Should everyone be allowed to use AI ?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

In my opinion, I think that not everyone should be allowed to use AI because it uses and wastes a lot of electricity which is bad for the earth. My first example that supports my opinion is that a single search on google takes 0.3 watt-hours of electricity and can power a digital clock for one hour. My second example is by 2030, AI is predicted to create MILLIONS of tonnes of electronic waste!

I know someone that disagrees with me, Kate Brandt, who is the chief

sustainability officer at Google. She strongly believes that we can use AI to help

individuals and businesses improve. However, my side is stronger

because there are lots of bad things online and it is dangerous for children.

AI is better for people who are in University, in College or who have a

job that where AI can support, such as doctors and farmers. These are examples of people who need it more.

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  • It is my opinion that not everyone should be permitted to use AI. I believe this because AI lacks hugely in sustainability and if every industry were to use it, there would be great consequence on the climate of our world. This would be wasting water and other problems where AI and sustainability clash. Another reason why I disagree on every field using AI is because it can put people out of jobs and dominate the economy negatively. These two world-changing reasons lead me to conclude that not all careers should use AI.