Building resilient cities with low carbon emissions
    Increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy
    Applying climate-smart farming practices and expanding forests

  • Scientists are steadily increasing confidence in the reality of climate changes resulting from emissions of thermal gases or so-called greenhouse gases, which are mainly carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide. The function of these gases is to prevent the return of some of the sun's rays reflected from the Earth outside the atmosphere, which is the reason why the Earth's temperature is suitable for life. However, the industrial revolution that began at the end of the eighteenth century led to a steady increase in the production of these gases, and then an increase in their concentration in the layers of the atmosphere, which led to an accelerated rise in the earth's temperature in an unprecedented way in geological history.

    As a result of the climate change process, the earth's temperature has increased by about 0.8 degrees Celsius in the twentieth century alone, and it is expected to increase by a minimum of 1.1 degrees Celsius during this century. Here it must be noted that the increase in temperature occurs at levels that differ according to the region, as the temperature increases to the greatest extent in the polar regions, while the changes are least at the equator. Changes in temperature interact with other components of the climate to produce a package of risks and effects that vary from place to place. For example, some places will be affected by a decrease in rain and drought, while others will be affected by an increase in rain and floods. )

    1. Thanks for this, and what could people in your country do to help?

  • 1. My country is affected by climate change through flood and drought. For example, India is a country which normally have summer season in the month of March to June but nowadays it suddenly rains which will affect the growth of crops and human lives.
    2. My biology teacher thaught me that when an organism is given born on EARTH it will make sure all the possible ways for its living. In my opinion the best way to reduce carbon footprints is to alert the people about the dangers of the same.
    3. Some of the ways which can be done to slow down climate changes:
    • Proper disposal of wastes
    • Disposed waste material can be reused by recycling the waste
    • Use of electrical vehicles instead of fuel based vehicles
    • Growing more trees
    • Reduce burning of woods and trees.

  • Climate changes may be natural, such as high air temperature and rain, such as earthquakes, as happened in Turkey and Syria. My country does not have much weather changes except when the seasons change. We can reduce the carbon footprint with our own hands, such as: 1- To keep factories away from residential areas. 2- Using fuel in a certain quantity as defined in the first activity. 3- Saving energy, such as saving on wasting fuel and electricity. 3- Reducing the intake of high calories, for example, if I eat two hamburgers with cheese, I eat one. 4-Watching TV and phone for specific hours. If people in my country follow these rules, they will reduce their carbon footprint.

  • I think climate change problem is present all over the world due to factors which are always present in the countries 1- Factory smoke leads to pollution of air, soil etc.
    2- This continuous cutting of trees affects the climate, as we know that trees provide us with oxygen and take in carbon dioxide, which is very beneficial for humans and the climate.
    3- High temperatures during summer times
    To solve this problem, you must
    (We pay attention to factory smoke by moving away from residential areas or by using sophisticated machines that do not depend on smoke removal and preserving trees that work on the environmental balance) There are many solutions that I hope everyone follows to reduce these damages that would affect us as humans and will affect animals and so on that.

  • Welcome .
    My country (Palestine) is naturally affected by climatic changes, with lower rates of precipitation, which leads to higher temperatures, which is reflected in the annual decrease in surface runoff, which decreases greatly, and in the end the availability of water decreases, and this is a bad thing. People's requests for these resources increase and it comes to usTo contribute to alleviating this thing

    1. Can you explain a little more about what you mean by 'it comes to us to contribute to alleviating this thing' please polite_dinosaur?

      1. I'm sorry for the lack of clarity. But I mean by mitigating this thing, is climate change. You have provided examples to contribute to mitigating the risks of climate change, which if we ignore them will lead to disaster. It is necessary to take care of this.

  • Welcome.
    Of course, humans must reduce carbon emissions because it is the biggest threat facing the world today. Global temperature changes have had catastrophic effects on the environment. To reduce these emissions, you must choose clean energy, improve home energy efficiency, as well as move sustainably and eat sustainably. And other solutions. Indeed, man should follow these instructions because the world is in a state of decline and it would not be good for us to ignore this matter.

    1. Climate change is immensely changing the world as we know it.

      What do you think governments can do to support in the adoption of cleaner energy and home energy efficiency?

      1. Renewable energy - a safer future.
        To achieve this, we need to eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels and invest in alternative energy sources that are clean, available, affordable, sustainable, and reliable.

        Renewable energy sources (which are available in abundance around us through the sun, wind, water, waste and geothermal heat) are renewable in nature and emit very few gases or pollutants. .. And when the sources are available and not expensive, people are encouraged to use them, and thus this energy has been subsidized

  • Welcome.
    In our country, there are some ways that people use to reduce the climate crisis, including: spreading awareness, controlling energy use, modifying our diet, not wasting food, shopping locally, buying sustainable products, and I hope these activities contribute to modifying the climate of our country

  • Climate change is the changes that occur in the climate in many regions of the world due to many human and natural causes, and climate scientists have studied the issue of climate change during the past decades and saw through their studies that the main cause is the beginning of the industrial revolution, this revolution that led to an increase in chemical industries And increase the burning of fossil fuels, and thus increase the emission of carbon dioxide, and to reduce this problem, these steps must be followed // We may need to build roads and bridges that are adapted to withstand higher temperatures and more powerful storms, as well as implement climate-smart agriculture practices and expand forests. End fossil fuel subsidies that cause climate change. Reducing emissions from buildings that cause air pollution.

  • Unfortunately, my country is affected badly by climate change and this appears in the following:
    1)the sea level is rising.
    2)CO2 in the air is increasing.
    3)Water is also getting too salty.
    4) Finally, many types of animals and plants will get extinct and there will be a heavy loss to the environment.

    1. What could be done in your country to help the situation, playful_snake?

      1. We can help by not wasting food, reducing the use of pertol or gas cars, not spending too much time on our mobile phones and finally enlarge the green spaces.

  • One of the most serious threats facing the world today is the climate crisis, and we can work to reduce the climate crisis through.
    1-Work more on the production of solar energy.
    2-work to provide engery-saving electrical appliances.
    3-Rely as much as possible on sunlight for lighting, especially during the day.
    4-Not moving around much by flying.
    5-Consuming food as required without increasing it continuously.
    6-Intensifying agricultural operations that soften the atmosphere and work to absorb gases.

    1. Which one of these suggestions would be the easiest to do? Which would be the hardest? Which would have the biggest impact? I'd love to hear more about these ideas, busy_library!

      1. The easiest thing to do is to eat as much as you need without overdoing .
        The hardest work is to provide engineering-saving electrical appliances .
        The work that will have the greatest impact is moving by planes Because Reduces air pollution.

  • I think we can reduce their carbon footprint by reducing waste.
    People can slow down climate change by Expanding in large areas and planting tall, dense trees efficiently, such as forests.

  • Many of us in our town are suffering from the devastating effects and damages of climate change, so how can we solve or reduce it? I notice that many use means of transportation that consume a lot of energy, and this harms our society and causes air pollution and climate change that can be solved or reduced by using gas instead of energy, and this has a positive impact on commitments towards the environment to combat it. climate change phenomenon.

  • Climate change is a very serious problem that, if ignored, can cause even more threats to the population of the world.
    1. Bush burning should be banned.
    2. Harmful gasses should be disposed of properly instead of released into the atmoshpere.
    3. Instead of using personal means of transportation, we should start to walk, cycle or take public transportation insead.
    4. Recycling should become more important in the society.

  • There are many reasons for the increase in personal carbon that we can say in several ways, and among these methods
    1- Spreading awareness: among friends, families, and colleagues at work to reduce carbon pollution
    2- We can reduce it by reducing transportation, trying to go to work on foot or on A bicycle, if it is nearby, and this reduces our use of transport messages that increase this pollution, such as cars.
    3- Increase tree planting: because tree planting works to purify and clean the air from pollutants.
    4- Reducing food waste: as we can cook food as much as possible. Our sufficiency and the sufficiency of family members so that food is not wasted

  • There is a lot of flooding in my country and also unexpected rain. People could reduce their carbon footprint by turning off lights and switches when not in use and by simply following climate laws, they can fight against climate change.

  • I think my country is not greatly affected by climate change because the climate that prevails is temperate
    However, sometimes frosts form in the winter, which leads to deterioration of agricultural crops and property losses.
    The best way to reduce carbon footprints is to recycle waste and use it in agriculture, for example, or in cooking food and so on
    People can treat or reduce climate change by using solar energy instead of electricity, using bicycle instead of car to reduce the emission of toxic gases and also recycling.

  • In my country, lots of people don't take into consideration the consequences of their actions. Pollution is one of the main causes of climate change in my country. On several occasions, people in my country throw their waste on beaches, alongside the road-almost anywhere they will find themselves. Moreover, there's also a lot of illegal mining in my country which causes water pollution and reduces the quality and quantity of water. People burn a lot of rubbish and trees resulting in air pollution.
    Even though there are a lot of solutions to reduce carbon footprints, citizens in my country find it difficult to adhere to these ways, the government should cooperate with well-developed countries and work together to reduce pollution which is one main cause of climate change.

    1. This is unfortunate. Can you think of some ways that would help raise awareness for this and help people understand their impact on their environment?

      1. Some way we can help raise awareness of this is by educating people about the consequences of their actions. Knowledge of what happens to the country, its environment, and its citizens will move people to end their previous actions and help in saving the environment. However, another way is to create strict climate laws which will help reduce activities leading to climate change. Refusal to obey such laws should be given the corresponding punishment.

  • Well, I believe my choice can make a difference. Really the idea comes to me from the project that was held in our school titled " NASA JABALIA " makes me think of a good job for me for the future .
    It is not possible but everything is in the hands of yours :HUMAN"
    Basically I choose a "green career." I can help to solve climate change problems and challenges. I think these are the exciting careers of the future. They range from designing satellites for NASA to fixing wind-energy generators to planning drought-tolerant landscapes for homes and parks.
    Really it would be amazing to think of such thing since no one think of such job.

    1. This is cool, frank_atom! Can you think of any other green jobs?

  • People can cooperate with the government by keeping fossil fuels in the ground, improving farming and encouraging vegan diets, and finally reducing the use of palstic.

    1. I'm not sure about this comment because in my country, citizens find it hard to cooperate with the government because the government chooses not to cooperate with the citizens making it difficult for the people to trust the government. But I think citizens can cooperate with each other to reduce carbon footprint by using unwanted lands to improve their farming and livestock, some citizens should try and convince miners to stop mining so other water bodies will not be polluted. Our Members of Parliament should band citizens from burning their waste openly and leaving rubbish at public places. planting more trees will decrease heat and increase oxygen levels in my country. All these things can be done without the cooperation of government .

  • The climate affecting our country,is DROUGHT*means*Lack of water. In
    many areas in India we are lead to this situation because of failure of monsoon. so this we are begging water from other states.many people moved to several places in availablity of water it can be cured by planting more trees , reduce deforestation.

  • Climate change affects all countries differently, and its effects are often interrelated. Some of the impacts that climate change may cause in different countries include droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, flooding, and sea-level rise, which can threaten human health, food security, and the availability of water resources.

    The best way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprint depends on their lifestyle and circumstances, but some general actions that can be taken include reducing meat consumption, driving less or switching to electric vehicles, reducing energy consumption at home, and supporting renewable energy sources.

    Do you agree or disagree with my ؟

    1. Hi quiet_swan, what are some more specific examples of climate change in your country?

  • Climate change affects Nigeria by increasing the risk of natural disasters such as bushfires, severe storms, floods, and erosion. These events have an impact on both private and public property, causing direct damage and lowering property values. The climate will continue to have a significant impact on our economy, including potential reductions in agricultural and food productivity, property loss and damage, infrastructure and service costs, financial stability risk due to business disruptions, impacts on tourism, and impacts on our health and well-being. For example, heatwaves and natural disasters result in loss of life and injuries, which may affect people's ability to work and contribute to society. Drought, for example, has an impact on mental health. All of these have an impact on the economy.
    People can reduce their carbon footprint by eating less meat, which uses a lot of feed, water, and land. Cows emit methane (a harmful greenhouse gas).
    We could help reduce climate change by constructing low-carbon, resilient cities that stop indiscriminately dumping refuse and waste and recycle and reuse some of that waste. Other measures include less charcoal burning, bushing burning and tree felling, wasting less food, and driving and flying less.

  • The Palestinian people face many dangers, but climate change is the greatest danger that causes a decrease in annual rainfall rates, accompanied by a rise in temperatures, which is reflected in the lack of annual runoff. That decreases water availability. As for water constitutes an important resource that supports the economy of Palestine, in addition to the fact that Palestine is one of the most fragile regions, and is already suffering from a major water crisis.

    1. excellent idea!!! You are right, Palestine is one of the areas that suffer from water shortage due to climate change

  • I feel so attached to the climate change topic to the extent that I went to ask my science teacher to know more about it. Hence, after our long discussion, we reached the following solutions that may limit and reduce the carbon footprint. First, use clean energy then plan to plant trees and stop cutting them. Also, reducing littering and preserving the cleanliness of the environment around us. Every action we take has positive and negative effects, and the choice is in the hands of each one of us, either we choose the path that saves us and solves the crisis in which we live, or choose the path that will harm our planet and our lives.

    1. It's great to hear that you have kept the discussion going outside of the Hub! Maybe you could share some of the other Topical Talkers' views with your science teacher too to see what they say.

  • My country is affected by climate change when it rains when it is not the season or somewhere that used to be cool becomes hot. Climate change increases the burden of diseases in my country and that disease is mostly malaria. My country is also affected by the flood, which is another form of climate change. Warmer temperatures can affect my country because of a reduction in green trees and green grasses.
    One of the best ways for people to reduce their own carbon footprints is by recycling effectively. Because recycling reduces waste that goes to landfills, another way to reduce people's carbon footprints is, using alternative electricity to do most things, for instance, using computers more often than writing on paper, in order not to tempt people to burn the paper.
    People in my country can learn to repair if repairable, recycle if safe and reuse if it's reusable. We can also save energy when we take a walk, bike, take public transport, or throw away less food if it can be eaten.

  • Climate change in India is having profound effects on India, which is ranked fourth among the list of countries most affected by climate change in 2015. India emits about 3 gigatonnes (Gt) CO2eq of greenhouse gases each year; about two and a half tons per person, which is less than the world average. The country emits 7% of global emissions, despite having 17% of the world population. Temperature rises on the Tibetan Plateau are causing Himalayan glaciers to retreat, threatening the flow rate of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Yamuna and other major rivers. A 2007 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) report states that the Indus River may run dry for the same reason.Heat waves' frequency and intensity are increasing in India because of climate change. Severe landslides and floods are projected to become increasingly common in such states as Assam.Climate change performance index of India ranks eighth among 63 countries which account for 92% of all GHG emissions in the year 2021.

  • Climate change is a global problem. There is no country or city that has not been affected by this problem. The best example of this is my city. It was affected by drought, desertification, lack of rain and heat waves. We are in spring now, but now the weather is winter. On the same day, the weather changes a lot, in the morning it is cold, at noon it is hot, after that it is average, then it rains. This means that we suffer a lot from this problem and we do not know whether it is winter, summer, autumn or spring, and we cannot determine the type of our clothes. This is dangerous for children so that they do not get sick

    And the problem of felling trees, I think the proper solution is to make materials similar to them, because trees are absolutely necessar

    Also, there is no basic place to throw waste, so the cleaners (life makers) burn it so that it does not accumulate, and this is very dangerous. I suggest that we build waste recycling plants, and this reduces carbon content and reduces unemployment

  • 1...My country is affected by climate change through 1.increased temperature and heat waves 2.Monsoon becoming more erratic 3.Rise in sea levels 4. Devastating tropical storms. Due to these reasons not only our daily lives have been affected but also our country's economy has been affected. As said by a report that India may lose 3-10% of its GDP annually by 2100 and it's poverty rate may rise by 3.5% in 2040 due to climate change. Our country is ranked 4th among the list of countries most affected by climate change. India's agricultural sector relies on monsoon season . However over the last century there have been more days with extremely heavy rains with longer dry spills in between. This has heavily affected Indias central belt which has seen extreme rainfall events increase over the last 70 years, but has also had a decrease in total annual rainfall.

    2...I think we can reduce personal carbon footprints by following the 5R's tips:
    1.reduce 2.reuse 3.recycle 4.refuse 5.rot
    And also if unable to use bicycles instead of vehicles, we can try carpooling( yeah go electric!), using renewable energy resources in homes ( solar panels , other forms of green electricity) and clothing industry is one of the biggest contributors of carbon emissions and the reason behind climate change. Trending clothes going out of fashion are simply thrown in the landfills, shipping clothes requires lot of fossil fuels. So we can buy clothes from environmentally conscious brands.

    3....I think buying and using necessary things and making sure our savings are invested in environmentally sustainable businesses can greatly reduce our carbon footprint.

    1. Yes, it's an excellent idea!!! But it's difficult to be applied in my country Palestine as we have electricity only for 8 hours then it's cut off for the next 8 hours and so on. I hope our counrty could apply this idea one day to save our planet from releasing a lot of carbon dioxide.

  • We can say that there is about no person who does not know the greatest dangers facing the planet, which is "Climate change " For me, the climate change that afflicts my city is the rapid temperature fluctuation, so you see at the beginning of the day the weather is hot and sunny, then at sunset you find hurricanes and heavy rains, and this is bad for for our economic activities and daily life And for our health also, because we remove heavy clothes and wear light clothes because of the heat, then after that we find the weather has become very cold, so we catch a cold and we have to wear heavy clothes again, and this is the case every day ،The reason for this is probably the increase in the percentage of carbon in the atmosphere, which causes global warming and high temperatures and their volatility. Therefore, the best way to solve this problem is to reduce factory smoke By manufacturing products to meet the basic need of the population and ensuring a profit for the factory،Not burning waste Rather recycle it ,Increase vegetation by planting tree And plants, and relying on alternative energy sources to produce energy instead of using electricity and coal, which increases carbon emissions and harms the atmosphere, especially the ozone layer.

    1. You can suggest some solutions to eliminate the problem of increasing carbon, such as planting trees to absorb carbon and release O2

  • The weather in our region changes every day, and as a result the climate changes. Some days it will be sunny and some days it will rain. For example, yesterday it was raining heavily, but today it is sunny.

  • My country is affected by climate change in diverse ways such as food shortage due to the harsh weather condition leading to scarcity of food and low crop yielding in the society .Also the country also encounter the adverse effect of flooding in different areas which is a very difficult issue tackle due to the fact that it leads destruction of farm areas, shelter and increase in burden of diseases.
    The best way and suitable way for humans to reduce their carbon footprint is by obeying all rules and regulations established by the authorities to reduce effects of climate change which consists of carbon footprints or flooding etc. This way they are limited.
    By reducing their carbon footprints

  • We have two seasons in my country: dry and wet. Because the area is mostly dry and warm, the country hasn't really prepared for large storms, extreme rainfall, and so on. For years, my country has been affected by climate change. On certain days, there are floods, while on others, there are fires. We haven't really been able to plan for any forthcoming disasters due of the frequent shift in weather, because the weather changes unpredictably. For example, the weather report may say no rain today, so people will go to the beach or take a break, but then it begins to rain violently, forcing them to cancel all of their plans.
    We are supposed to be in the dry season right now, yet we have had a lot of rain recently. This is particularly unfortunate because, as I previously indicated, the government had not adequately prepared for significant rains, and as a result, many people have lost their houses as well as family members or loved ones due to persistent rain and flooding. Floods are robbing people of their homes and possessions, as well as killing loved ones.
    So, to summarize, climate change has a significant impact on my country, and if nothing is done to address it, there will be serious consequences.

    1. What measures do you think the government should take to help with this?

      1. Flooding:
        I think the government should install additional rain gutters so that rainwater does not accumulate at people's houses and businesses.
        Climate change:
        I think the government can slow climate change by encouraging people to recycle their rubbish rather than littering or burning it. They should also persuade people not to drive polluting vehicles. This can help to prevent the excessive generation of CO2.

  • The only solution that anyone should expect to happen is putting a 2,000 km diameter mirror at L1, the point of gravitational stability between the Earth and the sun that continues to remain directly between the Earth and the sun arbitrarily far into the future.
    This can be done by any country that feels directly threatened by global warming because it only involves building a 1 km tall rail gun into a mountain next to a power plant to keep shooting high mirror (payload) to fuel ratio rockets that are just there to use the vast initial velocity from the rail gun and a few course corrections to get to L1, which while that looks hard, is extremely easy relative to getting everyone on Earth to act against their own self-interest by reducing CO2 emissions or continuously going through the extremely energy intensive process of getting the final product of a chemical reaction (CO2) back into fuel.Also, the extremely energy intensive process he described in the video is required by the rules of chemistry to require at least 5,000 times more energy than putting this mirror in place. This energy his plan would require has a real cost, and even if you are using solar panels to get this energy, those solar panels will increase Earth's albedo value, the amount of sunlight the Earth absorbs, which inherently increases the temperature of Earth.
    Building windmills to get this energy necessarily involves pouring vast quantities of concrete and reducing iron and aluminum from their natural oxides, which itself takes energy.
    The energy that would be required for his plan could far more efficiently solve the problem faced directly by humanity of global warming with 99.98% left over to help humans with their personal lives if used to build a 2000 km diameter mirror at L1.The energy that would be required for his plan could far more efficiently solve the problem faced directly by humanity of global warming with 99.98% left over to help humans with their personal lives if used to build a 2000 km diameter mirror at L1.

    The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by itself is actually beneficial to humans by allowing crops to grow better, and so humans should and will continue to release more CO2 than is taken back.

    This is because by reducing the amount of sunlight reaching Earth in the first place with a mirror, we can keep the global economy going and keep the ice caps, the only things for which we were thinking about taking drastic measures to protect.

    The slightly different weather we would end up getting can be solved in the future with better climate models and using that same rail gun to place more mirrors in space wherever necessary to avoid the worst storms.

    1. Some clear thinking here about a solution. Is enough being done to put solutions in place do you think?

  • Yes, in my city, we are affected so badly by the crisis of climate change that it harms almost all living beings... So we must strive to try to prevent it through several ways. 1- Putting pressure on the owners of factories and companies to reduce the gases coming from them. 2- Spreading awareness among our friends, relatives and all people as well by hanging banners and magazines. We can also use social networking sites in a proper way by spreading awareness among people. 3- Converting used materials into recyclable materials. 4- Intensification of tree planting. 5- Taking care of the cleanliness of beaches and public places. 6- The use of electric and solar energy in cars instead of gasoline, gas, etc... We must preserve the environment, even if it is with simple things.

