Comments by powerful_robin

Comment Post Date
Money matters if you need to buy something such as a car but if you want, for example, happiness... Weekly Competition #13 03/12/18
Money matters however it only matters in aspects of buying things or borrowing money, money can... Weekly Competition #13 03/12/18
I think i am most skeptical about the money tree (Choice d). If, depending on the price,... Weekly Competition #12 26/11/18
Story on the deserted island: 13:05: I have just woken up on the sandy shore, dehydrated and... Weekly Competition #11 20/11/18
If i was on a deserted island, i would love for a fishing net to turn up on the beach. Now, you... Weekly Competition #11 19/11/18
So this may sound a bit unusual but rocks are a great way to pay for whatever you need. For... Weekly Competition #9 07/11/18
Another alternative to rocks is stamps. Stamps can be used as currency as they come on your... Weekly Competition #9 06/11/18