If prisons aren't fit for purpose, prisoners should be set free

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“If prisons aren’t fit for purpose then the prisoners should be set free.”


I will be sharing my standpoints on prisons. Thai is an important topic because in our topical talk lessons we have been learning about Fito escaping in prison at Ecuador who escaped on January 7th 2024 this now makes me wonder if prisons are set for purpose

Some people might agree with this statement because if the prisons are not safe or secure the bad people can come out and do very bad things. Some people might also agree because the jail cell might be relaxing for them like it is a holiday and jail is supposed to be a very bad punishment because of the bad things they did and they might not get punished enough and they have to do more things so that they can serve their lessons for the bad things they have done.

Alternatively, others may disagree with this statement because they need to have their punishment for the bad things they have done. They also might not agree because if they let the bad person out of prison then there will be a risk of them doing something bad. They might also say even if this happens they should go to another jail cell because they broke the law

and if they were to come out the public would be in grave danger.

In my opinion I think that if prisons are not safe or good that they should go to another prison because they have to serve their punishment for what they have done wrong. Also in the future I hope that the prison will upgrade because if it does not upgrade then it will be easier for the bad people to get out. But if it does upgrade then they will have no chance of getting out.

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