AI and the future of Education

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

AI and the future of education.

Do you think that AI should be used for the future of education?

When it comes to AI and the future of education, I think that the future of education will get better as technology- AI gets better. I think this because children growing up could be filled with more intelligence as the machine will have all the answers or are able to produce all the answers. This would be good as children will never be filled with false information. It can also make older people able to learn different things easier. For example, being able to learn to drive or cook. It can also make everyday life easier. In addition, teachers use some AI everyday [in their services.] This makes their lives and the students’ lives easier as what has already been said, it can give an answer to whatever their question is or whatever they are stuck on. This is why AI is good.

On the other hand, some people may not agree with what has already been said. To this I could agree as it just seems like children are just around technology or that it is bad that children could get the answer to whatever they ask but then you must realise that eventually they will find out about big events in the world. For example, wars that are going on or the cost-of-living crisis. People may also think that the AI will grow from us and be able to take over the world. I feel that this fear is unwarranted. These people are wrong as technology can only grow if the programmers increase its information in its CPU card. So, technology cannot take over the world unless programmed to do it.

So, for all the reasons that have been stated above AI should be a bigger part of education as it would help everyone improve their education.