What might happen if some people can use AI but others can’t

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

Imagine a world where some people have full access to powerful tools like Artificial Intelligence and others don't. It could be that some people can solve Math problems with super fast calculators and other are using their mind and taking a lot of time. This could lead to some people getting ahead faster and for others it is hard to catch up. It would create a barrier between the people who have access to AI and who don't. As Martin Luther King Jr. said "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" It is crucially important to give a thought about how we can make sure that every individual has equal access to AI without affecting the sustainability. It is also a fact that too much dependence on AI can gradually deterioate the critical and analytical understanding and creativity in a person. "Moderation is the key" with Moderation we can achieve the balance between the two Progress in AI and Sustainability for the planet. At last, I want to convey that AI is the key to progress but Sustainability is the key to life and Moderation is the key to balance.

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