Why the Enhanced Games
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Why do we need the Enhanced Games if we have the Olympics ? Many people believe that the Enhanced Games are safer than the other compertitions ; that is a new era of sports embracing science and that it is a fair way of competing. I disagree with what people say because drugs have very bad side affects, it is not as fair as people think because drugs are expensive and better athletes can afford better drugs than other athletes can and embracing science into sport just take all of the fun out of competing. However, I think that the Enhanced games is a good thing because people like paralipians ( which are athlets with disabilitys ) can help them think that they can do something like other people can by using drugs to help them get better at what they enjoy doing as an athlete. If you want to do the enhanced games and use drug or even doing the Olympic Games with drug in your body than what is the point of wing an athlete if you don't want to win off of your own back. What do you think?
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