The Right to Strike: A Fundamental Human Freedom

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Strikes are a type of collective action in which workers stop working to oppose their employers or the government. Strikes are vital because they allow employees to express their concerns, defend their rights, and improve their working conditions. Strikes also help bring about social change by challenging the current system and putting pressure on improvements. Strikes are a human right because they symbolise workers' freedom of association and expression. Strikes are a social tool because they allow employees to be involved in decisions that affect them.

Strikes affect different groups of individuals. Some examples are:

Striking workers: They stop working in order to demand better working conditions or policies from their employers or the government. They risk losing their earnings, benefits, or jobs.

Employers: Their routine activities will be disrupted as a result of their employees' absence. They incur costs such as income, productivity, and customer loss.

Customers or consumers: These are people who rely on the goods or services offered by the strikers. They may experience annoyance, displeasure, or injury as a result of decreased quality, quantity, or availability of goods or services.

Strikes, according to some, are disruptive acts that violate the social compact. Strikes, they argue, are illogical ways of pursuing limited interests and demands at the expense of others. They argue for strikes to be prohibited or limited by law or ethics.

In my opinion, strikes are important for employees to advocate for their rights and interests. Strikes can have a positive impact by improving working conditions or raising wages. Strikes can also motivate workers to join the movement and foster unity among various groups. The 1968 Memphis sanitation workers' strike, for example, resulted in increased pay and racial equality. Millions of people also took part in the 2019 global climate strikes to demand action on the climate issue.

Strikes, on the other hand, can have negative consequences, such as disrupting routine operations or injuring customers or consumers. Strikes can also lead to conflict and division among employees, employers, and the general public. For example, the 1984–1985 UK miners' strike resulted in violence, misery, and death among strikers and their families.

Therefore, I think strikes should be used as a last resort when other methods of negotiation fail. Strikes should be conducted peacefully and respectfully, without harming others or violating the law. I think strikes should be supported by clear and reasonable demands, strong evidence, and public sympathy. reasonable demands, strong evidence, and public sympathy.

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  • I agree with your point that strikes help in placing pressure on improvements. Moreover, even though strikes have some disadvantages, I agree with you on the point that due to some harm it causes it should be conducted respectfully and peacefully. Lastly, I agree with your point about the strike being the last option if negotiation fails, this is because if you have tried to get the attention of officials and they are not paying any heed or attention to your demands, it will be a great decision to go on strike.