AI and all about it!

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Ever thought about how AI is going to totally change the world? It’s like everywhere you look, there’s AI doing things for us. But what if it gets too smart? You know, like in those movies where the robots start taking over? Scary right? I mean AI’s awesome and all, helping with homework and making life easier. What if it decides that it doesn't need us anymore? It is a bit freaky to think about but hey, let's hope it stays on our side and doesn't take over!

AI is super cool because it helps us with tons of things everyday! Did you know that AI can even help us find the best music to jam out to? It’s like having a personal DJ! Also, it’s ALSO like having a super smart friend who helps us with homework etc. AI even helps doctors find new viruses faster, which means they can help people more quicker! Plus, AI makes video games even more fun by creating cool characters and worlds. It’s like having a whole new universe to explore. Teachers can also grade faster by using AI! And it can also find out what we’re good at these days.

AI can also be scary sometimes, you know? Like it’s cool and all that it can do so many things, but it’s also kinda creepy how it knows so much about things and us. Plus sometimes it messes up and makes mistakes that can be really frustrating. The fact that it can also take away jobs from people, which isn’t fair. It’s like we don’t have what if someday robots do everything and we don’t have anything left to do and how we’ll get money to pay to the bank if you took out a loan to pay rent or electricity when you don’t have money. Ai has dis-advantages not only advantages and because of that we need to be careful with it.

AI is advanced and pretty amazing because it can help you with anything you need! It's really smart to work with. With some balance we can make AI safer and better to work with.