    1. Hi glad_keyboard, you've raised some effective ways for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints - well done!

  • Winter comes late every year and the amount of rain decreases, and this affects fruit trees and crops. In summer, temperatures rise very dramatically and cause a state of drought that affects soil and agricultural production, and increases water consumption and energy consumption for cooling.

  • My country is affected by climate change through floods and heavy rains that occur in the winter and cause roads to be closed, houses demolished and drought that occurs in the summer, which reduces the land's production of agricultural crops. The best ways to slow down climate change are as follows:
    1. Recycling waste instead of throwing it.
    2. Using electric cars or bicycles.
    3. Putting factories a way from residential places so that diseases don't spread and harm the breathing system through factory smoke.
    Finally I will not forgot the classroom presentation our teacher made when you tell us to go out to the garden of the school and try to plants some flowers and trees. And then we had to make a presentation.

  • In my country, we are severely affected by climate change, as it harms agricultural crops, and most of the population of my country are farmers and depend on agriculture, so climate change increases the poor class in society and increases prices, which leads to dependence on imports, other than health reasons that affect Elderly patients, the elderly and those with chronic diseases.

  • Climate change is one of the most vital problems in our life . It has a bad effect in many ways to our environment such as raise and fall of temperature, the amount of rain falling and wind we should do our best to reduce it.I this k we all have to contribute in solving this dangerous problem.

  • In my country
    The climate differs from one region to another due to the different mountains, plains and deserts. During this period, we feel a cold depression that lasts for several days
    And this affects the plants, as farmers cover their plants with plastic so that they are not affected by strong winds and storms
    Climate change affects and benefits the harvest as well, so farmers rejoice in the rain
    And they take care of him too

  • My country is affected by climate change as we have seen in the rising temperature during the dry season and flooding during the rainy season.

    As I have been taught, it is as simple as reducing, reusing and recycling.

    People can cultivate the habit of planting trees, and avoid burning waste on the streets while the government can help by improving electricity supply to help cut down the use of power generators and banning the use of vehicles that now visibly emit black smoke from their exhausts.

  • One of the biggest problems the world is facing today is climate change. In Nigeria, the number of very hot days may increase by about 90 days in most regions. Some diseases and deaths' causes can be traced to the change in climate. Climate change also increases shrinking of lakes and rivers and threats water life.
    One of the most effective way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints is simply to cut down the number of fossil fuel energy-using appliances. Another is to reduce the number of trees being cut down because trees absorb carbon dioxide for the atmosphere.
    What the citizens if my country can do to help slow climate change are:
    1. Citizens should engage in agricultural practices, afforestation and reforestation.
    2. Citizens should follow the rule, "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle."
    3.Citizens should switch to electric vehicles instead of vehicles that require fossil fuel.

  • My country has been deeply affected in terms of unexpected rains, and the drastic increase in temperature. The best way for people in my country to reduce their carbon footprint is by:
    1. Stopping all forms of deforestation- Cutting down trees only makes our country vulnerable to serious heat waves which make our country extremely hot.
    2. Stopping or Abstaining from constant pollution- Not only does pollution affect our water bodies it also affects our environment. Being surrounded by an unhygienic environment only does damage to the people of my country. It also makes fresh water scarce hence, we tend to drink highly chemicalized which can kill citizens of my country.
    People can in my country can help slow climate change by:
    1. Using eco-friendly means of transport such as bikes instead of cars to reduce the excessive fumes that affect the climate.
    2. Recycling waste instead of polluting the environment.
    In conclusion, I strongly believe that if we can come together as a country, we can set an example for other countries to follow in helping slow down the climate and bringing the earth to its glory.

  • In my country , we are being affected by climate change as it caused, low crop yield, in Nigeria crop production depends on location and climate conditions. It causes food shortage, food scarcity is a sequence of low crop yield which is characterized by low quality and quantity of food crops, because of harsh climate conditions . It causes reduction of livestock production, livestock animals like goats and cows feed on grass to grow , and their products , such as beef and milk are affected when these animals don't feed well. It causes loss of income , agriculture is one of the major contributors to the Nigerian economy and source of income for many citizens of the country, climate change destroys farmlands and deplete income from agriculture and livestock farming at national and individual levels. Climate change causes public health crisis , it increases the Borden of disease in Nigeria, especially malaria , mosquitoes breed in stagnant waters and they spread to cause maleria through bites

    - people should stop buying water in plastic.
    -turn off the lights when natural light is sufficient.
    -turn off lights and unplug devices when you are not using them.

    -what people can do in my country to help slow climate change
    1- people should save their energies at home
    2-people should reduce the use of electricity in buildings.
    3-the government or individuals should provide services to people that are affected by climate change.
    4-people should eat more vegetables.
    5-switch to an electric vehicle .

  • In my country, we are being affected by climate change as it caused, low crop yielf in Nigeria , crop production depends on the location and climate conditions. It causes shortage of food ,food scarcity is a sequence of low crop yield which is characterized by low quality and quantity of food crops, because of harsh climate conditions. It causes reduction of livestock production, livestock animals like goats and cowsfeed on grass to grow , and their products, such as beef and milk are affected when these animals don't feed well. It causes loss of income, agriculture is one of the major contributors to the Nigerian economy and source of income for many citizens of the country. Climate change destroys farmland and deplete income from agriculture and livestock farming at national and individual levels . Climate change causes public health crisis , it increases the burden of diseases in Nigeria , especially maleria. Mosquitoes breed stagnant waters and they spread to cause maleria through bites.

    People should stop buying water in plastic.
    Turn off lights when. Natural light is sufficient.
    Turn off lights and unplug devices when you are not using them.

    What people should do to slow climate change;
    1-save energy at home.
    2-reducing the use of energy in buildings.
    3-waste less food.
    4-eat more vegetables.
    5-providing services to people affected by climate.

  • Climate change is everything that may happen suddenly and without human prediction. My local town is affected by climate change with the death of many, many plants and trees planted in residential lands in particular and cultivated in agricultural lands in general, due to pollution caused by humans themselves by throwing leftovers of food, plastic and soil pollutants, as well as human negligence in the proper cultivation of these trees.
    Preserving the environment is a great thing and a source of reassurance and comfort. Let us take the initiative and extend a helping hand, realizing the importance of preserving the environment, because neglecting the environment may lead to severe climate change and lead to the killing of innocent lives that have no fault of what is happening in this environment. And because we were created to build this universe, let us be progressive and reformers of this universe, not spoilers or destroyers of it. Let's take a look at the remorse of some countries such as Somalia, Sudan and other countries, in which we used to see poverty and famine and in the end their result became regrettable. They did not know that every work has a destiny and a shelter. Why don't we consider one of the countries that were considered before us, experienced its tragedy, regretted it, and considered it?

  • In my counry,we are suffering from climate change .
    Climate change and air pollution are 2 faces to one coin.we must fight both to avoid their bad effects.
    Indeed we know that pollution is man hand made. So that we need to change our habits and decrease personal carbon footprints by:
    * stop smoking that first of all affects your health badly and pollute the air.
    This point is challenge for your self.
    *contributing to plant even atree and take care of it.. encourage your family and neighbores to do that. It will purify the air through photosynthesis.
    *don't burn woods and papers in your area ti cook or have warming and in stead use safe alternatives.
    *encourage your children and reward them to keep the house and neighborhood clean.
    * buy elecrtric car in stead to that work by gasoline and diesel.
    Or use mass transportation in stead of many cars.
    *try to separate your house waste in different bags to facilitate recycling.
    *Speak out loud and encourage others around you in your work or place of residence to change their habits and reduce their carbon footprint.

  • 1/ Climate change is a very big danger that threatens not only my country, but also the whole world, but it affects my country in terms of temperatures, so the temperature is high for some days, and then it is low for some days. There is destabilization in the climate
    We often have planned things in our day, but all our plans fail because of climate change

    2/ I believe that the best way to reduce carbon is to plant trees and restore forests to absorb carbon dioxide and sequester it through photosynthesis

    3/ What we can do in my country to help slow climate change is the best thing to do is apply laws and raise awareness. It is also possible to recycle and use renewable energy. I would love to be an active member of my country, so I will implement laws and everything that is in the interest of my country.

  • Climate change is the dangerous threat to all over the world,to avoid this problem proper action must be taken.
    #First of all plastic is the most polluting of the environment,so i request all the people to carry cloth or papper bags when ever you go out for purchase.
    #stop throwing plastic wastes into sea ,it pollutes the sea as well as, it become difficult for sea creature to survive.
    #(390.7) million metric tons of plastic produced per year all over the world so,you have a plastic in your hands dont throw it,recycle it,use it again .From this we can save 1/2 of environment as well as world.

  • I think the first low is not practical because some people don't travel at all or rarely while other travel alone due uo their responsibilities as trading ,studying ,tourism and visiting their friends and families.

  • In my country, i think that we are affected by climate change we are affected by climate change.
    Air pollution
    Water pollution
    Land pollution
    Air pollution:this has increased some harmful substances in the atmosphere that can cause human deaths.
    Water pollution:this has increased the harmful substances in the seas,oceansandrivers

  • In my country Palestine, climate change affects all life activities, as we are a people who depend mainly on agriculture and catching fish from the seas, and my country Palestine also faces climate change from the cultural side as well, as the majority spend their day hours on their mobile phones without learning about Climate change and at the same time exacerbate the problem!
    From my point of view, I see that the ways to reduce climate change start from each individual, where specific hours must be set for the use of electronic devices, thus limiting the excessive use of electricity, for example if it is daytime, we turn off the lamps that we do not need and keep their use limited to the night,Also, since we are a people who depend on agriculture, as I mentioned earlier, we can contribute to slowing down climate change by relying almost completely on plant foods, reducing animal foods, and allowing one day every two weeks as a maximum to eat a meal containing animal foods. My country can also contribute to exploiting Green spaces as required and planting as many trees as possible to get rid of carbon dioxide and thus reduce the carbon footprint that we face

  • My country, Palestine, is greatly affected by the climate in many aspects, such as agriculture. High temperature, drought, and lack of rainfall lead to damage to crops . People can help slow climate change by using less cars, replacing them with bicycles or walking, reducing the use of oil, gas and coal by reducing household electricity consumption, eating more vegetables, eating less meat, and reducing food waste.

  • The results of climate change will appear after the passage of time as an obstacle for people to continue their lives, as people's ignorance of the consequences of what they do may be the main reason ...
    But why all these climatic changes that may lead to floods, droughts, and human death, were they not in the past?
    Why don't we follow our ancestors and live like them? Perhaps technology is dominating this era.. But weren't the ancients able to live without all this development? What I mean is that we should be proud of our ancestors and preserve what they started on this earth. We are here with one goal, to fix what we have broken.

  • One of the most important reasons that lead to our air pollution in Gaza is solid waste. The proportions of using plastic containers. The waste is very difficult to decompose in my country. Solid waste has many negative outcomes, including the spread of diseases and pests. Also, there are many farms that have solid waste suspended in their lands, affecting the growth of crops. Something is air pollution. The polluted air affects the brain, the growth of trees and plants, and the lack of growth of plants and trees in large or appropriate quantities negatively affects the climate. Therefore, I wish that there were laws that limit the frequent use of solid materials that would make it difficult to decompose. From my opinion, I suggested that solid materials be replaced with materials that can be used more than once, or it is rapidly degradable, such as cardboard or wood

    1. That's an interesting proposal ingenious_newspaper. Can you elaborate on solid waste and is this restricted to plastic containers?

  • Here in Palestine, our climate is a moderate climate, but with the passage of time and the increase in global warming due to the increase in the percentage of carbon dioxide in the air, these factors made the climate tend to be hot and not moderate, so the crops that grow in the land became few and needed financial capacity to buy the necessary greenhouses For agriculture and to make the climate return to normal, we must reduce actions that increase the percentage of carbon in the atmosphere that causes global warming, such as reducing electricity consumption and riding transportation

  • The climate change is a man-made disaster. It affects our country a lot. For example, we used to have winter in October and it continues to March ,but we have it in the last week of December and it continues to the last week of April in the last fifteen years. This also affects the seasonal farming in our country. We should try to reduce the use private transport and encourage the public ones like buses instead of cars. Everyone can help limit climate change ,at least , by planting trees everywhere and stop damaging forests . I think there should be more strict and tough laws to protect earth. The decision makers in this feild should tax those people who make bad behaviours against it . Our planet is a very beautiful gift. We should do our best to protect it.

    1. Good suggestion on taking public transport skillful_jackfruit. You've said decision makers should introduce sanctions on those who contribute negatively to the environment. Can you give an example of this that is already in place?

      1. For example, the one who behaves negatively should share in cleaning the streets in his area for two months , as an example, or he should plant twenty trees in his area . Moreover, concerning the house waste should be separated into four parts plastic, paper, glass and food waste otherwise the waste will be sent back to its house . Then these separated waste can be recycled . This way I think one can feel how it costs to have a healthy environment . I think such these laws will be fruitful.

  • In my country, there is alot of enviromenital problem about the climate for example, using the cars and not using bicycles, using the computer all the time, reliance on mobile shopping.
    we can reduce problem and we are pursuing sound ways to change the climate such as:
    1-people should walk alot of time (use cars only 3 times).
    2-go to the shops for the necessary needs
    3-reduce the time we sit on comuters.
    4-help people to stop somking.

  • The environmental problems facing Gaza are many, including:
    1- Pollution of the open air due to the emission of smoke * carbon dioxide * from cars and buses
    2- Pollution of sea water due to sewage
    3- Burning and cutting down trees
    From my point of view, solving these problems through the use of solar cells as fuel for cars and buses, relying on solar cells instead of electricity, recycling waste water and using it in agriculture and cleaning, and not burning trees and cutting them to build houses because they are beneficial to the environment and humans because they take a second carbon dioxide and give oxygen.

  • Clean air is a critical but unacknowledged secret weapon to achieving the sustainable development goals and building a fairer, greener future. Strategies such as installing cool roofs and increasing tree canopy can lower heat island temperature and lessen the exposure and sensitivity of residents to climate change.
    Setting up a modeling system to evaluate the potential effects of alternative future technology on air pollutants and green house emissions. Users can identify cost effective and environmental friendliness.

  • In the previous days, we are facing a significant climate change in our country. For example, the climate temperature was high 3 days ago. After that, the temperature was low, and there was rain and cold winds, and this greatly affects farmers, planting times, and agricultural yields. It also affects us greatly on our health. Continuous climate change can cause diseases, especially children and those who have weak immunity against facing diseases, so the atmosphere carries infectious diseases.
    When reducing carbon gas, we can follow the following:
    1- Increase the cultivation of trees that take CO2 and give us O2, which works to make the environment more pure.
    2- Throwing waste in the waste container, recycling it and making use of it.
    3- Use (nitrogen) instead of fuel.

  • The climate change in my country is quite alarming. In some parts of my country that are cold, climate change has affected it and the towns are hotter. This is because the climate change has been affected by the indiscriminate burning of trees in order to obtain fuel, the use of poor maintained vehicles. I’m my opinion I will advice that the burning of trees to get fuel should be prohibited. There are many ways to obtain fuel without burning of trees such as; coal, cow dung or animal dung and so on. The burning of trees have exposed the land to erosion and increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The increased greenhouse gases makes the earth warmer and this results in diseases of we the humans on the earth. The afforestation of trees should be encouraged to ensure a healthy environment and to avoid fluctuations in temperature and weather.

  • In my country, i think that we are affected by climate change we are affected by climate change.
    Air pollution
    Water pollution
    Land pollution
    Air pollution:this has increased some harmful substances in the atmosphere that can cause human deaths.
    Water pollution:this has increased the harmful substances in the seas,oceans and rivers which kill fishes around the world

  • Climate change is one of the most serious threats the world faces today, and there is an urgent need to intensify joint efforts to combat its repercussions, reduce the negative risks of climate change, and ensure a more sustainable future for future generations, because climate change is caused by human activities and its effects threaten our way of lifeand the future of our planet.And we can, by addressing the issue of climate change, build a sustainable world for all and for a future where we can stop cutting trees because they increase our oxygen level.
    And get rid of carbon dioxide
    Using solar energy to generate electricity

  • In my country, Palestine, we are facing the problem of people throwing plastic waste into containers and then burning it in the open air, and this is a common practice in most countries, and burning in open places leads to the production of one of the dangerous air pollutants, which is black carbon, whose global warming capacity exceeds that of carbon dioxide. By about 5,000 times, which is one of the causes of climate change. In my opinion, people can reduce their carbon footprint on this issue by reducing waste. During our discussion on climate change in the classroom with the teacher, and we searched for the best solutions to this problem, we reached a solution, which is adopting a recycling economy approach. Oriented and innovative. Recycling begins in the stages of product design and selection of raw materials with the aim of developing improved products in order to reuse waste again. What do you think of our solution, is it the most appropriate solution?

  • In my country climate change is impacting the people in my country in several ways as the country sits at the intersection hydro- climatic zones. Which means the temperature & precipitation patterns across a region change ... this affects the changes in rainfall, weather conditions & sea level rise will affect the salinity of coastal waves

  • Palestine is a region that is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Climate change affects Palestine in several ways, including rising temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and more frequent extreme weather events. These changes in weather patterns can have significant impacts on agriculture, water resources, and public health.
    Agriculture is a crucial sector of Palestine's economy, but climate change is making it increasingly challenging to produce crops. Rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns have led to decreased crop yields and increased soil salinity, making it more difficult to grow crops in the region.
    Water resources are also affected by climate change in Palestine. The region has limited freshwater resources, and climate change is exacerbating the water scarcity problem. Changes in rainfall patterns and increased evaporation due to higher temperatures are reducing the availability of water resources, making it difficult for people to access clean and safe drinking water.
    Overall, climate change is exacerbating the challenges that Palestinians face and making it more difficult to achieve sustainable development and improve the well-being of the people in the region.

    Reducing carbon footprint is an essential step for individuals to take to mitigate climate change. Here are some effective ways to reduce the carbon footprint:
    1. Reduce energy consumption: Turn off lights and electronic devices when not in use, use energy-efficient appliances, and switch to LED bulbs.
    2. Reduce transportation emissions: Use public transportation, walk or bike instead of driving alone, and choose energy-efficient vehicles when possible.
    3. Reduce waste: Reduce, reuse, and recycle whenever possible. Use reusable bags, water bottles, and containers.
    4. Support renewable energy: Choose renewable energy options such as solar or wind power for your home or business.
    5. Plant trees: Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Consider planting trees in your community or supporting reforestation efforts.
    By taking these steps, individuals can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. It's important to note that while individual actions are essential, collective action, such as advocacy for policy change, is also necessary to address climate change on a larger scale.
    Remember, every little action counts, and collectively, we can make a significant impact in slowing down climate change.

  • Clean air is a critical but unacknowledged secret weapon to achieving the sustainable development goals and building a fairer, greener future. Strategies such as installing cool roofs and increasing tree canopy can lower heat island temperature and lessen the exposure and sensitivity of residents to climate change.
    Setting up a modeling system to evaluate the potential effects of alternative future technology on air pollutants and green house emissions. Users can identify cost effective and environmental friendliness.

  • My country is affected by climate change in that climate change increases the burden of diseases in Nigeria especially malaria. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant waters and they spread to cause malaria through bites . Climate change affects the characteristics and nature of fresh water resources due to rising sea levels and extreme weather events and also excess rain associated with climate change affects the natural distribution of crops in Nigeria and reduces their production in large quantities to meet the populations demand.
    The best and easiest or most effective way of reducing carbon footprint is by limiting our meat consumption especially beef , eat low, choose organic and local foods that are available during the season , buy foodstuffs in bulks and also by recycling, because recycling reduces the dirt both on water and on land.
    People can slow down climate change by campaigning to produce behavioural change, developing more sustainable commuting, producing food and products locally, reducing the use of energy in buildings

  • My country is affected negatively and positively by climate changes, and I believe that all countries are affected negatively and positively. The negative happens in agricultural crops, and we all know how important agriculture is, as it is what keeps us going in life. Climate changes have led to a decrease in the percentage of agricultural crops that have led to an increase in their prices. In my country, the financial situation It is not a good case. If we work hand in hand, we can reduce climate problems by increasing the efficiency of the energy used, and most importantly, reducing carbon emissions by choosing clean energy, improving household energy efficiency, reducing waste, and flying less. And do not forget that if we unite in reducing these problems, we will not get rid of These problems are only our country, but the whole world. As for the positive, it happens in the desert. People think that the desert is a museum because climate changes form rocky tables, crescent and sand dunes, and sandy bottoms.

  • When I read the topic of discussion, I thought for a while what should I do ?How can I be effective in my world?How can I spread the awareness of this serious problem?
    After a while, I found that I can share the topic with my classmates by discussing the problem, going to the library, and borrowing abook or a story related to the topic read ,discuss think together about solutions.
    Moreover, I can tell kids in my school in lower classes about this by using games,for example, a Bingo game. I can list many cards for items as
    Turn off alight
    Plant or water atree
    Save water
    Clean up the trash
    Use both sides of paper
    Reuse things
    Mend things..etc
    and ask them what do you do of them?
    What can you do of them?
    What can you do more to save your environment ?
    Besides, at my home I can show my brothers and sisters videos or search about cartoons on the YouTube relates to the topic.
    To sum up, I think doing little things better than doing nothing.

    1. This is a lovely idea to spread the word, cheerful_flight

  • Hi there;)
    I think that my city is one of the cities in the world with a high population density, and computers are used for very long hours, and there is a large percentage of public transportation that produces a lot of carbon dioxide, and this is really bad for the climate and the environment, and other than that there are not many laws that protect the environment.
    And, of course, we were shown some slides that explain to us that there are many simple things that we do that we do not know affect the climate, such as driving cars, traveling by plane, and eating fast food. Instead of this, we can become vegetarians, or travel for necessity only, or we move through Bicycles and other simple things that can make the climate better.
    However, there are other problems bigger than this,
    but everything has a solution. Instead of using devices for long times, we can go for walks, do housework, study or work because devices do not only change the climate and harm the environment. Rather, it also produces harmful radiation to humans, and we can also reduce the use of wood, because studies have shown that deforestation contributes about 10% of the gases that cause global warming, and of course it includes carbon.

