The problem with doping.

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

In the "Enhanced games", as many of you may know, there is no routine check for perfomance enhancing drugs. The process of taking these performance enhancing drugs is called doping. If your going to play in the enhanced games your going to have to take these said drugs just to compete

Tradition is very important to the Olympic games, and because it's so important I really dont think these "games" will work out. These drugs are illegal in the Olympics for a reason, not just for fairness but for safety aswell. Peformance enhancing drugs have a record of causing problems even being responsible for 19 fatal cases from 1990 to 2012. These problems include fluid rentention, depression, and acne. Not only does the "Enhanced games allow it, they openly try to get athletes to take them also.

I believe the "Enhanced games" is dangerous to our athletic community. Therefore, I believe the idea of creating it should be scrapped.