Will AI do more harm or more good in the world?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Fact about AI: While AI is often thought of as a new technology, the concept has been around since the 1950s. Early AI systems were used to perform tasks such as playing chess and solving mathematical problems.
Hello everyone. Today, we are here to discuss and debate about whether AI (artificial intelligence) will do more harm or more good to the world. So let’s start!
I think that although AI can help many people with their jobs and life, it mostly can do more harm than good to the world.The first example that supports my opinion is the fact that to send one email a week for a year using AI, it would require 27 litres or water. That is a lot and is a shocking statistic.
The second example that supports my opinion is that a search using AI takes 2.9 watt-hours of electricity, which is nearly ten times as much as a Google search. This is very bad for the environment and another example of how AI is damaging it.
Sage Lenier, who is a climate activist, is also concerned about the impact of AI and states, “AI is useless and unsustainable. It is terrible for the planet…I think it’s just a waste of emissions.”
However, this is only what we think. There are many other people who disagree with our opinion too and that is okay. You must let your voice be heard.
For example,one person who doesn’t agree with what I think about AI is BIll Gates because he thinks that AI will change the way people work, learn, travel, get health care and communicate. Despite this, I think my argument is stronger as there is no sustainability ,which is very bad for the environment and can destroy the world.
Now let's talk about people who really need AI and about the people who don’t. An example is a doctor. I think doctors really need AI so they can help patients, find out any medical problems and for CT and MIR scanners. On the other hand, a parent does not need AI to look after children. A scientist should be allowed to use AI for their experiments but a baker shouldn’t really as they just need to bake food.
Well it has been great discussing with you, the topical talkers, about the positive and negative effects of AI. See you later. Bye!
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