  • In my country, pollution is increasing due to the lack of strict climate laws that limit the spread of pollution in our society. Instead of using a means of transportation for each individual, use a means of mass transportation. This will reduce pollution and live in a clean environment.

  • I believe that the younger generation holds a crucial responsibility in mitigating the effects of climate change. As our early habits and practices tend to shape our future behaviors, it is imperative to instill good habits and behaviors related to sustainability and climate action from an early age. When they become citizens, they can effectively manage climate-generated changes.

    It is of utmost significance to create awareness about the devastating impact of climate change on the planet and the adverse consequences it may have on future generations. This can be achieved through various mediums such as education, media, and community outreach programs. By educating the younger generation about the importance of reducing carbon emissions, conserving resources, and safeguarding the environment, we can generate a generation of environmentally conscious individuals who are dedicated to making a positive change.

    In addition, young people can adopt daily practices that can reduce their carbon footprint, such as conserving water, reducing energy consumption, utilizing public transportation, and reducing waste by recycling and composting.

    Lastly, young people can leverage their voices to advocate for climate action at the local, national, and global levels. This includes participating in climate strikes, contacting elected officials, and supporting organizations that work towards reducing carbon emissions and protecting the environment.

    Overall, the younger generation has a critical role to play in stopping climate change, and it is imperative to empower them with the knowledge and tools necessary to create a positive impact. Grammatically, the paragraph appears to be sound and free of errors.

  • We must continue to plant trees in all regions , Especially out of the eyes of children , We must plant trees In large and wide areas to be cultivated , Because trees work on the ecological balance , It absorbs carbon dioxide It produces oxygen gas Which works on good breathing , We must also contribute to the use of renewable energy a lot that generate part of the gases Direct that surrounds the planet And you lock up the sun through energy production , by burning fossil fuels In order to preserve the natural environment and preserve green areas.

  • Climate Change and Its Negative Impact on Gaza's Environment and Earth Day
    Gaza Strip is witnessing several climate changes that have a significant impact on the environment and Earth Day. Some of these changes include:
    1- Temperature rise: Gaza Strip witnesses a noticeable rise in temperatures.
    2- Carbon footprint: Carbon footprint is a direct result of greenhouse gas emissions and causes climate change, affecting marine, plant, and animal life in Gaza.
    3- Sea level rise: The rising level of the sea is a result of melting ice in the North and South poles, which means that Gaza and coastal areas, in general, face the danger of drowning and severe floods.
    4- Drought: Gaza Strip experiences an increase in temperatures and a decrease in rainfall, which means that the area is at risk of drought and water scarcity.
    5- Environmental erosion: Gaza Strip suffers from environmental erosion due to excessive agricultural cultivation, desertification, and pollution, which leads to the deterioration of land, gardens, forests, and agricultural lands.
    6- Air quality decrease: Gaza Strip witnesses a decrease in air quality due to industrial and transportation emissions, leading to increased pollution levels and pollution-related diseases.
    These are some of the main negative impacts of climate change and carbon footprint on Gaza Strip, and addressing these challenges requires joint efforts and cooperation from different sectors and individuals to reduce the carbon footprint and adopt environmentally friendly practices.

  • The problem of climate change is a problem that the whole world suffers from, and many solutions are being sought to solve this problem. In the late 19th century, they found causes of climate change, including: fuel burning, commodity manufacturing, and factory smoke. After finding the reasons, they must search for solutions, and this was their solution: 1. Carbon pricing
    2. End fossil fuel subsidies
    3. The use of renewable energy, 4. the use of bicycles, 5. the removal of factories from residential areas, 6. And planting green weapons (trees). We are guests on this planet, and we must protect the planet in which we are guests from any danger that threatens it.

  • The climate change is evident. It is just not a topic for discussion anymore but that calls for immediate action. Our country India as everybody knows is a populous country. The economically progressive city Bangalore is one of the worst affected cities in the world due to hectic traffic.
    1. WHY? Too many cars, and thus, leading to pollution and traffic. Imagine this, if we have the best public transport available, how much of fuel, pollution could be avoided. Covid has already taught us about the Hybrid way of working. I think it should become part of the employment system. So that movement of people from one place to another, could be avoided much, wherever possible. Thus, the reduction in pollution.
    2. India, is definitely a fast-growing country. This has compelled to the conversion of small towns into cities. This has led to felling of 100s of trees, the green space vanishing due to urbanization. What everyone around the planet needs to realize is that economy and environment should not be detrimental to each other, but policies should be in place so that they could complement each other.
    3. This is the peak summertime in the Chennai city, a southern city of India. However, experiencing sudden heavy showers in March is something unheard off! Winter in this part of India, is very mild. However, we have experienced, dark foggy day time in December. This too is unusual and weird. All these are the effects of climate change. What else could be the reason?
    4. Unhealthy soil, leading to damages in agricultural crops, consumption of such crops, vegetables, fruits, leading to lots of diseases.... all this and more are only due to climatic changes.
    5. Yet another issue is the recycling of garbage. Since there isn't much of awareness, everything lands in the ocean.
    Solution: Planting more trees, reducing usage of individual vehicles, promote fantastic public transport, separate pathway for cyclists, awareness of recycling of garbage. And strict laws against those who don't follow the rules.
    Cut the water electricity connections if they don't segregate the garbage for recycling. Charge more tax if the families use more vehicles on road. Rainwater harvesting to be made mandatory. Roof garden should be part of the family work. A small step by everyone would definitely lead a huge change. Sustainable solutions for the environmental sustainability is the need of the hour.

  • Hello, in my country we are facing a lot of climate changes. We have many problems, including throwing waste into the seas and on land, emitting smoke from cars, factories, and trucks, not recycling things that we can benefit from, cutting down trees, and sudden changes in temperature. The reason for throwing waste on the ground is the recklessness experienced by the residents of my area and the failure to follow the laws, and I suggest that penalties be imposed on those who disregard the law. As for car smoke, why do we not encourage people to exercise and walk instead of using cars? This will be good for man and the earth, or use friendly energy For the environment or the use of bicycles for transport, as for recycling, we must prepare containers designated for each of paper, glass and plastic, or recycling containers for things that can be used, as for cutting down trees, the same number of trees must be planted that are cut down, I know that we cut down trees For the paper and wood industry, what if the paper that we use in our lives is recycled and used???. As for weather and climate changes, if we follow the guidelines and laws, we can reduce the sudden change in the weather.

  • Hii..
    There are many people who do not know that the things they do daily are the cause of climate change, such as the use of technology. They believe that it is something normal and routine, but it leads to risks for them, the climate and the environment. There are many forms of technology such as transportation, electrical appliances, phones, computers, machines and robots, all these simple things It can change the climate if people keep doing it

    1. careful_economics What changes can people make when it comes to using those technologies?

  • After I read some of my friends' comments, I liked their comments. I agree with them on the issue that climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity. Climate change may cause harm in all aspects of life.
    ☆ 1 Food: Climate change may be a reason for a decrease in the amount of food, as rains fall in large quantities, eroding the soil, and the growth of some crops fails, which leads to high prices and a lack of food.
    ☆ 2 Health: It poses a clear danger to human health. Examples of common diseases that come in all seasons of the year are coughing and influenza, which is harmful to health.
    It is an effective way to reduce the percentage of chlorine.
    Preserving tree planting and vegetation.
    Use of clean energy sources.
    * Placing waste dumps in remote areas to reduce carbon and air pollution.

  • Hello,
    1- My country is negatively affected by climate change through fossil fuel energy sources such as coal, crude oil, petroleum oil, derived gas and non-renewable wastes. My country is badly affected by climate change as it destroys shelter and road networks, increases loss of income for farmers, increases low crop yield which results to food shortage or food scarcity and also reduces livestock production.
    2-In my own frame of mind, some of the best ways to limit personal carbon footprint can start from our homes by:
    - Taking a walk or using bicycles more often than using cars or we can simply commute through public transport.
    - Ensuring you buy what you need to avoid wastage.
    - Alleviate the pressure of plugs.
    - Reduce the amount of animal products we eat.
    3-The things the people can do in my country to tackle climate change is to:
    - Stop illegal cutting of trees
    - Plant more and more trees.
    - Lessen the usage of fossil fuel energy sources .
    - Repair, reuse and recycle.

  • my country affected by climate change beacause the plants and flowers damaged
    i think the best (easiest or most effective) way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints is by depending on sun energy instead of fossil fuel
    people in my country could do awareness courses to help slow climate change

  • Well, there is a problem in my area, which is the waste thrown on the road. When people pass by while they are eating something or carrying something while it is wrapped, they throw its cover on the ground and continue on their way as if nothing had happened. This is what causes fatigue for the cleaners in cleaning the neighborhood or the area, and also when we go to a public park always We find it full of glass, plastic, stones, and many others, and these materials in particular are difficult to decompose and other than the leftovers of food that attract ants, insects, etc., and this is what makes the environment not clean and beautiful, and what makes the matter worse is the people who set fires in unallocated places, and many fires occurred because of this repeated mistake Many plants, trees, and herbs were destroyed, and for this we must pay attention to everything, even if it is simple. One match can burn anything, so I think it is very important that we follow the instructions and raise awareness among people.

  • I think people should start to recely cause the trees can stay fresh so we can breath and if you don't recly people air will get pulloted and that would be bad for the climate if we keep the earth clean we will have a better envierment in this world the and the turtles will die cause your not keeping the ocean water clean cause they can eat plastic

  • America although it is a free country there are alot of cons to living here,especially pollution and climate change.Because of pollution from nuclear plants and factories Asthma and other sickness have become very common in kids these days.And because of climate change people with Asthma or other sickness from power plants and factories have decided to just stay inside instead of going outside into the harsh heat.Climate change affects so many peoples lives with floods harsh and harsh weather.But people are not the only ones affeted by climate change in fact we are the problem.All these cars and factories made to produce product that are simply for our comfort pollute our water and kill our animals.But people can stop this if they simply got out of there comfort zone and just took things slow instead of rushing into things.People in america have the money and recoures to help with these problems,Money isn't the problem so to help slow climate change we can think less about money and more about our future.

    1. I am very intrigued by your point on money not being an issue. Can you think of some ways in which climate change and the US economy might be linked?

  • Most of the problems that humans may be affected by are climate problems and its changes, so we have to avoid these problems and threats that may face our lives and the lives of other beings on this planet because it is not only us, but there are many other organisms that live here to multiply over the years and we must take care Climate .. But how can we take care of the climate when it is getting worse .. It is a simple and easy thing. Some of the habits that we do affect the climate in general, such as eating fast food and riding cars, buses and trains. These are problems that can be easily solved if we replace them with more useful things such as riding a bicycle instead. From transportation, becoming vegetarians instead of fast food, and many others... However, there are other things that we can not easily solve, such as factory smoke, for example, burning waste that afflicts residents, cutting trees, deforestation, etc. These things are very harmful to the environment and affect the climate and also cause pollution. So I wish we could do something to protect this earth...

  • Hi;)
    As I said before, climate change affects humanity greatly and other organisms, but I just wondered what the climate would be like if carbon escalated, for example, or pollution increased. How would it change? Will there come a season that will be dry and arid, or something else, and what will happen if the climate changes or something like that? Are there any other organisms that will survive this upcoming change that could happen? That is, there are many animals that can coexist in different environments, but how will we live with climate change?

  • Climate change in Georgia, the effects of climate change, attributed to man-made increases in Georgia. Studies show that Georgia is among a string of Deep South states that will experience the worst effects of climate change, with effects including "more severe floods and drought", and higher water levels "eroding beaches, submerging low lands, and exacerbating coastal flooding".The United States Environmental Protection Agency states: "In the coming decades, Georgia will become warmer, and the state will probably experience more severe floods and drought. Even today, more rain is falling in heavy downpours, and sea level is rising about one inch every decade. Like other southeastern states, Georgia has warmed less than most of the nation during the last century. But during the next few decades, the changing climate is likely to harm livestock, increase the number of unpleasantly hot days, and increase the risk of heat stroke and other heat-relate.

    Tackling climate change is vitally important. Each successive month brings new heat records, extreme weather and other indicators that our climate is changing at a pace that threatens the quality of our lands, air and waters, the well-being and prosperity of our communities, and general stability around the world. That is why we need to be committed to advancing solutions that match the scale and urgency of this crisis. we should be committed to tackling climate change, both to keep global warming below 1.5°C and to help vulnerable people and places deal with its negative impacts. We should achieve this by: Protecting and restoring healthy and resilient natural landscapes. Mobilizing action to secure a clean energy future. Supporting laws and initiatives that promote a healthy planet. Accelerating natural climate solutions that address environmental threats.

    Much of our electricity and heat are powered by coal, oil and gas. Use less energy by lowering your heating and cooling, switching to LED light bulbs and energy-efficient electric appliances, washing your laundry with cold water, or hanging things to dry instead of using a dryer. Improving your home’s energy efficiency, through better insulation for instance, or replacing your oil or gas furnace with an electric heat pump can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 900 kilograms of CO2e per year. Drive less Walk, bike, or take public transport The world’s roadways are clogged with vehicles, most of them burning diesel or gasoline. Walking or riding a bike instead of driving will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help your health and fitness. For longer distances, consider taking a train or bus. And carpool whenever possible. Living car-free can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 2 tons of CO2e per year compared to a lifestyle using a car.

    1. Hi prodigious_jackfruit, this is a great piece of analysis where you have raised some great points and provided supporting evidence, well done!

      What is the best way to educate people about your solutions to reduce carbon emissions? What incentives do you have to think about for different people to want to make a change to the way they are currently living and become more environmentally conscious?

  • I believe that one of the reasons for our climate change is the decrease in annual rainfall rates and the rise in temperatures, and this is reflected in the lack of runoff and the decrease in the availability of water in the end. Also, the most important causes of climate change are carbon emissions, which are represented in the means of transportation that emit carbon dioxide gas, and this gas pollutes the air, which raises the planet’s temperatures. Among the ways to reduce carbon emissions are: 1- Using electric cars instead of cars that run on fuel And gasoline 2- Using clean energy such as sun and wind energy 3- Reducing aviation and computer use Finally, which in my view is the most important 4- Increasing the generation of renewable energy and publishing educational courses to raise awareness among young people. These are the most important measures that, in my opinion, help solve the problem of climate change.

  • We are exposed today in our world to environmental pollution, which is an imbalance in the elements of the environment, and it has increased these days due to industrial development, factory smoke, missiles and explosions, and this affects the layers of the atmosphere and the ozone layer that protects us from harmful rays reaching us.
    Smoke and factory waste discharged onto the soil and water cause soil and water pollution
    Other environmental problems include acid rain and air pollution, in addition to urban sprawl, waste disposal, ozone layer depletion, water pollution, and many others that affect humans and animals.

  • I believe that everyone on this planet is responsible for saving it. Because we all live on its land and get on what we need from it s resources. The increasing of our carbon footprints shows that humans are not aware of the danger that threaten our future. Therefore I think the first step we should do is to spread awareness and educate people about the significance of reducing their bad effects on the environment by holding some social campaigns that Focus on the role of individuals to be useful citizens in terms of protecting our world. "Whether it's a matter of riding on a carbon neutral bus, using a carbon neutral face cream, taking carbon neutral ice cream home with you, or reading a carbon neutral book or magazine."I think the key of reducing carbon dioxide is to count our steps and using things that produce those bad emissions which deepen this problem.

  • Climate change is one of the most prominent threats facing humanity. The world is living in a climate disaster and Palestine is affected by this disaster is living with "extreme weather" We live periods of extreme heat in summer, and periods of extreme cold in winter. Thus, food security has become threatened and agriculture is also threatened, as happened in the year 2022. Temperatures have risen to an unprecedented level, causing great damage to the olive season and this led to the loss of agricultural crops, which are considered the livelihood of many people and farmers.
    Ways to reduce the carbon footprint..
    1. Instead of using the computer at work and at home, 59 hours a week means about eight and a half hours a day, its use can be gradually reduced and used only an hour or two, and books can be used to conduct research and study.
    2. Energy saving, energy use must be reduced by reducing heating and cooling, and using energy-saving lamps and devices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    3. Walking or cycling is not motorcycle instead of cycling improves your health and fitness, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    4. Reduce the consumption of meat and dairy products, as this can significantly reduce the impact on the environment because it requires more energy, water and more areas of land.
    5. Not to dump foods in garbage, when thrown, the resources and energy used in their cultivation, production, packaging and transportation are wasted. When food rots in a landfill, it produces methane, one of the powerful greenhouse gases.
    6. Speaking one of the fastest and most effective ways to make a difference and shape public awareness of the climate crisis, appeal to local and global leaders to act now, let business owners know that you support bold changes.

  • Lake Volta, the largest artificial lake by surface area in the world, changed climate patterns in Ghana.

    The drier northern areas have warmed at a more rapid rate than southern Ghana. Overall, Ghana has experienced a 1.0 °C. increase in temperature since 1960. Northern Ghana has only one rainy season, while southern Ghana has two and annual rainfall is highly variable. Long-term trends for rainfall are difficult to predict. However, USDA's Forest Service concluded in 2011 that there was "no evidence that extreme rain events have either increased or decreased since 1960.
    Expected decreases in water in the primary rivers basins providing fresh water for the country, Volta River, Bia River, and Tano River, could increase challenges in getting access to clean drinking water. The volume of water in the Volta Basin was predicted to have a 24% and 45% reduction in 2050 and 2100 respectively. The continuous reduction in precipitation and increasing evaporation rate has the potential to cause political tension in the region as Burkina Faso plans to draw water from Volta Basin.
    Forty-five percent of the workforce in Ghana depends on small-holder rain-fed agriculture. Disruption due to erratic rainfall and other extreme weather will have a negative impact on people's economic well-being. Moreover, staple crops such as Cassava, Maize, and cocoa (the major cash crop of Ghana) are expected to see decreased production. Based on a 20-year baseline climate observation, it is forecasted that maize and other cereal crop yields will reduce by 7% by 2050.

    Moreover, the combination of deforestation and new dams that dried up rivers has affected agriculture and in turn, brought migration to Accra which increased poor-quality unplanned settlements in the path of potential flash floods.

  • Welcome .
    The climate in my country is changing very continuously, which is worsening our life. For example, the weather was two days ago, in the morning it was hot, it was cloudy in the middle of the day, and at the end of the day it was raining. This weather causes danger to human life. It is our duty as human beings to preserve the climate by doing sequential activities, including: pricing carbon which plays an important role in climate change for the worse as well as ending fossil fuel subsidies, forest expansion and other things
    In the end, we don't care about the environment for our own sake, but for everyone around us, for every living being. Vid at hand do the impossible.

  • Well, we are now in 2023, and environmental pollution and air pollution are increasing every year, and this is not good at all!! This is if we do not stop it and do not put in place strict laws, we will die from the abundance of toxic gases that spread in the air. This should not be underestimated, but rather we must spread awareness among people to reduce carbon footprints and reduce environmental pollution by replacing non-renewable energy such as oil and diesel and using renewable energy in factories Such as water, sun, etc... Also, putting in place a law to prevent smoking, because it has nothing useful at all. Finally, the state must hold people accountable for violating the climate laws that it sets.

  • My country is affected by climate change, so the temperature rises, precipitation decreases, sea levels rise, and the weather becomes unknown, and we do not know when it will rain or when it will be sunny.This can be solved by reducing travel for necessary conditions or changing travel routes because aircraft consume energyAlso, energy use can be reduced in several ways

  • My country is facing significant impacts from climate change, including water scarcity, droughts, soil degradation, and the rise of sea levels. These impacts are affecting the agricultural sector, which is crucial to our economy, as well as public health and infrastructure.

    Water scarcity is one of the most pressing issues in Palestine, where the population relies heavily on groundwater reserves. However, climate change is causing a decrease in rainfall, which is leading to a decrease in groundwater recharge. This, in turn, is resulting in a depletion of the water supply and a deterioration of water quality.

    To reduce their personal carbon footprints, people can take several steps, such as:
    1-Reducing energy consumption: Switching to energy-efficient device, turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and using public transportation or carpooling are some effective ways to reduce energy consumption.
    2-Eating a plant-based diet: Animal agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing meat consumption and eating more plant-based foods can significantly reduce an individual's carbon footprint.
    3-Using reusable products: Instead of using disposable products, such as plastic bags, straws, and water bottles, people can use reusable alternatives.
    4-Supporting renewable energy: Individuals can choose to support renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and reduce their dependence on fossil fuels.

    To help slow climate change, our people can take various actions, such as:
    1-Adopting sustainable farming practices: Implementing sustainable farming practices, such as conservation agriculture and agroforestry, can help increase resilience to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    2-Investing in renewable energy: Increasing the use of renewable energy sources can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    3-Conserving water resources: Implementing water conservation practices, such as rainwater harvesting, can help reduce water scarcity and increase water availability.
    4-Raising awareness: Educating the public on the impacts of climate change and the importance of taking action can help raise awareness and encourage individuals and communities to take action to mitigate climate change.

  • I think we as teenagers should be more creative in defending our planet. We should do practical behaviors to solve it maybe not totally ,but we can reduce the bad effects on the climate, so we can slow down this change. First I will suggest some activities in my school such as forming summer groups which will be pioneers in this field. Those leader groups can go to experts in all the fields that is related to this a problem such as experts in protecting environment, experts in sustainable development and experts in educating people whoever their educational degree is. After that we can discuss the serious problem with them get benefit from their experience to hold applicable Solutions in those different fields. If we achieved the suggested Solutions ,I believe that we can do some progress towards the light of defeating this crisis. I think that anyone in this community can play a great part to overcome the darkness of climate change if we take the responsibility of being a positive and active person in this world. I wish that we can achieve those ideas and have good results. I will inform you then with what will happen with me.

  • Hi there
    I from Palestine and l live in Gaza.
    In my contury the climate change some time be not dangorus but it can be dangorus at the same time it can make floot and tsunami in different times .
    I search in gogle to know more information as United stutes reports " Palestine average temperatuer is riseing 1.4 celsuis in the year
    1950 - 2017 with knowen the last 30 years recorded the bulk of the increase and the experts expect rissing of the average temperatuer 0.9 celsuis in year 2050
    well as the experts say is belittle of carbon dioxid is the way to finish climate change
    Such as drive the car more than 22 km evrey day can be cuse of rissing carbon dioxide as we do in my contury and eat cheese burger evrey week can be case of rissing cabon dioxide its shocked me !
    We should make every think and make hard laws to reduse the carbon dioxide .

