‘’If prisons aren’t fit for purpose, then the prisoners should be set free.’’

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I will be sharing my standpoint on prisons. This is an important topic because it educates us on how the horrendous, bone-chilling Jose Adolfo Macias Villamar, known as Fito, who was the leader of a drug team, managed to escape a prison called La Roca. We have also discovered that Fito used electric weapons, such as guns, which we anticipate were used for escaping the prison and for distracting the guards. Now, the question that I have been waiting to tell you is, do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some people might agree with this statement because if a prison isn’t secure, then why should a prisoner, such as one, stay there, being allowed to do what one likes. These are criminals, and they got their chance to live their sentence in a secure, safe and reformative prison to acquire justice to one’s victim. So if that prison doesn’t serve good-quality, then that prisoner shouldn’t spend their eternity in a prison full of freedom. Catching a criminal is like catching smoke with your own bare hands, and if your hand can’t cave and trap the smoke in, then you have to let the smoke go.

Alternatively, others may disagree with this statement because even if the prisons aren’t fit for purpose, these prisoners have committed a dreadful crime, which has frightened multiple people, especially the victims. So the victims want their justice! If the dangerous, harmful prisoners get released from the prison, then they will never learn to be better citizens. They will also never learn to be reformative and they will never complete their punishment. If a prison isn’t high-quality, then the prisoner should just go to another prison, which serves better service and is more secure.

In my opinion, I am against this statement because not only do prisoners get free from prisons, but they also don’t learn from their unforgiving mistakes. Additionally, if you let a prisoner free from prison and they haven’t completed their punishment to acquire the prisoner’s victim’s justice, they might think that it is okay to commit a crime again and hurt more innocent people. In the future, I hope that more prisons, especially in Ecuador, will get more reformative and secure. Also, I hope that the amount of crimes taking place will decrease and the world will be peaceful.

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  • Hello everyone! I forgot to add this part on my standpoint. What I wanted to say was, do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? And, what do you hope for in the future? Thank you for your time and please try your best to give spectacular, phenomenal, high-quality comments so I could read all of your tremendous opinions. Have a lovely day! Bye!