Will AI do more harm or more good in the world

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Written standpoint on AI

A study showed that by the year 2030, AI will have caused about 40% of the current co2 emissions but does that mean it necessarily does more good or more harm in the world. I think AI is more beneficial than harmful because it improves efficiency, solves complex problems and enhances progress in certain fields, supporting them immensely.

The first example that supports my opinion is that AI benefits healthcare by aiding doctors in diagnosing diseases faster and more accurately. For example, AI systems like Googles DeepMind detect diseases such as cancer early, improving treatment and saving lifes.

The second example that supports my opinion is that AI improves education for students, by optimizing the way of giving information, sort of teaching the students itself. For example, our school has recently bought an AI package system which the students can use for free, being able to use certain prompts to get a proper answer with backed up reasons. Because of this system, the average of the students has increased.

One person who might disagree with my opinion could be a climate activist because they say that AI is harmful to the climate damaging it by the amount of its need of resources causing many co2 emissions. However, I think my argument is stronger because AI was made so it will keep on learning without stopping which means in the future it will find ways to lower the amount of its needs and become smarter so it will make even less mistakes and support certain fields even better than before.

to sum everything up, by investing even more in AI, people and the AI itself will be able to develop the AI even faster and make it more sustainable, doing more and more good in the world which is why if we keep on investing in AI, we won’t just build smarter technology but also a better future.

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  • Before I proceed I will like us to understand the concept of AI
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that enables computers to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence
    In my own opinion AI would do more good if being used
    1. It helps scientists to detect natural disasters like tornadoes, flood coming and the scientists in turn helps to save the world. Without them the world might be filled with natural disasters.
    2.It also helps doctors to diagnose disease and at times carry out X-Ray tests to check what is wrong with the patient and the doctor in turn treat the patient. Without them people will continuously die because there will be no remedy or machine to solve their problems.
    3. It also helps businesses too keep stocks of their goods bought and sold and keeps record of the things going out of stock.

    Without AI how would everyone be able to survive because even the food we eat AI helps the farmer to know when the crops needs withering and when they are ready for production.

    In conclusion I will say that without AI the world might be done.

  • I disagree because AI can make people less creative and lazy. I have recently seen that AI-generated art has been sold, and it is not fair because it is made by AI and not the person. It also makes people unoriginal. Not only that it actually hurts the enviorment you even stated that by 2030 AI will have caused about 40% of the current c02 emissions and it dosent seem that far away but its 5 years away and 49% is a lot in 5 years.

    1. I disagree because although ai may make some people lazy, it helps many people in many different ways such as medically. Also, although ai servers do use enough power to cause 40% of ai emissions, they themselves do not generate the power themselves. Those server houses use the same way of getting power as everybody does. Ai art is really lazy but can be combated by not letting clearly ai art in museums and funding this bad way of making money.

    2. I totaly agree with you. I have also seen a lot of AI generated images and it´s so sad that some post of AI acounts can have more likes than actual art made by humans who took actual years to improve. Also I have seen acounts selling AI art. I belive this should be illegal, most of this acounts have not worked on the preogram to develop it and there exists some AI generators of images are free. Most of the people who are buying this images are people who don´t realise that it´s actually an AI and it makes me really upset

  • Picture AI as a hyperactive puppy, brilliant and eager to please but prone to chewing up the furniture (and maybe the planet), that puts it into perspective. AI could be responsible for 40% of current CO2 emissions in the near future, which is just yikes. It's like training your dog to fetch but it brings back trash. But AI isn't just a climate villain, it does show potential, just like a little pup, only if we teach it better tricks.

    Let's start with AI's whiz-kid sidekick-like act in healthcare. Tools like Google's DeepMind spot diseases earlier than humans, turning cancer detection into a high-stakes game of "I Spy". Lives are saved, treatments are optimized, AI's sheer brainpower is undeniable. But there's a catch: all that computational effort guzzles energy like a thirsty marathon runner. Should we scrap tech entirely? No. We just need smarter ways of producing energy for our data-hungry friend.

    Then there's education, where AI plays a brainy tutor. It doesn't just answer "Why is the sky blue" but explains atmospheric scattering and cracks a joke about photons. But the human touch is still needed, you can't have a machine appeal to young kids. But again, those servers are not running on sunshine and rainbows, they eat power and a lot of it.

    Now, the climate activist enters, arms crossed: "AI's carbon footprint is unsustainable!". And they're not wrong but AI is learning. With enough money, we could optimize energy grids to feed AI. So, the key isn't just to scrap AI but to double down on green innovation so that it becomes sustainable.

  • AI can bring good into the world like giving people a good education and predicting and detecting natural disasters.. However, AI has been used for bad purposes. For example, a 15 year olds voice was cloned by AI and recorded her calling for help an crying and called her mother with it. After a man stated that he wanted £790,000 or he was going to harm her and then drop her off in Mexico her mother was perturbed and upset. However, the police quickly addressed this and figured out it was AI. The mother said that the voice and the way that the girl cried and called for help was the exact way her daughter sounded. Many people could loose millions of pounds due to this new AI scam call and it could get confused with the real 40,000 calls that could actually harm people.

    In conclusion, if AI is used for the right purposes and handled by the right people I think AI could do good in this world, but if it falls into the wrong hands many people could be hurt and lots of money lost.

    1. What you said is true, but let‘s be honest here it was partially her own, and/or the parents fault. How else would the scammer have copied the kid‘s voice if not for the parents recklessly posting videos or audios online? They practically handed the scammer the tools to do it. Any responsible parent should know better than to upload videos of their underage child for the whole world to see. This counts for the daughter aswell. This is exactly why people need to be more careful. The example you took is an extreme case which would rarely occur in the daily life of people with common sense. And also if I was the parent, I would first check on my daughter to confirm it wasn‘t a scam by calling her number instead of trusting an anonymous number, threathing me.

  • This post makes a great point , and I completely agree ! While some people worry about AI's impact on the environment, I believe that AI is actually the key to solving many of the world's biggest challenges. It's already transforming healthcare by diagnosing diseases faster and helping students learn more efficiently.

    Imagine a future where AI helps discover new treatments , personalizes education for every student and even designs sustainable energy solutions to reduce CO2 emissions. Yes AI , requires more resources , but it is constantly improving itself. The systems that seen energy intensive today could become much more efficient in the future.

    Instead of fearing from AI , we should focus on developing it responsibly , making it smarter and more sustainable. The future isn't about AI replacing us , it is about how we use AI to build a better , more advanced world. Investing in AI means investing in progress and that's why I believe it has far more benefits than the drawbacks.