the enhanced games

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

is the enhanced games good:

its a misked opinion some sports i could be great but others it may ruin some spectators of the olimpics may say its an awful idear but my opinion is thats it is all up to the athealets to take the anabotic steroids if they do they could ether get better or suffer whith deppresion or heath risks.

Not all is bad tho in F1 whitch is now classed a sport it may boost ther reaction time or confidence wille driving so in case of crash and thers a car comming at you you could swerve round it becouse of your reaction time boost by the via the the drug this may be safer and cost afishent.

My last point is that if the F1 test go to plan we could supplement the drug into our every day life to caus eless fatal car acidents every year but this idear may put the drivers life at risk of an overdouse of drugs.

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