
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

My standpoint

Firstly, I would like to describe the world as we know it… It's being destroyed… Sooner or later our badness will catch up with us and will exclude us all. Climate change, extreme weather, extinction of animals and wars there are many reasons why people become refugees. I would like to introduce my standpoint around immigration.

504 people die every year in war. I think that all the Governments should just stop and think about all those innocent people dying like the swating fest of flies and heart broken wounded people flee here for shelter, food, water only to get sent to Rwanda for 169k each person.

Experiencing horrible things that won’t hopefully happen to us. All of this just because of the Government's actions. I know that England is experiencing overpopulation but I want to help them even more.

‘The wars just keep going as the governments never take action for their people, their devastated lives left to burn from the inside, left to die to flee..’

Comments (1)

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  • Hello i belive that you could talk more about the positives & negatives that immigration can cause i would say this is more about the government and not immigration and needs to talk more about how this affects people and how it can cause war and other types of problems starting to happen.