AI education and work!

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

So, my post will be about ai in the work place and in education and what i think about it.

Ai stands for artificial inteligance which means that the resources inside its brain can amke it own decincions without help from humans wich sounds a littel scary beacuse if thet can make decions about surgarys then what else can they think about.

Today we will be discusing if Ai should or should not be in the work place and discovering different points of view on this serious topic.

Now iv told you what ts about lets dive right into the amazing and wonderfull points of vie on this newly founded artificail inteligance.

artifical inteligance should not be in the education side of work because it can,t connect or share empathy with the studants around.

Also with a human teacher they ahve been to school befor and have seen and done everyting that the student would do so they have a biiger advanage of understnding and helping the students in the class.

But on the other side Ai could find new and cool ways of working out problems in seconds where as a teacher only knows one way: the way fo the ciriculam and the way they were taught when they were at school.

Also with AI not being able to prosses emotions might be a good thing becuse that means they wont get angry at the studants for have favourties and least favourties.

With the talk of ai being doctors and nurses i dont think they should because what if they just shut down or malfuntion while there doing a life threatening surgary and then the peron dies no one would have contro over it because it can amke its own desions and think for itself.