AI: Crucial or Potentially Harmful?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

AI, in itself, is so simple in concept. It is really just data science. Not even advanced data science. It is simply predicting what the next “token” (a fragment of a word, or a word) will be based on the context. For example, from 100 articles, if there is a letter ‘q’, you could reasonably assume that it is followed by a ‘u’. There is nothing magical about that. However, with enough data, prediction can seemingly border on precognition. AI is changing our lives with these AIs. I was amazed when I first saw ChatGPT. It can engage in conversation, write essays, and create artwork.

The positives of AI can hardly be overstated. It can automate anything. You have probably heard of ChatGPT, an AI chatbot that has brought AI to the masses. “ChatGPT Plugins” was released to the general public (the general public who spend £10/month on ChatGPT) with multiple plugins that can do a lot of things, and has been a game changer. You can also make AI applications. This is massive for programmers like myself. This has already powered many startups, and has likely boosted the economy massively. It’s not all positives though. Recently, Snapchat has released their “My AI” chatbot (powered by GPT) to their 500m monthly users. This has caused problems, as there have been reports of the AI telling children how to cheat on their homework. Unethical things being told by LLMs is nothing new, however snapchat exposed this issue to their user base, the majority of whom are children. OpenAI took artwork without permission. Millions of online artworks were used to train this AI, which copied their style. This has caused issues over copyright, and has led to the US deeming AI work is not protected by copyright. This has also caused controversy, and is both an ethical and political issue. It also does the same thing with code, which can cause issues when code protected by a licence suddenly appears in your codebase.

I believe that AI can be a gamechanger. I am a programmer, and AI excites me. But I am not blind to the fact that AI can cause harm. It’s made off the internet, and there is some bad stuff on the internet. But I am not making an opinion for you. I want you to read this work, and make your own opinion based on my statements.

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  • By automating certain tasks and providing real-time insights, AI can help organizations make faster and more informed decisions. This can be particularly valuable in high-stakes environments, where decisions must be made quickly and accurately to prevent costly errors or save lives.
    Real-life AI risks. There are a myriad of risks to do with AI that we deal with in our lives today. Not every AI risk is as big and worrisome as killer robots or sentient AI. Some of the biggest risks today include things like consumer privacy, biased programming, danger to humans, and unclear legal regulation.
    The creation of a human-level AI would certainly have a transformative impact on our world. If the work of most humans could be carried out by an AI, the lives of millions of people would change. The opposite, however, is not true: we might see transformative AI without developing human-level AI.
    AI is making humans lazy with its applications automating the majority of the work.
    Reduction in Human Error.
    Takes risks instead of Humans.
    Available 24/7.
    Helping in Repetitive Jobs.
    Digital Assistance.
    Faster Decisions.
    AI assists in every area of our lives, whether we're trying to read our emails, get driving directions, get music or movie recommendations. In this article, I'll show you examples how artificial intelligence is used in day-to-day activities such as: Social media. Digital Assistants.
    It's unlikely that a single AI system or application could become so powerful as to take over the world. While the potential risks of AI may seem distant and theoretical, the reality is that we are already experiencing the impact of intelligent machines in our daily lives.

  • Yes, i completely agree with you. Infact, one of the most recent most popular AI marvel is the new app Dawn AI app. It is an app that analyzes your picture to learn what you look like then produces stunning and realistic portraits with thousands of different possible art styles. I have given it a try before and i can say with full confidence that it is amazing. But sadly as you said, it is not all positive. AI can be used to synthesize something that is unreal but seems totally real to the human eye. It can be used to copy voices, pictures and art styles. This can cause a lot of copyright issues and ultimately lead to some AI companies being sued. In my opinion, AI should at least be regulated or restricted from doing some things that are delicate. AI has a lot of advantages. If we give it up completely, we will also lose out on all the benefits, so at least let us try to manage the disadvantages as hard as we can.

    1. Yes, technology such as DALL-E 2 and Midjourney have been able to turn pictures into different styles and combine pictures. Recently, the CEO of OpenAI has went to the US congress, asking for AI regulation