How to win awards

There are two ways to win Festival awards for you and your class!

Global Conversation Awards for stars


Ten students and ten classes will be awarded a Global Conversation Award at the end of the Festival.

These awards are based on how many stars you receive over the Festival.

We’ll award stars based on the quality of your contributions. High-quality contributions will show the knowledge and skills for having great discussions.

Find out about the knowledge and skills here

You can keep track of how many stars you have in ‘My Profile’ and you can see how you’re performing against the competition in the student and class leaderboards.

Here's how to get stars on the Hub:

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1 star

A high-quality comment

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2 stars

An outstanding comment that has really driven the discussion

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3 stars

Winning the weekly competition

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3 stars

Having a question you submitted answered by an expert

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5 stars

Making a successful suggestion for a new discussion

Standpoint awards


Between weeks five and seven of the Festival you’ll work on creating your own posts about the topics that have interested you most. This will be a chance to share your final opinion on topics, having joined the lessons in class and the discussions on the Hub.

We call this "final opinion" a standpoint.

Every standpoint that we publish will get two stars. If your standpoint is very high-quality, we’ll make it an ‘Editor’s pick’. We’ll send you a certificate and your standpoint will be shortlisted for the standpoint competition.

Five winning standpoints will be selected by senior editors at The Economist newspaper. If your standpoints is a winner, you’ll receive a standpoint award, a video message from one of our judges and a goodie-bag of prizes! We’ll also share your work to encourage even more people to see what you think.

Find out how to submit a standpoint.

Comments (3)

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  • I will follow my point of view with scientific evidence, and I will put examples in it that help understanding. With examples, the article become clear.

  • wow thank you for your supporting spirit I had never participated in such a competition with such supporting resources

  • Topical Talk has always been so interesting . I have always loved seeing the comments posted on the student hub as I got to really ponder on other people's perspective on a particular topic. However, what I have loved the most is earning the stars, as it gives you such a great sense of satisfaction when you spend time building your comment and then knowing you have fulfilled your ambitions. Hence, I will continue helping my class win stars by really focusing on one Topic each day and really focus on how I can make my idea or answer original, precise and even thoughtful. Additionally, when I will take part in the future Topical Talk discussions at school, I will always share my ideas, so then others can get inspiration from me and thus earn more stars.

    1. Great advice for other Topical Talkers!