''If prisoners aren't fit for purpose,then prisoners should be set free.''

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If prisoners aren’t fit for purpose,then prisoners should be set free.”

I will be sharing my standpoint on prisons.This is an important topic because,Jose Adolfo Villamar {known as Fito also has a powerful gang in Ecuador}broke out of prison on January 7th 2024.It is clear that prisons aren’t fit for Fito because it is strange that he broke and a high maximum prison.Also he had electronic devices which was not allowed and illegal.

Some people might agree with this statement because if the prison is not secure, prisoners can be breaking out.Also if justice is not served people won’t learn their lesson.Moreover if prisoners aren’t punished enough they will keep doing bad deeds.Ecuador’s prison would not be safe if they are not strict, it will be very dangerous.

Alternatively, others may disagree with this statement because criminals need to have punishments.Also the public wants justice.In addition they will not learn from their mistakes and still commit the crime.

In my opinion I disagree with this statement because prisoner’s that had done nothing too bad like steal from the supermarket,they should be let scot free but if a person murdered they would have to stay for longer.