"If prisons aren't fit for purpose then the prisoner should be set free."

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“If prisons aren't fit for purpose then prisoners should be set free.”

I will be sharing my standpoint on prisons.This is an important topic because Jose Adolfo Macias Villamar, better known as ‘Fito’ had been a part of drug gangs in Ecuador. He has been sent to prison since 2011. In prison he was allowed phones, weapons. Some people said he even threw parties in jail !Fito escaped from prison in 2013. He and 17 other inmates broke out,Fito was recaptured after three months.

Some people might agree with this statement because some people might say “If it is like a hotel room then why even bother putting them in jail?”

Alternatively,others may disagree with this statement because the prisoners should learn what is right and what is wrong. In addition if the police officers set them free the prisoners will think that it is ok with what they are doing and the prisoners will think it’s a second chance.

In my opinion, I do not agree with this statement because they have to learn from their mistakes, but if someone in jail just stole something from a shop I think that is totally fine . But if they have killed someone in the past and carried on, I think they need to learn from it.In the future I hope that the prisoners should be harmless citizens and help others and pray for those that are gone.