How will people get their news in the future ?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

In my perspective, the future of getting news will change alot . Technology will give us news more precisely and personally, and give each person the news that they care about the most. This means that it will be based on our interest or what we like the most.In my perspective, the future of getting news will change alot .

New technologies will be introduced in the future such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) will let you experience news in very unique way that cold attract anyone easily. It will make news a very interesting to those who don't like it and make feel that you are there where things are actually happening.

We are forgetting one very important platform for the future which is Social Media .This platform is still a very source for news , and might help in stopping fake news and it will also help to show different perspectives. People can also share their opinion and news , and it will make the news diverse.. This platform is still a very source for news , and might help in stopping fake news and it will also help to show different perspectives. People can also share their opinion and news , and it will make the news diverse.

Traditional news such as newspapers and television will change to. They might use technology to spread it to different people of different societies by reaching them online.

So , in the future , we might see that news is being more personal and more reliable .

Conclusion : - I think that the future of news will be recognised on the following :



=>Serving news from the evolving needs.

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  • Hi everyone
    I think that in the future, we can use smart chips that carry news around the world and make us educated a lot of information that we can't know .
    These chips are placed inside our body and carry these news inside the brain , so with this way we will know the news in the future.