  • Man cannot do without air, because it is an essential factor in the continuation of life on the planet, and yet it's pollution posis a major environmental threat to health.
    There are several ways in which air pollution (factory smoke) can be reduced:
    1) Buy rechargeable batteries.
    2) Quit smoking and encourage others to do so.
    3) Gardening helps purify and freshen the air.
    4) Using natural gas without coal; to reduce pollution reduce pollution resulting from it.
    5) Check the car on a regular and proper fuel consumption.

  • From my point of view, how can we reduce the carbon footprint?? By choosing clean and permanent energy, we must resort to using solar energy, wind energy, and water because it is renewable, and also by improving energy efficiency in a home by replacing non-saving devices with energy-saving ones, and replacing incandescent lamps with LED lamps that use 70-90 less energy and transport sustainably through Did you know The transportation sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, and also transportation causes pollution, which causes breathing diseases such as asthma. A way is to use a better electric car to conserve air, and also to use means of transportation by using a train as a large means of transporting residents, as there is a country that has implemented this thing By setting up free transportation for train users and also eating sustainably by not eating a lot of meat and choosing food that does not come with packages and cans and flying less by choosing other ways to travel such as train and ship and also by local travel

  • I see that climate change is a natural phenomenon that affects all continents, and we must accept this matter, although we cannot eliminate it completely, but we must try to reduce its risks and use different and advanced methods that work to reduce its rate 🌟

  • Ways of using technology in a way that is friendly to our climate.
    - Introducing solar and electric cars which do not release harmful gases into the atmosphere.
    - Using wind turbines , solar power and hydro electric power that are renewable and don not release harmful gases in to atmosphere.
    - Using bio-degradable materials for example toilet papers.
    - Collecting and replacing non-biodegradable wastes with bio-degradable materials.
    - Avoid using artificial fertilizers and pesticides which release nitrogen-oxide gas into the atmosphere.

  • Climatic changes affecting in my country :
    Near my place their is a bird sanctuary called vedanthangal, here birds from various countries migrate during specific season, as per HINDU news paper dated january 31 2023 the birds visiting vedanthangal has decreased from 44972 last year to 9703 this year. The reason for this fall is drying of the feeding ground, Madhuranthagam lake. This is the situation even after the entire village has stopped bursting crackers on a famous festival for crackers and lights named Diwali celebrated in my country. Many species of small birds have become endangered.

  • Environmental pollution refers to the presence or introduction of harmful substances into the natural environment that cause adverse effects on living organisms and the ecosystem. It is a major global issue that has negative impacts on human healthI will give some solutions to get rid of this pollution.

    Firstly:Reduce, Reuse, Recycle :This is the most basic solution that can be implemented by individuals, communities and industries to minimize waste and conserve resources.

    secondly:Switch to Clean Energy: Replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources such as solar, wind or hydro power.

    Third:Improve Public Transportation: Encouraging people to use public transportation instead of driving can reduce air pollution.

    It also educates people about the dangers of pollution to human health and encourages them to take the necessary measures to protect the environment.

  • Like former president, John F kennedy said while addressing the Americans , I phrase "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you instead can do for your country." If an individual citizen of any country sees the need for change, what stops them from getting the change done, especially in a govermental system where the climatic issues of pollution are treated passively? Mahatma Gandhi said "Be the change you want to see in the world." Shouldn't this ring a bell to us. If everyone waits for something to be done, nothing will be done. Climate change is a very real issue, what should even be more real is the will and action for us to put an end to it. But we can't just sit around complaining and critising the government when we are abled bodies who can contribute to the eradication of the problem. If we can write and talk about it, why can't we also do it? If we make our words louder than our actions, we are reduced to hypocrites. It is in the little things we do, change starts very small and gradually becomes significant. Instead of throwing that plastic bottle in the trash bin, why not recycle it instead? The little nothings together can mean something. The goverment and factories are not the only ones releasing carbon and waste, we all do individually. So let us not narrow our sight on an erroneous, small detail but instead consider the whole picture. Together more can be done in the global fight against climate change.

  • Hi , We have discussed climate change in our class.
    And we did some actions to reduce the risk of climate change.
    We planted trees in the school yard.
    And follow-up recycling in the school and follow-up not to throw papers and dirt on the ground.
    We communicated with the municipality, in agreement with the owners of factories and companies, to reduce carbon emissions and impose financial fines on those who do not comply with this and those who throw dirt on the ground.

  • My point of view is the second law that caught my attention the most because it cannot be applied because it has a negative impact on human health because a person cannot depend on one type of food. Therefore, human food must be healthy and varied and include the three food groups, which are energy, prevention and construction, and also followed
    the food chain

  • Climate change in my country affects the fish wealth when the sea currents increase as a result of the change in the air temperature, which leads to the death of many types of fish, and this affects the economy of my country, as it depends on it to increase the income of many families and also reduces the export of large quantities of fish, and this negatively affects the The economic situation suggested that they provide artificial ponds suitable for the coexistence of fish, and to take care of the appropriate procedures for the survival of its life. And climate change in my country affects agricultural crops, as they are exposed to a cold weather that is not suitable for agriculture, and they are also exposed to drying out or burning some types of plant leaves due to cold, frost and dew.

    1. He proposed a solution to climate change for agriculture, which is to provide a suitable environment for agriculture and provide greenhouses suitable for agriculture, so that we can be a productive, industrialized country that does not depend on exports from abroad.

    2. I agree because...
      In my country too, the fishing industry has contributed to the development of my country through education tours and it promotes real learning hence fighting against rote methods of teaching because unlike when fishermen use improper methods of fishing like fish poisoning , use of un- wanted fishing nets which affects aquatic life hence leading to climatic changes.

  • Climate change affects my country greatly because my country is small in area and has a large population, so their frequent use of cars, fuel, and cutting trees to increase the area and other things .. affects the emergence of climate change, so there will be pressure in all aspects of life, and among the effects resulting from climate change is an increase in temperature And periods of heavier rains are accompanied by storms and strong winds that may lead to floods and torrents, and this noon is known in my country because of the poor infrastructure

  • In our country ,we are affected by rainfall , I know that rainfall plays a vital role in drinking water ,agriculture, human food chain,increases soil fertility , decrease soil erosion amd many more but when there is a excess amount of rainfall at a particular period, how it affects our personal routine and also the country I am going to explain them in brief. Our country receives rainfall from June to November and our farmers starts to cultivate crops in the summer time so they can get productive results but sometimes there will he an excess amount of rainfall where it affects the crops and our farmers faces loss but our government helps them by providing the refund amount of the corps and when there is loss of crops in the country ,the demand for the crops increases and it also affects the common people and their normal routine to acquire their groceries ,There will be drought in North India where people don't have efficient amount of water for their needs and their daily routine ,so our government had constructed many dams in North India to manage the drought in our country and it helps the citizens of our country by providing them efficient amount of water and daily accessories. So ,however our government manages to protect the
    country's citizens from climate changes .

  • I would like to share the climatic condition in Arab countries this was shared by one of my best friends who lives in United Arab Emirates [UAE]. They face severe climatic conditions, and they only have two seasons, summer and winter. They don't have sufficient rainfall at all. Scientists and researchers, after so much hard work, have invented a new method to receive rainfall, that is the cloud seeding method. Cloud seeding method is also referred to as man-made precipitation and artificial rain making which use silver iodide a type of salt it is a method in which they a spray this kind of salt in the cloud which passes through their country. This process was very successful in receiving rainfall in that country. They store this water in dams which is further used by people in those countries for personal consumption and they also use world class desalination plants to make sea water usable. From this I want to say that many countries are not receiving sufficient rainfall they are managing in such a way to save water, but some are not taking enough steps to save water. Countries have to form an organization worldwide to promote and encourage awareness to save water.

    People have to reduce usage of plastic. Plastic plays a predominant role in producing a high rate of carbon emission which results in drastic climate change and also increase global warming. Instead of burning plastic they should be recycled. Planting trees must be the best way to reduce emission of carbon which should be done in an effective way.

    1. You make an interesting point about saving more rainwater.

      1. Thank you, mam I have one more thing to tell the usage of more plastic can also groundwater which produce life threatening disease to people if you use plastic today, we have to face the problem in future. So, we must slowly minimize the use of plastic which would be a greater idea. I think that the usage of plastic is one of the life-threatening situations in the world.
        Simple way to reduce the usage of plastic:

        Avoiding usage of single time use of plastic such as drinking straws, plates and cutlery which take more time to degrade instead we can use straws made from steel, bamboo.

        Use cloth bags whenever we are going shopping.

        Use bottles which are not made from plastic or reusable plastic bottles.

        Use non plastic reusable containers for food storage.

        Government from various countries should implement effective law to have rain water harvesting in every houses, industries, companies across the world which would be an efficient way to save water for future use.

  • In my country climate change has caused desertification, poor crop yeild, flash floods and lands slides. With a change in rain fall patterns it has become difficult for farmers to maintain full crop seasons, while reduce rain fall has made it difficult to reclaim desert land by tree planting, in other parts of my country heavy rain fall cause flash floods and lands slide. The best way to reduce your personal carbon footprint is too use solar, wind and hydro power for electricity and solar water heaters for hot water, to use where possible solar cookers and to as much as possible walk or ride a bicycle, minimizing the use of fossil fuels and automobile. Slowing down the effects of climate change should include reduction of deforestation, reduced dependency on thermal power stations and the use of fossil fuel in general, while increasing the use of solar, wind and hydro power for electricity, encouraging a healthy lifestyle and prudent management of pollutants that will negatively affect the climate balance.

  • I believe that if we want to reduce our carbon footprint, we must follow these steps:
    1- Saving energy in homes
    2- Walking or cycling
    3- Choose environmentally friendly products
    All the money we pay to impact the planet; To reduce our impact on the environment, buy local and seasonal foods
    4- Reducing food waste
    When foods are thrown in the trash, the resources and energy that went into growing, producing, packaging, and transporting them are wasted.

  • In my country, we are affected by climate change because of glacier and ice cap melting, which will surely affect the sea level. We should reduce our carbon footprint by stoping to pollute, and stop destroying the natural habitat of animals.
    I think that people should recycle more, and stop wasting things that could be reused.

    1. You said that you country is affected by glacier and ice cap melting, can you find some research to back your point up to explain further how this would affect the sea level?

      1. According to Google, an increase in glacier and polar ice cap melting, the sea level will rise along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast. An estimation predicts that, by 2100, the sea level will rise by one meter.

  • My region suffer from many climate change aspects such as the high temperature, the increase in drought rates, and the decrease in rain water rates, to constitute an explicit threat to agricultural production, and the agricultural wealth has become more threatened than ever. The extreme rise in temperature affects the growth of the plant. Summer crops need a lot of irrigation water, and winter crops need a cold weather, and some plants cannot tolerate the increase in soil salinity, and others are exposed to destruction due to the short time of rain.
    Farmers do not receive adequate support from the official authorities, especially educating and training them on appropriate coping mechanisms and methods with current and expected climatic changes, and in terms of appropriate planting dates, varieties and agricultural processes such as irrigation, fertilization and disease control, especially in poor and marginalized areas. They need the government help in these concerns!

  • _ The beginning of the best ways to reduce carbon emissions and its impact in the long and short term First: choosing clean energy resources instead of the methods used that pollute the climate, for example using coal in Energy generation, which works to pollute it and increase the percentage of carbon Second: Improving heating methods, such as refraining from using climate pollution heating methods, for example, avoiding the use of fire as a means of heating, as well as coal Tabta third Third: Reducing waste, such as working to recycle it and preventing burning it in the roads and open areas that cause this. Fourth: Reducing the use of transportation and aviation, because all of this causes an increase in the percentage of carbon in the climate and planning.We achieve the desired goal in the short and long term

  • In my country, we have realized climate change as people pollute the environment, the polluted air in the environment can destroy the O zone layer that leads to global warming.
    Climate change has as well caused drought. If the climate changes, those who have been receiving reliable rainfall will not be able to receive it again due to too much sunshine leading to prolonged drought which affects different human activities like agriculture so forcing the public to resort to brick making hence land degradation which again affects the climate too.

  • I think the government should enforce strict laws and follow-up them to the dot that all natives in the country below the stipulated age like in my country anyone below 18 years old should not get married, however the law is not being followed-up at all due to the effect of corruption and bribery so children bear children leading to high population pressure which will eventually force them to cause destruction to the available vegetation for settlement and income generating activities, which will leave the ground bare and exposes it to agents of soil erosion hence affecting the climate in along run.

  • Climate change is the greatest health threat facing humanity. The effects of climate are already harmful to health. It negatively affects my area. This negative impact lies in the spread of poverty, displacement and the presence of more health risks, in addition to the lack of food due to global warming and drought.

    Human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are the largest contributor to climate change, and the greatest threat facing the world today.

    Therefore, we have to resort to many methods to reduce these carbon footprints, such as: -

    * First, with regard to means of transportation, we must try even if it is difficult to replace riding means of transportation that emit smog with sustainable methods such as cycling or even walking.
    * Secondly, reducing waste, especially plastic waste, is a complex matter that takes a long time to complete the decomposition process.
    * Thirdly, resorting to recycling after finishing using a specific thing. If we want a healthy environment, we must work on that.
    * Fourthly, rationalization In water consumption, especially in hot water

  • Hi, here are some ways in which my country has been affected by climate change.
    Firstly, the environmental impact. There have been some changes around us for some time now. For example, there have been increased occurrences of floodings over the years. And this year, the rains have been delayed. We are supposed to be in the rainy season right now, but we have not really seen any rain.
    Now, the economical impact. Farming, one of our major economic activities, has been greatly affected by climate change. Floodings have destroyed farmlands, and so has dryness caused by delayed rains.
    I think the easiest way for people to reduce their carbon footprint is to regulate the amount of energy they consume. Energy is very important in my country. Electricity and burning things like wood as fuel. Reducing the amount of energy we use could be the easiest and major way to reduce our carbon footprint.
    We could help slow down climate change by reducing our waste products by reusing, repairing and recycling. Our waste has caused a big environmental problem such as landfills, which emit a gas known as methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

  • Climate change has had a severe impact on my country, particularly on agriculture, which serves as the primary source of income for a significant portion of the population. As a result, poverty rates have escalated, and prices have soared, necessitating a higher reliance on imports. Furthermore, climate change has negatively impacted the health of elderly and chronically ill individuals.

    To mitigate carbon emissions, it is crucial that the population of my country refrains from certain practices. First and foremost, the hazardous practice of burning waste in the streets must be abolished. Instead, the government should provide additional cleaners and recycling facilities to ensure that waste is disposed of safely and responsibly.

    Secondly, private cars and taxis must be substituted with more eco-friendly alternatives, such as bicycles, electric cars, and public transportation, which can substantially diminish carbon emissions. Public transportation can serve as a more efficient means of transportation, eliminating the need for every person to own a vehicle.

    Lastly, discarding waste into the ocean, particularly plastic waste, must be halted. This behavior pollutes the environment, exacerbates global warming, and diminishes biodiversity, which is critical to maintaining environmental balance. The loss of an element without a substitute can cause an imbalance in the ecosystem, creating loopholes in the system.

  • Well, there are a lot of ideas, but I mentioned this solution in a story I wrote. This story talked about the environment and how to preserve it, “ tree and tree.” Briefly , it's main characters are the monkey and the woodcutter , the woodcutter wanted to cut down a large amount of trees to make a living, but the monkey stopped him , by giving different arguments , and they have a serious conversation where they talk about the harms of cutting trees and their importance to humans and animals, and at the end of it the monkey convinced the woodcutter to solve this problem, which is to plant a tree for every tree he cuts. I believe in this solution and its ability to change reality, and in the end everyone benefits.

  • My country is Palestine, and agriculture is one of the first crafts that the people of villages and coastal cities depend on, such as Jaffa, which is famous for its oranges, Haifa for its bananas, and Gaza for its strawberries and roses. Agriculture is the source of livelihood for many families to this day.
    However, in the present and in the recent period, the agricultural wealth in Palestine has become more threatened than ever due to climate change and disruption of the ecosystem, as factors such as high temperature, increased drought rates, and low rates of rain water come together to constitute an explicit threat to agricultural production in the beloved country, what makes savingFood is a difficult challenge for the population.I would like you to write to me the name of your town, and do you suffer from such problems? And why?

    Do I think there are problems in the ozone layer, or not much?

    In my opinion, there are problems and holes in this layer.

    Please leave a comment for me, I would love to read all of them.

  • Well, my country Nigeria is a naturally hot place but I feel people should be sensitised though we are very obstinate and strong with time we could persuade them to do the following:
    Change a light to florescent
    Drive less.
    Recycle more.
    Check tires.
    Use less hot water.
    Avoid products with a lot of packaging.
    Adjust thermostats.
    Plant a tree.
    Finding alternatives to products that have to do with lots of carbons or CFC (chloroflorocarbons) or using a specific amount of it.
    If this way of persuading does not work; because I believe it is a peaceful way to impart this idea then force, authority and laws come in. Strict orders and laws should be made regarding this matter.

  • My country is affected by climate change very much because we have unexpected rains and our atmosphere is usually dry. I think the best way for people to reduce their carbon footprint is to use battery electric cars, go on a vegan diet, improving cooking equipment , the use of public transport and many more. I think the best possible way to slow climate change is to reduce burning of recycable products like plastic bottles, Aluminum cans, Batteries Whether phone batteries or your gadget’s batteries, and many others . I think these points should be put into great consideration .

  • Ways to help prevent CLIMATE CHANGE


    Help reduce carbon footprints and to provide more food shelter for animals .


    In this small way you could help save the aquatic environment and so on minimize the water pollution


    Use less energy by turning off appliances when not in use and switching to energy saving bulbs .


    Even in this way you could help prevent climate change for less wastes going to landfill and less use of natural resources .

  • Reducing personal carbon footprints is a critical step towards mitigating climate change, and there are various ways that individuals can achieve this. One approach is to adopt sustainable transportation practices, such as using public transportation, cycling or walking, and carpooling. Additionally, reducing energy consumption by using energy-efficient appliances and practices like turning off lights when not in use and adjusting thermostats can have a significant impact.

    Another way to reduce carbon footprints is to reduce meat consumption, as meat production has a significant environmental impact. Additionally, reducing food waste and composting food scraps can have a positive impact on the environment.

    In my country, people can help by supporting and promoting renewable energy sources and sustainable practices, such as solar power and recycling. They can also encourage businesses and policymakers to implement sustainable practices and policies that reduce carbon emissions. Educating themselves and others on the impact of their actions on the environment can also promote individual responsibility and encourage people to take action towards creating a more sustainable future.

  • I agree, but in my opinion, the general supervision of industrial facilities and methods of disposal of wastes that cause climate damage must be brought into the country within the specifications of preserving the environment and human health.
    And these are some of the ways we've learned how to deal with climate change:
    1) Carbon pricing.
    2) End fossil fuel subsidies.
    3) Increasing energy efficiency and using renewable energy.
    4) Building resilient low-carbon cities.
    5) Application of climate-friendly agriculture practices and expansion of forests.

  • In Ireland, The government banned people from smoking indoors allowing people to breathe clean air improving people's health.They introduced electric cars,they put up the prices on meat and so much more!In my local area,they have clean up days, every Saturday to clean the ocean and the local area.In school ,the green school commitee teach each class about recycling and resusing water bottles and lunch boxes.

    1. Thanks for sharing how climate action looks in your community! You introduce a great point about not limiting people's consumption of meat, but rather making it expensive. Do you think this is a good idea?

      1. Unfortunately I believe people will pay top dollar for a good roast dinner, especially at Christmas time.Are you willing to give up your Turkey and Ham dinner at Christmas for Climate Change?It's the choice you have to make.I think that the goverment should promote vegetarian /vegan food and give people more food options.Also meat provides people with protein that helps us grow.In order to cut out meat,we must find subsetute foods that will provide us with the vitamins our bodies need to develop.

  • 1.My country is affected by climate change due to the emission of toxic gases by large factories and the burning of waste openly which leads to air pollution.
    2.I feel like the most effective way for people to reduce the consumption of meat(beef especially), and people could also limit the use of plastic bags and make use of paper bags that could decompose easier.
    3.People could help slow down climate change by planting more trees and cutting down less trees,
    We could also slow down climate change by recycling, buying fewer things and even shopping second hand.

  • In Spain, the climate change is a real problem. Here, in Extremadura, there are flows and rivers that are close to reach the drought. In my opinion, in the north of Spain is raining all the time, while in the south rain about 2 weeks per year. The Spanish population is increasing its knowledge about the climate change, so I think that we are doing right to be better in the future.

  • In muy opinion the human footprint in muy country, can be reduce a lot.
    This is a good point because we can improve and it is a start point, but this is something we need to solve nos, reduce out footprint is the start for reducing the climate change.
    Our government need to take action in time, if not we will destroy our planet.
    Apart of that, I also think that a lot of people work to recude climate change everyday and is an idea that the spanish have in acount.

    1. What one change do you think everyone should make to help your country with climate change?

  • My country is affected by climate change as I remember when it was summer last year it was the hottest temperature at 40 degrees.That was the hottest it had ever been in England.We are also affected by sea levels rising and farming.The best way in our country to reduce our carbon footprints is by reusing plastic bottles.People in our country go to beaches and collect litter.

  • My country is affected by climate change because last year in England it was the hottest summer( 40 degrees). The easiest way to reduce Climate Change is to not cut down trees because they suck in the bad carbon dioxide and lets out oxygen. They could walk instead of driving if it is very close.

  • In my country, climate change affects us as a result of pollution, as the temperature rises, which absorbs a large amount of water and works to increase drought, which harms the lands and cultivated crops. Poverty and diseases that afflict all society, and here I will present some of the solutions that the population must follow to reduce carbon emissions 1- Increase the cultivated areas and work on afforestation, which plays a role in purifying the environment and improving the health of the individual. 2- Educating individuals about the importance of throwing waste in the place designated for it And cooperation in reducing pollution, and I also see that the percentage of smokers is rising dramatically, so I also make them aware of the importance of leaving it . 3-Increasing population growth has a great impact on increasing the rate of pollution and changing the formation of the universe , so awareness must be raised about the importance of birth control .

