“If prisons aren’t fit for purpose, then the prisoners should be set free.”

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“If prisons aren’t fit for purpose, then the prisoners should be set free.”

I will be sharing my standpoint on prisons. This is an important topic because prisons

Need more security and that is because the prisoners are trying to find somewhere to escape and they are getting smarter.

Some people might agree with this statement because prisons are not that safe anymore.In addition, the prisons have less security in Ecuador and some people say that the police help some prisoners escape.

Some people might disagree with this statement because they might think that the prisoners have not done much but they don't notice what they are saying and that is because some prisoners did something really inappropriate or something really bad.

In my opinion, I will agree with the statement because prisons in Ecuador aren’t very safe and that is because prisoners are starting to team up and escape one at a time to bomb the cities or break the law.

In the future, I hope that people realise how bad the prisons in Ecuador are and that is because the Ecuador government actually comforts the prisoners in the prison cells.