Will AI do more good in the world?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

AI or sustainability? In my opinion, I personally think that AI doesn’t really do much good in the world as it’s not sustainable because of the amount of electricity that is used to switch on AI. The fundamental example that supports my opinion is that there is a lot of electronic waste and at the end of a decade, there could be millions of tonnes, which is not adequate at all.

The second example that supports my opinion is that there is a lot of AI in the world and there is a numerous amount of people who use AI, which is why lots of electricity is bound to be used and spread around the world. There is lots of electricity being used because of AI and unfortunately, no one is there to prevent people from using too much electricity because of it.

Despite my honest– but persuasive standpoint, there is one person who disagrees with me. Bill Gates (the co-founder of microsoft) strongly believes that AI Is extremely useful, and he thinks that AI is helpful towards the planet for hospitality, the way people work, and transportation. However, I do not think that AI is helpful towards the planet as it is absolutely not keeping us safe whatsoever. It’s not just the technology, development and discovery of AI, it’s about keeping us safe and being priority number one.

The big question– “ Will AI do more good in the world?” I personally think that AI won't do more good in the world because it’s not making the world a better place. The amount of electricity and data that is being used because of AI is astonishing on how it is really impacting our world and putting it in such danger that is more likely to increase as no one is there to put a stop to it.

Overall, I strongly believe that sustainability is more essential than AI.

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