  • 1. The climate change has had an effect on the cost of agricultural produce in my country because climate change causes a decrease in the production of agricultural goods which means that they are sold at a higher rate in the market.
    2.As individuals one of the easiest ways to reduce carbon footprints is by recycling and also by reducing the way we burn waste Nigeria most individuals get rid of their waste by burning it which causes air pollution.
    3. Well, for starters individuals could promote afforestation and reduce bush burning and waste burning. They could also reduce the use of cars ,in Nigeria lots of people use their cars to go everywhere even short distances...I would suggest that the individuals make less use of their cars and walk or maybe even use a bicycle.

  • Yes, as I said, it is impossible to get rid of the use of cars completely, but we have to find a solution that is close and similar, but clean for the environment, such as cars powered by solar energy, because it is clean and environmentally friendly energy. England is currently being affected by climate change and here are several reasons why :

    1. Ice caps are currently melting making sea levels to start rising and causing floods not just in England but all over the world.

    2. Plants are not being able to grow due to climate change because plants need water and sunlight but due to climate change it is getting colder and colder which means plants are barely getting any sunlight.

    3. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and certain synthetic chemicals is really affecting our atmosphere.

  • 1 our county is affected most by climate change with littering and cows
    2 i think the best way to reduce our carbon footprint is to lower prices of electric cars put around more bins and make posters to check your carbon footprint to try decrease it to make it fun.
    3 I think people in our county can use less cows as they are very bad for the environment

  • Climate change has led to extreme storms like tornadoes and hurricanes that affect areas close to my state or in my state. The storms are destroying homes and communities and many people do not have the money to fix their homes. So others are stepping up to help them but they also could start helping with climate change. For people to reduce their personal carbon footprints they need to do simple things like recycling and maybe not driving everywhere but in many cities driving is the only way you can get around in the cities. Plus, not everyone can recycle because of their busy schedule so maybe a service can be created to help people by recycling for them. Maybe the government can step up and decide that maybe people can be more aware of the earth around them and stop certain behaviors. Overall people need more unity to understand that some of the behaviors they do are affecting the earth before climate change can affect them personally.

    1. Some good ideas here. In your last sentence you mentioned that unity is important for solving problems to do with climate change. Can you explain why?

      1. Unity is important because issues are better solved when people work together and climate change is an issue that may affect everyone. So, if climate change is such a large issue that can affect everyone not just one group of people can solve the issue but the majority has to work against climate change.

  • States in my country that are usually always cold like Plateau State are now hot and states that are hot are hotter than the usually are and this is how my country is affected by climate change.
    The best way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints is by stopping their indiscriminate bush burning , deforestation, burning of fossil fuels and other human activities.
    Stop indiscriminate bush burning, stop burning fossil fuels, afforestation and reducing human activities.

  • Since my country is an island, we are surrounded by water, specifically the sea. And what comes hand in hand with the sea? Beaches. Most beaches are littered and people do not respect them enough. That is one of the ways my country is affected by climate change.
    I thought of this issue because I was doing a beach clean-up very recently. I saw a lot of plastic bottles, cans, rope and other unusual rubbish. Around 17 people collected two big bags of rubbish and it made me think of all the people who left rubbish on the ground because they were to lazy to pick it up. The waste can also float into the sea which is bad and dangerous for the sea creatures.
    A way that people can fix this is to take part in cleaning up a beach near them and not leaving waste on the ground.

  • In my country,we are affected by climate change,it damages are crops and warms up our ocean.In my country farmers depend on agriculture to help with their crops.There are many ways to stop climate change such as...
    1.Burn less fossil fuels and green house to reduce CO2.
    2.Use solar panels instead of wireless electricity to save money
    3.Travel less to reduce carbon dioxide and many more
    This is basically saying we need to travel less and reduce the amount of CO2 in the Earths atmosphere. If we do all of these things we can help save the world and our ocean.

  • Climate change is a significant issue in our country, and its effects are already being felt in various parts of the country. India is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change due to its large population, high poverty levels, and dependence on agriculture and natural resources.

    • One of the most visible impacts of climate change in India is the increase in temperature. According to the Indian Meteorological Department, the average temperature in India has increased by 0.7°C over the last century. This increase in temperature has led to a rise in heatwaves, which have become more frequent and severe in recent years. Heatwaves have a significant impact on people's health, with many people suffering from heat-related illnesses, including dehydration and heat stroke.

    • Another impact of climate change in India is the changing rainfall patterns. Climate change has led to more erratic rainfall, with some regions experiencing heavy rainfall and flooding, while others experience drought. This has a significant impact on agriculture, which is a major sector of India's economy. Changing rainfall patterns are also affecting the timing of planting and harvesting, making it difficult for farmers to plan their crops. Rising temperatures and changing weather patterns are also leading to the spread of pests and diseases, which can damage crops and reduce yields.

    • Climate change is also affecting India's coastal areas. Rising sea levels and more frequent and severe storms are causing coastal erosion and flooding, which can lead to the loss of land, homes, and infrastructure. This is particularly problematic for the millions of people who live in India's coastal regions and depend on fishing and tourism for their livelihoods.

    • The Indian government has recognized the importance of addressing climate change and has taken steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. India has set a target to reduce its emissions intensity by 33-35% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels and has launched several initiatives to promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable transport.

    However, much more needs to be done to address the challenges faced by farmers and coastal communities in India. This will require a combination of mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as policies and investments that promote sustainable development and reduce poverty and inequality.

  • As a country that is heavily reliant on fossil fuels, the transition of India to a low-carbon economy will require significant investment and policy reforms. Climate change is exacerbating existing social and economic inequalities in India, with the most vulnerable populations, such as farmers and coastal communities, bearing the brunt of its impacts. These are the few ideas, I find plausible for enacting in my country.
    1. India needs to continue to promote renewable energy to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. The government can incentivize the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power by providing subsidies, tax incentives, and low-interest loans to individuals and companies who invest in these technologies.
    2. India's farmers need to adopt sustainable agriculture practices to improve productivity and resilience in the face of climate change. This can include practices such as conservation agriculture, which involves minimizing soil disturbance, maintaining soil cover, and rotating crops to reduce soil erosion and improve soil health.
    3. The government can implement coastal zone management policies to protect coastal ecosystems and communities. This can involve measures such as regulating coastal development, protecting mangroves and coral reefs, and improving coastal infrastructure to withstand sea level rise and storm surges.
    4. India is a water-stressed country, and climate change is exacerbating water scarcity. The government can promote water conservation by encouraging the use of drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, and efficient irrigation systems.
    5. India's transport sector is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and the government can promote sustainable transport options such as public transport, cycling, and walking. This can involve investing in public transport infrastructure, providing incentives for electric vehicles, and promoting non-motorized transport.
    Overall, addressing climate change in India will require a concerted effort from the government, private sector, and civil society. It will require a combination of mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as policies and investments that promote sustainable development and reduce poverty and inequality.
    When we sow the seeds of kindness, we reap the fruits of love. Let’s walk towards the green path to reach a resilient and environmentally- sound future.

  • What could people in my country do to help slow climate change? The real question for me is what will the world do? The sky and atmosphere is linked all around the world so if my country is trying to slow climate change and another is burning fossil fuels twice as much as the day before, what good will it do? We are hundreds of countries with one planet so if we want to act, we need to act together. I promote a no litter day. Schools from around the world can go on an expedition to their local park and pick up any litter. People can receive a prize for the most litter collected as well as raising awareness on the local newspaper. One planet, one chance, one future.

  • The great disaster that does not mean any interest from any of the residents of the region, I do not say that it does not affect negatively, but the people here only aspire to provide their needs of money and a little canned food, that is, to secure their lives, and since we are the owners of a small city, what we are working on is importing from Therefore, it does not matter if agriculture succeeds or not, and even if we have an interest, we will not do anything because our economy is almost destroyed. We cannot act on our own.

  • As children we can do simple things that can reduce the climate change :
    • Turn off the lights.
    • Close doors immediately so heat does not escape .
    • Take short showers.
    • Walk or bike if you can (instead of having your parents drive you).
    • Turn off your computer when not in use (don't leave it on just to keep Facebook or Myspace active).

    1. Precious_Cherry Great ideas...
      But now, at the age of 12-15, we become aware of what is going on around us. The advice you gave is nice, but it's for people younger than us. As for us, we have to beware of those around us, because sometimes parents don't realize the dangers of climate change. Climate change conservation is not determined by age, I have always seen smart children who care, I have always seen adults who neglect...It is our duty as a society to alert each other and try our best to live in a safe future...But I have an idea experts and speakers ...
      We assume that there is a Climate Change Day taught to students, staff and the public every year, which increases and encourages people's desire to preserve the climate.. Do you think this is a good idea!?

      1. Well done, an interesting idea, this thing I liked, which increases interest in preserving climate change, and this thing is beneficial to society. Every year, all schools and centers should evaluate their advice to young and old members of society, so everyone should preserve climate change.

  • If you want to reduce the carbon footprint in an area, follow the following: Stay away from eating animals and their products such as milk, cheese, meat, etc...; I answer them, there are many plants that contain proteins and vitamins, and sitting in the morning sun will make you stronger and healthier, so eat plant products and reduce the use of fats such as obesity, butter, etc.... Activate and implement the idea of ​​manufacturing cars that run on solar energy, and remove the idea of ​​oil and gasoline. ● and improve the energy efficiency used in your home. ● and recycle the waste into packages, compost, etc... There are many ways to reduce the footprint, but my question to you is how can we convince people and force them to abide by the previous laws??

    1. It's an interesting concept to bring in the diet of people into the debate, do you think that ultimately everyone should become vegans to combat climate change?

      How do you think we can move towards a world that doesn't rely on gas/oil?

      Do you think we can force people to abide by these measures? How would this be implemented?

      1. I will answer your questions because they captured my attention. The first question is that not every person should become a vegetarian because we cannot force people to do so. We can educate and raise awareness through training courses and the use of social networking sites to clarify the extent of the danger of animal consumption to the environment and human health. As for the second question, not The use of oil or gas is very difficult, as there are many that we use that depend on oil, and I suggest that they reduce their use of oil and raise awareness of the seriousness of the situation that oil will run out during the next century. I also see that there is an alternative to oil, namely that we use clean energy such as: a water turbine Which depends on water and the wind turbine that depends on the wind and solar energy that depends on the sun, clean forms of energy can provide us with the electrical energy that we need in our daily activities in a clean manner without causing a negative impact on the environment and are sustainable sources of energy and are not accessible, as for the third question I mentioned Previously, it was through awareness, whether at the home or work level, and giving them useful lessons, not through coercion.

      2. my attention. The first question is that not everyone should become a vegetarian because we cannot force people to do so. We can educate and raise awareness through training courses and using social media to show how dangerous animal consumption is to the environment and human health. For the second question, it is not very difficult to use oil or gas, since a lot of what we use is based on oil, and I suggest that they reduce their use of oil and raise awareness of the seriousness of the oil condition. It will run out over the next century. I also see that there is an alternative to oil, which is the use of clean energy such as: water turbines that depend on water, wind turbines that depend on wind energy, and solar energy that depends on the sun,Clean forms of energy can provide us with the electrical energy we need in our daily activities in a clean manner without causing a negative impact on the environment and are sustainable and inexhaustible sources of energy. As for the third question, I mentioned previously that it is through awareness, whether at the home or work level, and giving them lessons that benefit them, not by way of coercion.

  • Unfortunately, because of Climate Change the sea levels are rising drastically and needs to stop as otherwise it will destroy many places near by. To change that you can perhaps use less electricity, recycle objects and don't just throw then in the bin and lastly you don't need to use cars very often. Yes, I agree you need cars to drive to far away places, but you don't need to drive to places that are close by. So if you want to stop Climate Change act now.

    1. You make an interesting point to use cars less often - do you think that future generations will use cars less? Do you think there are any ways the government could encourage people to use their cars less?

  • My country is affected by climate change, as it could be forecasted for a down pour of rain some days and then it could be sunny the next like last summer it was very sunny we reached highs of 20 degrees that does not seem hot but for us it is and there was cracks in the grass and some of our places were to hot to go to and animals were finding it hard to breath or find water.

    1. I see that you are based in the United Kingdom, do you think there is anything we can do to stop climate change? Do you think other countries are also affected, and how so?

  • Earth Day is right around the corner, and it's time to take action for more sustainable future. We should think about making it special day by promoting enviromental awareness, sustainabilitty and conversation. Let us make a concious effort to reduce our carbon footprint by walking or biking instead of driving and eating plant meals. Let's beautify our community by planting trees. Let's claen up litters and other pollutants from parks and beaches. Let's support environmental organizations. Let's share information on social media or organize a community workshop.
    By taking these and otheractions, we cann help make Earth day special and contribute to the global effort to protect the planet.

  • I think that climate change in some countries will be positive for them in terms of agriculture, but at the same time it will negatively affect some countries in the field of agriculture, as this will affect the country's economy in terms of increase and decrease.

  • Climate change is a global issue that requires
    action at all levels, from individuals to
    governments and international organizations.
    Here are some ways that you can help to reduce
    the impact of climate change:
    Reduce your carbon footprint: This can be
    achieved by making small changes in your daily
    life, such as using public transport or cycling
    instead of driving, using energy-efficient light
    bulbs and appliances, reducing your meat
    consumption, and turning off lights and
    electronics when not in use
    Support renewable energy: You can support the
    development and use of renewable energy by
    choosing to purchase green energy from your
    energy provider or installing solar panels on your
    Reduce waste: Reduce the amount of waste you
    generate by using reusable bags, water bottles,
    and containers. Recycle as much as possible and
    compost food waste.
    Support sustainable agriculture: Purchase
    organic, locally grown produce to reduce the
    environmental impact of food production.
    Plant trees: Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the
    atmosphere, so planting trees and supporting
    reforestation efforts can help to mitigate the
    effects of climate change.

  • I think the state should make some laws
    Such as not using cars frequently and replacing them with pneumatic wheels for young people

    And replacing the gas in cars with environmentally friendly gas
    I think countries should reduce electricity hours

    Imposing laws on factories such as not polluting water with waste

  • In my country, climate change has caused a variety of problems. This includes problems in agriculture, health, and the economy. Climate change can affect the soil that is used for growing crops. It can also result in more pests and diseases spreading throughout all crops, as well as people. Humans are affected by these problems in agriculture. It can cause people to have less food and bad health. Diseases from the crops are able to spread to humans which can cause a decrease in the amount of workers available. This decrease in workers means that there is less money being distributed, and this results in a major impact on the economy. The best way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints is to switch to a better source of energy. They could also save energy and use their vehicles less to help slow climate change.

  • My country is affected by climate change because there are bigger wild fires and bigger and stronger hurricanes. This happens because of how the earth is getting warmer and warmer. An effective way to reduce their carbon footprints is by not riding cars on some days and just taking the bus to their job, school, etc. People in my country can help slow climate change down by not using things that let out gas for example cars.

  • Reducing carbon footprints? What a joke! Do you think we can do this after a great development that has gone through the ages? In these circumstances, we cannot reduce carbon footprints, because I cannot ride a bicycle instead of a car, for example, because the car reduces time and carries many passengers And women in our Arab society cannot ride it!! Another example: smoking! Smoking is a disease that afflicts some of them, and they cannot separate from what they are addicted to in an easy way. With a massive new industrial revolution that reduces all these risks, or by going backwards, this is impossible, so we will all try with our amazing ideas to develop ourselves and abandon our problems.

    1. Thank you for sharing your views here! You have made some very interesting points -- particularly about rules and norms within different countries that might make it difficult for people to reduce their carbon footprint. Can you, or another Topical Talker, suggest ways that some of these difficulties could be overcome? Or maybe even suggest other difficulties that might occur when trying to reduce peoples carbon footprints, because of different cultures?

  • In my country, we have been affected by the climate change and one of the effects of climate change is flooding. According to experts the 2022 floods have been the highest recorded floods since 2012, these floods have had a lot of effects on the citizens. The floods
    - destroyed the homes of citizens rendering the occupants homeless.
    -it washed away many farmlands.
    -it killed some citizens.
    -it also caused erosion which created many gullies and also reduced the soil fertility.
    Although these are all effects of climate change, some human activities are responsible for the climate change and here are some of the ways we could help slow down climate change.
    -We should try planting more trees instead of cutting them down.
    -The government should provide animal sanctuaries to preserve the wildlife.
    -We should minimise the use of fossil fuels and in place use renewable energy.
    -The government should provide more drainage systems to prevent flooding.
    -We should try to avoid the use of green house gases as they aid ozone layer depletion.
    -We should try to keep our environment clean and we should put an end to throwing of waste into water bodies as it endangers the underwater species.
    -We should embrace and encourage the use of environmental technology as it combats the adverse effects of technology.

  • In my country, climate change is a big problem because most people don't care or don't really know about it.Like they don't reserve energy in they're house by turning of the light when they are not in that room.Or they my plug up a lot of things at one time.A lot of times when you driving on the road or highway you can see a lot of smoke going up into the air because most of the time it the big trucks.And half of the time its mostly big trucks.And I'm saying its a big problem because sometimes in the winter its not even cold or when its the summer it way too hot.Like normally the lake that's near my house had a frozen layer on top of it in the winter but now it stays the same.

    1. Interesting comment. Do you really think people in your country aren't aware of climate change or are just ignorant? And how would you suggest spreading awareness to those who don't?

      1. To be honest I think its both.Some people don't really know about because in some places they don't learn about it.Or they are just not on social media and haven't heard about it.And then some people know about and think its not that big of a deal and some people that are talking about are just being melodramatic and all of the stuff that they say is going to happen is fake even though most of the time its true.To help with this problem we can make commercials about it to make the people that don't know about it aware and maybe changing the minds of the people that don't think its real.We can also make posters about it and provide ways that to help slow it down in schools and put it on billboards.We could also put it in time square in new york were there are lots of lights so people will look at it.

  • sea levels around the uk will rising beyond 2100

  • My country is affected by climate change in the following ways:
    1. Frequent flooding especially during rainy season. This has affected the quality and quantity of agricultural yield because most plants are washed away by the flooding which invariably affects the quantity of food in circulation. The attendant consequences of this scenario are enormous ranging from high cost of food items, poverty, hunger and starvation, which could bring about crime in the society.
    2. Change of climatic pattern: in my locality, by this time of the year, we used to have abundant rain as I was made to understand but now, the month of April is almost ending and we have only recorded one relatively heavy shower and one light shower. Consequent upon this, we are experiencing serious heat, we sweat a lot which is causing us dehydration.

    The best most effective way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprint is enlightenment. This is because some of them act in ignorance. That is, they do not understand the effects (positive and negative) of some of their actions on the environment. Some of such actions include felling of tree for firewood, indiscriminate disposal of refuse especially the synthetic waste generated at home. Also, sometimes, man has to be compelled to go the way that favours everyone and this is
    where the government comes in. After enlightenment should come strict enforcement of rules regarding our dealings with the environment.

    What people could do to help slow climate change is to abandon the habit of cooked food wastage. The cooked food unattended left over, I learnt, emit certain gases into the atmosphere which is not good for the ozone layer. Therefore, people should cook the quantity of food that they can consume at a point in time. Again, food vendors should prefer degradable or organic materials to package fast food in order to discourage environmental littering with non degradable materials.

  • There are many ways to reduce carbon footprints by reducing electricity usage and use of a car. These ideas can help a lot in your country and really reduce carbon footprints only "if" people would listen to this. Climate change needs a real change mostly because of all the usage of cars and others like food, this will really help and effectively change your country and prints by a ton.

  • A few things I'd suggest...

    Look at your electricity supply and if possible install a solar system or change to a renewable energy source if the choice is offered.

    Whatever you eat, reduce your food waste. Buy what you will use and make the effort to use things before they go bad.

    Look at any investments (I'm thinking about retirement funds) and see if there are options to transition to a sustainable fund.

    Reduce your reliance on your car. If it is possible for you, consider selling it and rethink your your transport. Walk, use public transport, rideshare if you really need to use a car. If you must have a car, think about one with lower emissions - EV or hybrid, or a smaller engine size so it uses less fuel.

  • In my country, climate change is a problem because some people acknowledge that it is happening, but they do not care enough to bother doing anything about it. While on the other hand, some people are not even informed on the problem. To many people, solutions that will reduce climate change is too much of an interruption to their daily habits to care for. For example, there is a good chance that people won’t switch to an alternative source of transportation despite it being recommended for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. A possible solution would be to spread full awareness and information on climate change to the public so that they can be educated on how much of a problem it is.

  • Plant trees! You can get individual seedlings for
    under a quarter and better pricing in bulk. Only need
    a dibble bar to hand plant them.

  • Today is Eid Alfitr to muslims. This Eid comes after Ramadan which is a month that we fast in. Eid Al fitr is the end of fasting and it is three days long and children feel happy and get gifts. In this Eid we visit relatives so transportation is used more and more but I noticed in the last hours that people tend to visit relatives in groups this a way reduce using transportation to the minimum. This is something I am proud of to tell you about.

  • If a person throws one wrapper in the street, you'll see nothing and won't affect anything, but if 100 people throw one wrapper each, then the mess will be clearly seen. And if the same 100 people throw the wrappers for 100 days, i think the street will not remain as a street but a trash site. so you all see, how throwing one wrapper by a person thinking it's okay to throw it off and won't affect anyone CONVERTS into a trash site in just 100 days.

    Now imagine how our little actions (which people think okay doing them) have contributed to and led to the current atmospheric and climate situations over the years.

  • One of the biggest things that has affected the U.S with climate change is wildfires. Some of the worst wildfires have happened because of wildfires. Climate change makes the world hotter causing droughts, then that will cause a wildfire if the weather is hot enough. One of the things I think that would stop climate change is to make cities walkable and bikeable. One of the things that makes the U.S a car dependent city is because when city officials make cities they only make it so people have to go almost everywhere by car. One example I can think of is that I can walk to school because I live close to it. The only reason I can't walk to school is because there are no sidewalks and it is dangerous to walk to school because of all the incoming traffic, so if city officials made it so people could get around town by bike or by walking that would make the carbon emission decrease a lot.

