Our Beautiful Earth

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

The world we live in, so beautiful and grand,

But it's changing, and not for the better, not many understand.

The climate is shifting, the oceans are rising,

The air we breathe is toxic, and it's not really surprising.

I feel a sense of worry, an eco-anxiety,

What will happen to our planet, what's really our society's priority?

Will we continue to pollute, to ignore the signs,

Or will we come together, and be more kind?

We need to act now before it's too late,

Reduce our consumtion, stop environmental hate.

We can make a difference as small as it seems,

For our planet's health, and for the future of our dreams.

Let's care for the Earth, and all that it may hold,

For generations to come, and stories to be told.

We can make a change, let's start today,

ANd put an end to eco-anxiety, in every way.

Comments (1)

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  • Hello kind_eel ,
    I agree with you because the Earth is beautiful but lots of bad things are ruining it like :
    pollution, deforestation and lots more . There is no other planet to live on so we need to stop all the bad things otherwise it could get worse and ruin the Earth. If that happens where will we live ? We can make a change every day by putting rubbish in the bin and
    stop deforestation and pollution. Then the world would have nothing harming it and
    everyone can live happily. So make a change every day !
    Bye kind_eel! 😄