Every Employee Must be Heard!

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  • I support the statement that "Every Employee Must be Heard."
    every employee must be heard in their workplace because it helps create a positive work environment where everyone's needs and concerns are addressed. When employees feel like they are being listened to, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated, which can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

    For example, let's say there's an employee who feels like they're not being given enough opportunities to learn and grow in their role. If their concerns are dismissed or overlooked by their manager, they may become disengaged and less productive.listening to every employee is essential for creating a positive work environment where everyone feels valued, engaged, and motivated.

  • I really like the heading of your standpoint because it means that all workers should be heard and respected and it is of utmost importance that every worker has the right to be heard in order to create a productive and positive working environment where the workers feel appreciated and acknowledged for their efforts, labor and strength put inside the workplace and thus will make the workers enhance their productivity and enhance them when giving customer satisfaction.
    The main purpose of any entrepreneur is to make profit and for him or her to achieve they need an essential factor of production and that is labor, workers, and we should realize that without the business is nothing so in order to make profit the employer has to make the working environment positive to the workers and give good working conditions and fair wages or salary. Another vital key in a successful business in understanding between the workers and the employers and for that to happen there needs to be dialogue in which the workers t&c's are heard and understood and the employers goals are also understood by the workers. So in basic terms the need for workers being heard cannot be over emphasized if one wants his or her business to succeed.

  • Employees who do not feel heard may also feel undervalued which can lead to distrust and disengagement. Listening to employees isn't just good for culture — it's good for business.
    Organizations need to let employees know that they are heard and that their efforts are appreciated, which leads to a more positive employee experience and stronger retention and engagement rates.
    Giving employees a share of voice is a critical component of establishing a workforce that's happy, productive, and engaged. It's not until an employee is convinced that their suggestions play an integral role in decision making that they become willing to communicate ideas, concerns, and opinions.
    The study also found that 74% of employees claim to be more productive at work when they feel heard. Moreover, companies that perform well financially have 88% of the employees who feel heard compared to 62% of employees who do not feel heard at financially underperforming companies.
    What causes employees to remain silent? Sometimes personal motives are involved, such as keeping information to oneself in order to protect a colleague (pro-social silence) or to obtain personal benefit (opportunistic silence).
    Everyone's voice matters. It is important to not let yourself become silenced, because when a voice is not used it prevents the opportunity for a true democracy where each voice is valued in a peaceful manner. Voices convey passion and excitement; voices can convey anything, whether it's a feeling, a place, or an idea.

  • Well,I also agree with this statement that every employee must be heard because it create a better environment in every work place.In this way they feel valued they can give voice to their problems and concerns. They became more productive and feel more positive in their workplace that's alternately good for their customers.