Is AI Good or Bad a Student's Opinion
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

In my opinon AI is BAD there some bad things about it and there some good. It's only bad when used for bad intentions and its only good for using good intents. Ai is a smart invention but they didn't acount for the horrendous this that people can do with it. The benefits, it allow us people to do things most people can't. Most people can't sovle equations in seconds but AI can. I have seen a video where they talked about people on the dark web taking inapropriate videos and putting it into an AI generator to cover it with family friendly characters. I don't know if it's true but I do know it's not imposible. For people who do art for a living and make drawing to post online AI takes copies and uses it to generate a propt of the same thing but worse to give to another person without crediting the original artist and that's good. I am a fellow artist as well and i could have never thought about the terrors of AI taking my stuff. First I had to worry about people taking my stuff and now i got to worry about AI too. There other hurendous things that AI can do to hurt others as well. Others might say well not everyone uses AI for that, and that's true but I rather not test the waters for people who do. Yes, I know that AI can be good but most times it's used for sothing bad like Cheating, or something inapropriate. Since us humans are so brilliant to create aren't we brilliant enough to do thing our seflves. We have lived without AI for so long so why not get rid of some people's problems and nightmares.
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