Comments by nice_desert

Comment Post Date
I speak from Palestine I think many of you know my country, but today I will suggest a... #31 Start the conversation! 21/4/21
Your point is correct But why do we have to preserve the environment just for the sake of the... #31 Start the conversation! 20/4/21
They have to put up surveillance cameras in public places and everyone who throws garbage must... #31 Start the conversation! 20/4/21
I am from Palestine, I think that a large number of you know my country, but today I will talk... #31 Start the conversation! 20/4/21
I speak from Palestine. My country is very interested in literature. There are many poets and... #31 Start the conversation! 19/4/21
It is a problem that most countries suffer from and to overcome it, the government must set strict laws #31 Start the conversation! 19/4/21