AI. Should everyone have acces to AI

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

I think that AI is one of the most important issues because it has many capabilities and if it gets into the wrong hands, it could be very bad and the future might not look so bright.

AI should only be accessible to certain people because of the following:

Only 34% of the people using certain websites and web pages realise that they are directly experiencing AI.

By 2030, AI will be replacing, Telemarketers, bookkeepers, receptionists, bank tellers, cashiers, and even pilots!

AI has been spreading false information, it simply just finds the most relevant results.

it has been sharing certain racial and offensive thoughts that have hurt others.

Now, regarding the points I have just listed, this shows that AI needs to be controlled and kept in the right hands.

I think that AI should then be developed thoroughly and be taken away from the public. After AI has been developed, I think that then people in certain jobs should only have access to AI.

These jobs are:


They should have controll of the power of AI because they can use it to summarise their results that they have collected from their data, and they could us it to find out what certain findings are.


Doctors could use AI to find out what is wrong with the patient and diagnose them. This could be groundbreaking for the NHS and other health services.

So, to conclude, I think that AI should be developed for future jobs and not for the public.

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