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Hi, have learnt a lot about climate change and have really been impressed.

One of the things have learnt is that we can save the planet by ' building back greener'. How?For this to work I think people have to coorperate like in sensitizing the public importance of protecting the earth. Tougher laws can be applied like if someone or people cut down trees they should replant new ones and if they dont a suitable punishment must be given to them for destroying the environment. In Uganda, their a lot of climate changes going on because of that though some bodies e.g. National Environment Management Authority has tried to implement the laws harder than before so that people can improve on their environment management habits.

I also think that Earth Day can be made an everyday programme not only on 22nd April. It does not mean that a function has to be held daily but the government can advertise about the importance of caring for the earth on tv and radio stations thus sensitising people.

Comments (6)

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  • I totally agree with your point of view! Earth Day is such an important reminder for us to take care of the planet we call home. But why limit it to just one day a year? We should be doing our part to protect the environment every single day.

    By promoting the importance of caring for the earth on TV and radio stations, the government can reach a wider audience and sensitize people about the issues of pollution and climate change. This can also encourage individuals and communities to take action towards reducing their carbon footprint and preserving the planet's natural resources.
    I believe that we have the poweI totally agree with your point of view! Earth Day is such an important reminder for us to take care of the planet we call home. But why limit it to just one day a year? We should be doing our part to protect the environment every single day.

    By promoting the importance of caring for the earth on TV and radio stations, the government can reach a wider audience and sensitize people about the issues of pollution and climate change. This can also encourage individuals and communities to take action towards reducing their carbon footprint and preserving the planet's natural resources.

  • "Wow, it's really important to take care of our planet and the environment around us. Cutting down trees without planting new ones is a bad thing because trees give us oxygen to breathe! That's why we need laws to make sure people are taking care of nature and not hurting it. In Uganda, they're trying to make these laws even stronger so people can learn to be better at taking care of their environment. Let's all do our part to keep our planet healthy!"

  • That's a great insight, and you're absolutely right! Earth Day is an important reminder to take care of our planet, but we should also strive to make caring for the Earth a part of our everyday lives. One way to do this is by using media platforms such as TV and radio stations to promote the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable living. This will help raise awareness and encourage people to adopt eco-friendly habits that can make a positive impact on the environment. Keep up the good work in caring for the Earth!

  • In Palestine, there are also laws and regulations to protect the environment and natural resources. The Palestinian Environmental Quality Authority (EQA) is responsible for enforcing these laws and promoting sustainable development practices.

    One example of such laws is the Palestinian Environment Law No. 13 of 1999, which outlines measures to prevent pollution, protect natural resources, and ensure sustainable development. Additionally, organizations like the Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ) work towards promoting sustainable land use practices and preserving biodiversity in Palestine.

    Despite these efforts, there are still challenges facing environmental conservation in Palestine, such as limited resources and political instability. However, steps are being taken to address these issues and promote a more sustainable future for the region.

  • Great idea! I completely agree that Earth Day should be more than just a one-day celebration. There are many role models who have led by example and shown us ways to care for the earth every day.Greta Thunberg, a young Swedish environmental activist who has inspired millions of people around the world to take action on climate change. She started her protest by skipping school to sit outside the Swedish Parliament with a sign that read "School Strike for Climate." Her peaceful activism and speeches have led to worldwide protests demanding governments to take immediate actions against climate change.

    Another role model is Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan environmental and political activist who founded the Green Belt Movement. The movement promotes reforestation and empowerment of women in rural communities. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for her work on sustainable development, democracy, and peace.

    But we don't have to look far to find role models who are making a difference in our own communities. We can all learn from individuals like our local recycling collectors, community garden volunteers, and neighborhood activists who inspire us to make small changes in our daily lives to protect the environment.

  • I completely agree with you. Gretta Thunberg is an inspiration to many of us, and her determination to fight for our planet is truly admirable.

    As an individual, I try my best to make sustainable choices in my daily life. I have made small changes like reducing plastic use, recycling properly, and conserving water and energy. I also try to educate myself and others about the impact of our actions on the environment.

    Seeing young people like Gretta Thunberg take a stand and raise awareness about climate change gives me hope that we can make a positive difference and create a better future for ourselves and generations to come.