AI with the work of agriculture

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I want to tell you about AI with the work of agriculture.In India more than 45% of people who do agriculture which is difficult with out any machine,so AI help them to do farming quickly and easily with 50% less material

In the verdant fields of the tropics,where biodiversity thives and soil teems with life, a quiets revolution in under way . AI is transforming agriculture from a traditional, labor - intensive practice into high-tech symphony of efficiency and precision.

AI's impact on tropical agriculture in mulitfaceted. it enables precision farming,where every drop of water and granule of fertilizer is optimised to boost fields while conserving resources.drones survey vast plantation collecting data that AI algorithms analyze to predict crop heath,dect pests and even forcast fields with astonishing accuracy

Moreover AI-driven robotic systems are being deployed to perform tasks ranging from seeding to harvesting.these robot work tirelessly, unaffected by the heat and humidity than can wear down human laborers. They bring consistency and reliability to the fields, ensuring that crops are tended to at the perfect moment for optimal growth.

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  • Hi topical talk
    My opinion or idea about AI with work of agriculture. Yes AI has improved in agriculture with machine like tractor, sprayers, cultivator and harrow that will be easier for farmers to plant very fast without stress. In the past people use cutlass for cutting grass and hoe for making hips for planting, but with the help of different humans ideas they were able to create an AI machine that will help farmers and save them from stress, that why able to create AI machine like tractor, sprayers, cultivator and harrow to be able for food crops to grow well and profitable.
    So am saying thank you for creating an AI machine that will help us farmers to plant and cultivate very fast without stress, but remember when an AI machine help the other it will also affect the other ones.