    1. Do you know if there are any plans in place to get cycle lanes up and running in your area?

  • My country is affected by making the air harder to breathe in, water becoming polluted, spread of diseases and this can begin to kill off animal species which will make it difficult for us to eat. I suggest that we as people can cut down more of our electricity to help our carbon footprints. We can also cut down some water usage so we can reduce greenhouse gases. For example there are some countries that are enforcing laws to cut down car usage so there isn't a bunch of gases going into the air. There are also people in my country and other countries cutting down water usage in their own house which anyone can do. People in my country can personally help with this by cutting down electricity by turning off cell phones, using less water, and even just turning off lights can help climate change.

    1. Great to hear! Have you been putting any of these measures in place?

  • Also,Tomorrow we will celebrate Earth Day. We all know that human survival depends on the health of our environment. The earth suuport all life. From the the samllest insects to the giants of the sea. Human survival depend on the health of our environment. This Earth Day helps us to end fast fashion, end plastic pollution and improve climate literacy. It helps us to invest in the survival of our planet. Our planet needs us, so this year Earth Day has another meaning to me. Now I know the importance of this day and the influence that it has on me and my friends at school. The impact of this day lasts for the other days. This won't happen if I wasn't a part of the topical talk community and if I don't have dedicated teachers who help us constantly. Now I try to turn off lights when I don't need them, I use less plastic cups and bags, tomorrow I intend to plant a tree in our garden, we want to plant the vegetables that we use daily in our garden, and I advice my family and relative on the bad effects of of some of our daily life activities and how to minimize them. I hope that I play a good role to the benefit of our planet.

  • People need to think about the earth, i think that people in my country need to start realizing the damage they are doing by driving cars to places that they can walk too. Along with factories letting smoke in the air, the people should speak up about it and say something. This affects people and animals, polar bears are dying and losing their homes because of the change.

  • To help slow climate change, people in my country could reduce pollution. They could do this by building less factories, burning less fossil fuels, and just doing less things that can fuel climate change.

  • I live in the USA and climate change is really bad and affecting us in a super bad way, we don't even recycle at all- everything ends up at a landfill and it hurting our oceans and since USA is so big, it affecting the other countries and they are even thinking about passing a law where they can hurt Antarctica and get oil from it where it really going to hurt our own wild animals.
    I think the best way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints is they can pick up any trash on the floor and try not to litter at all.
    I think USA can try to do a recycle system as Japan which I know will be hard but we can do it and also we can reduce how much plastic we use, we need to find something way more similar to it and use it instead of plastic.

    1. What do you think is good about Japan's system?

      1. Hi Jen,I researched a lot on this topic on the internet.
        Before I talk about recycling system in Japan, I will talk about the culture of cleanliness that has always made Japan clean. Everyone is responsible for sorting and disposing of garbage in the right place.
        As for the recycling system in Japan, I have found that there is a Japanese Container and Packaging Recycling Law implemented by the Ministry of Environment in which consumers are required to follow the sorting guidelines set by the municipalities. Anyone who tries to break or break the rules will pay a heavy price.
        Municipalities collect sorted waste and store it for collection by a recycling company such as the Japan Container and Packaging Recycling Association JCBRA, where plastics, paper, and Poly Ethylene Triphthalate, aluminum, and glass bottles are collected and recycled.
        I have read that the Japanese have used the word MOTAINAI in their daily lives for centuries, to warn against waste or to reprimand someone who wastes resources. This caught my attention, this word means appreciating the value of possessions and it encourages people to reduce excessive consumption and disposal of goods and appreciate the importance of all the things we own. So the Motainai concept adds an element of respect to the waste management hierarchy, along with recycling, reduction of consumption and reuse.
        From my research, I found that Japanese Kamikatsu is the first city completely free of garbage, where all waste is recycled within a comprehensive project that succeeded with the cooperation of residents to achieve their goal.
        Their system is good and effective because It follows a law and because of the cooperation between individuals.

  • Nigeria mostly referred to as the Giant of Africa is seriously affected by climate change and from my research, Nigeria is solely responsible for 0.97% of the total GHG emissions in the world. I can proudly say that it is we the Nigerians that responsible for the cause of climate change in our country. I could remember 10 years back they strict rules to felling of trees but in this present decade you could be in a car traveling and you will see people cutting huge amount of trees down and this reducing the level of oxygen in the air and also bringing about climate change. To me one way people can start to reduce their personal carbon footprints is DRIVE LESS, we all know vehicle pollutants contain greenhouse gases that cause climate change, like in Nigeria one of the most busiest state in Nigeria is Lagos and when i mean busiest, it carries a lot of transportation which involves vehicles and more of green house gases, then after that, we personally should consume local and seasonal products(forget strawberries in winter).
    In other for us to slow climate change whether in Nigeria,UK,US,e.t.c. I think instead of using cars that produce greenhouse gases all the times, we should make use of BICYCLES as a means of transportation rather than us always using cars. Also government should encourage afforestation, HOW? Saplings which grow into trees of fruit and ornamental values should be distributed by the Government or even individuals for people to plant. I believe after all these things are looked after, climate change won't be a thing of consideration

  • I think we need to walk to places within our reach that are close to where we live!There are cars everywhere releasing fumes which is too much for the earth to handle.If more people walk and cycle we are on our way too a better earth.Every little helps.In 2021 81.6% of people in Ireland drive.I am sure this number has only increased within the past 2 years.This is our world and we only have one.we need to treat it like life or death because if we don't that is what it will come too if we don't protect OUR EARTH!!!

  • We need to reduced OUR carbon footprints and here’s how :
    See that bike lying in the corner of the shed get on it and start cycling instead of driving
    See those feet you have use them to walk
    When buying a car pick electric instead of a Ferrari to save the earth
    I can do it so you can do
    Stop being lazy and start helping
    This is my planet. To quote my fellow climate fighter Greta Thunberg

  • We continue to take about earth day but we are yet to see a change , people can talk all they want but it’s the people who go out and do who will help reduce our carbon footprint. So some small changes you can make in your life include walking to school ,carpooling or even public transport is better than just driving . Recycling you plastic us one thing but if you simply throw it out it goes to waste you must wash out you dirty plastic, one simple rinse is all it takes. When your shopping look around and try to choose the eco friendly products for example try recyclable bottles instead of simple plastic ones. We’re in this together and although we may not suffer hugely from the affects , the generations to come will.

  • One of the main ways that my country is affected by climate change is the sea levels rising. The sea levels rising causes serious threat to towns along the coast in Ireland. This is very dangerous as more than 50% of Ireland's population is along the coast.
    The best way to reduce our personal carbon footprint is to use less plastic, walk to school instead of taking the bus or a car. Unplug chargers and household appliances straight away once you are finished using them to save on energy. Don't take as long as normal in the shower to save on hot water.
    People in my country are currently trying to change over to hybrid or electric cars in order to help slow down climate change.

  • In my country climate change is causing serious sea level rising and coastal flooding. If this continues, most of our homes will be under water in the next hundreds of years. People can reduce their carbon footprint by recycling. Recycling is so so important, but a lot of people seem to be forgetting the simple task. It’s so easy to recycle and I feel like it needs to be encouraged more, especially in schools. Also shopping online is really bad too and I think we need to try to shop locally more and support local businesses. Irish people could invest in solar panels as they are a really good renewable energy source and reduce the dependence of traditional energy sources.

  • People can reduce there carbon footprint by becoming more active like start cycling to places that you can and stop travelling by car for short distances, people can start actually reading the bins and start recycling, people can buy reusable bottles and lunchboxes, people can think too they need to start and think what they are doing to there earth and what they are doing to their future grandchildren and great grandchildren, people need to think and they can if they really want their children and the people after them. #reducereuserecycle #livelaughlove

  • My country is affected by climate change because of sea level rise. if we don't do something about it in roughly 100 years the earth could be underwater! We wont be here for it but our kids to come will be so if you think that you don't have to do anything because you wont be here to withness it your WRONG! we all have to do atleast something for a change to happen.

  • I think that we should stop climate change because yes, it is very bad for our environment and our planet but we still need to get to other places of the country and sometimes we have to get there fast.
    There is also a lot of litter and pollution around my country. For example, there is litter in the grass and on the footpaths.

    1. Do you think laws about littering may help this?

  • 1. The US/My Country is affected by climate change in various ways, including rising temperatures, more frequent and severe natural disasters, such as hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires, and their impact on public health, agriculture, and infrastructure. For example, droughts in California have led to reduced production of crops such as almonds and grapes. wildfires in California are caused by dryness/droughts because dry vegetation becomes the perfect fuel for wildfires therefore the more easily wildfires start.

    2. The best way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints depends on their lifestyle and habits. Some effective ways include using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone, reducing meat consumption, using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs, turning off electronics when not in use, and reducing water usage.

    3. People in the US can take several actions to help slow climate change, such as supporting policies and legislation that promote renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reducing waste and recycling, supporting local and sustainable agriculture, and advocating for environmental protection and conservation efforts. some laws have been implemented like the Clean Air Act It is one of the primary laws implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. The law regulates air pollutants, including carbon dioxide and sets standards for new cars, trucks, and power plants.

  • People and wildlife are heavily affected by climate change in the U.S. It's a major issue that affecting the U.S, animals are dying from the different change in weather. Sea turtles are getting extinct from the sea level rising and more storms that are causing them to wash up on land. We can find more natural ways of using cars, like a tesla we can make electrical cars instead of burning gas and causing pollution which is a serious issue in the U.S. The United States can find different ways to eliminate trash instead of putting it in oceans. Basically in my country we could make better decisions than the decisions we make that hurts the earth. We can stop gas pollution, oil drilling, and burning coal.

    1. How can these things be stopped do you think?

  • Climate change in my country is causing very extreme weather events like hurricanes being bigger,stronger, and slower.Its also causing changes in weather patterns and causing the weather to go in different directions.It can cause extreme cold weather to reach the south side off the country and the warm weather to the north side, which could be bad for the environment and the animals because they are suitable for the cold or warm weather.One of the most effective ways for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints in my country is to eat low down the food chain as often as possible. Experts suggest that reducing meat consumption can significantly reduce one's carbon footprint.Ways that people could slow down climate change is to protest to people and get people to help pick up trash and throw away trash that could be bad for the environment because climate change is caused by Generating power, Cutting down trees, and pollution.

  • I think that the climate in my country is bad. There's a lot of air pollution from factories, Cars, Burning fossil fuels, coal, and people smoking cigars, smoking marijuana. This world could end with the next 100 years due to air pollution. People like my younger brother are getting asthma because of air pollution some people are getting lung infections and reduced lung function.

    Ways to help air pollution, getting electrical vehicles they are very quiet and they do not produce gas. Stop burning your garbage plant more trees and or plants like flowers. Stop using gas powered products like lawn mowers, chain saws and also jack hammers.

    Stop wasting products on the ground, beach and in the ocean the water that your drink could be dirty because of you wasting bottled products. Spilling oil in the ocean is also a problem fishes are dead floating in the ocean because that is one of the main problems of pollution.

  • Buy less, preferably secondhand (clothes, toys, furniture) fly less or not at all, take the bike more often instead of car reduce heating of house in winter, reduce airco use in summer, insulate, solar panels. eat plant-based or plant-forward At elections, vote for party with best environment friendly program. support charity that fights for environmental topias

  • A way that our country is affected by climate change is that it makes the temperature go up exponentially and increases the change of rainfall and snow. One way to reduce our personal carbon footprint is by reducing the amount of waste that is burned, such as fossil fuels. Reducing your carbon footprint can be easy by turning the lights off, taking a break off of technology, and reducing the use of air conditioning.

  • Here are few ways which help to reduce carbon footprints
    •Using e-bikes,e-scooters, bicycles,solar bikes.
    •Using solar panels instead of domestic current, which releases a large amount of carbon into the atmosphere.
    •Planting more trees to reduce carbon footprints especially basil plant, which releases a large amount of O2 when compared to other plants.
    •A law should be passed that every house must contain atleast one basil plant.
    •Atleast public transports should be changed to electric transport because they run 24/7.

  • Climate change in the US is very affective but some ways that you can stop this from happening is you can reduce driving cars because cars let out a lot of exhaust which is bad for the environment in many ways. You can also reduce time that you use electricity it reduces the fossil fuels let out into the earth. Throwing plastic into the ocean is a big problem because it destroys the cleanliness of the ocean, and it kills the animals. So perhaps don't throw plastic in the ocean. And especially reduce factory working because it lets out tons of toxic gases and pollutants which is bad for the air around us.

  • I would like to share about the climatic condition in Bangladesh. This was shared by one of my best friends who had visited this country for a trip to visit an ancient archaeology site. This country was affected by heavy and drastic climatic conditions such as heavy thunderstorms during November and highly warmth conditions during March Many people in the country have been died due to flood, heavy cyclone and excessive heat. Country could be submerged by 17 percent by rising sea level by 2050 because of global warming. All these drastic conditions were due to global warming. We have to reduce usage of plastic products which is the basic thing for carbon emission and even we have to reduce usage fossil fuel and coal which also emits carbon heavily. Every country has to plan and research in an efficient and effective way to reduce climate change. We have to encourage all youth people and teenagers to plant more trees and plants which would be a great option to reduce carbon emission. With this we can control climate change.

  • In my country climate change is something that is affecting our country drastically. Fast food is the most popular food in America, and it plays a huge role in climate change. About every type of fast food place has meat and processed meat, and this is affecting the climate drastically.
    Many people have proposed the idea that everyone should become vegan, but there are many ups and downs to this suggestion. Becoming a vegan can, and will help climate change but can have drastic effects on our bodies. Becoming fully vegan won't give us all the protein we need to keep the human body energized. So maybe becoming fully vegan helps climate change but think about the effects it can have on our bodies, so maybe some people should reconsider everyone becoming vegan.
    Taking flights also affects the climate. Taking a 24-hour flight from Hong Kong to London releases 3.4 tonnes of carbon dioxide which is known to affect the climate. Since taking a simple 24-hour flight someone proposed an argument suggesting people can only take 10 flights in their lifetime. Many people don't agree with this statement but only taking 10 flights in a lifetime will help the climate.

  • The United States of America is currently being affected by climate change. Climate change is not just creating new extreme weather events, it exacerbates the risks we see today. Hurricanes are stronger, bigger, and slower; the frequency and severity of land-falling “atmospheric rivers" on the U.S. The West Coast will increase; wildfires are larger, hotter, and burn longer. People could help stop wasting things, that are usually needed. This would help decrease such a problem. People could speak up, power their homes with renewable energy, purchase better bulbs, and so much more to help slow climate change.

  • Uganda has mostly a tropical climate characterised by stable rainfall patterns.However, the effects of climate change have turned the seasons around with the country receiving shorter or longer rains and harsher droughts especially in the eastern and north eastern Uganda. In agricultural sector ,Ugandans survive on rain fed agriculture. the activity depends mostly on natural weather in the shorter and climate in the long term so climate change has affected agriculture in the following ways,as the earth continuously becomes hotter , cropping seasons are being altered-dictated by changes in the rainfall patterns. The changes in climate patterns have also accelerated crop damage by pests and diseases.This is increasing food insecurity, threatening agribusinesses and livelihoods.

    We can reduce carbon foot prints at home by reducing drafts and air leaks with caulk,insulation,and weather stripping.
    In air travel, reduction of carbon footprints can be done in the following ways, until petroleum based aviation fuel is replaced , you should avoid flying when possible,fly less frequently,fly shorter distances,and fly economy class.

    People in my country could plant trees to help in rain formation ,prevention of drought and global warming
    strict laws should also be staged on deforestation ad swamp drainage this could help in reduction of climate changes ,as in north eastern Uganda I would emphasize people to carry out irrigation farming because of the oases there this might be possible and it will help decrease drought there in north eastern Uganda.thank you

  • My country has been been affected by climate change in many different ways in such a way that it has tackled with the economy and how has it done so? In my country agriculture and tourism are the main sources of government revenue and due to climate change these two have been declined. For the side of agriculture due to rise of drought levels crops have dried up hence reducing produce levels thereby reducing government revenue and increasing poverty amongst the farmers thereby creating poor living standards for them. And on the side of tourism , due to climate change there is loss of some animal species hence declining the tourism sector . Besides those climate change has also increased health risks , poverty levels and displacement.
    In my opinion, the easiest way people can reduce their carbon footprints is through usage of products with less or no plastics , they can also buy things that are enough for their consumption to reduce on the wastes created.
    People in can slow climate change by avoiding negative activities like bush burning, massive deforestation and others and rather carryout the positive ones such as afforestation and re-afforestation, they can also reduce on pollution throuhg treating industrial wastes before disposal.

    1. I agree with each of the suggestions you stated especially with having a fewer use of plastics because it has affected not only my country but other countries to the point that if you walk anywhere you are bound to find a piece of plastic. It is truly a problem that needs to be solved.

  • I think climate change has greatly affected my country but the government has tried to create some bodies to conserve climate like NEMA [National Environment Management Authority] and NFA [National Forestry Authority]. Recently NEMA arrested commercial charcoal sellers as a way of discouraging people from only relying on wood fuel. So the people will start using other alternatives of energy like hydro and solar electricity hence conserving climate.

  • My country is most affected by climate change due to the fact that there is danger of flooding, with low lying and coastal cities at particular risk. Moreover, our agricultural crops and vegetation are at risk of dying due to global warming. To reduce our carbon footprint, citizens can turn off the light, recycle products as well as reuse items. A saying is also known as Recycle, reuse and reduce

    1. Are there other ways we can reduce the effects of global warming ? It is interesting to hear your thoughts on the recycle, reuse and reduce - do you think people are educated enough on this and what could be done to ensure people understand this and support this reduction? Could monitoring systems be put in place? Would this have the right effect?

      1. Hi Emily,
        When I took your point into consideration, I was able to view the wide variety of things that people can do to improve our country and prevent global warming from getting worse. First and foremost, citizens of the UK can install monitors to monitor how mush carbon dioxide we are releasing into the atmosphere and how many fossil fuels are being burnt in our neighbourhood, home or even our infrrastructure of the school. Moreover, the effect of this item would define that people can see how they are contributing to climate change and how one can reduce their carbon footprint.

        How can we reduce our carbon footprint bny using our cars.
        There are several ways that we can gradually terminate global warming, starting with replacing old vehicles as it is more likely that they run on more fuel and contribute to climate change.
        Secondly, we can use electric cars. Electric cars come with numerous upsides, like how they run on electricity and not gas, they are more efficient to handle and help reduce global warming.

        On the other hand, they are expensive.

        1. I think you have made an excellent point here in your discussion. Are there are any other disadvantages to owning electric cars that might put owners or buyers or purchasing? Could any of these disadvantages be resolved in any to make it more affordable for others to own an electric vehicle and support the reduction of their own carbon footprint?

          1. Hi Emily, I have 2 things for you.
            1. I have made this poem for climate change in school:
            Keep our land alive. My name is plant trees.
            Leave animals to thrive.
            My name is stop ferrel fires.
            Let plants survive.

            My name is don't waste your food.
            Eat what’s on your plate.
            My name is STOP poaching.
            We can live with animal mates.
            My name is don't litter.
            Recycle. Make a change.

            My name is stop
            burning fossil fuels.
            Don't lock Earth in a
            Switch off the light, save electricity.
            My name is do what's right. We can help
            Earth, you and me.

            My name is aid the seas.
            Stop spilling oil.
            My name is cease the melting of ice please.
            Oh please, oh please be nice.
            My name is reuse items. Don't
            waste them all.

            My name is streets should be clean.
            Don't allow rubbish to fall.
            My name is time to take action. Let's do all of it
            My name is come, Ohh, come, let's
            unite. It's time to win this fight.

            2. According to what you've asked, electric cars cost money and are super expensive. Furthermore, across different locations in the world, there are not enough charging bases

            However, electric cars are one step closer to having a sustainable planet.

  • The easiest thing to do to lower your carbon footprint is:
    •turn the TV off from the switch when done using it
    • turning off lights when leaving room

    Celebrities also use private jets and limousines that ALSO affect their carbon footprint.

  • The best way for people to reduce their carbon footprints is by minimizing their use of things that use alot of energy, which is usually fueled by carbon at some point. People in America could try to help by spreading more awareness.

  • My country is overpopulated with around sixty million inhabitants. We do not burn as much fossil fuels as over countries but because we are so many the pollution eventually accumulates. To help my country, I would institute a car pooling day for schools. If people are forced to go by car and they live far away, they can bring a friend who also goes by car with them. This minimises the number of cars driving hence we are burning less fossil fuels. At the same time, you hit two birds with one stone : not only do you help reduce carbon footprints, but you can also bond with friends whilst driving to school.

  • I think instead of people using polythene bags for carrying goods, they should try to use other means. In my school , one of our teachers introduced the use of baskets for carrying goods and these baskets are made of natural environmentally friendly materials which will reduce the use of polythene bags made of chemicals.

  • Wherever people live, they have shaped the environment to suit their needs. The human ability to change the environment, however is limited. Often, people must adapt their agriculture, industry, arts, and daily habits to their surroundings. People who live in desert regions of the globe adjust to winters without day light and summers without night. To understand world cultures, it is important to see the connections between people and their environment.

  • Just like activist art, people need to express their feelings about climate change. Just like Emmeline Pankhurst, people need to give speeches out like she did at the Royal Albert Hall. Just like me, I have performed for my school and this has been uploaded on twitter to influence people to make a change regarding the climate. I have conveyed a message through writing a piece of poetry :

    My name is plant some trees
    Let our world be
    My name is stop littering
    The forests and the sea

    My name is don't poach
    There is no need for a fur hat
    My name is animals are dying out
    Tigers,hippos, bats

    My name is stop using vehicles
    A walk is the best
    My name is water levels are rising
    Help me, be my guest

    My name is save the forests
    Let animals have their home
    My name is trees are dying
    Only barren grounds to roam

    My name is save electricity
    Turn the lights off
    My name is temperatures are rising
    Now the earth is filled with droughts

    My name is spread the word
    We cannot sit and rest
    Our planet is DYING
    And it should be at its very best.

    1. I have liked your poem accurate atom . The way you have used poetry to send such a wonderful to all of us .

  • In the US, the most effective way for people to reduce their carbon footprint would be to use their technological devices for only 4 or 5 hours per day, unfortunately, this would probably not work as the US is very reliant on technology.

    1. What incentives (something that would encourage people people to do what you want) might lead to reducing time of devices? For example, paying people, rewarding them in other ways, a competition etc.

  • Climate is the long-term average weather conditions.
    Climate change Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.

