Will AI do more harm or more good in the world?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

“I visualise a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I’m rooting for the machines.”
—Claude Shannon
AI will do more harm
Some people believe that AI will do more harm than good because of data that shows how harmful it is to the environment. For example:
A single search on an AI platform would take 10 times as much electricity as it does to do the same search on Google.
It takes as much energy to create one AI-generated image as it does to charge a smartphone's battery to 50%.
By 2030, AI is predicted to create millions of tonnes of electronic waste.
As AI carries on evolving and becoming more advanced, we must be careful as already there are many crazy or even scary branches of AI that are being developed such as robots that can deceive people and lie, self-repairing robots and an AI that can develop 40,000 different types of chemical weapons in just 6 hours.
AI will do more good
Some people believe that AI will do more good because scientists use it for combating climate change. AI can help scientists by collecting important data that helps them to understand more about how they can save the planet. Doctors also use AI for x-raying patients, for check-ups on people who are ill or for patients in dire conditions. Teachers use AI to do online learning;for example, during the covid panic in 2022, teachers were using AI to supply learning resources online to their pupils so that they could still learn even at home. Without AI, none of the above would have been possible. Students would have not learned, millions of patients would have died and the world would have been destroyed already, all because they had no AI.
My Opinion
I believe that right now, AI is more harmful to the planet but we can change that if we limit the use of AI to the people who would benefit from it the most like scientists, doctors and teachers.
Interesting facts about AI
The United States of America is the biggest user of AI.
John McCarthy is regarded as the father of AI
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