’If prisons aren’t fit for purpose ,then prisoners should be set free’’

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I will be sharing my standpoint on prisons. This is an important topic because jose Adolfo Macias villamar [or known as Fito] escaped from prison in Ecuador on january 7th 2024 . It was later found that Fito was allowed phones ,and electronic devices and also he was allowed weapons. These prisons are not fit for purpose .if prisons are not fit for purpose then prisoners should be set free .

some people might agree with this statement because if prisons are not fit for purpose then maybe prisoners should just be set free because if they are not getting the punishment they deserve then they should be set free and if they are aloud weapons and phones then maybe it shouldn't be called a prison because it's not a punishment . and especially Ecuador prisons are giving truly bad and dangerous people comforts and big beds . And also giving opportunities to be set free. And also be able to text their friends.

Alternatively ,others may disagree with this statement because people don't want dangerous and harmful people set in the world and think they should be seperated to public . Furthermore, public people still think the criminals should still have their punishment even though it's like a five star hotel and super comfortable . But I do think harmful people should be punished

In the future I hope that prisons can change for what happend with Fito and I hope for the future that prisons are safe and the dangerous and harmful people are insulated from the world and in the future I hope that the bad people have a really good punishment but in 2024 the prisons aren't very secure its like people can just walk putin prison when ever they want in Ecuador There aloud to use phones

And being allowed to call their families and carry weapons is supposed to be a punishment and I hope that other prisons are not like Ecuador prisons .