The media’s idea of a woman.

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

A quick image that comes to mind which links between media and women is feminism.

However let's take a look back to where it all started. The collossal feminism wave formally started in 1848, when three hundred men and women rallied to the cause of equality of women, when it comes to my personal opinion i confidently say loud and clear that women and men don't and shall never have equal roles in society, otherwise why would there be two genders to begin with, it makes zero sense whatsoever.

Regardless, we all have a visual portrayal that crosses our mind as soon as we think of women, media and the modern society has brainwashed us into thinking both males and females should be the equal, when they're typically supposed to work as a team due to the different abilities and natures of each gender.

Nonetheless, let’s not have our thoughts mixed up and get one thing straight. Women have four roles according to media, that revolve around: media pluralism, media safety, media independence, media freedom.

I know for a fact you’ve come across such ideas before.

  • Gender is a part of media pluralism and is characterized by the under-representation of women in the media workforce in decision making and in media content.
  • We’ve all heard about electronic harassment, media can be such a dangerous and horrific place if not dealt with correctly. Mostly, female journalists are considered a major target of any online attacks, not only journalists but for the main part the female population feels more threatened.
  • Media independence is the absence of external control and influence on an institution or individual working in the media. Women became politicized during global independence movements, leading to major changes.

Unfortunately, after the official feminism wave, both genders, males and females, were considered split into two teams. As time passed, the society generated high standards for both of the gender identity. Causing pressure and a worldwide rage. Thereafter, media took an enormous role in our day-to-day lives, deceiving our subconscious minds into standing up for a certain bunch. Which could cause a love-hate situations in romantic relationships, leaving the door to break-ups and divorces as a result. This generation isn’t based on love anymore, it’s based on, so called “typical rights”.

Is this the environment you want your children growing up in, a place where men and women go against each other rather than cooperating? It’s horrendously mind blowing how far this has come.