    The climate of a location is affected by topography, geographic latitude, and elevation, as well as nearby bodies of water and their currents.
    In my homeland, Palestine, the climate differs from one region to another, so temperatures rise in summer and decrease in winter.
    There is a desert climate, a mountainous climate, a coastal climate, and a Mediterranean climate.

  • Climate change is a major effect in the United States of America. One way to reduce people's carbon footprints is just by reducing the amount of gasoline cars on the road. Many people should try and go into the new era of electric cars, carpooling, and public transport. Without more greenhouse gasses going into the atmosphere we could slow climate change for the better. Which could ultimately give scientists more time to come up with ideas to help reduce the world's temperature.

    1. How easy is it for people to drive less of choose options like electric cars?

      1. It is not that easy at the moment. But, if more car manufacturers know about climate change and how their cars could benefit the world, they could lower the price so that way more people could buy these cars and slow global temperature. Also I get how this could have businesses make less money but if all cars on the road went electric the air would be cleaner and they would be able to make a lot of money because more people will be buying their products.

  • My country is affected by climate change as the country capital will be underwater by 2050, we can not see stars in the sky due to light pollution and there also have been many more heatwaves. To reduce our carbon footprint we must use more buses as their are hundreds of bus going all around the country, we should also use our electricity properly. The biggest of all, if my country adds more harsh climate laws then we would slow down climate change and we would be able to have a bright and clean future.

  • Our country, Palestine, was affected by the observation of high temperatures in the summer, the lack of rain in the winter, the lack of fishing in the seas, and the lack of fish. This is due to climate change, which affected the vital aspects of the country as a family and personal contribution to reduce the carbon footprint. We reduce the use of our family car except for necessity This is to reduce emissions of gases that affect the climate and to take an initiative in the neighborhood in which we live by planting a tree in front of every house or on the roof of every house to increase the green space and purify the air. We are a country that does not have huge factories that emit carbon dioxide gases, but we can as a country contribute to Reducing carbon dioxide emissions by reducing the use of cars, the use of walking sports or electric bikes, and reducing the spraying of pesticides that are used in agriculture and that pollute the air. Thus, we have contributed to reducing emissions affecting the climate.

  • Climate change is a significant concern for India, and the country has been experiencing its effects for years, including more frequent and severe natural disasters, such as floods, cyclones, and droughts. In addition, rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns are affecting agriculture and food security, health, and livelihoods. It is crucial for people in India to take action to reduce their carbon footprints and slow climate change.

    The most effective way for individuals to reduce their carbon footprint is to adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly habits in their daily lives. Some of the easiest ways to do this include reducing energy consumption, using public transport or carpooling, eating less meat, reducing plastic usage, and supporting sustainable products and services. Additionally, people can choose to switch to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power to reduce their carbon emissions.

    In India, people can take several actions to help slow climate change. For example, they can reduce their carbon footprint by using public transport, walking or cycling instead of driving, and reducing electricity usage. India has significant potential for solar energy, wind energy, and hydroelectric power, which can be utilized to reduce carbon emissions. People can also support tree planting initiatives, participate in recycling programs, and choose environmentally friendly products and services. Government and business leaders in India can also implement policies and initiatives that support sustainable practices and technologies.

    Overall, reducing carbon emissions and slowing climate change requires a collective effort from individuals, communities, and governments. People in India can take simple steps to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future for all.

    Research done at my local library.

  • The climate change, my country "united states" is affected by climate change because of the population, the climate changes to much and thats affect humans, animal, cities, countries, etc. people thinks that the climate changes is just something that doesn't exist but the climate changes is real and this affect our country and our planet, the earth is dying and we can do something to help our planet, The things that affect the earth is the contamination, cutting down forest, using transportation, drinking in plastic

    1. Is there anything your community is doing to tackle climate change?

      1. 1. Putting 5 baskets of rubbish in public places
        2. Providing all kinds of energies.
        3. Natural disasters such as (drought, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc....)
        4. Air and water pollution.
        5. Stress on mental health
        6. Extract tons of fossil fuels to generate and burn energy

  • I think people can reduce their personal carbon foot print by using bicycles , and if possible even move on foot .bicycles are quiet and clean which means they don't contaminate the environment by releasing carbon . the government of countries can advocate laws to conserve the climate in a way that when the public supports a certain law they can join hands and work to achieve what they want in terms of climate .

  • So I would like to begin by telling you the definition of carbon footprints ; these are certain amounts of gaseous emissions that are relevant to climate change and associated with human production. My country , Uganda has been affected by climate change in very many ways these include;
    1.Climate change has led to floods
    2.Climate change has led to global warming

    According to me , the best way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints is ; by reducing the use \ usage of electronics. WHY ? According to my research , the over usage of electronics is what has increased people's personal carbon footprints . For example while using a laptop it produces carbon dioxide when in use.

    People in my country should do the following to help slow climate change ;
    1. People should plant more trees in the areas where they live
    2.People should stop massive destruction of trees
    3.People should stop swamp drainage
    4.People should stop bush burning

    1. I agree with your point on lessening the use of electronics. Technology has taken over the majority of our everyday life. Every day, electronics are used extensively in classrooms, public spaces, and households. Reducing the use of these items would result in a significant reduction in the amount of carbon footprint created.

  • YOu Lowere your thermostat in winter and raise it in summer

  • people should stop driving car with gas and use bikes walk are eletric vehicles.

  • 1. Not only that my country is being affected by carbon footprints, as well as carbon dioxide, Other people's countries are being affected by it as well. Climate Change affects the SAME countries like these in a similar way. First of all, if you notice, Climate Change has a great impact on the environment, and if this continues, all life on earth may be extinct. Animals in a few countries are already being killed out by Climate Change.

    2. For an easy way, here's a list of what we could do in order to prevent Climate Change.
    * No more cars, if possible, use electric cars, or you could use alternate vehicles by using things like skates, scooters, bicycles, skateboards, etc.
    *Anything that uses fossil fuels or any other harmful material used to fuel vehicles should be banned.
    *Release all animals in parks and put them in their respective locations. It may not be useful, but however, some animals are important for this earth to live. So it's essential.

    3. First of all, we need to remove Power Generators, and replace them with artificial power. We can use wind power, solar power, hydroelectric dams, etc. Remove the law of cutting down trees, it's damaging habitats and our environment. Also, industries that mine should be in law to NOT mine, as it harms the environment further.

    1. Do some countries experience the impact of climate more than others? For example countries that are already very hot.

  • Climate change has affected the United States of America in so many ways. The risks of "natural causes" aren't just natural but almost all due to humans. All around the world, the climate is changing due to a range of things. Global warming, over the past 50 years, is due to human activities. It is assumed to continue until the end of this century and beyond. The United States average temperature has increased by 1.7°F since record-keeping began in 1895; most of this increase has occurred since about 1970. Recent times were recorded to be the nation's warmest compared to the rest of the years that were able to be recorded. The most recent decade was the nation’s warmest on record. What effect does climate change have on people, whether citizens or tourists, in the U.S.? The temperatures are rising, which can cause more wildfires at a larger range. Not only that but the effect this is having on humans is scary. In America, we produce 268 million tons a year, sometimes more. This is not only negatively affecting America but negatively affecting the world. How does human waste affect your country?

  • it can be freezing in the morning in england then in the middle of the day it will be so hot like it's the middle of summer and even last summer it was a proper heat wave to the point it would be too hot to go to school

  • I live in the united kingdom and we have really not been doing a lot of work on climate change. We are trying to help by adding low emission zones witch do help but not as much because they are not in much places. I think we should start adding solar panels around places that use a lot of electricity such a schools because they use a ton of electricity to power lights and many other things. We should add some sort of law to lower car driving and plane flights. It is also really bad because we have a lot of factories that burn stuff to power our electricity into the air witch is really bad for the enviorment.

  • I'm from Ukraine but now I'm living in England and in Ukraine we've got like recycling and the same things that in England for help Climate Change.

    1. I wonder if any other Topical Talkers have ever lived in another country and whether they could make comparisons between them?

  • England is a very different country to the others as it mostly rains about 800 mm to 1400 mm per week. I think that we should stop using electronics the most as they can produce the most carbon dioxide.

    1. How do you think people would react if they were told to stop or reduce time on electronics, amazing_cliff? Do you think in our modern world it would be possible?

      1. I don't think stopping using electronics wouldn't be possible. Using electronics in modern days is a part of our life. Though, olden days were good without using these electronics. They lived without airconditioner, fan, oven, phone, tab, mixer, etc.. Now even me I cannot live without A/C in summer days. We are used to live with this kind of life and it is impossible to change our life. But nothing is impossible if we reduce the use of electronic we can able to protect our planet.
        Coming to our question, living with no electricity is not easy because each one of us of our home rely on it for function. For example, In India for preparing chutney we need a mixer without current it cannot be used. Despite surviving thousands of years without it before, we have come to depend on it to complete our daily routine. No electricity actually affects our life in many ways:
        1. During evening, In a street without street lights children will play in roads and many will walk if there is some rock they may not able to see it and they will get hurt. Thefts can happen.
        2. During cyclone, current will be cut atleast for 1 week in cyclone prone area. There would be no power to use freezer, phone signal will be lost. Mobile phones will be useless with no back up charging option. Even water supply would stop soon. Without electricity leading our life is impossible. Electronic waste can be toxic, is not biodegradable and accumulates in the soil, air,etc..
        Instead of without using electronics these methods can be followed:
        1. Reusing electronics
        Repairing electronic devices before getting a new one.
        2. Recycling electronics and batteries
        We should recycle all our used electronics with proper care.
        3. Eco friendly gadgets
        Buying products which have labelled energy star or have been certified by electronic product environmental assessment tool.
        4. Lifespan
        Do some research before buying products and use the products which have larger lifespan.
        5. Teaching about e-waste
        Teaching children about electronics for their safety and limiting their usage.
        6. Limiting number of electronics
        Don't buy extra gadgets and look for devices which have multiple functions.

  • Fashion. Every teenager or even adults love to keep up with the new outfits trending on occasion but this can get up to a superfluous extent where people by the new trends every single day! Some can be shopaholics and love buying new things but others just buy the clothes, wear them for one day, and then leave it to collect dust in their wardrobe. Not only do the consumers buy more and want more, but more and more ships need to carry these clothes thus resulting in more acidity affecting marine life. I would suggest a vintage sale. This is where people pick a couple of outfits they do not wear anymore and donate it. Then, they are sold for a reduced price at sales. You hit two birds with one stone as you can get rid of clothes you do not want whilst also making someone happy. Additionally, people with less money can buy these affordable oufits. Overall, my country should do this to prevent too many shipments from coming in and not wasting money.

  • My country Ghana like many other countries in Africa is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Drought and water scarcity: Climate change is causing changes in rainfall patterns, leading to more frequent and severe droughts in some parts of the country. This is particularly problematic for farmers who depend on rainfall for their crops, as well as for communities that rely on water sources that are becoming more scarce.
    Coastal erosion: Ghana's coastline is being affected by sea level rise, which is causing erosion and the loss of land. This is particularly problematic for communities that rely on fishing and other coastal activities for their livelihoods.
    Flooding: Ghana is also experiencing more frequent and severe flooding, particularly in urban areas, due to more intense rainfall events. This is leading to damage to infrastructure and property, as well as displacement of people.
    Heat stress: Rising temperatures are causing heat stress for people and animals, particularly in urban areas where the "urban heat island" effect can exacerbate the problem.
    Impacts on biodiversity: Climate change is also affecting Ghana's biodiversity, with changes in temperature and rainfall patterns affecting the distribution of plant and animal species.
    These are some of the ways in which climate change has affected my country but I solely think we can do more although the impacts of climate change are expected to have significant economic and social consequences for Ghana, particularly for the poorest and most vulnerable communities. The government of Ghana has recognized the importance of addressing climate change and has taken steps to mitigate its impacts, including implementing policies to promote renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • One example of climate change in the USA was during 2019, the U.S. experienced a very active year of weather and climate disasters. In total, the U.S. was impacted by 14 separate billion-dollar disasters including: 3 major inland floods, 8 severe storms, 2 tropical cyclones , and 1 wildfire event. 2019 also marks the fifth consecutive year in which 10 or more separate billion-dollar disaster events have impacted the U.S. The most recent years of 2019, 2018 and 2017 have each produced more than a dozen billion-dollar disasters to impact the United States—totaling 44 events.

  • Most parts of Uganda, experience tropical climate characterized by stable rainfall patterns. The effects that have led to climatic change in Uganda are caused due to shortage of land in Uganda so they have lead to weather changes like the rainy seasons have become more un variable. And all of the common factors leading to climatic change in Uganda is global warming. first of all, global warming is the constant rise in temperature world wide. so global warming can lead to the loss of rainfall, famine due to the lack of pasture and water for the animals to grow so that man can get what to feed on and earn a living.

  • In my country Uganda , the rate at which climate is deteriorating is very rapid and this has negatively affected the country in many ways such as animal's death has increased, plant destruction has expanded and human lives have been lost in a variety of ways . The easiest and most effective way one can reduce their personal carbon footprint is through minimising on their usage of toxic materials such as plastics and polythene and it can be done through resorting to the usage of more organic materials in replacement of the toxic ones for example using cloth bags which can decomposed easily instead of polythene bags which don't decomposed easily.The people in my country can plant plenty more trees, purify toxic gases before release , resort to environmental friendly means of living for example using solar electricity, people can also apply strict laws against acts of climate destruction such as deforestation '' cut one tree, plant five more'' and all this can be done to help slow done climate change in my country.

    1. I agree because... he is bringing out good vocabulary and i think his next points will be more than this.

  • The effects of climate change in Uganda are increasingly severe, affecting the lives of the country's citizens and it's environment . It has led to extreme weather events such as unpredictable , prolonged drought and rainfall .Uganda's climate is mostly tropical with regular rainfall and sunshine patterns . Due to climate change the seasons have changed , with the rainy season becoming more variable in length and droughts more ubiquitous especially in eastern and northeastern Uganda . Climate trends have the potential to affect the development of Uganda due to vulnerability of Uganda's diverse environment

  • Food
    Eat low on the food chain. This means eating mostly fruits, veggies, grains, and beans. Livestock—meat and dairy—is responsible for 14.5 percent of manmade global greenhouse gas emissions, mainly from feed production and processing and the methane (25 times more potent than CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere over 100 years) that beef and sheep belch out. Every day that you forgo meat and dairy, you can reduce your carbon footprint by 8 pounds—that’s 2,920 pounds a year. You can start by joining Meatless Mondays.

    2. Choose organic and local foods that are in season. Transporting food from far away, whether by truck, ship, rail or plane, uses fossil fuels for fuel and for cooling to keep foods in transit from spoiling.

    3. Buy foodstuffs in bulk when possible using your own reusable container.

    4. Reduce your food waste by planning meals ahead of time, freezing the excess and reusing leftovers.

    5. Compost your food waste if possible. (If you live in New York City, you can find a compost drop-off site here.

  • In my country Uganda, climate has affected the environment and people negatively and positively. So, my country being affected positively , we are able to receive reliable rainfall so the climate is cool and good. People are able to grow crops because the areas that receive reliable rainfall also have fertile soils. Climate affecting positively is also productive to my country.
    So affecting the country negatively, climate changes have destroyed my country in some ways that I am going to talk about. In the country, the climate changes have led to heavy rainfall, hailstorms and also prolonged drought.
    If there is prolonged drought, there will be famine in the country and people shall die of hunger so the country shall always be worried because of death. If there is heavy rainfall and hailstorms, people shall not be able to plant crops and harvest them. The hailstorms and heavy rainfall destroy the crops and that leads famine and leads to death in the country.

    1. I agree because... strong points have been given

  • Well i was walking through a lonely area in the market square today and there so many human droppings that i almost stepped on them several times i also found out that people don’t have an appropriate site for dumping thier waste so they dump it haphazardly. This is because the government did not provide adequate public toilets at the areas thet they are needed also there are no enough land fills and also sewage treatment, waste compaction and incineration centers for proper disposal of waste. These are some of the major reasons why there are no strict laws to fight against climate change because the government have not played thier part in providing essential materials that will aid curbing climate change so they cannot start enforcing laws. If they have not played thier part they sure don't expect the citizens to play thiers there is saying from my village that interprets"if a man's head is faulty the remaining parts of his body are will also faulty"

  • today I will be laying a little more emphasis on an aspect of climate change known as "Ozone layer depletion". Ozone layer depletion presently is not only affecting my country but the world at large. I will like to start by defining the ozone layer so that we can see how important it is to the world at large. The ozone layer or ozone shield is a region of Earth's stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation to reduce the effects of ultraviolent radiation on human living. Research has proven that since the 1800's most of the causes of ozone layer depletion are human activities which have to do with Chlorofluorocarbons such as use of aerosol sprays E.T.C. Now this has to stop because people are gradually killing what is protecting them it will be really bad if humans continue to do that will deplete the ozone layer, which is why I have brought the suggestion that The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer should be made a global protocol is the landmark multilateral environmental agreement that regulates the production and consumption of nearly 100 man-made chemicals referred to as ozone depleting substances. When released to the atmosphere, those chemicals damage the stratospheric ozone layer, Earth’s protective shield that protects humans and the environment from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Adopted on 16 September 1987, the Protocol is to date one of the rare treaties to achieve universal ratification. I believe that if this protocol is adopted globally and everyone is willing to abide strictly by it not only my country be able to curb ozone layer depletion but everyone else.

  • In Uganda , climate changes in temperature is also affecting mountains like Rwenzori mountains by causing glacial melting increasing water levels in Nyamwamba , Mubuku , and Ruimi rivers . this has led to frequent flooding across Rwenzori region . In 2022 , intense rain around Mt. Muhavura damaged buildings and roads and nine people were reported to have lost their lives and thousands of people were displaced or otherwise affected by the disaster . In 2010 landslides occurred on the slopes of Mt. Elgon that killed 28 people and left thousands displaced. In 2018 , there was another landslide on Elgon that killed 50 people and left thousands displaced once again . By 2021, lots of people had been displaced . Most times landslides are caused by floods .

  • Water usage
    Lower the amount of energy used to pump, treat, and heat water by washing your car less often, using climate-appropriate plants in your garden, installing drip irrigation so that plants receive only what they need, and making water-efficient choices when purchasing shower heads, faucet heads, toilets, dishwashers and washing machines.
    Reuse and recycle
    It has been estimated that 29% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions result from the “provision of goods,” which means the extraction of resources, manufacturing, transport, and final disposal of “goods” which include consumer products and packaging, building components, and passenger vehicles, but excluding food. By buying used products and reselling or recycling items you no longer use, you dramatically reduce your carbon footprint from the “provision of goods.”
    Support clean energy sources
    Whenever you can, advocate for clean alternatives to fossil fuels, such as wind, solar, geothermal, and appropriately designed hydroelectric and biomass energy projects.

  • My country , Uganda has been affected by climate change in very many ways , for example
    1. Climate change has caused floods
    2. Climate change has caused drought
    3.Climate change has caused glacial melting
    4.Climate change has caused landslides
    5. Climate change has caused global warming ( hotter temperatures )
    6. Climate change has led to displacement of people
    7 . Climate change has led to hailstorms
    8. Climate change has led to death of people
    9. Climate change has caused famine

  • In my country climate change is increasing the occurrences of water borne diseases such as dysentery, cholera , hepatitis E, vector borne diseases , malnutrition related diseases , especially malaria , which are leading to death of people in our country hence leading to low development of my country due to high decrease of population which means government will get low revenue . Lets go to the agricultural sector this sector is experiencing climate change effects manifested frequent and severe dry spells , floods , high temperature and increased incidents and diseases.

  • Uganda is a country affected by different climate changes for example drought which is common in semi-arid areas like Karamoja reason being they carried out deforestation and never planted more trees and crops. Then soil erosion which is caused due to floods, overgrazing and human activities especially land clearing and planting crops on the same piece of land seasonly. Before i tell you how carbon footprints can be reduced by people you should know how carbon footprints are produced ; Carbon footprints are prouced from burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, paraffin, diesel, and 80% of the people in the world use fossil fuel energy. Fertilizers such as NPK, cow dung and organic matter and 56% of the people in the world use fertilizers. Carbon prints can be reduced in the following ways ; by first calculating the carbon footprints for example everyone in this world has a carbon footprint of 18.3 tons by 2050, eating low on the food chain for example eating mostly fruits, veggies, grains and beans then when it comes to livestock you should beef, milk , mutton, goat's meat, eggs e.t.c.When on longer trips, turn on the cruise control, which can save gas. People can get different ways of slowing down the climate change ; By recycling plastics to prevent pollution of the environment, planting trees in the environment , by recycling fossil fuels, decreasing on consumtion of meat, planting crops on different pieces of land and grazing animals on different pieces of land to control soil erosion.

  • In Uganda, we mostly experience tropical climate so it rains a lot and the temperature is moderate . In the past few years ,the climate has changed a lot due mostly human activities such as bush burning ,deforestation and the increased use of fossil fuels .Each the mentioned human activities affect climate in the following ways ;
    First of all ,bush burning causes increased winds and drought in the area where it is done hence the climate is affected negatively.
    Secondly ,deforestation leads to drought ,famine and rise in temperature.
    Thirdly, use of fossil fuels such as petroleum and many others leads to rapid increase in temperature or global warming.

    Due climate change, the seasons have changed, with rainy season becoming variable in length and droughts becoming more ubiquitous especially in eastern and northeastern Uganda. For example, in the past years there have been high amounts of rainfall received on the slopes of Mount Elgon and Mount Muhavura that have landslides leading to death and displacement of many people.

    All this can controlled or stopped through the following ways;
    1. We can reduce on the use of fossil fuels through the use of alternative energy sources such as electricity, bio gas and others.
    2. We can reduce on our consumption of electricity.
    3.The government should enforce strict laws and fines against bush burning , deforestation and encroaching into game parks and reserves.
    4. We can plant more trees , flowers and crops to control global warming by absorbing some of the carbons in the atmosphere.

