"if prisons aren't fit for purpose ,then prisoners should be set free."

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“If prisoners are not fit for purpose,then the prisoner should be set free.”

I will be sharing my standpoint on prison. This is an important topic because

this man named jose aldofo mascias or fito escaped prison two times with

His gang. He broke out on the 7th of January 2024 and on the 8th January Ecuador declared a state of emergency.

Some people might of agree with this statement because he not being very well

Punished and he said that it was comfortable because he was aloud to use weapon and

Texted and calling anyone in the prison.another reason is if the ecuadorian are actually

Comfortable that would be very strange because normally they are not comfortable.

Clearly, some prisons are not fit for purpose and the prisons can not stay inside of there

And might have closed it .

Alternatively, other may disagree with this statement because he said that the prison

Was comfortable because it’s not normal. If they are very dangerous and go to prison and they enjoy it then they will not learn anything at all and never learn to be a good citizen and carry on doing crimes.

In my opinion I don’t agree because if they are allowed weapons, phones, fire that could be very dangerous because if they make a fire in the jail and if he is allowed weapons then he could kill someone or something worse. I hope that prisons can inspect rarely so that they don't do anything wrong . It is not fair because the people who have done something really small get a really big consequence. Also if you hurt someone I think that he would like to get out right away .