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The enhance games are games similar to yhe Olympics, but they have a little difference that is that they do not have any performance-enhancing drug test before starting the game. These drugs give them the energy necessary to run faster, be stronger, etc. Competitors also think that including technology and things like that would help them at the time of winning the games.

From my point of view, I do not agree with the rule of not having any test drug before starting the games. I think that they must have some for different reasons, that are making games fair, do not take any advantage over anyone and for health security.

Firstly, I think that games in general must be fair for everyone. If they have consumed any drug, they must tell it to the rest, for showing respect and be honest. I think that if they tell it and we know this, they must not be allowed to compete with the rest, and I would banned them to compete in the rest ones.

Secondly, I think that is very bad for the rest of the people, as many of them train daily, and put a lot of effort in being better at sports and having improvements, and if other ones directly consume some drugs and are better than other ones that have spent a lot of time training in it, is not fair, so they must be restricted.

Finally, I think that the most important thing is safety, so these drugs must have health consequences, so they should not consume them. There was a ranking of what were the most important things in these games, and I think that safety, and training and making efforts are the most important things because of the reasons I have mentioned previously.

So, in general, enhancing-drugs must be prohibited and should not be at sale, because is a risk for population, and as we know, health is the most important thing in our lives.

Comments (2)

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  • I think that the Enhanced Games are a bad idea. My reasoning is that performance enhancement drugs can have negative effects on users, and having these games glorifying it is very dangerous, especially because they also have long term irreversable effects.

  • I find this standpoint fascinating because I think all games are meant to be fair because having a fair game is important to help with sportsmanship and also friendship between the different players. I think cheating isn't the way to win is by training hard to achieve the set goal. I think performance enhancing drugs is not sufficient in a game and could cause serious damage to the organs in your body. This also has a negative effect on your body and could put you in danger. I think a solution for the drugs should be regular checkups and test to avoid getting addicted to the performance drugs.