  • In India we are facing an unpredictable weather which is very hard to bear. In summer season there will be a sudden rain and after the rain, the weather would become even worse because again it starts to become hot. Carbon place a key role in climatic change and if the situation continues, higher carbon emission will create a worse situation all across the globe. How is carbon produced? Extraction and usage of non-renewable resources such as fossil fuel, coal and nuclear energy produce a carbon of over 12.5 million metric tons of carbon emission per year. Usage of single time use plastic plays an effective role in emission of carbon. How can we reduce carbon emission? We have to reduce usage of plastic rapidly. In many countries people have started to use cloth bags for shopping and even we can use biodegradable plastic which can be decomposed easily. Normally plastic takes 100 to 1000 years to decompose. In country like India, young researchers and students has started to create and use biofuel which is less in emitting carbon when compared to fossil fuels. We can't make all people use EV that is electric vehicles, because many countries are facing inadequate electricity for households and industry. Usage of electricity also emits carbon, and we have other sources of producing electricity such as solar, wind and hydro energy which emits carbon less than other sources of generating electricity such as fossil fuel and nuclear energy. Law should be introduced that every household should have a bicycle which could be used for local travel. People have to reduce usage of cars & bikes and using public transportation which would be great option for reducing personal carbon footprint. Many countries across the globe started organizations to find how to reduce carbon footprint and reduce climate change. Countries such as England, India, USA, Dubai and Japan were taking severe actions to reduce climate change which would be excellent job of those countries. People in households should switch off lighting and other appliances whenever not in use which would also reduce carbon footprint.

  • People in my country could slow down climate change by conserving our water supply ,by collecting rainwater from our roofs. This water can be used for drinking and watering crops during dry periods. Collecting rainwater is a simple way to secure a clean water supply and helps preserve our precious groundwater. With a tank next to your house, there is less need to walk long distances to the well or the river. However, plastic tanks can be expensive, so it is important to find other ways of collecting rainwater. thank you.

  • In our country (England) climate change is really effective so here are several reasons how you can help:

    1. When you don't necessarily need the light on turn it off and you can open the blinds to let some light in instead.

    2.Reuse things , if you have something in your house that you think you reuse (like plastic things and cardboard) reuse it. For example you can reuse a plastic bottle to put soil in and grow a vegetable,fruit or flower in it.

    3.Try your best to cycle or walk instead of using a car. For example if it is a short way why not try to walk but if it is little long try cycling but if is really long try cycling but you could use the car but cycling would be better because you would know that your are saving the world a little bit by not realising greenhouse gases.

    4. When your brushing your teeth turn the tap of to save water.

    5. Trying to lower down your travelling . For example to only have 15 flights in your lifetime as planes release a lot of greenhouse gasses and lots of planes travel every day so that would be a lot of greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere in one day.

    And here are another several reasons what people do to cause climate change:

    1. People travel by cars a lot more often than walking or cycling or taking the bus.

    2. Cutting down forests to create farms or pastures.

    3. Producing food.

    4. Burning fossil fuels.

    5. Volcanic eruptions.

    6. Farming livestock.

    7. Generating electricity.

    8.Manufacturing goods.

    9. climate change is burning fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal which produces carbon dioxide and then creates carbon dioxide.

    10. Finally, generating power.

  • Here in Uganda is largely tropical with two rainy seasons per year, May to March and September . The Northern region which forms one quarter of the country lies outside the tropical belt, and hence experiences one rainy season, March to October. According to WHO, a carbon-footprint is a measure of the impact your activities have on the amount of carbon dioxide [CO2] produced through the burning of fossil fuels and is expressed as a weight of CO2 emissions produced in tones .In Uganda we have different people who do different activities that increase the rate carbon footprint for example those who use vehicles , those who dump plastic wastes.

  • climate change affects my country's energy sector, particularly it's hydropower generation. It also affects the quality and quantity of water resources. I think the best way to handle this situation is to reduce the use of fossil fuels by promoting the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, and wind power. This helps to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and stop the depletion of the ozone layer.

  • Climate change has affected agriculture of Uganda which is the most important sector of Uganda's economy.
    Most of the production is from small scale farmers. Average temperatures range between 18 and 30 degrees centigrade, but it can raise to about 37 degrees centigrade in some areas. The agriculture sector was responsible for 48 percent of emission, followed by the land-use change and forestry sector with 38perent of the emission.

  • Climate change has affected my country through increase of water levels leading to floods that have drastically washed away roads,commercial buildings,hospitals and schools. If we go to the health sector climate change has caused respiratory and heart diseases like Lyme disease and west Nile virus,water and food related illnesses,and injuries and deaths.
    Climate change has also been linked to increases in violent crime and overall poor mental health.If we go to population sector, all I know is climate change affects the social and environmental determinants of health -clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter.
    In my estimation between 2030 and 2050,climate change is expected to cause approximately 250 000 additional deaths per from malnutrition,malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress.

    AM, the following are the ways we can reduce carbon foot prints;
    The first one is to turn off the lights when natural light is sufficient and when you leave the room.Its that simple!, the second is to keep your temperature system moderate setting while you're in the room,the third is to use your windows wisely !If your climate control system is on, shut them , if you need a little fresh air , turn off the heat or AC,the fourth is by cutting down the number of appliances you are running and you will save big on energy. For example,share your mini fridge with roommates and minimize the number of printers in your office, the other is by powering your computer down when you're away. A computer turned of uses at least 65%less energy than a computer left on or idle on a screen saver,lastly use the stairs as often as possible.Elevators consume electricity.You, on the other hand do not .

    First of all you can slow climate change by replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.Secondly by driving less by this i mean walk, bike, carpool,or take mass transit more often . You'll save one pound of carbon dioxide for every mile you don't drive!Thirdly is by recycling more by recycling more I mean you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide per year by recycling just half of your house hold waste.By these ways we are slowing down global warming.

  • My country is affected by climate change through air pollution. Specifically the emission of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

    The release of pollutants into the atmosphere might affect people in the next generation. We must use sustainable ways to protect the country. Some of these sustainable ways are;
    1. We must use fuel-efficient cars since the majority of cars that are used release a lot of fumes from the exhaust pipes (the gas carbon monoxide) and this pollutes the atmosphere.
    2. People should minimise the burning of waste like car tyres which release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
    3. People must stop cutting down trees indiscriminately - reduce deforestation. Rather we should bring our focus to afforestation -planting more trees which would take up the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and result in the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

    I think people should reduce the burning of waste at random to reduce the emission of carbon into the atmosphere. This would lower the cause of air pollution.

    Another way is that the government must establish companies which can convert these biodegradable wastes into power.
    The conversion of waste into biogas can be used as a useful heat with gas engines which can be used for cooking because of the heat energy provided and this can also be used in place of LPG(liquified petroleum gas).

  • To start talking about the subject, we must have to be clear about two different points; weather and climate.
    Climate describes the usual conditions in a given place.
    And weather describes the weather at a specific moment in time, which varies over short periods of time.
    For example, climate change can be characterised by a climatic event (increase in average temperature, heavy precipitation, intense droughts...) on a regular and significant basis, over a long period of time and in a given region.
    According to Climate Consulting: "Climate change is already a reality that is expressed all over the planet, and Spain is no exception. Indeed, Spain is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change in Europe".
    In my country this has already been noticed:
    -The lengthening of summers, estimated by AEMET.
    -The decrease in average river flows, in some cases by more than 20% in recent decades.
    The expansion of the semi-arid climate, with more than 30,000 km2 of new semi-arid territories in a few decades.
    -The increase in heat waves, which are becoming more frequent, longer and more intense.

    Now that we know what problems we are facing to, we must take the following measures to have a lesser impact on the environment.
    -Use public transport: We are used to doing everything in our cars, but it is time to think about the planet and our future. Public transport is a great solution, more economical and less polluting than cars.
    -Buy local products. One of the most polluting things are vehicles. If we buy local, we avoid having the goods we buy at the supermarket shipped to us from far away, which brings fuel costs and pollution.
    -Recycle. We usually know exactly where to throw our packaging or cups, but in many other cases we don't know where to throw our rubbish and the first rules of recycling.

    There are many more measures like these but we must start taking them now or we, the future of this world, will run out of many of the resources we currently have.

  • Over 80% of Nigeriens rely on agriculture for their livelihoods, a prospect that has become increasingly risky as the country faces temperatures increasing at 1.5 times the speed as the rest of the world. By the end of this century, climate experts predict an increase of 3º to 6º C, which will have devastating impacts on the Sahel region. Already vulnerable to hunger, water scarcity, and violence, Niger could face even further stress and crisis if the current climate crisis continues at pace.

    1. I hope your country will not be exposed to dangers and that your country will be able to face them if they do happen. But it is a beautiful and positive thing that your country depends mainly on agriculture, as interest in agriculture will inevitably help reduce the impact of climate change.

  • The climate change in Spain its depends where you life. Imagine you live in Madrid, there they have a lot of people living there, so that mean many trash. Instead if you live in a village there are many people living there.
    This is not about how many people are on the planet but how people treat the planet.
    We will not be able to change the planet when it is in a worse state than it is, just like we change clothes when they no longer fit us.
    Madrid is one of the largest cities in Spain, so there are many clothing stores and more utilities, and that leads to the creation of new garments, and that leads to factories where the air is very unfavorable.

  • In Uganda climate changes have become rampant and they are negatively affecting the country and the citizens in very many ways for example , climate has affected agriculture which is the most important sector of economy in Uganda . WHY ? Almost everything we eat or feed on is obtained from agriculture without it we can have a famine outbreak in Uganda . Uganda 's agricultural sector is experiencing climate change effects manifested through , frequent and severe dry spells , floods , high temperature and increased incidence of pests and diseases . As Uganda continuously becomes hotter leading to reduction of crops . Climate change can to lead to death and displacement of people and animals through hailstorms , landslides and glacial melting on mountains . In order to reduce carbon footprints , the government of Uganda should reduce industrialization because industries produce a lot of carbon dioxide . The citizens of Uganda can also do their best to reduce carbon dioxide produced by industries by planting plenty of trees in places near or around industries because trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen . People in my country can reduce their personal carbon foot prints by switch of lights , take the stairs , shut the windows when AC is on, take shorter showers , power down laptop , unplug electronics not in use , keep room temperature moderate ,do full loads of laundry and use fewer appliances .

  • Climate change in my county has affected many people , plants and animals. Warmer temperatures over time are changing weather patterns and disrupting the usual balance of nature. Changes in temperature cause changes in rainfall. This results in more severe and frequent storms

  • Climate change in my country affects livestock, which is a main source for most families in Palestine, as the recent weather fluctuations between high and low temperatures and high rates of desertification and drought have affected animals affected by diseases such as colds, especially in the poultry sector, in addition to large losses in the livestock sector. . I have heard that in the last month, walker farmers have lost more than 2,000 livestock in the West Bank as a result of the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak.
    . After searching for the best solutions, I found that the most appropriate is the permanent vaccination of animals. what do you think ?

    1. I'm not sure that FMD is a result of climate change, but climate change can definitely have an effect on livestock. Can you think of some other examples?

      1. Hello, dear.. I did not mean that climate change is the cause of foot-and-mouth disease. Rather, I mean that climate change has increased the rates of desertification and drought due to the increase in global warming, and these increased rates helped in the spread of diseases among some animals in Palestine, including those infected with foot-and-mouth disease.

  • In the US, Where I live is affected harshly. Weather can change from a 69 F to a 59 F, A whole 10 degrees. Climate change in the United States has led to the country warming by 2.6 °F (1.4 °C) since 1970. Temperatures are rising, snow and rainfall patterns are shifting, and more extreme climate events like heavy rainstorms and record high temperatures are becoming more common. Climate change can affect socially which can increase losses to property, cause costly disruptions to society, and reduce the affordability of insurance.

  • The thing device kids and teens use the most nowadays are cell phones. Cell phones are one of the many ways a carbon footprint can form. And you might be thinking how much damage can a tiny cell phone can do? Well, the data usage rate has been rising year after year as AI is evolving. This means these devices are being used for more and more things every day. As the data usage rises more carbon footprints form. Not only does this effects the climate it affects us people. As AI starts to evolve, the technology starts advancing sometimes becoming more advance than humans. This can lead to AI taking over most human jobs in the future. You might be thinking how could that ever happen, but as we go through our everyday life we see self-checkout machines, robot serves, and even self-driving cars. So what can we kids do? We can always say things like all kids should have screen time but not all parents implement this rule. So creating government rules to cut down the production of cell phones could all around help stop carbon footprints. For example, less production of cell phones can lead to less screen time and less of our country's use of data energy. This rule can not only implement the present but also the future. For these reasons Cutting down the use of cell phones and the production of AI can lead to a better climate and future

  • Ghana's carbon footprint has changed our weather cycle. It is mostly sunny and there is less rain, making it hard for farmers to produce crops. This increase of warmth in Ghana is because the people continuously choose to burn their waste openly and never turn off their light when the sunlight is out, increasing carbon footprint and destroying the ozone layer. I believe Ghana can reduce carbon footprint by using their windows wisely, cut down the number of appliances they are running to save energy. Find better ways to dispose their waste by composting them or recycling them . This way our weather cycle will return to the it was and reduce carbon footprint.

  • India is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, with a population of over 1.3 billion people and a large agricultural sector that is particularly sensitive to changes in weather patterns. Some of the impacts of climate change in India include:

    Increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events: Climate change is causing more frequent and severe heatwaves, floods, and droughts in India, which can have devastating effects on people's lives and the economy.

    Changes in agriculture: Changes in rainfall patterns and rising temperatures are affecting crop yields, with some areas experiencing increased crop failures and decreased agricultural productivity.

    Health impacts: Climate change is contributing to increased air pollution and the spread of vector-borne diseases like dengue and malaria.

    Coastal erosion and flooding: Rising sea levels and increased storm surges are causing erosion and flooding in India's coastal regions, putting millions of people at risk of displacement.

    India has implemented several initiatives to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The country has set a target of achieving 40% of its electricity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030 and has launched a national program for afforestation and forest conservation. Additionally, the government is promoting energy efficiency in buildings and transportation and implementing policies to promote sustainable agriculture practices.

    There are some measures to follow to control unpredictable weather. If we try to follow these it will help in an efficient way to reduce climate change.

    Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: The primary cause of climate change is the release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, into the atmosphere. We can reduce these emissions by using clean energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower, reducing energy consumption, and promoting sustainable transportation.

    Promote energy efficiency: Reducing energy waste can also help prevent climate change. This includes using energy-efficient appliances and lighting, improving building insulation, and reducing water waste.

    Use sustainable agriculture practices: Agriculture is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, but it can also be part of the solution. Sustainable agriculture practices such as reducing tillage, planting cover crops, and promoting agroforestry can sequester carbon in the soil and reduce emissions.

    Plant trees: Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in their biomass, making reforestation and afforestation effective ways to combat climate change.

    Educate and raise awareness: Educating people about the impacts of climate change and how they can contribute to prevention efforts is essential. Governments, businesses, and individuals can all play a role in raising awareness and promoting action on climate change.

    Advocate for policy change: Governments can take significant steps to prevent climate change by implementing policies that promote clean energy, sustainable transportation, and environmentally friendly practices. Individuals and businesses can advocate for policy change by contacting their representatives, participating in public forums, and supporting climate-friendly policies and initiatives. When we try to overcome one problem it will get us to another problem, so we have to plan accordingly to overcome unpredictable weather. We can't say that governments are not planning to control climate change. They are taking so many steps. As we are citizens, we have a certain responsibility towards it so we have to follow laws which will help to reduce drastic weather conditions.

  • The impact is most severe among poor populations. Droughts, floods, livestock diseases and armed conflicts are wiping out their livelihoods, underscoring the need for Kenya to help its poorest population adapt by developing sustainable ways of making a living in the drylands. The best way for people to reduce their personal carbon footprints is to keep your temperature system on a moderate setting while you're in the room.

  • i think the best ways for people to reduce on their carbon footprints in Uganda are consuming local and seasonal products, limiting meat consumption, especially beef, select fish from sustainable fishing, bring reusable shopping bags and avoid products with excessive plastic packaging, lastly to make sure to buy only what you need in order to avoid waste.

  • There are many things that work to change the climate, so everyone should help so that it does not change. For example, it is our duty in adolescence at home first. When leaving the rooms, the lights must be turned off. It is possible to reduce the use of electricity by running electricity on solar cells. This is very useful and works to preserve Climate change and inexpensive, that is, we must exploit the hot energy of the sun, especially in the summer, and here appears the role of governments and the head of state, so they must provide solar cells for people who cannot bring them because of lack of money so that the temperature does not change. Secondly, global warming works on climate change. Thirdly, environmental pollution. The environment must be preserved from pollution by building factories far from homes, not throwing industrial waste anywhere or in the sea, and cars that work on solar cells must be used. The use of cars that run on electricity is possible in one week to have only 10 hours. Fourth, work on planting a lot of trees in gardens and public places, because the abundance of oxygen gas, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen work on natural disasters such as drought, high temperatures, floods, and fires, and all of this works on Climate change.

  • 1.Nigeria, like many other countries in Africa, is facing the impacts of climate change, which are worsening existing social, economic, and environmental challenges. The country's vulnerability to climate change is as a result to its dependence on climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, which provide livelihoods for a significant proportion of the population. Extreme weather events, including droughts and floods, are becoming more persistent and intense in Nigeria, leading to crop failures, livestock losses, and displacement of people.Overall, the impacts of climate change in Nigeria are affecting the country's ability to achieve stable development and pose significant challenges to its economic and social stability.

    2. One of the easiest and most effective ways for individuals to decrease their carbon footprint is to make changes in their daily habits and choices, such as reducing energy consumption in the home by turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, walking, cycling or using public transportation instead of driving, eating a plant-based diet or reducing meat consumption, and reducing waste by recycling and composting. Making these small changes in daily life can have a significant impact on reducing an individual's carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future for the planet.
    3.Promoting the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydro power.
    Reducing deforestation by planting more trees, avoiding slash-and-burn agriculture, and promoting sustainable forestry practices.
    Adopting more energy-efficient practices in homes, offices, and industries, such as using energy-saving light bulbs, switching off appliances when not in use and upgrading to energy-efficient appliances.

  • My amplified country, UK, is being affected by parlous Climate Change because sea levels around the UK will keep inclining beyond 2100. Agriculture is making cataclysmic Climate Change due to livestock emissions, animal waste and fertilisers which the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in this devastating job. Burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees, greenhouse gases have accumulated and so increased the heat trapped in the astounding atmosphere which can also produce Climate Change. More than 2 billion litres of raw sewage are in the River Thames. This is inadequate to the environment as greenhouse gases can increase so much that we would not be alive. Paul Rose is beneficent to the environment because he led a fabulous campaign to clean the marine River Thames ( in 2015). Also, England uses 2.7 billion items of single-use cutlery. We need to develop reforestation so we can enhance the aggregate of oxygen in air. This is because many inconsistent species of animals are losing their only dwelling. Emissions from aviation are a consequential contributor to climate change. Aeroplanes burn fossil fuel which not only releases CO2 emissions but also has strong warming non-CO2 effects due to nitrogen oxides (NOx), vapour trails and cloud formation triggered by the altitude at which aircraft operate. Drainage exposes more volume of the soil to oxygen and alters the conditions which led to development of wetland soils. Presently, 78% of this energy comes from fossil fuels—oil, gas and a small amount of coal.

  • Hello!
    Since the turn of the century my country has ssince an increase in the emittion of green house gases(GHG) to be exact, According to the International Energy Association, Nigeria emitted 104.27 MtCO2e in 2018. This figure represents an increase of 271.6% from 1990 levels. Of Nigeria’s total GHG emissions in 2016 (481.02 MtCO2e), the majority of its composition is comprised of carbon dioxide at 61.74%, followed by methane at 27.82%, nitrous oxide at 7.77%, and fluorinated gas at 2.66%. This left me wondering what are the ways to reduce the emittions in my country and based on research and critical thinking here are some of the ideas I came up with:
    1. Governmental agencies should be created and properly funded to monitor the emittions of greenhouse gases
    2. The use of fossil fuels should be minimized or completely stopped, and the use of renewable energy should be upheld.
    3. Creation of new technologies like cars that run on green energy or used to reduce or stop greenhouse gases.
    Well, I think for the minimization of emittion of greenhouse gases in my country it will have to be a collective effort from both the people and the government, so I say to the people of Nigeria and the world LETS FIGHT TO SAVE THE EARTH.

  • Although we usually do not give importance to it, it's true that enviromental problems like climate change are a real issue. And all of us must be aware of them, because these are problems that not only affect to a specific part of our society, but the whole one.

    In Spain we are also affected by this issue: factories here produce tonnes of carbon dioxide each year, people use too frequently the car (instead of using other more enviromental-friendly options like using the public transport, or even go walking). Although we usually don´t reflect about this, we sometimes forget to recycle and we waste valuable resources like food or water.

    In one hand I think that all of us are responsable of these enviromental problems (like climate change), and in consequence all of us must contribute to solve them: for this, a good idea would be to use renewable energy sources in our houses, because using energy sources like wind or solar energy is less harmful than using other ones like fossil fuels. In the other hand, I think that our state must encourage people and make easier to them to contribute to stop this issue: for example they could increase the number of recycling bins in our country, or decrease the price of public transport.

  • India, the country with the most diverse culture and best natural beauty is slowly degrading to something we never imagined of. Carbon dioxide and some other gases has played an important role in that. This gas is mainly produced by burning of fossil fuels, petrol and burning of waste which seems to be never ending as India's population continues to skyrocket. India's carbon dioxide emission is at a whopping 1.91 which is again just a mere estimation and is predicted tp increase by 7% in upcoming years. Every state in India is experiencing extremely high temperatures which are very unusual. This is due to the fact that CO2 gas does not escape anywhere but gets stuck into our atmosphere. The Earth's radiation is responsible for cooling whereas the Sun's is responsible for heating. However Co2 blocks that cooling and traps heat. Indias average temparature in 2022 was 0.51° celsius more than normal with most states experiencing heat waves. We, as citizens of a nation must work together to reduce the damage we have caused.

  • My country is facing many challenges due to climatic changes for example the rains that we are receiving currently that are over filling water bodies like rivers hence destroying roads, bridges, people's homesteads, crops leading to food insecurity also the too much sunshine that we received previously. About carbon footprints, carbon is emmitted in literally most of our daily activities that is; through the fuel in our vehicles as we travel, as we burn fossil fuel like firewood and through practices like bush burning, burning plastic. Though, we can reduce the carbon footprints by using alternative resources like solar energy instead of firewood, use of electric means of transport like electric trains and recycling and reusing plastics instead of burning them.