“If prisons aren’t fit for purpose ,then prisoners should be set free.”

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I will be sharing my standpoint on prisons. This is an important topic because on Sunday 7th January 2024 Jose Adolfo Macias Villamar (or Fito) escaped from a maximum security prison in Ecuador. He is the leader of a strong ‘drug gang’ called ‘Los Choneros’. In August 2023 Jose Adolfo Macias Villamar was moved to La Roca from Le Regional ( although La Roca was a smaller jail than Le Regional). The government has accused two police officers because the government believes that they helped Jose Adolfo Macias Villamar by telling him that he was going to move to another prison which could have meant that he planned a way to get out when he was going there.

Some people might agree with this statement because if the prison is not fit for purpose then what is the point of the prison?

Alternatively others may disagree with this statement because they can still harm people and they will need to be recaptured and put in another prison which can be much easier if the prisoner is already in prison. Also if the prisoners are set free then they might do even more destruction so even if the prison is not fit for the purpose they still keep the victims of the criminals safe. Even if there is a high risk of the prisoners escaping it is still better for the people to be harmed for a shorter period of time then a longer period of time.

In my opinion I Disagree with the statement because if the prisoners are set free because of the prison having very poor conditions then they might take it as a chance to make even more destruction.